The Will To Protect



Summary: What really drive Ichigo's will to protect? Let us begin his life before high school, before meeting Rukia, before knowing about Shinigami's and Hollow's at all. It began with his twin sister, Hana Kurosaki.

A/N: Some of you might kill me for typing this chapter, but I want to move on to the next segment of this story as soon as I can. I have spent the time on watching/reading BLEACH from the beginning up to the Arrancar arc. That was also my reasons for not updating since then. Here you go, the last chapter of The will to protect.

Disclaimer: I don't own BLEACH.

Chapter 4: Farewell to halcyon days

A year has passed and Ichigo and Hana had finally reached their sophomore years in middle school. So many things had happen in that one year that seemed to be a blur in time.

Their reputations as the Kurosaki twins, as Tatsuki would qoute, had been know through out the school. With some good and bad results.

Inoue had become more and more outspoken as they hanged out in and out of school. And it seems that Hana discovered that the girl was crushing on her brother.

School events were fun to say the least. So many memories made be it good or bad. Their as a time when on one particular school event-the school play-of Romeo and Juliet. Ichigo nearly went berserk when it came to some particular scenes. Hana, Tatsuki, and Inoue had to hoold him back as he 'talked' to the one playing as Romeo, since Hana had picked to be Juliet. Poor guy pee'ed his pants.

It was the same old thing with the Kurosaki's. The nearly same morning activities of going to school. Visiting their mother/wifes grave on her, celebrating the children's birthdays, as well as celebrating Christmas and New year with family and friends. With their father never failing to embarrass them.

So many activities done, it was somethng to never forget.

Fourteen year old Ichigo Kurosaki mentally patted himself in the back as he finished preparing their living room to fit eight people. They've been planning the movie night for three days now, and both Inoue and Tatsuki are coming soon with the latest movies. Even the old man would be joining them.

They were ready for movie night. But the only thing missing as Hana and the movie snacks. "Speaking of Hana. I should give her a call. Wonder what's taking her so long?"

Taking out hs cell phone Ichigo dialed his twins number. Ringing twice, it was finally picked up.

"Oi, Hana. Where the heck are you? We're about a half an hour away to start this thing."

Hana Kurosaki stopped near a bus station, waiting for the traffic lights to turn red so she could cross the road. But a right from her cell phone prevented her from doing so. Balancing the munchies she brought for later, she answered her cell.

"Oi, Hana. Where the heck are you? We're about a half an hour away to start this ting." Her brother said on the other line.

"Don't worry, Ichi-nii. I'm on my way back, anyway. I'm only three blocks away since I paused by one of the main roads in the area." Hana chuckled. Ichigo's really excited for tonight since the movie he wanted to watch came out is now available in DVD.

Ichigo grumbled in the other line. "Okay. But hurry up will ya? Tatasuki and Inuoe will be dropping by soon."

The traffic lights flashed green.

"Yeah, yeah. I will. I'll be home soon, okay?" Hana added before taking a step forward.

"Okay. See you soon." Ichigo added before he bid goodbye.

The red head sighed as she looked down on the phone in her hand as she was already halfway on the cross over(?). But frowned when she heard honking. Turning to the source, Hana found too little too late as a medium sized truck was the last thing she saw before seeing blinding white.

Ichigo paced near the door, Tatasuki and Inoue watched warily as he did. It's been almost an hour since he called Hana. She doesn't seem to pick up his calls either.

"Where the heck is she?" He mumbled. Biting his lip as he imaptiently continued to pace.

Inoue tightened her grip on Tatasuki's hand. A sinking feeling in her stomach. "Tatsuki-chan…"

"Hey, it's okay. Hana's okay. Maybe she's making a last minute stop to buy something." The dark haired girl tried to reassured her friend, but can't help the sinking feeling in her gut either.

A sound came from the door as the three current occupants in the living perked up.

Ichigo partically threw himself at the door. Opening to rant his twins ears off. But there was just one problem. It wasn't Hana at the door, it was his dad.

"Ah! Sorry about being late, Ichigo! Work was a little more busy than usual! So, did you guys start the movie yet?" The boys ever happy go lucky father stated. Not aware of his sons worried face until he looked at it a second time.

"What's the matter Ichigo?" Isshin asked his son.

"Hey, dad…Did you see Hana as you came back from work?" Ichigo began slowly as he swallowed a lump that formed in his throat.

Isshin's confused look was immediatelly replaced by a worried one. "Hana isn't home yet?"

As Ichigo was about to answer his father's cell phone rang. Holding up a hand, the boy waited as the old man answered.

"Yes, this is Isshin Kurosaki. ….Yes, I'm the father why-What?! Yes, thank you." Isshin Kurosaki's face morphed into mortification that sent Ichigo's pulse through the roof.

"Hana's at the hospital. Apparently she accidentally got hit by a truck." He stated as he dropped his breifcase unceremoniously on the floor.

"Ichigo, you're coming with me! Could you girls stay to watch over the kids?" Isshin requested Inoue and Tatsuki, who wore shocked expressions. Reluctantly nodding, the older man dragged his son outside. Making a dash to the hospital where Hana was taken.

Ichigo's POV

When me and the old man entered the closest hospital in Karakura, we both panting and sweating from the distance we ran to get there.

Having a minute to catch my breath while dad was asking the receptionist to where Hana was.

My hands balled into fists. If anything happened to Hana…

"Ichigo. Let's go. I know where Hana's being kept." Dad called as I folowed him to the elevator.

When me and dad enetered the many rooms in the hospital I saw Hana in the rooms occupied bed. It was much worse than I imagined.

The heart monitor beeped in sync with her heart beat. It sound so weak than it's supposed to. A support breathing apparatus was connected near the bed and the mouth piece of the machine was inserted in her mouth. She couldn't breath on her own without the thing. An IV connected to her, and her head was covered in bandages as it over lapped her right eye. Bruises and scrathces covered some parts of her face and arms.

"Hana…" I heard dad breath. I barely thought as I walked the short didtance from where my sister laid. Unconcious.

I gripped the metal edge that framed the bed. I couldn't think straight. The scene flashed to when mom died before it changed back to Hana. I heard something. It was faint, but it was there. It sounded like it was heavy breathing.

For what I didn't know, it was actually me. I was hyperventelating until dad snapped me out of it.

"Ichigo. Calm down." He gripped my shoulders as he pulled me away from Hana. "Get it together, Ichigo."

"H-How…can I get it together…?" I hissed. Glaring at my old man. "Hana's in-supposedly her deathbed-and tou want me to calm down?!"

"Lower your voice, Ichigo!" Dad stearnly scolded me. I closed my mouth shut since I couldn't trust the thing in the situation.

Dad sighed before loosening his grip on my shoulders. "You need to be strong, Ichigo. Hana needs us more than ever at this point."

Letting go of my shoulders he patted them before heading for the door. "I'll go and talk to the doctor in charge of Hana. You stay here."

Like I need to be told twice, I thought when dad left.

Sighing I turned to look at Hana. I then found a chair before taking the place next to her. I just sat there in the silence for who knows how long. Unconciously hmy hand found hers giving it a gentle squeeze.

"You're an idiot. You know that?" I muttered. "You're gonna look ugly when you llok at the mirror when we get back home." Chuckling I pushed back some of my hair.

"Inoue and Tatsuki sure were worried when they heard you here at the hospital. Yuzu and Karin are gonna cry once they'll find out. You know how they are."

I didn't know what I was doing. Here I was, next to my twin, saying random things just to get her to react. It was a small chance but I'm still hoping. Hana is not going to end uo like mom. No way. Not when I have anything to say about it.

A weak squeeze of reply came from the hand I'm holding onto. I gasped. "Hana?"

I called the seceond time, and this time her visible eye opened. Her eye looked up at the ceiling before turning in my direction. The smile in her eye and the mor profound hold of her hand in mine made me smile in utter relief. I felt like jumping around the room screaming my lungs out, not caring on what others are gonna say.

"Hana. Hana it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, so hang on. Alright?" I conforted as best I could. She weakly nodded. I gotta find dad.

"S-stay here, okay? I'm gonna go and find dad." Reluctantly letting go of her hand I quickly ran out and find the old man.

Finding him talking to the doctor took a little bit longer than I thought. Telling dad about Hana we sprinted back to her room with me in front as the doctor followed. When I was almost there I stopped as three nurses sorrounded Hana. A deafining sound from the heart monitor hurt my ears, I thought that they'd bleed.

"Check her pulse again!"

"I did. Nothing!"

"38 emp. Clear!"


"Again. Clear!"

"Negative. …We lost her."

My world sunk. Like what happened when mom died…

Hana's gone.



A/N: You may proceed to visually or cyberly kill me however you like when you read this. I've hinted IchiHime in this. Sue me if I like IchiHime. This is the end for this story, sequel is now available if you want to read it. It will have some action and will circulate on Hana's part. This will go on through out the season where Ichigo went on with his life and when he became a Shinigami. That's all I say for now. See you all soon in the sequel.