27th of December 2021

Alissa was lounging on her bed with a book when there was a knock at her door.

"Come in," the twelve-year-old answered.

Carina opened the door halfway and peeked her head in.

"Dinner's ready," she stated cheerfully.

"I'll be down," Alissa said, not looking up from her new copy of Vampires and Veritaserum.

After her sister shut the door, Alissa saved the page and set her book on the nightstand. She then got up from the bed.

But just as she was about to fix her sheets, Alissa froze in shock. Right where she had been sitting, there was a dark red stain.

Alissa's heart began beating fast, and she sped into her loo.

"Oh my God," she muttered.

The day she had been dreading had arrived.

Due to the obvious dilemma, Alissa was late for dinner, and after about ten minutes, her sister lost her patience.

"Carina, wait for your sister," Blaise urged.

"I'm hungry," she stated with a forkful of potatoes. "I haven't eaten all day, father."

Before Blaise could give another response, Alissa entered the dining room. Both Blaise and Carina noticed immediately that Alissa didn't look herself. She was pale and had her arms folded as she walked.

"You alright, darling?" Blaise asked, but Alissa didn't respond. In fact, she didn't even look at him.

Instead of sitting in the empty chair, she awkwardly stood next to it.

"Carina, I need to talk to you," Alissa muttered.

"What is it?" Carina asked, mimicking their father's concerned tone.

"I just need to talk to you—right now," Alissa said again, biting her lip.

There was this sudden realization in Carina's eyes, as she was pretty good at reading her sister. Blaise was still somewhat in the dark-he would be sure to ask Alissa later, but he learned not to be overly intrusive.

Leaving the table quickly, Carina led her sister out of the dining room. Alissa moved rather stiffly, but still let her elder sister place a hand on her back as they walked.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Carina made sure they were out of earshot.

"What is it then?" she asked, even though she had a fair guess.

Alissa opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no words came out. She didn't quite know why, but she was incredibly nervous.

And Carina noticed her apprehension. Her sister's hand was shaking slightly, and she was avoiding excessive eye contact.

"Alissa—" Diana pressed. "Did you start your period?"

Alissa nodded, but looked away again.

"It's about time, I guess," Carina stated with a light laugh. Alissa was nearly fourteen after all.

Carina then embraced her sister. It was awkward at first, but Alissa eventually began to relax.

"And stop shaking!" Carina joked, releasing her arms. She took Alissa's hands in hers and squeezed them—and for the first time, her younger sister grinned.

It wasn't nearly as awful as Alissa had thought. Her sister gave her what she needed, and assured Alissa that she would be ready to go back to Hogwarts when the time came.

Blaise was a good father, but Alissa knew she was blessed to have an older sister.