NOTE: The is basically when Scott and Stiles find out that Scott is a werewolf.. Enjoy :)

Scott and Stiles were riding in Stiles' jeep. They were still adjusting to the fact that Scott has become a werewolf. Stiles, being his best friend and all, has tried thinking of ways to get through this. But even him doesn't know what to do. And his mind just keeps drawing a blank.

"Okay seriously, how the hell are we gonna get through this…this situation?" Stiles asked looking over at Scott

"I don't know," Scott sighed. "How the hell am I gonna get through this. I'm a damn werewolf!" Scott bit his lower lip.

"Well even though this may not be the best news, but you know I'll help you get through this. You're the werewolf and I'm the best friend who helps. Trust me this is gonna be great."

"Wait shh." Scott said. He stared at the window concentrating hard. He heard a noise. He knew it was faint to Stiles but to him it was clear. Really clear.

"Uh what the f-"

"Shush Stiles. I hear something."

"Like what?" Stiles whispered looking out the window.

"A cry?" Scott looked over at his best friend.

Stiles face went straight to confusion. He looked out the window once more then back to Scott.

"Like a human cry. Someone's crying?" Stiles asked.

"Wait, there's a voice too. I think there's two people." Scott explained.

"So you just wanna stay here and ears-drop or you wanna like check it out, maybe?" Stiles asked.

"It's a girl crying…and there's a guy with her. Probably her boyfriend or something. The guy is angry." Scott concentrated more on the voices.

"Uh what the hell are they doing on the side of the woods?"

Scott turned to Stiles. He gave him a blank face and Stiles shrugged. He looked out the window. He saw nothing. He sighed and got out of the car. Scott did the same and they both made their way to the voices. It wasn't too far from the car but it still was a bit of a walk. The voices got louder and soon they were able to see what was happening. A girl, about their age, was standing up near her possible boyfriend. She was crying but she turned into anger in a split second. The guy was really tall and she was yelling at the girl. But every time the guy yelled something to the girl she would just have more tears flow down her check.

"You really think I can't see through your little act? You're the same bitch. You didn't change. I can't believe waste my time with you. You're nothing." The guy snarled.

"Don't you dare tell me I'm nothing. You don't know what the fuck I've been through." The girl sniffled. Her eyes were red and tears kept flowing down her cheek. Scott knew that this would soon turn into something ugly. He had to step in.

"Hey hey, you don't talk to a girl like that." Scott said sternly. Stiles' eyes got wide but he knew that he had to back his friend up.

"Who the hell are you?" The guy said walking up to Scott and Stiles.

"I'm just a guy who sees an asshole yelling at a girl. Like she said, you don't know what she's been through." Scott said. Stiles looked over at the girl who was staring at Scott. She definitely looked shocked. She looked over at Stiles and wiped her eyes.

"Hey man, get the fuck out of here. This is obviously none of your business." The guy said angrily.

"Well if you're gonna act like that to a girl, then maybe we both shouldn't leave. We can obviously tell that your a low-life who likes yelling at girls. I mean, good for you man." Stiles stepped up.

"Oh now you're getting me mad." The guy stepped close to Scott. He lifted his arm but Scott blocked him and pushed him hard onto the floor. The girl gasped and looked at Scott and Stiles. She looked over at her boyfriend. He got up quick and then charged over at Scott again. He lifted his fist once again but this time the girl pushed him.

"Stop! I hate you. I'm done with this relationship." The girl hissed.

"Ugh, whatever bitch!" The guy said. He stood there still. He started walking away but stopped and said, "I wouldn't wanna date a girl who doesn't put out anyway." The girl's eyes got wide and she turned around. The guy smirked and walked away. The girl sniffled and sighed. She turned back and now she realized she was facing Scott and Stiles.

"I'm sorry about that guy." Scott put his hands in his pockets. He looked around.

"Uh, it's fine. I just need to…relax." She sighed.

"That was fucking crazy." Stiles raised his hands in the air and looked at the girl. But he dropped his hands immediately when he saw her expression.

"And you guys are…"

"Uh, I'm Scott and this is my idiot friend Stiles."

"I'm not that much of an idiot." Stiles looked at Scott.

"Um, anyway thank you for that. I just couldn't handle that myself." She sighed.

"Welcome and what about you?"

"I'm Nicole."

"Well uh, do you need a ride or something?"Stiles asked.

"Fuck, uh yeah i actually do need one."

"I got a jeep so we can just drop you off home… or wherever you need to go." Stiles said.

"Yeah, I need to get home. I need to get out of here." Nicole said in a small voice.

"Uh, yeah then let's just drop you off home." Scott said walking back. There was a silence between all of them but Nicole spoke up.

"I love how randomly I'm getting dropped home by two boys who I never met before. Definitely not a normal day, if I may say." Nicole said while walking beside Stiles.

"Not a normal day at all." Stiles said looking over at Scott, who looked down at the ground.

The three of them went inside Stiles' jeep. Scott sat in the passenger seat and Nicole sat in the back. They were all quiet. Nicole looked out the window. She certainly didn't feel like talking.

"So uh, where do we drop you off?" Stiles asked looking at Nicole through the mirror.

"Somewhere where I can die." She whispered.

"What?" Stiles said. He wasn't sure what she had said. Stiles looked at Scott. And Scott looked back at Nicole.

"Uh just drop me off at 561 Brown street." She said looking at Scott.

"Okay. Hey listen, fuck that guy. He didn't deserve you. He's a total dick." Stiles said.

"Oh trust me, I know. I had to deal with him for months. It's like-I never got away from him."

"Why put up with that shit though?" Scott asked.

"Because even though he treated me like shit, He was the only one who understood me. Well, besides my best friend. But he was the only guy who understood me. Or at least I thought he did."

"You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't make you happy and especially if they treat you like complete shit. It's like a waste of time." Scott said.

Nicole sighed and closed her eyes. She leaned her head back.

"There's just so much you don't know." She whispered.

"Well, I'm a werewolf. I bet that's something you didn't know." Scott thought to himself.

"We're not bad guys. If you want you could tell us. I mean, this is could be the start of a beautiful friendship." Stiles chuckled.

"I'm not gonna spill my guts out to you two. No offense." She said.

"You know, I was really counting on this beautiful friendship." Stiles looked at her through the mirror.

"Does he always act like this?" Nicole asked Scott.

"From the day he was born." Scott snickered.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a friend who is a girl. Is it a law that I can't help out a girl?"

"He isn't friends with any girls." Scott told Nicole.

"What? Man, neither do you." Stiles said.

"Hm, well Allison counts as a friend."

"Dude, you just met her."

"Wait, are you talking about Allison Argent?" Nicole asked leaning closer the Scott.

"Yeah yeah. You know her?" Scott asked with a confused face.

"Know her?," Nicole scoffed. "She's my best friend. "

Scott looked at Nicole with confusion in his eyes.

"Best friends? Well, didn't she just move here?" Scott asked.

"Well yeah she did but we were best friends where we used to live. I moved here about a year ago and now she moved here."

"So wait, if you were here for a year then why haven't we seen you in our school?" Stiles asked.

"Because I went to another school but I got kicked out." Nicole leaned back in the seat.

"Kicked out? Damn, You're feisty." Stiles smirked.

"Haha, I'm not that feisty. I just happen to be at the wrong place wrong time. I admit that I'm not a good behavior girl but I didn't do what I was accused of."

"What were you accused of?" Scott said interested.

"Stealing items from other students lockers. I didn't even do that! And they said it happened around the 12th through16th. I was absent the 13th and 14th so it wasn't me. But of course they didn't believe me. But the thing is, when they came up to me I was near one of the lockers. So yeah, wrong place wrong time." Nicole pushed her black hair behind her ears.

"Shit, well that must of sucked." Stiles said.

"Yeah it did and especially when my parents got the call from the principal. My dad believes me but my mom still has her doubts. But whatever my school sucked anyway."

"Well, at least you're at our school now." Stiles smiled.

"And because I'm at your school means we're gonna be best friends?" Nicole questioned. She watched Stiles' face as he talked.

"I wouldn't mind especially because I know you're a blast to hang out with."

"I love how you think you know me." She smirked.

"Why be so distant? Is it a bad thing to become friends with me and Scott."

Nicole sighed and looked out the window for a few seconds.

"I bet you guys wouldn't want to hang out with a girl like me." She said carefully.

"I bet we would actually like hanging out with you." Scott pitched in.

Nicole smirked at both of them.

"And since we-I know Allison a little, we all could become friends."

"Allison told me about you." Nicole said looking straight into Scotts eyes as he turned to her.

"Re-really? What did she say?" He asked.

"She said that she met a guy. A typical guy but he seems sweet. Maybe too sweet but that she would like to get to know you."

"Wow really." Scott replied.

"Has anyone noticed that there's a lot of 'getting to know each other' and 'becoming friends' topics?" Stiles asked.

"You know, I was thinking the exact same thing." Nicole laughed.

"See, I was right about the beautiful friendship."

"Okay but be realistic. What would happen on Monday in school? When we see each other in the halls. Would you really say hi or would you just wave and walk on? Or nod and walk? Or completely ignore each other? I mean, I'm the "new girl" so why even bother saying hi." Nicole said sighing.

She didn't many friends. She never has. Even as a little girl. She had her little friends but once she went into a new class or something, they would no longer be friends. Allison is truly her best friend because they've known each other for about 3 years now. And throughout all those years, they never lost touch with each other.

"I know for sure that when I see you in the hallways I'll come up to you and say hi. When I say 'the start of a beautiful friendship' I mean it." Stiles said.

Scott nodded. "I would do the same. Ignoring you would just be too fucked up."

"Why would it be too fucked up? It's not like we know each other. I mean, I would do the same too I wouldn't ignore you but beyond those hallways isn't anything more than just a 'Hi' or 'Hey'." Nicole said looking down at her phone.

"But what if we got classes together?" Stiles asked.

"Then the start of the beautiful friendship begins." Nicole smirked.

"Sounds like a plan." Scott said smiling.

They arrived at Nicole's house. She jumped out of the jeep and said goodbye to the guys. She started walking to the door but stopped. She turned and looked at the guys.

"By the way, I'm gonna tell Allison everything that happened. She's my best friend so she deserves to know what happened." She smiled.

"When we become best friends, are you gonna tell us everything that happens?" Stiles smirked and Scott smiled.

"Of course. That's what best friends are for." Nicole said waving.

"Can't wait." Scott said as the jeep turned back and drove away.

Nicole smiled to herself. She started walking to the door but as when she opened the front door her phone rang. Allison was calling. Nicole closed the front door and pressed the Accept button. She walked up the stairs to her room knowing that this was gonna be a long phone call.

Review please please , it means a lot to me :D and thanks for reading my story (more chapters soon)