Ok guys, I love the reviews and I know it's been a long time. Thanks for being so kind and still following. Part of the reason it's been so long is because I feared you hated me for taking so long and I have a bad habit of once I put something off I take even longer to do it because I fear it's too late to make it up. And it also hasn't been a great past couple years... Anyway, I can come up with a million excuses, but here it is. It'll still probably take a long time between updates but as long as my work load stays kind of low I will hopefully at least keep it within a few months. Don't hate me...

JJ and Rossi had just finished speaking with Chris and were heading back to the station. Chris was oddly a thirty something year old guy who, in fact was a retired cop. He had said that Jason was very open minded when it came to religion and was all around a nice guy. He said that he couldn't think of any reason that someone would do this to Jason. All in all, JJ and Rossi had nothing. Tomorrow they would go and talk with some of the other victims' families and hopefully find a connection.

Once they arrived at the station, Reid and Morgan were already there. "Good, you guys are here." Hotch said referring to JJ and Rossi. "Reid and Morgan just informed us that by the looks of the crime scenes, the unsub has motive and plans out the killings specifically."

"Each crime scene seemed to be identical." Morgan filled.

"According to the coroners' report, each victim was knocked unconscious with a cylindrical object, most likely a bat. And show evidence of drag marks." Emily added.

"So this guy has to be strong enough to drag these people around, and tie them to poles in the ground." Morgan continued.

"That means it's only on guy though. Two people would have been able to carry a body." said JJ.

"What have you got from the Krisson family?" Hotch asked turning towards Rossi.

"Not much. According to his dad and his best friend, Jason was a nice guy with no enemies. He had no specific religion. He was ambitious."

"Great so we have barely anything to go on tonight." Emily said disappointedly.

"That means tomorrow we have a lot of digging to do." Hotch stated. "Prentiss, tomorrow you'll be helping Garcia search through the victims virtual lives, find any connections you can, this is a small town, it shouldn't be that hard. Rossi and JJ, continue interviewing victims' families. Reid, I want you to go through all logged evidence see what you can find. Morgan, you and I will go by the morgue and inspect the bodies ourselves." Each member of the team nodded, understanding their duties. "Now everyone, go back to the motel and get some rest."

Everyone started packing up and headed to separate cars. Once at the motel, Reid and Morgan headed to their room, Hotch and Rossi to theirs, and JJ and Emily to theirs. Rossi and Hotch got to their room and Hotch immediately took out his laptop. While changing, Rossi started up a conversation, "How's Jack been?"

"He's been good. He likes school and we talk to each other everyday." Aaron replied, removing his superior mask and humbling down to equal.

"That's good." a comfortable silence fell over the room again. "Have you heard any news about JJ and Henry?"

Hotch looked up from his computer. "She came to me about some advice a few days ago. I can't really say anything about it though."

"Of course." Another pause. "What about Emily?"

"What about Emily?"

"How is she? You know, now that she's back."

"Professionally, she's frustrated with being condemned to office work. Understandably." Rossi nodded. "As for personally, you know as much as I do."

"I just don't understand why she didn't talk to us about it. Don't get me wrong, I understand secrets, but not one this big."

"As far as I know, it didn't effect her work, so she mustn't have seen a reason to tell us."

"Come on, Aaron. You know as well as I do that this team has more than a business relationship." Hotch only looked into Rossi's eyes. Both men had a shade of doubt behind their stares.

"I have to call the sitter." And with that, Aaron went into the bathroom, leaving Rossi to his thoughts. Emily was part of their family, there could be no doubt about it. But what is going on with her lately? She broke protocol; she's keeping secrets; it's completely out of character. One little slip in their job could be her life. And it almost was! Dave was worried as he lay down in his bed. He took his time in trying to decipher a plan on how to help Emily. Help her get back into their family. His mind wondered to everything but what it should be focused on: work.

Over in Reid and Morgan's room, Derek had just stepped out of the shower and into the room. Reid was laying on his bed, reading a magazine. Derek looked over and was instantly confused. "Is that a gossip magazine? Why in the world are you reading that?"

Reid looked up, also confused, but then noticed what was in his hands. "Oh, it was the only thing with articles in it. Hey, did you know that two thirds of women fall in love with people they've known for a long time rather than someone new in their life."

"I know where you're going with this and no, I'm not going to talk about Emily." Morgan warned.

"Emily? Who said anything about Emily? I was just stating a statistic that I found interesting in this magazine." He feigned innocence.

"You know what? Fine, we'll talk about it." Reid perked up. "How are you doing with all of this?" then the genius suddenly got silent. "See it's not that easy." Morgan got into his bed, getting comfortable.

"I feel betrayed." Reid said out of nowhere, his voice cracking. Morgan sat up, thinking the conversation was over. "Emily had always felt like my big sister. She looked out for me during my worst moments, even when I didn't want her to. She saved me. Sure she teased me, but I knew it was with love. And she always knew when to tell me when I was being a little too clever. We could have conversations in multiple languages and enjoy similar literature and films. I felt like I could talk to her about anything." Reid paused, gathering his courage. Morgan was lost for words. He didn't expect him to open up. "I was angry when I found out about Ryan. Then I was depressed. Then I was angry again when I found out she got engaged to him. Then I compartmentalized, because that's what she would've done. And now… I don't know how to act."

"I'm sorry, Spencer." Morgan said, not knowing what else to do. He hadn't realized how much the young man was effected by this. Sure, he had noticed Reid become distant when Ryan first showed up, but he figured he was depressed over Emily being in a coma.

"And that's why I'm asking you. And JJ. And maybe even Rossi. I need to know how to act. I need to figure out what these emotions are that I'm feeling." His eyes were starting to cloud over with unshed tears. Morgan started to talk, but Reid cut him off. "I need some air."

And with that, Reid walked out of his room. Morgan was left in the dim room. He had been caught off guard with Reid's confession. The boy had always acted like none of this bothered him. Morgan was so wrapped up in his only feelings towards this situation, that he'd failed to notice his friend was hurt. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to help him. He didn't know how to act himself. How was he suppose to give Reid advice when he had no idea what to tell him.

Outside, Reid was sitting on a bench in front of the parking lot. He freely let the tears fall and tried to catch his breath. He didn't expect to open up as much. He just figured if he let Morgan in a little, the older agent would do the same. But once he started, it all floated out. And by the end of it, he couldn't stand to keep it up. He didn't want to hear Morgan's side anymore. He didn't want to break down in front of Morgan either. Now he understands why Morgan didn't open up; it feels awful.

As Emily was in the shower, JJ was sitting on the bed, talking to Garcia via her cell. "How was Henry tonight?" she asked her usual babysitter.

"Oh you know him. It takes him forever to finish dinner when your not around and then even longer to get him into bed and go to sleep."

"Which story did you read him tonight?" JJ had a small smile on her face when she thought of Henry falling asleep, looking so peaceful. It was her favorite image.

"Cat in the Hat. Well he read some of it, but I had to use the voices you use for the characters." JJ chuckled. There was no one she loved more than her son and she couldn't stand to be away from him. She misses all his little facial expressions and quirks.

"You told him I love him, right?"

"Of course" there was a brief silence when Garcia spoke up again. "How is the situation over there?"

JJ looked at the door to the bathroom. "I can handle it."

"I don't doubt you. You know she's your best friend and it could just be a closeness/loneliness thing and it's all just in your head and there's really nothing to worry about. In fact, you should enjoy her company and comfort." Garcia only said these things, not because she believed them, but because she knew that if she could get JJ to give in to Emily's comfort, then maybe it would lead to honesty between the two.

"Maybe. I'll think about it." JJ said sincerely. "Good night, Garcia."

"Good night, Pumpkin." They both hung up and JJ took a deep breath. After collecting her thoughts, she stood up and began to get ready for bed.

In the shower, Emily let the water run down her body as her mind wandered. What she had heard at Garcia's had been haunting her, eating away and digging into her rational thoughts as she tried to make sense of it. "What if she loves you back?" The more Emily played it back in her head, the more she became confident in that she heard those exact words coming from Penelope. More importantly, she knew it was about her. Her and JJ. Did Penelope mean that JJ loves Emily? If so, that would explain JJ odd behavior around Emily. How she avoided the older agent once she discovered her fiancé. But that's just it; Emily is engaged and she loves Ryan and she loves JJ's friendship. Emily only saw one way around it and that's what she was going to tell JJ.

As she stepped out of the shower, Emily got changed into sweats and a baggy T-shirt. She brushed her teeth then made her way out of the small bathroom, gathering what she wanted to say in her head before opening the door. JJ was lying on the bed with her laptop, reading something on the screen, completely wrapped into it. Emily breathed in and sat on her bed. "How's Henry?" she asked nonchalant.

"Good." was JJ short response, not looking up from her laptop.

"JJ…" The blonde looked up, surprised by Emily's nervousness. She was now facing JJ straight on. "When I stayed the night at Garcia's a few weeks ago, I heard you guys… Garcia say something." JJ was scared stiff. Her face resembled a deer caught in someone's headlights. "I don't want to sound like I'm jumping to conclusions because I've thought this over and I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't absolutely sure I knew the meaning of what she said. JJ we have the best of friendships and I know I wasn't completely honest with the whole Ryan thing," JJ suppressed a cringe, "but I genuinely didn't know it was getting that serious. If I did I would've told you guys. But you and I use to have so much fun, going out and getting drinks and having movie nights. Those are honestly the best moments of my life. And I don't want that to change."

"I don't want that to change either." JJ said quickly, sitting up and facing Emily too.

"But they have. You've become distant and every time I try to talk to you, you reply with no more than three words. And I miss you JJ. I miss my best friend. Morgan has been giving me the cold shoulder and I have no one to talk to because your steering clear of me."

JJ grabbed Emily's hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize. You have to know I will always be here for you."

"Really? Cause it hasn't felt like it lately. Not one person is really talking to me anymore."

JJ pulled Emily closer into a caring hug. "I promise that no matter what, I will be here for you. I love you Emily Prentiss."

"I love you too, Jennifer" They both tightened the hug and enjoyed the feel of the other's arms around them. And when JJ started to pull back, Emily stopped her. "JJ…" the brunette moved just far enough to look into JJ eyes. Then leaned in and kissed her.


The Music played in the truck; a nice gospel song to ease the soul. A cross hung from the rearview mirror. In the back was a passed out football player. His mouth was duct-taped and his body lay limp. Just outside of the truck a strong looking man drove a large stake into the ground and started to build a campfire set up around it. Once he was finished, he returned to the truck and hoisted the teenager up. The boy started to regain consciousness as he was being tied to the stake in the ground. Muffled sounds of protest were heard and he put up a struggle. However, the ropes were tight and there was no escaping.

The man leaned over to light the fire and then backed away to look into the child's eyes. "My son, you are not well. I am here to cleanse you and work as God's hands. You have been corrupted by sin. One of the seven deadliest. 'Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.' Here, my son, is your release. May God help you when judgment comes and may this fire remind you of the pits of hell you may burn on if you are not forgiven." He looked up at the smoke rising. "I must leave, for the devil is out to stop me." With that he drew a cross on his body and said one final prayer.

There it is... Please keep up the positive reviews and any helpful criticism. Thanks for being patient and holding on.