Chapter 3

There's No Turning Back

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Diaries, it's characters or any of it's affiliates.

A/N: It's 11 pm on Monday evening, and I am determined to chug out all these creative juices. I hate not finishing things, and I typically lack the motivation to finish stories... I will finish this one. As always, please read and review, and I am still looking for a beta for help!

The front seat of the car was much more spacious, and the sun was now gleaming in her hair as she let her elbow rest on the side of the door. It had been only 20 minutes since they left the rest stop, and boy had it been a mess. Not only had Damon sent Caroline to check in on her at the gas station, she had heard everything they had spoken about.

"Hello," Elena spoke nonchalantly as she leaned against the grimy wall of the bathroom.

"I bet you're wondering why I am calling you, huh?" Stefan questioned her. She had to resist her own feelings of love as she agreed with him.

"Yes, Stefan. I am. Why are you calling me after the incident at the boarding house?" She switched the phone to her other ear and proceeded to try to remain calm.

"It's simple. I want you. I don't want you pursuing this idiotic career. After having that taste of you, well... I just can't get you out of my mind," he had whispered it into the reciever, almost in a taunting tone. Her breath hitched slightly in her throat, attempting to think of a quirky reply.

"Well, you see, that's too bad, because I'm out of town and-" he cut her off abruptly with almost a sinister laugh.

"Elena, I know where you are... Do you really take me for that big of a dope?"

She was about to reply before she heard banging on the door, and before she could comprehend what was happening, she was being thrown over a blondes shoulder and being lugged to the blue automobile.


"Shut up Elena, and get in the car!" Caroline threw her into the front seat, and snatched Elena's phone out of her hands, then promptly flung the door closed. Elena then watched in horror as the situation unravelled in front of her as her best friend tossed Damon Elena's cell phone. He had been leaning against the car, impatiently waiting for the female clan to return safely to the car, but after reading through her text messages, she knew she wasn't going to hear the end of it.

"We'll be there in about 5 minutes," Damon announced as Elena glanced towards him, then back to the billowing road. He had been drumming his fingers on the wheel in unspoken anticipation. She knew he was mad. The tension in the air was so thick you could slice it with a butch knife. The five minutes felt like forever but finally, the Richmond sign made it's appearance.

The four of them made their way through the doors of the local mall, anticipation showing on all of their faces. Despite the horrible car ride, and Elena now being forced to be phone-less for the rest of the trip, the mall seemed promising. The mall was a newer one, with a lot of the nicer, higher end stores in it. Caroline seemingly was taking the lead with the group, as she led them over to the mall map.

"Okay, Nordstrom's for sure, Neiman Marcus as well, and Sephora isn't in this mall so let's get going to Nordstrom's!" She jeered as she started walking towards the store. Elena's saw Damon roll his eyes, which caused the two to make eye contact.

"Aren't you excited, Eh-lay-nah?" He seemingly teased, putting his hand on her lower back. The simple gesture seemed to cause a shock, making everything super sensitive. Yet again, finding herself in a similar position as earlier, she turned her head to make a cocky reply only to be cut off by him again.

"Don't even think about it, because after the whole display earlier, i'm still pissed," his breath was hot against her cheek, causing her to shudder. It seemed like every time they had been alone, they were found in similar position. Damon just knew how to push her buttons, and send her over the edge. Elena decided to bite her tongue, sensing that this was not the time and place for her to cause a scene.

Heartbeat racing, she quickly scooted away from him, power walking into the store without a second glance back. The store was rather large, vitreens of fragrances, cosmetics and women standing all around. There was a huge puff of scent that wafted over her as the quad walked forward.

"Hi there, miss! Care to smell the new Chloe fragrance?" a small old women asked, spraying a scent strip and handing it to her, without regard to her answer. Elena stood there bewildered as Bonnie and Caroline silently chuckled to themselves, continuing through the mess of the store.

Finally arriving at the Misses section, Bonnie and Caroline dove into the clothes rack, ripping all the latest designs off the rack and throwing them over their shoulders. Elena began to look through the nearest rack as Damon, who had been a safe distance behind her, grazed past to go speak to an associate. Elena pretended not to notice, but she could not help but watch as he walked over the Misses section attendant, smile politely and then stare deep into her eyes. Damon said something to her, then abruptly turned around, causing Elena to spin on heel and pretend to still be emerged in the rack.

Suddenly, arms came and grabbed her from behind and she found she was being dragged by the same attendant that Damon had spoken to. She spluttered, throwing a look over her shoulder to Damon who stood smirking, watching the whole ordeal happen. Elena was quickly shoved into the fitting room by the lady, and the room was quickly filled with random garments.

"What is going on?"She screeched over the attendant to Damon, who had quietly followed them in. "Why would you compel her to do this?"

"Oh just relax, and enjoy the treatment!"

Soon after that statement, even more attendants came in, and started to undress her and redress her. After each outfit, she was pushed out to where Damon stood, arms crossed, and hand poised under his chin. He would mutter words like, "Spin", or simply,

"No". Her head was getting dizzy from all the dresses and pants, heels, hair accersories.

She quickly was shoved once more out of the room, in nothing but a lingerie outfit, which recevied a quirked eyebrow from Damon, and shrieks from Bonnie and Caroline who had just joined them in the dressing room.

"Wow, Elena, that's a little risque!" Bonnie commented, a nice rosy flush on her cheeks. Caroline snorted.

"You'll be wearing much less if you hit the run way," she gave the fitting room attendants her selections for Elena to try on. Caroline was right. She was going to have to get used to being less modest, especially if she was going to to Deja Vu... Crap, I still need to get some outfits... Better finish up here.

Elena returned to the same old routine, modeling the outfit her friends had now picked up for her. Her pile of 'yes' garments were slowly getting higher, and she was starting to worry about the prices. Finally, she was able to change into her normal clothes, while the attendant, who's name Elena had found out, was Christine, pulled her clothes out of the room.

After leaving the fitting room, she found her friends and proceeded to find Damon at the register, American Express card in hand. The bag had turned from one, to five different bags. Caroline grabbed 2, as did Bonnie and Elena quickly snatched up the other.

"Alright Mr. Salvatore, you total today comes to," Christine typed on her computer a bit more. "$15,769.87. And if I could see your card."

All three of the girls had their mouths open at the total. Damon handed her the card, as if he didn't hear the total. His eyes made contact with the three women, where he proceeded to chuckle under his breath at them. He quick signed for the purchase and put his card away, and ushered the three away from the counter.

"I think we'll need to stay at a hotel," Damon finally voiced, while pulling out his phone to call a local hotel. "Do you think you ladies will be fine here while I book a few hotel rooms for us?"

Caroline nodded, handing all her bags to him. Bonnie and Elena followed in pursuit. He quickly handed Elena his card before taking off. "You ladies can go shopping, and finish up, and then we'll all go together back to the hotel okay? And behave with that card. Get what ever you need, but let's not get any Cartier diamonds on the bad boy." He winked before taking off.

"Holy shit guys, where to go now?" Caroline cried, once he was out of earshot. "We have a card at our disposal!"

"Caroline, you know he said to only to purchase nessasities!" Bonnie chirped in, causing Caroline to scowl at her once more.

"Hey guys, you care if we go there?" Elena pointed to a store across the mall. Both of the other girls raised their eyebrows.

"Fredrick's of Hollywood?" They asked in unison. "A bit much?" Caroline continued.

"Wait a second... Is this for Damon?" Bonnie asked, smiling slightly. Elena decided to go along with it, instead of explaining why she really wanted to go there.

"Yeah... That's exactly it!" She smiled, leading the other 2 into the store. Yes, this shall be interesting.

The trio had done a bit more shopping before calling Damon back to the mall. They all seemed to agree that going to the Sephora would be better for tomorrow's escapade, since it was already 8 pm.

"Did you get everything you needed?" Damon asked Elena, his blue eyes sparkling as they girls entered the car. All three of them simply nodded, exhausted from the events of the day.

"Let's just get to the hotel, I'm exhausted!" The witch stated from in back.

"Alright, already!" Damon clicked his tongue and drove off to the hotel that he had booked for all of them.

After about 15 minutes, the pulled up in front of a beautiful white building. It was an older building, perhaps early 1900's architecture, with huge windows plastered all around it. An older man in a suit approached the car, opening the door for the girls and ushered them out.

"Welcome to the Westin Hotel. Please allow me to grab your bags. Our valet service will take your car, Mr. Salvatore," He politely stated. Elena clambered out of the car, in awe of the service that they gave to them. The man grabbed all the baggage and put it on a trolley. Caroline and Bonnie followed Elena to the doors, which were graciously pulled open.

"Good evening, ladies," called a woman behind the grand counter. The lobby was huge. Marble floors, and tall chandeliered ceilings, as well as a pianist was playing in the corner of the room.

"What name are you under?" She asked, typing away on her computer.

"Uh, Forbes?" Caroline asked as opposed to stated.

"Alright it looks like your in the Queen suite, along with Ms. Bennett?" The lady handed them the keys to the room. "And your last name miss?"

"Gilbert," Elena spoke, anxiously waiting to understand why she wasn't in the room with her best friends.

"Hmm, nothing seems to be coming up under that name..." She paused. "Could it be under any other name?"

"Yes, Salvatore," drawled a male voice from behind. Elena's eyes widened, as she turned around abruptly.

"Oh, yes! Here you 2 are. Elena Salvatore!" The receptionist smiled at the two. "You two are on the top floor, right above your friends!"

Elena snatched the key from the woman, muttering incoherent words to herself. She glared at Damon from the corner of her eyes as she started to leave the desk.

"Have a good night Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore,"

"We aren't married!" Elena fumed back at the woman, following Damon to the elevator.

"I hate you."