This chapter is a little bit on the M-ish side (just before the break). Not really graphic but I thought I'd say something nonetheless.

He joined her in the shower shortly before dawn.

She wasn't surprised and offered a gentle smile as Cal leaned over and kissed her neck.

"Nervous?" His voice was a little gravelly. Neither had slept particularly well.

"Um, yeah, a little."

"Gonna be okay luv." He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. "Tense?"


"Maybe I could, you know, do somethin' to relax you a little." He gently pushed against her as she giggled.

"You're insatiable."

"Only when it comes to you darlin'." He kissed her tenderly under the spray as her hands worked their way around his neck to play with his wet hair.

They'd been married just shy of a year. The outside ceremony had been small but lovely with Gillian in pale lavender and Cal is a dark charcoal suit. It had gone down with a soundtrack of Gill's great-aunt smacking at bees. The video recording still elicited sighs and chuckles.

"Not sure how much time we have..." Even as the words left Gill's lips, her eyes were closing and her heart was racing.

"Plenty…of …time." He had backed her up against the shower wall and was nibbling down her throat to her clavicle.

They were booked on a flight out of Dulles that afternoon to take them to London, where they were going to spend several days as a sort of late honeymoon before heading off for their next big step. London wasn't the nerve-wracking part. Gillian was looking forward to having Cal show her around his old stomping grounds. It was the next part of the trip that had her insides in a quivering pool.

Of course at that very moment, she was forgetting about all her inner turmoil as his gentle caresses, talented lips and tongue had her flushed and gasping, followed by strong thrusts that had her panting and her toes curling. Cal had the capacity to get her mind off anything.

She clung to him fiercely, kissing along his stubble coated jaw before passionately grabbing his lips as they rode out their mutual release, both trembling, both momentarily satiated.

His breath tickled her ear, voice like silk. "S'alright luv?"

"Yeah." She kissed him again. "Much more relaxed."

He nuzzled softly at her neck. "Good. No reason to be scared. No more red tape. It's all set."

(BREAK) – 8 months later

Cal let himself in and stepped into the entry. The sight that assaulted his eyes made him rethink and he slowly started to back toward the door, hoping that no one had heard him. Hoping that maybe he'd be able to get away in time.



Emily came out of the kitchen and rounded into the living room, a large smile on her face that widened even more at the pained expression on her father.

"Um," he waved his hand. "Is this really necessary?"

"What are you talking about? Of course it's necessary!" She looked insulted. "You have any idea how long it took me to blow them all up?" There were easily 75 balloons littering his living room.


Gillian was coming downstairs so his chances of escape had dropped to nil.

She came into sight just a moment later and he immediately softened. Despite looking a little tired, she was beaming.

On her hip rode a little tow-headed boy. When he saw Cal, the child started kicking and reaching out to him with the familiar chant of "Dadadadada…"

Stepping forward, Cal planted a soft kiss on his wife before sweeping the boy up in his arms. "Hey little man, you been good to your mum, have you?"

Aidan had his 1year birthday coming up, which interestingly enough, was exactly eight months from the time they'd brought him home to the U.S. from his native Ukraine. He was a good-natured kid that had everyone instantly wrapped around his stubby little fingers. Naturally Gillian was mad for him.

Cal lightly tossed him upward and the boy erupted with a spray of laughter and spittle. "Supply towels with your showers?" Rubbing his face against his shoulder he was soon hugging the child close.

"Dad doesn't think this is all necessary." Emily raised her eyebrows at Gillian pointedly.

"Tattle tail." He gave his daughter a dirty look. "I mean, isn't this a bit over the top considering he's not going to have any memory of it?"

"You should see the cake that Gill made!"

"My point exactly. Aidan's not exactly a connoisseur. I mean he was trying to eat dirt and dust bunnies yesterday."

Both women pouted at him as the baby happily drooled. He let out a sigh. "How many people?"

They looked at one another before facing him. Cal didn't take that as a good sign.

"Um, maybe 35, 40 people?" Emily's eyes slid off to the side as she did a mental count.

Okay. Could be worse. "In the garden, yeah?"

Gillian was watching closely, amused. "Sure Cal. That way you could hide in your study."

"Damn straight. One quick question: Does the kid even know 35 or 40 people?"

"Funny dad." Emily patted him on the shoulder before leaning over and giving her little brother a kiss. "I've got to go but I'll be back later tonight."

"I was being serious."

She just gave him a smile, noting the irritation but seeing it for what it really was: a thin veil that barely masked his happiness. It had taken him a while but he'd finally gotten there. The second chance was all he needed.

With a wave, she grabbed her purse and coat and was out the door.

Gillian moved closer, leaning her head against Cal's shoulder while reaching out and giving the little boy a tickle. "Are you really having issues with the party?"

He chuckled and pressed his lips against her brow. "No luv, not if it's what you want."

"The last couple of years have been kind of crazy."

'Yeah, they have."

"Would you change anything?"

Cal turned to her, eyes intent, ignoring his son as the boy happily smacked him on the side of the head. "Not in the least."

She kissed his neck. "That's good."

"I had a very wise person tell me once that I had a second chance to make a right decision."

"Very wise person, hmmm?"

"Wiser than her old man at least." He caught Gillian's lips in a tender kiss as the baby laughed with delight.

Too sugary? Too saccharine? Without a doubt! Oh well. Here's to Happily Ever After!