The Will To Protect



Summary: What really drive Ichigo's will to protect? Let us begin his life before high school, before meeting Rukia, before knowing about Shinigami's and Hollow's at all. It began with his twin sister, Hana Kurosaki.

A/N: Okay, people! This is my BLEACH fiction. And honestly, this is the first time I typed something that little romance, or no romance at all! Quite surprising, I know. Though you all know that this has an OC in it, it will be based on her perspective in the first few chapter of this story. The rest, will be followed on how I set it. It may not be a liking to some of you, but bare with me. Enjoy chapter 1!

Disclaimer: I don't own BLEACH, only my OC(s)

Chapter 1: Enter; Hana Kurosaki

"Remember. The medication I'm giving you will only prolong your life and prevent your sickness from spreading any faster. You still have something's to complete."

"…I understand."


'Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!', blared the alarm clock. A pale hand slowly and sluggishly reached up and pressed the snooze button. When finally off, the owner of the hand, gingerly got up from her bed.

Her big baggy, baby blue, oversized t-shirt, was all crinkled from moving around in the bed. She raised her arms over her head and stretched. She then scratched her already bed head. It is spiked and the wild at the base of her head, but along the way down behind her was long and straight, about mid-drift.

Her name; Hana Kurosaki. Getting off the bed, her bare feet met the cold wooden floor. She shivered slightly then yawned. Hana looked at the clock; 6:15 AM. Only three hours and thirty-five minutes before going to school. Hana smiled. She still had time to prepare herself for the day and make everyone's breakfast and bento's.

The red-head then went out to the bathroom across the hallway. Entering the bathroom she stripped off of her clothes and entered the shower. She let the hot water flow for a few minutes before stepping in. the mild heat of the water relaxed her muscles. After scrubbing her body from head to toe and applying shampoo and soaping her body, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her soaked body as well as her hair. When returning to her room she went to her dresser and picked up her school uniform.

It consists of a white long sleeved blouse that reached along her thigh area. It has a blue collar and a blue skirt. After wearing them Hana fixed her hair with a hair brush. When finished she brought her bag along with her down stairs. Placing her bag by the counter she went to the kitchen area then the fridge to cook the necessary things to make breakfast and their lunch.

She first started on breakfast. Starting with a warm beef miso soup with potatoes and carrots. While waiting for the beef to be cooked in the soup with the vegetables, she then checked the rice to see if it was ready.

"Only a few more minutes.", she said to herself then moved to the skillet next to the pot of miso soup. Hana was frying five slices of fairly sized tuna's. When done she placed them on five individual plates. After that she started on making on the sausages, sunny-side-up eggs, and a fresh salad.

"Balance diet is key to a hearty breakfast.", she chimed and smiled as she continued to cook.


Inside another room, a male adolescent with bright orange hair was sprawled around his bed. His light snoring echoed in his room. Name; Ichigo Kurosaki. A petite showdown then loomed over him and that person began to shake him.

"Ichi-nii. Ichi-nii.", said the voice softly for preventing the boy to jerk awake. The said person shook him more until she heard him groan out.

"Ichi-nii. Time to wake up."

"Ngh…H-Hana…?", said Ichigo as his sleepy eyes still focusing in the dim room.

"Time to wake up, Ichi-nii. Breakfast is ready, hurry before it get's cold.", Hana said with a smile that resembled their deceased mother.

Ichigo turned over and groaned again, hiding his face under his pillow. "…Five more minutes, Hana…." Hana smiled at that and sighed. As she made her way to her twins door she turned back and said,

"Okay then. But be there any longer, dad's gonna come in here to 'wake' you up soon." She then laughed when her twin brother jerked up wide awake.

"Be down in twenty minutes.", he said as he scrambled up from his bed and getting ready. So she left him to do his thing and went down stairs.




"Morning old man.", said Ichigo after he kicked his father, Isshin, in the face with his foot. Isshin was still sprawled on the floor when Ichigo was already sitting on his chair.

"Here you go, Ichi-nii.", said Hana as she reached her twin brother the miso she cooked earlier.

"Thanks Hana.", Ichigo replied halfheartedly then started eating.

"Dad, hurry up and eat already, before your food gets cold." Isshin groaned as he picked himself up the living room floor. His slightly dazed eyes looked at his children at the table.

Yuzu and Karin are already attending grade school for the last three months now, and are doing perfectly fine at school. His eyes then went to Hana and Ichigo. They were fraternal twins, but Ichigo came out first before Hana, which makes him older that her. His daughter's hair used to be the same color of orange as Ichigo's hair color, but she decided to have id dyed in a rich red color that's the same color of blood, before entering Junior High. Both their hair are almost the same, except for Hana. He sighed then fully gathered himself up and joined them. He was going to take Yuzu and Karin to school today.

"Oh. Dad?", called Hana.


"I'll be having part-time after school, so it means I'll be a late getting home.", she said and Ichigo raised a brow.

"You've been doing this part-time job for a month now, Hana. What do you work on exactly?", he asked.

"I just work on a small sweet shop down town." Hana replied as she took her empty dishes to the sink. Ichigo followed after a minute.

"Hana-nee, can you bring back some sweets, please?", Karin asked, giving her those large begging eyes. Yuzu followed with that. Hana just sighed as both Ichigo and herself were already on their way out.

"Okay, fine. I'll bring some home."

"Yay!" they both cheered.

"We'll be going now!", Ichigo hollered as he closed the door after him. He and his twin heading for school.

As they walked in comfortable silence, Ichigo spoke. "Your spoiling them, 'ya know?"

"Aww, does Ichi-nii want me to bring him some sweets, too?", she teased which resulted a twitch on his brow.


"I was just kidding, Ichi-nii."

A/N: Done! Phew! That was long. Hope you guys like it out there. Please R&R it and for me to know how I'm doing.