Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds *sigh* If anyone is looking to get me a present for Christmas, you could give me this show or reviews, reviews are cool too.

Chapter 1

Dr. Reid was filling out paperwork in the bullpen when his phone vibrated. He flipped it open to find a text from his boss, Agent Hotchner.

New case in. Come to the conference room immediately.

Reid sighed and chugged the rest of his coffee.

"Hey kid, you get Hotch's message?" A voice called over. It belonged to Morgan, another agent at the BAU.

"Yeah, I'm just cleaning up," Reid replied while gathering his papers. The two men both walked to the conference room together wishing they had more coffee.

"Alright everybody's here." Hotch said briskly. "Go ahead and explain the case JJ."

"There has been seven murders in the past two weeks In Bayton, Rhode Island. Each victim was stabbed, twice in the neck, once in the chest and repeatedly in the abdomen. The victims range in age, from two sophomores to middle aged. On the last victim Ronnie Donelly a letter was found.

My dearest love,

All of the people I kill are in the way. They stand between our love and I cannot let that happen. We will be together soon, my dear, and we will finally have the life I planned for us.

The letter was signed with a drawing of a rose." JJ finished.

"This sounds like a stalker, most likely middle aged," Morgan mused.

"58,000 are stalked in the United States a year," Reid informed, gears turning. "The un-sub appears to be educated. His writing is sophisticated, yet vague. I believe he is going to escalate to coming in contact with the woman he stalks."

"How do you know it's a male?" Garcia asked.

"One of the victims was a large male, it would take a strong man to subdue him," Rossi answered with Reid nodding in agreement.

"Alright team, the wheels are up in 30." Hotch disbanded the team.

On the plane

Reid glanced up from his book to check on his team. Morgan was video chatting with Garcia, Hotch next to him and Emily and JJ across from them. The two girls were chatting and playing cards. Rossi was napping on the couch.

"Hey, loves I have some news," Garcia's voice called from the laptop. Everyone's attention was now focused on their computer tech. "There was just another murder fifteen minutes ago. It appears the Gardener family was stabbed. A mother and her son died but get this: he left the daughter Mia Gardener alive. She was tied up and…. Forced to watch her family murdered. It also says the unsub carved a heart in her wrist with his knife."

"I think we found out who the unsub is stalking" Prentiss stated.

"Garcia, how old is Mia?" Reid asked.

"She's fifteen," Garcia replied, scanning her screen.

"Our unsub must have a job working around kids high school age. He is probably an educator or works at a popular teen hangout," Reid mused.

The plane touched down at a small airport in Rhode Island. They were greeted by a tall lanky man with wiry brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Detective Baxter" The chief introduced himself. Hotch shook his hand briskly.

"I'm Agent Hotchner. This is my team Agent Morgan, Agent Rossi, Agent Prentiss, Agent Jareau and Dr. Reid" Each agent nodded towards the detective when they were introduced.

"Alright, let's get down to business," Detective Baxter sighed, running a hand through his hair.