Got this idea a few days ago and wanted to start right away before the idea left me.
Warning! If you are a A&A fan, you may get upset at this story. It's very dark in places.
It can be after "Ariadne's Thread" but you don't have to read "Ariadne's Thread", "Arthur's Birthday", "Arthur's Totem", Or "A Week at This Level" in order to get this.
Unless you want to read all the yummy erotica I write. It is yummy trust me.
All you need to know is that A&A are together.
Ariadne would remember nothing at all about that night. Perhaps that was for the best. The trauma she did recall was enough to haunt anyone.
Arthur remembered enough for both of them. Later, his detail oriented mind, his careful habits were thrown into question. Cobb never blamed him. Even Mr. Eames said it wasn't his fault. None of that matter to the Point Man.
Ariadne was gone. Stolen in the night. Arthur had put up a valiant fight to defend her, as five armed men in a van attacked the couple. Beating the Point Man bloody and taking the screaming Architect away. Forcing her in the van that sped off quickly into the cold night.
Arthur was choking on his own blood as he tried to call her name.
~ In the emergency room, Arthur's hands were shaking. A long gash was cut deeply over his left eye. A young doctor was stitching him up. Tight, little stitches. Blood was stained all over his once nice clothing. Most of the blood, belonging to the Point Man.
"Sir, you said that you and the young lady were walking home?" A constable asked while the doctor worked.
Arthur was brought painfully back to reality. His mind had wondered back to the men in the van.
"Yes." He said. His voice horse and raw from the horrible event. His face was hurting.
"Did you know these men?" The Constable asked.
"No. They were in a small blue van. Last numbers on the plate was 9-0-6. There were five of them. They wore masks." The Point Man explained. Closing his eyes to better recall every painful detail. "They were well trained. Organized. They swooped in very efficiently and attacked. They knew exactly where to find us and managed to drive away very quickly."
Arthur felt this detail was important and he was more then a little annoyed the constable was not writing that down. The police man was looking at him in mild surprise.
"Sir, do you owe a lot of money to people? Or have you been involved with some type of gang or drug deal?" He asked.
"What?" The Point Man croaked. His throat stinging sharply. "Of course not." He said giving the Constable a dirty look.
"Only, from what you described. It sounds like... professionals." The Constable finished. He gave the Point Man a hard look as The Extractor and the Forger came into the ER.
"Arthur." Cobb said in a rush. "Oh God!" He exclaimed seeing his friend's bloodied and beaten face. "What happened?"
"Men. They attacked us." Arthur said. He could feel a sudden uncontrollable bust of emotion well up. "They took her, Cobb." He said starting to sob. "They took Ariadne."