Disclaimer: No one man owns the turtles; they are too awesome to be held down by such trivial things as copyright laws!

A/N: Okay, so each chapter is going to be considered a one shot. The order is random; the time zone isn't in the correct order. This fist one is the one that always fascinated me the most. I encourage you to please send in ideas and questions of what you want the other chapters to be about, I will gladly answer any question you have of the SAINW universe. Hope you enjoy.

Michelangelo's POV

"Are you going out Donatello?" Leo called. I glanced up and around to see the tech making another visit to the junkyard, his third today.

He didn't answer, merely continued to pack his duffel bag. I couldn't help but notice was he packing more then usual? Why was he packing at all, if he was going out to pick up stuff you'd think he'd empty that thing.

A horrid sinking feeling started around my mid section, and I started ducking down into the cushions of the couch as Leo got up and approached the turtle now heading for the door. "Donatello, I asked you a question. Are you going somewhere?"

My brother froze with his hand on the door; I got the feeling he hadn't planned for this. Like he hadn't already decided he was going to answer our leader. That wasn't like him; he always had a plan for everything. I couldn't stop my mind from whirring back over the past few months.

Don had been acting different lately, colder. Even after we got Sensei back from Cyber space, he'd never been quite normal after that. He had never truly gone back to my fun and loving brother. I knew I wasn't the only one who had noticed, but Leo and Raph decided it was just best to give him some space. They kept insisting that it was like what Leo himself had gone threw, that if they just let him be it would go away.

I didn't agree. I'd done everything possible to bring the old Don back, but that just seemed to make it worse.

Now it was happening, that confrontation I'd known would come for weeks now.

Leo had made it to the door now and had his hand stretched out as if to stop him, when Don turned around and snapped, "I'm leaving."

Leo had his back to me now, but I could sense the roll of his eyes as he answered, "Well yeah, I figured that out. But you didn't answer me, where are you going?"

What passed over that purple bandanna made no sense to me, but it would forever leave a scar in its place. It was anger, true out right rage directed towards his own kin. When he spoke, he was no longer my brother. "I don't know Leonardo. I don't seem to know anything anymore do I? Then again, I never really did. I didn't know how to save Master Splinter when I screw up our portal home. I didn't know how to stop the Shredder. I don't know how to stop you and Raph from fighting, or stop this thing that's happening to our father. I don't know when April and Casey will get back from their honey moon, or how to make Michelangelo act his age."

I flinched and recoiled into my seat, my sudden urge to get up and intervene squashed.

Leo's hand had dropped back to his side, and I could practically taste the shock rolling off of him. Don was not done yet, now that Leo had stopped him, my brother seemed determined to get this all out. "Everything I've ever tried to do has turned into a failure. I'm leaving Leonardo. I don't know where I'm going; I don't know when I'm coming back. I just need some space."

Don turned back towards the door, his knuckles almost white he was grabbing his bag so hard. Leo took one stumbling step forward, a soft breath of air managing to escape his lips. "Wait! Look, I know Raph is out right now, and Master Splinter is asleep. But just wait. Wait until they get back and we can talk about this. Please."

This time, he didn't look around to speak to us. "No Leo. I'm not waiting anymore. I waited for you to come back from that trip southwest and then again for you to go see the ancient one, and I'm still waiting for our family to try to make it. I promise I'll be back someday, but right now I just need to go."

The door opened and closed without another word being spoken. I knew I should go after him, stop him and make him see sense. I should go over and comfort my eldest brother, make sure that he knew we didn't all feel that way. There were a lot of things I should have done, but all I did was sit there and watch my family fall apart.

So something I've always wanted to rant about. When Mikey first see's Don, his first words are, "You came back." In a rather dark and creepy voice I might add. Not you're alive, not you're okay or, "Dude, omg like it's you!" No it's, "You. Came. Back." Implying that they knew Donnie Boy had left, meaning that Don really did do something that would have caused all this. Sorry to all you Don lovers out there who will deny this, but it must be said!

Reviews are welcome of some of the other questions or ideas you think should be added to this, or just review and tell me what you think of this. Any questions you have will be answered with a smile :) R&R