Hello, So I know you all have been waiting for this for a REALLY long time now. And I'm sorry to say my updates will be far apart because I now have a job and school and family problems... so please be kind. Given the many readers and responses I got to my first story, I finally got over my writer's block, just long enough to write you guys a first chapter of the sequel to my first story. Enjoy!...

Emily walked through her front door with Ryan following close behind, carrying her luggage. She reluctantly allowed him to bring her overnight bag up from the cab to her apartment. When she opened the door, everything seemed so familiar and she was relieved to finally be home. She stepped inside and threw her keys in a bowl by the door and just took in all that was her home. Once she got into the living room, she heard a thud behind her and the door slam shut. She sighed. Ryan hadn't left her side since she woke up. She did love the man, but he seemed to smothering her. Putting on the best look of exhaustion she could muster up (which wasn't that hard considering the time she spent "resting" in the hospital) she turned towards her fiancé.

"Thank you, Ryan." she said.

"Anything for you." He smiled at her and looked adoringly into her eyes. "What else do you need?" He asked. Emily loved how sweet he was, but she needed time away from. At least for one night.

"Nothing. Actually," she added a yawn for emphasis, "I'm a little worn out. I think I'll just go get some rest. Besides, you have work tonight." A look of uncertainty came over his face. "I'll be fine. My phone will be beside me at all times and you can come check on me tomorrow."

Finally he gave in. "Okay, if you're sure." he looked at his watch. "I suppose if I go home now I can get showered up and ready for work." He gave Emily a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye before leaving.

Emily threw herself down on the couch with a sigh, but quickly learned that, that was a bad idea. She let out a hiss of pain before relaxing into the familiarity of her soft couch. She looked up at the clock on her wall and debated on what she could do the rest of the day. She wasn't allowed to return to work for at least a week and she still wouldn't be cleared for the field until she finished her physical therapy. Without the BAU, she was at a complete loss. Usually she would go over to JJ's or Garcia's to watch a movie or have a few drinks, but she hadn't seen JJ since she woke up and by this time the liaison would be at work. Knowing that Penelope was watching Henry and working from home for the time being, Emily figured she'd call the Goddess.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the indestructible, Emily Prentiss calling lil' ol' me. How you doing sweetie?" Garcia answered, after looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello to you too, Garcia. I'm doing fine. Except the fact that I'm bored out of my mind. Do you still have Henry over there?" Emily replied excitedly. Glad that Garcia was, in fact, at home.

"Of course I do."

"Would you mind me coming over there to visit? I can watch him and keep him away from you while you work on the gruesome part of our job."

"Have I ever denied you entrance into my lovely lair? I'll be there within ten minutes to get you."

"No need. I can get there on my own." Emily heard Garcia start to argue, but she quickly cut her off. "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer. It's just a ten minute cab ride. No harm." Garcia thought this over and hesitantly gave in to the profiler. "Great. See you soon."


Emily approached Garcia's door, happy she would see her friend and Henry again. She lifted her and gently knocked on the door, just in case Henry was napping. Not even two seconds later, the quirky blonde opened the door with the biggest smile in the world. Skipping the "hellos" Garcia attacked Emily with a full forced hug, causing the brunette to wince.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Em! It completely slipped my mind." As Garcia apologized, Emily heard the squeal of a young boy.

"Princess Emmy!" Henry came running to the door and attacked Emily with the equivalent strength of Garcia's hug. Emily chuckled and squatted down to properly hug him back.

"How you doing kiddo?" She asked once released from the hug.

Henry grabbed her hand and ignored the question. "Come play!" The profiler was dragged to the living room where multiple toy cars and action figures were spread throughout the room. Emily was amazed at how easily he transitioned back to life as if nothing happened. True, Garcia did mention that sometimes at night he wonders why JJ and him are staying with Garcia rather than Will, but it's forgotten by morning. Will did get to see his son on the weekends, but JJ was fighting for full custody at the moment. But that's all the information Emily has received on the matter and the majority of it came from when Garcia came to visit her at the hospital.

Garcia shut the door and turned around to see the two playing. When Emily was with Henry, everything came so naturally to her. Not many people knew this, but Emily is a closeted geek. She had countless amounts of comic books and every superhero movie. Including all the Batmans. As the brunette and child made up a story with the action figures, Garcia decided to make some lunch.

A few minutes later she came back into the room with Mac 'n Cheese for Henry. He and Emily were arguing on many powers of Superman when Garcia finally interrupted. "Okay children, time for lunch." Emily looked up and stuck her tongue out at Garcia, before standing up.

"How about I put in…" Emily looked through the DVDs JJ kept over there for sleep overs. "Spiderman vs. The Punisher?" her voice got all excited and Henry let out a squeal of approval.

Once the DVD was in and the boy was completely engulfed in the movie, Emily and Garcia moved to the kitchen to talk.

"You're going to make a great mom someday. Do you know that Emily Prentiss?" The tech-y said as they took their seats.

Emily smiled over at the little boy sitting with his mouth open, staring at the TV. "I think he's just easy to get along with." she said, still staring dreamily at him.

"Yeah, that's because all you guys talk about are his dolls and the powers the have." Garcia rolled her eyes.

"Hey! They're action figures!" Emily immediately defended.

Garcia let out a light laugh, "Too bad he isn't twenty years older, or he could be your soul mate." They both smiled. Garcia then noticed Emily's eyes lower to the ring on her hand. "So why isn't your mystery boy keeping you company today?" Garcia didn't like Ryan and Emily could easily tell, but she didn't understand why.

"I gave him the day off. Plus he needed to work."

Garcia nodded. "You know I don't trust him." It was now Emily's turn to nod. "Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me that you were seeing someone?" She sounded genuinely hurt. Like she couldn't be trusted.

Prentiss was about to answer, but felt lost for words. "Well,… you know how it is…" she thought for a second. "You know, working where everyone knows everything about you. It's nice to have one thing that's kept to yourself."

"I don't know! We're a family, and we don't keep anything from each other. I'd understand if it was just a hook up, but obviously it serious." She then pointed to the ring.

Emily stopped to ponder this. She didn't even know it was getting that serious. It had been so long since she had a serious relationship, she'd forgotten what if felt like. Was this it? This was the feeling a person gets when they are committed to someone? It felt oddly anti-climatic then she thought it would.

Garcia sat across from her, thinking of why she disliked this random man so. Initially she thought it was because he was a stranger that was just thrust into their lives so suddenly. Then she realized it was more than that. Again, she thought, well maybe it was because she knew how much his presence hurt JJ and that he was proof to her being wrong. She had felt the vibes between the two ladies on the team for as long as she could remember. And that's when she noticed, the man gave off weird vibes. He's 'aura' gave her the creeps.

She was shaken out of her thoughts by Emily's voice. "So how's JJ doing?" The brunette tried to change the subject. Little did she know, it was still right on topic with what the two were talking about.


Emily gave her a skeptical look at the simplistic-ness of Garcia's answer. "Is she mad at me?" Emily would repeatedly ask this question when she saw Garcia. The answer was always the same.

"You two should talk" Emily rolled her eyes. The conversation would always come to this. Emily would say, she would if she could and Garcia would say try harder and Emily would ask how and then there would be silence.

"If she wanted to talk to me, she would've by now. There is nothing I can do"

"Wrong, there was nothing you could do while you were in the hospital. Now, you're free! So go talk to her!" And just kiss it out and get it all out of the way. Garcia wondered what look she would've gotten if she said that last part aloud, but brushed it off when Henry came running in.

"Emmy, will you watch this one with me?" Henry said, holding up a X-Men movie. Emily looked down at his big blue eyes and smiled. That one smile led to three different movies. Garcia had moved to her room to work after the first one, which left Emily and Henry to bicker about the flaws in each movie. Sometime during the fourth one the two passed out on the couch and when Garcia failed to hear the two arguing, she came out to check on the two. She smiled at the sight of Emily holding Henry to her side as they laid on the couch. The self proclaimed goddess silently turned around and headed back into her room to sleep too.

A couple hours later….

JJ had just gotten off work and was exhausted. She couldn't wait to get back to Penelope's and fall asleep. The worst part of her job was paper work and that was all she had worked on throughout the day. The only good thing about it was it served for a distraction from all that was going on in her life at the moment.

She slowly opened the door, knowing that Henry was probably already asleep, along with Garcia. Figuring Henry and Garcia were probably in the master bedroom, JJ dimly turned on the light to the living room and was shocked to find the place a disaster. Popcorn was spilled around the coffee table, action figures and toys were laying on the floor and the movie menu was still playing on loop on the TV. Lastly, her eyes settled on the two figures lying on the couch sound asleep. Involuntarily, she smiled when she saw Emily hugging her son tight to her side. She took a moment to take in this picture, wishing it would last forever, when she noticed Emily's bandage peeking out of her shirt. JJ debated with herself. Waking Emily meant confrontation, but letting her sleep meant possible physical pain.

Finally the liaison decided to let the two sleep. She just couldn't bring herself to be the one to break up this perfect image. Sighing, she walked over to the chest by the entertainment center and grabbed a blanket from it. Gently, she draped it over her son and her friend. With one last look she turned off the TV and the light and reluctantly headed towards the guest room.

Ok... there ya go. Again I know you all probably hate me for what I've done, but trust me, this is just a start. Now as I said earlier, I won't be updating very quickly, but I will try. Please review!