Ten-year-old Kyo Sohma looked down at his Mommy's grave.

"It's time to go, Kyo-chan."

He looked up at his new Daddy; Kazuma.

Kyo wasn't like normal children. He had eyes the color of blood, and hair a deep orange. When he was born, he had been cursed by the Chinese Zodiac; doomed to forever be the Cat.

Because of this, his Daddy had left him and Mommy when he was only five years old. He didn't know what had happened, all he remembered was his Mommy and Daddy fighting, and then never coming back. His Mommy said it was because of taxes and stuff he wouldn't understand; but he knew the truth;

It was because he was the cat.

Six months after his Daddy left; his Mommy met a man named Miyatsu. He was young, still in collage, but had been willing to marry his mother.

Until he found out the truth.

And then their was Hiko. Nice guy. A bit of a snob, but other than that, nothing was really wrong with him. He lasted ellevan months.

Sora. Nine moths.

Hikaru. One year.

Ken'ichi. Three months.






This lasted three years. For three years, Masami jumped from man to man, trying to find a husband. For three years, Kyo had called complete and utter strangers "Daddy".

And that's finally when she stopped caring.

Every time she had a boyfriend, she would not take him to meet Kyo.

And after a year of leaving for parties, enjoying beers with friends, and the good life, Masami met Yutaka.

The two got married quickly, and enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

But all good things came to an end. Yutaka eventualy met Kyo, three weaks after threy're honeymoon. And that's when he learned of the curse.

Yutaka never talked to Kyo. Not ever. When it was breakfast, Kyo would eat in his room. When he got home early, Kyo was ordered to stop playing or watching TV, and simply to just sit in his room.

No matter what Kyo did, Yutaka would get angry with him; and send him to his room.

Once, Kyo had been sitting outside to enjoy the gardens, and Yutaka had yelled at him for crushing some, even though he actually didn't go near the flowers.

So when his Mommy and "Daddy" left for work, Kyo would enjoy walking around town aimlessly.

But Mommy was dead now, and Yutaka didn't want him.

Kyo looked at his knew Daddy.

Tall, with silver hair and wise eyes. Sort of looked like one of his old ones.

After they got into the car, his Daddy started the car.

"Kyo-chan, what does the word "Daddy" mean to you?" The older man asked.

Kyo looked up at him, right in the eyes.

"A Daddy is a man you have to obey. Always. You only speak when a Daddy speaks to you first, and only if he is finished talking, but only when done talking to you."

"Kyo... If you believe that; then I am not you're Daddy. I want to be some one you can trust and confide in. So, if the word Daddy doesn't mean anything to you; then what would you like to call me?"

Kyo paused. So this man was no longer his Daddy. Then what was he? The only men Kyo had ever met were his Daddies but now he didn't have any. It was strange.

"Sensei. Because you are a teacher."