No one could have known. Not even Dumbledore.

They couldn't have known that this would happen.

That a chain of events…contact to certain items and encounters with horrible and dark spells would have tossed in a hand into this.

Harry Potter was immortal.

He discovered it by accident. On his way to meet with Ron and Hermione, he had unknowingly stepped into the path of an on coming car. The car first made contact with his left knee, shattering it instantly, next it was upper leg, casing it to break in multiple places before his torso hit the hood and broke many of his ribs, one puncturing his lung and his head hitting the windshield with a hard and heart wrenching thud. The force of the impact then sent him flying feet from the car and skidding to a stop on the unforgiving pavement, scarping away his skin that was exposed to hits rough surface.

'Like being run against a cheese grater.' Was a passing thought he had used to describe it.

It was as he came to a stop, sprawled in the middle of the street, that something was not right. Aside from the obvious of being hit by the car. He was still conscious. Still aware of everything around him.

The panicked voices of people who had seen it all, the driver of the car that had hit him getting out of his car and fearful cries of Ron and Hermione that ran over to him, calling his name.

She opened his eyes, blurred by the pain he could clearly feel. He would have cried out in pain if he could catch the air to do so. But the blood that filled his lungs kept him from doing so and was unable to breath.

Everything around him was like it was in slow motion. He could see Hermione pull out her wand to cast a healing spell. But before the spell could even leave her lips is when he felt it. His body healing.

He could feel the broken bones in the many parts of his body fuse back together in their rightful places. The blood that filled his lungs going back into their veins and his open cuts and scraps knitting themselves closed. He drew in his first breath since he had hit the ground and sat up. The pain had gone as if it were never there and looked to the faces of his shocked and puzzled friends. It took the three of them a bit to register what had happened before Hermione told Ron to get Harry across the street as she altered the memory with one large memory erasing spell to catch everyone that had seen it to forget the accident and she ran to catch up with them.

That day was forever burned into Harry's memory for it was the first day that he realized something was different. Everything in his life changed. His features froze in that 17 year old face and short slender build while Ron and Hermione and all others grew older around him. He held bittersweet memories of those first years he realized what he was.

Ron and Hermione's wedding where he was best man…the last of the straggling death eaters brought to justice….the birth of his god children….the funerals. He was alone now.

All of them were gone. He watched them get older and older till they finally left him completely and utterly alone.

Something he feared more then anything.

He watched the world grow and make great advances and leaving the past behind. Even the magical world began to change, he was a lesson in magical history and believed dead. Strangely, he found it comforting that no one knew the name Harry Potter.

Over the years he had found many things to do and more to learn. He spent his time learning many forms or defense and styles of fighting. Though he couldn't die and his injuries healed rather quickly, didn't mean that he practically like the sensation and so learned all that he could. The world expanded its horizons and expanded to the outer reaches of their own galaxy. The magical world itself grew out to the outer reaches as well. Soon…wizards and witches and all other matters of magic all but faded as they evolved or bred with other races among the stars. Earth no longer held anything for him so when it came time for the first colonization on another world...he was on it. Even came into contact with other alien species and humanoid races. Though through his fear of being alone…he hated being close to anyone then watching them leave him again. So when his fear was being mostly meant being LEFT alone. Getting close to some one and watching them leave him. He never wanted to be that close to anyone again.

Now over 8000 years later, he was on a Cargo ship on his way to New Mecca. Hopping for a smooth Cryo-Sleep for a couple of weeks and start over fresh again…like he always had.

'They say most of your brain shuts down in Cryo-Sleep…all but the primitive side...the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake. Transporting me with Civilians. Sounded like 40…40 plus. Heard an Arab voice, some hoodoo holy man. Probably on his way to New Mecca. But what route? What route?

Smelled a woman. Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather. Prospector type. Free settlers.

And they only take the back roads.

And here's my real problem. Mr. Johns…blue eyed devil. Planning on taking me back to slam. Only this time he picked a ghost lane. A long time between stops…long time for something to go wrong."

His thoughts sounded as he got familiar with his surroundings and the man lowered his head. 'But there's another smell…a young man…17…18 tops. A sweet…spicy scent that gave a hint of an old age, like he's older mentally then physically. Damn he smelt good.'

Suddenly something small breached the hull and sent a signal that began to wake the crew up first. As a young woman woke to the sounds of the alarm. She couldn't register what was happening at first till several more of what had pierced the hull flew straight into the Captains Cryolocker and killed him. She began to breathe heavily before she pulled the emergency release and fell out of her pod and onto the floor. The other crew member falling on top of her.

"Why did I fall on you?" He asked.

"He's dead…the captains dead…I was looking right at him." She said as her breathing was shallow and she tried to calm herself. While the man was becoming rather distressed.

"The Chrono-log shows we're still 22 weeks out and gravity isn't suppose to kick in for another 19. Why did I fall at all?"

"Did you hear what I said? The captains dead."

He turned back to her as he placed to the Captains pod and confirmed what she said. Silence fell between the two as they met gazes before jumping up and running up to the front of the ship.

'Nice fucking pick Johns.'

"15/50 Millabars...dropping 20 Mb per minute...Shit! We're hemorrhaging air." Shouted the docking pilot, Carolyn Fry. "Something took a swipe at us."

"Just tell me we're still in the shipping lane." Said the navigational officer, Owens as hit a few keys on his consul. "Just show me those stars. Come on! Big, bright…" He trailed off the sentence and froze his eyes on the screen. Carolyn looked up, "What?" She stood and looked at the small screen to see a planet...coming in fast. She looked to Owens and he nodded as she ran up the latter to the pilot's deck.

"This is an emergency dispatch from merchant vessel Hunter Gratzner. On route to the Tangier System with 40 commercial passengers on board. We have been knocked out of out shipping lane and we are currently entering the atmosphere of a planetary body at this position…" Owens voice sounded through the come system in her ear as she made her way to the deck and began to do what she could to save the ship.

She released the air breaks and on one side as the computers told her that the nose of the ship was too high. She tried to deploy the break on the other side, but one break lever would not go down. To try and level the ship, she computed the purge in system and dropped the Engine block.

"What the…Was that a purge Fry?"

"Too heavy in the ass, can't get the fucking nose down!" She slid the chair back and continued the purging and released the cargo hold.

In the passenger hold, the other passengers began to each slowly wake up. First was Johns. Slowly he opened his eyes, unaware of what was happening further up the ship or outside the ship for that matter. He looked ahead out of his Cryolocker to the one he had commissioned for Riddick. A sense of ease came over him in knowing that his captive was still in his restraints.

The next to wake was Harry. He looked ahead as the ship jerked and shifted, tossing him a bit in his locker. He reached up and pulled the release and fell out of his locker. Riddick took a breath, 'He's awake…'

He chuckled low and inwardly so not to alert Johns that he was awake and listened to the sounds around him. 'Their purging…must be heavy on the back side…'

There was another sound of something being release of the back end and a shutting of the air lock doors.

After she pulled the lever to drop the cargo hold, she turned back to try and level the ship, but it didn't work...they were still too heavy. She turned to Air lock switch and turned it while Owens listed off information about the planet they were about to land on.
It wasn't until the slamming of the doors did Owens come to the startling realization of what was going on in the upper deck.

"Fry what the hell are you doing?"

"I gotta drop more load." She said rather coldly after turning the two knobs that would purge the passenger hold. He looked to the computer that asked if she wanted to

"Look I tried everything and I still got no horizon." She said as if trying to justify her decision to him…mostly to herself.

"Well you better try everything twice, cause there's no way do we just flush out-"
"Look if you know something I don't then get your ass up her and take the chair Owens." She snapped.

"Listen, the company says we are responsible for every single one of those people Fry." He said, trying to reason with her.

"What? We just die out of sheer fucking nobility?" She said even colder, Owens could almost feel the ice in her voice.
"Don't you touch that handle Fry!" He yelled into the head set before jumping from his chair to stop her.

Fry in the upper deck glanced back out the cockpit windows and released the handle, a split second of doubt running through her eyes. Taking the opportunity in her hesitancy, Owens turned the knob that released the air lock doors a bit and he forced them open and placed a piece of the ship in between the doors.

The ship jerked again and knocked her out of her senses and she looked up and reached for the release switch. "I'm not gonna die for them!" She pulled it down hard…but nothing happened.

Air lock doors unsecured

She jerked on the handle again and again as the computer repeated itself. "Owens!" She shouted.

"Seventy seconds. You still got seventy seconds Fry, to level this beast out!"

"Shit shit shit!" She yelled as she slammed her foot into the stuck air break lever till it finally went down and the ship steadily began to level out.

Suddenly an air break was ripped from his holding and sent flying into the cockpit window, sending glass flying at her, she reached up and covered her eyes as the speed of the decent sent the outside air wiping itself around her.

"What the fuck is happening up there?" Owens shouted, but Fry didn't answer.

She just looked at the upcoming ground that was coming at them fast. Everything seemed to speed up and slow down on her all at once as her breathing turned shallow. It felt as if she were seeing her own death coming upon her and covered her head in her arms just before the ship crashed into the stand and rocks that made up the planets surface.

Johns ejected himself from his Locker and looked up again, checking on his convict but blinked back a bit to try and get his bearings and stood. But was almost as soon as he came up right the ship jerked hard as if hitting something and the side of the ship began to rip away. Johns suddenly lost his footing and began to slide out toward the gaping hole.

Harry had come around the locker row he was in to see this man nearly about to be sucked out of the ship. He ran forward and grabbed his hand and held tightly to a support bean with the other hand as he began to pull Johns back to his feet and the two clung to the support beam. The ship began to rattle around and sending people from their lockers or the lockers themselves about the hold along with the rest of whatever else was in the hold. Parts of the ship itself were falling in on Harry and Johns, who threw himself over Harry to keep him from getting injured.

Then suddenly…everything stopped.

Riddick's locker broke open during the crash as din the restrain holding him in place that he was a bit grateful for, on the bit since the restraints were still on his wrists and ankles. The bit still in his mouth and blindfold still on. He looked around as best he could through a tear in the cloth before going on his way to get away form the man that had him captured.

Other survivors began to emerge from the wreckage, calling for others, friends...loved ones. A woman called for a man named 'Zeke'…three young boys calling for an 'Imam' from what Harry could hear. He turned to the man whose arm was still around him in the small gap among the wreckage that was over them. "Are you alright?" Harry asked. "Yeah...thanks." Johns turned to him and nodded, "You?"

"Fine." He said. Johns nodded and turned, "I can see a way out." He said and removed his arm from Harry and pushed out the only piece of wreckage in his way. He crawled out and then bit back a wave of pain and dizziness that washed over him. He looked up to the locker in front of him. The words flashing Lockout Protocol No Early Release…Riddick's locker. He cautiously reached for his side arm while he kept his eyes out for anything. He put his hand where the weapon would be, but it wasn't there. He turned to his hip and around him, figured that it might have been lost during the crash.

Harry let out a cough to clear out the dust he was had breathed in and caused Johns to turn. "Here. Let me help you." He said and offered a hand to Harry, who took it and allowed the man to help him up to his feet.

Harry, compared to the man was shorter, paler. His black hair having grown out to where he had it tied back in the ponytail at the base of his neck though it look cut short up top. Lean build though it looked well toned, lush and very kissable looking lips and a pair of Green eyes that had no real way of explaining them. For lack of a better word….Beautiful. Johns took a moment to register all the information for Harry was very easy on the eyes. Harry too took in the other mans appearance. Tall, medium muscular build, Short dirty blond hair, sculpted chin and thin lips. A pair of blue eyes that were very deep. It wasn't that Johns was an unattractive man...but there was something about him that Harry just didn't seem to like...he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Thanks for earlier...but excuse me…need to go and find someone..." He said and turned to leave and Harry turned away as well to help look for and aid other survivors.

Johns went below in search of the convict. Using the small flashlight, he looked around for any sign of Riddick. He turned to walk a still clear path and his light passed over the butt of his pistol. He looked down at it before his neck was suddenly wrapped in Riddick's leg restraints. He tried to pry them off his neck as Riddick crossed his ankles behind his head and tightened the pull. Johns reached to his side and pulled out his retractable night stick and used it as a last ditch effort to get free of the chocking hold of the restraints. He swung it blindly at Riddick, hitting him mostly in the legs and side. A few times in the arms that the convict used to hold himself up as to try and knock him off. The already weak structure of the ship could no longer take the weight and sudden struggle and gave in, dropping Riddick onto an overturned container, knocking him out cold before he hit the floor. Johns, once free, turned to the used the night stick on Riddick again, but soon realized he was no longer a threat by that point.

"Someone's gonna get hurt one of these days…it ain't gonna be me."

Johns rejoined the others and saw Harry helping a woman with a torch to open a locker door that was stuck and holding a young boy inside. Once she was done, Harry and the other man pulled on the door till it fell open and the young boy rolled out onto the floor.

"So…guess something went wrong?" He asked

Harry knelt down and helped the boy up. "You okay? No bumps or bruises?" He asked and the boy shook head. "Nope, fine." He said. "Pretty tough."

Harry gave a light smile and nodded before a sudden shout alerted all to the front. They all turned and went up to find a young woman kneeling over a man still strapped in his pilots seat and a rod sticking out of his chest. Fry a bit frazzled and scared at this had her reach out to pull it out but Owens screamed again. "Don't…don't touch it! Don't you touch that handle!"

"Leave it alone!"

"Pull it out of him!" Shouted a few of the survivors.

"No, it's too close to his heart." Said Shazza as she knelt close by.

"There's some Anestaphine in the med-lock in the back of the cabin." She said looking up to the others. One man looked back. "No anymore there's not." Paris said as he turned back.

Fry looked back down to Owens sad and angry in her own way, almost as if that anger was pointed inwards. "Get out of here…everyone." She said. All of them stood to leave but Harry went over and knelt beside her. "I can ease his passing…if you'll let me…" He said soothingly. Fry nodded and sat up a bit. Harry pulled out small vile from his pocket and pored the liquid passed Owens lips who coughed a bit as he swallowed it. Before leaving, Harry placed a hand on her shoulder and stood to join the others. Johns stayed another minute before she too told him to leave.

As all the others began filing outside of the ship, Harry stopped to turn to see a man shackled to a beam. He was puzzled at why this man was there, but decided against asking for now. There had to be a reason for it. Riddick's head turned a bit as she took in a whiff. 'There you are.' Johns came in just after Harry and looked to Riddick a smug look on his face as he walked out behind Harry, to join the others. Imam and his three boys, Suleiman, Hassan and Ali were praying to their god a yard or so away from the crash site.

Paris walked out and looked through his broken glasses and sighed as he looked around, "Teach me for flying coach."

Harry put a hand over his eyes and looked out at the surface on which they landed, "What kind of god forsaken planet is this?" He asked him self as he looked out all he could see was nothing but dessert, strange spires not even a half mile from the ship and the rest was canyons. Other then that…nothing…it was barren and completely void of life. Jack walked up along side him and looked out as well. "Looks so…empty." The boy said as he adjusted his hat.

"Yeah...but not so empty now is it?" He said as he looked to him, giving him a bit of a smile. Jack returned the smile and nodded. "Harry. Jack." Shazza called. "Come take a look at this." They turned and jogged up to the ship and climbed up to the top with Shazza and looked out on the scene of the crash it was horrible. Flames and spires of smoke littered the trench that the ship had created in its wake of the crash. Scattered rubble and lockers that could hold the unfortunate passengers and crew that had not made it. A yard or so away was the Cargo hold was among all that destruction. Seemed to give him and others a bit on comfort knowing that possibly there would be things they could use to figure something out to get off the planet of dessert sand.

"Is anybody else having difficulty breathing?" Paris asked, running his chest as joined them. "Yeah. Feel like I'm one lung short. All of us." Shazza said as she turned to see Carolyn climbing up to join them.

"Like I just ran or something." Jack added and Harry turned with a bit of concern in his eyes. He had a bit of trouble, but nothing like they were. Being as different as he was from them.

"There was talk of a scouting party looking for other people, but then we saw this." Shazza told Carolyn as she came up and got the full effect of what had truly happened.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Zeke asked. Obviously angered and worried at the entire situation. As were they all, he just presented it more. Shazza walked over to comfort her lover (that Harry noticed) and to keep him calm.

"Could have been a meteor storm…might have been a rouge comet…I don't know." She said as she looked from him to the rubble in front of them.

"Well I for one am thoroughly grateful." Shazza said and looked to Carolyn, "This beast wasn't made to land like this but, I think you did well."

Carolyn then had a look in her eyes that was surprise and shock and a sickening look. 'No…don't thank me…for god's sake don't thank me and I think I saved you.' She thought with fear.

"Actually the only reason we're alive is because of her." She finished and Carolyn felt her heart sink into her stomach. Johns gave a look over his shoulder at the back of the female pilots head, having a suspicion about her since the scene with the other crew member.

"Yes I suppose your right. Thanks very much." Paris said with a light smile. "Yeah, thanks for saving our Dicks." Jack added in his own sweet way. Harry met her eyes and gave a light nod to her.

"No really, thanks awfully."

"Well done." Shazza said and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. They all began to pile off the top as she stepped up to Harry. "Thank you…for what you did for him. I...I don't think I could have bare to see him go out in so much pain."

Harry nodded. "Your welcome. People shouldn't have to die that way…I have seen enough of my share of it." He patted her shoulder and then followed the others off the ships hull.

Harry stepped back inside the ship for a bit and too get out of the sun and sighed. A light shuffling made him turn and look back at the prisoner of Johns. Riddick turned his head as hearing him come in.

"He just escaped from a maximum prison." Johns said as he came up behind Harry and surprised him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"No it's alright." He said as he stepped back and looked back to Riddick. "Are we just going to keep him chained up like this forever?" He asked. Riddick felt a little pull in his chest at hearing Harry's voice. Sultry sounding. But Riddick hated the fact that this young man was sharing that voice...that scent…everything with Johns. And he truly didn't know why it bothered him so much. Sure, Riddick had had a few conquests in his day. One timers, both male and female. But none of them were fulfilling and none of them in all their scents and sounds made him this edgy. Riddick wasn't the type to get edgy.

Yeah...well that be my choice." Johns said. As he lead on the wall opposite of Harry. "Is he really that dangerous?" Harry asked as he looked to the back of Riddick's head.

"Only around humans." He said with a smug look on his face.

'Don't think I qualify anymore.' Harry thought before looking to Riddick again before going out to the cargo hold where the others had gone. Johns followed him, catching a glance at Harry's ass on the way. "Never did thank you." Harry said over his shoulder. "There's no need to." Johns said with a nod. 'But I'm sure I can figure out a way you can thank me later.'

Harry carefully moved into the cargo container and moved to look for his own things.

"Whole bloody containers upside down, its all topsy turvy." Paris side as he unlatched a hook and chain that kept what looked like a sarcophagus closed. He lifted the lid to reveal bottle upon bottle of various alcohol. "Ah. Thank goodness it's not a total loss." He said with a grateful smile on his face as he picked one of the battles up.

"Booze? This is what you have to drink?" Carolyn asked as she looked at the bottle she had in her hand and Johns helped himself to one by popping the top and taking a long swig of the contents. "I'm going to need a receipt for that. For all of this. This is my personal stuff." He said a little agitated. Harry rolled his eyes a bit at the Antique collector and continued to rummage through till he found his bag with a grin. He opened it up and made sure everything was intact. Bottles of a few potions in case of an emergency. Two small jugs of water that he usually carried that in case of injury, to wash up after it healed. A smaller bag inside that had a charm on it that made the bag able to carry anything in it. It was a deep purple in color with the initials HG stitched into the side. It was Hermione's. The one keepsake he kept of hers. Inside were change of clothes and other necessities. And a small book that held the only remaining reminders of his life before it died around him. He slung the bag across his chest before going back toward the others. He rummaged through and pulled out his hand and hid it in his sleeve and let it rest against his skin. He also pulled a knife on a belt that he carried with him with only exception of travel. It was a gift from a man he trained with in fighting with a blade. It was designed with a lion into the blade and silver lions head on the head of the hilt. Black handle and a blade as long as his arm. It curved a bit up to the tip.

He looked it over before attaching it to his waist by the leather belt that and sheath.

"Don't suppose this would help you at all?" Carolyn asked Imam as he stood over head at the entrance with Ali at his side, the youngest of the three.

"Alas, it is not permitted, especially while on Hajj." He explained.

"You know there's no water right?" Johns said with a rather bored drawl to his voice.

"All desserts have water. It only waits to be found." Imam said with a proud stance and strong faith in Allah. "Here. Take one of mine." Harry said as he climbed up to Imam. Harry had already had a growing respect for Imam who was unwavering in all that had happened. "Oh no Harry. I could not take yours." He protested.

"Then take it for your youngest…who knows how long we may be here." Imam looked into Harry's eyes. Showing that he had a caring and old matured side. One that showed an age far greater then how old he looked. "Thank you. May Allah smile upon you." He said and gratefully took the Jug in hand while Harry smiled at him before stepping out and sighed as hear heard Paris say something along the lines of 'All the more for me'

Back in the ship Riddick had enough with sitting around. He turned his head to look up the Beam that held him through the small tear in the blindfold to see the beam was split through close to the ceiling. 'Sloppy Johns…very sloppy.' He turned back to look ahead of him and saw a welding torch ahead of him and then, within the second, he had a way out. He easily pushed himself up.

Picked himself up on his toes even and began to lift his arms. He took a deep breath then…



He forced both his shoulders to dislocate and finished bringing them over his head before snapping his shoulders back into place. He gave a grunt before falling onto his knees and grabbed the torch before hitting the floor and burning off his restraints.

Once free he pulled out the black goggles from his pocket and put them on after taking off the blind fold then ripped out the bit and moved his jaw around, it being sore from having the bit in his mouth since his capture. He stood and tweaked his neck and shoulders before her hurried out of the ship and left the bit and blindfold to show that he was heading toward the setting sun before turning back and going the other way after dropping his false trail. He was a good distance away that he turned back as he could hear the distant voices of one of the boys calling to the adults. Johns was the first to the ship and the first to see Riddick gone before he followed the path Riddick had first taken. He smirked as he looked over the panicking settlers, stopping on one in particular. A boy with long black hair and slender body. He smirked as he watched the young man a bit before turning to leave. "See ya soon." And he ran off into the distance.

Harry watched as Johns ran out a distance from the ship and knelt down to find the restraints the Riddick had thrown away. He could almost taste the fear that came over some of the others survivors. "Let's see what's in the hold. See if there's anything we can use fend him off." Said Carolyn and she turned and headed toward the container. Once inside, Johns went for a large lock box holding a rather big gun and rounds for it and the smaller pistol. He loaded them both and attacked them to his person as Paris came from the back carrying a very of different and old looking weapons.

"And what the hell are these?" Carolyn asked and pointed to one of the weapons at his arm.

"They're Maratha crow-bill War picks. Very rare." Paris turned to place them down so that the others could get to them. "And this?" Zeke asked as he pulled something from Paris other arm.

"That's a hunting blow-dart pipe from Papua New Guinea. That's very rare, since the tribe is now extinct." Paris said as he put down the war picks.

"Cause they couldn't hunt shit with these things would be my guess." Zeke said with annoyance before handing it back to Paris then going on to gather a few things himself.

"What's the point?" Paris said. "If the mans gone then he's gone, why should he bother us?" Harry finished helping Shazza getting a few other things.

"Probably to take what you got. Maybe work your nerves." Johns turned and looked right at Paris with seriousness in his voice the entire time. "Or maybe to skull fuck you in your sleep." He said, a glint of humor in his eyes before leaving.

"Sounds like a charmer." Shazza said and looked to Harry who shrugged before following her out, Jack behind them holding some strange hunting boomerang of some kind.

Out side Zeke and Shazza got to work on setting up machines to help the others breath a bit better when breathing became a little hard to do in the planets natural and dusty air.
Jack was testing one as Harry came up to them and looked them over. "What are these for?"

"Well in prospecting old mines and such. The air would get thin the lower you got. So these were made up to help the miners and other prospectors breath easier when the were working hard. But keep an eye on our gauge. We only have enough tanks for everyone to have two." She warned.

He nodded and looked to jack who smiled up at Harry and held out his to him and Harry thanked Jack with a smile and slung it over his shoulder.

"What's a kid like you doing out here Jack? Where are your Parents?" Harry asked and Jack just shrugged his shoulders with a sigh. "Never knew them. Grew up in a children's home. A real shitty one too. Hopped on the first ship I could and never looked back." He said and there Harry regretted ever asking the question. He was trying to force away the feeling that spurred up by the connections he was making with the younger boy. He didn't want to connect with anyone again.

"Sorry to hear that." He said and turned away as Carolyn and Imam talked about getting started on finding water.

"Excuse me," Paris said short of breath. "I think you should see this."

"What is it Shazza asked as they followed him around the ship from where he came and were shocked by what they saw.

The rising of third sun, burning bright and blue.

"Three suns?" Jack asked as he turned to Carolyn.

"Bloody hell"

"So much for your night fall." Zeke said a little annoyed.

"So much for my cocktail hour." Paris added with a light tone of humor that no one seemed to laugh at and Harry rolled his eyes and sighed.

"We take this as a good sign." Imam said with a broad smile and hand on Suleiman's shoulder, "Direction from Allah. Blue water."

"Ever wonder why I'm an atheist?" Zeke said before walking off and going back to his task of gathering the bodies and giving them a proper burial.

"That's a bad sign, that's Riddick's direction." Johns said pointing toward the sun.

"Thought you found his restraints of there, heading toward sunset?" Carolyn asked

"Right, which means he went towards sunrise."

"How do you know that?" Harry asked as he stepped up to him, confusion and suspicion running through his eyes. "Been chasing Riddick around the stars for years. That's just something that he would do." Johns said and walked to Zeke. "Zeke. Fully loaded clip, safety's on. One shot if you spot him okay?"

Zeke nodded and holstered the gun as Paris came up, a bit worried. "But what if Mr. Riddick spots us first?"

Johns smirked, "Then there will be no shots."

Harry walked behind Carolyn Imam and his sons bringing up the rear while Johns lead them through the canyon. Imams chanting sounded through the canyon and all around them as they walked. But as Harry looked around the canyon, he couldn't help but feel as if eyes were on him.

They continued till sudden Johns shouted back at Imam to be quiet and ran up the rocks. Harry came up to Carolyn and Imam up to them. The boys stayed back a bit before picking up stones and throwing them rather randomly. "What are hey doing?" Harry asked as he brushed a hair out of his face that the wind loosen from his ponytail and blew into his face.

"Seven stones to keep the devil at bay." He said with a light smile. "You were on your way to New Mecca right?" Carolyn asked.
"Once in every life, should there be a great Hajj, great pilgrimage. To get to know Allah better, yes?" Carolyn said nothing as Harry looked to Imam and the boys. A feeling of Envy towards them. Having something to believe in and too look forward to.

"We are all part of the same Hajj now." Imam said and walked away...the boys seeing him go turned and moved the keep up with him.

Harry and Carolyn followed after them, Harry turning to her and noticing a sick like look on Carolyn's face, "Are you alright?"

She broke from her thoughts and turned to him with a light nod. "I'm fine...just the heat getting to me. I'll be alright once we find water." She said and passed him, following the boys and Imam. Harry watched them before looking away and at the stones at his feet, biting into his lip. 'I do not care…I do not care I do...not…care. I will not care for these people. I will not. It will not happen again.'

Harry opened his eyes again and followed after the other and mentally continued his rant in his mind, still not able to shake the feeling of someone watching him.

It didn't take long for Johns to spot something in the distance, tress he had said and they hoped that it meant the chance of water. But when they reached the cliff that was just before the trees, was it revealed that they were not trees, but bones of some kind that lead to the spine of a massive skeleton of a long dead animal. There were many more scattering the remains of what could have been a river at some point.

"A communal graveyard perhaps….like the Elephants of earth." Imam said as one of the boys spoke up, "He says he wonders what could have killed so many great things." He translated, as Carolyn looked around. "Is this whole planet dead?"

"Lets keep moving?" Johns said. "There is a way down just there. We can climb down and walk along the bottom and stay in the shade." He said and pointed to the path.

"But no one wander too far from the others." He warned before he went ahead and lead the others down.

They headed into the old river bed, stumbling a bit over the uneven and loose soil. Once at the bottom Imam and the boys wandered around to look for any signs of water in the area. Carolyn and Harry went to help while Johns went and scouted the area for Riddick.

Imam instructed them in a quick and easy way to detect signs of water before they split into small groups, though staying close that if something were to happen, the others would here.

Harry wandered a bit father then intended and sighed as the heat was really starting to beat down on him. Being Immortal didn't save him from the feeling of hunger or thirst. Tiredness or pain. He sighed as he leaned against the body of one of the large beasts and wiped the beads of sweat from his brow. Suddenly, from the gaping hole in the ribcage of the creature, a strong arm shot out and grabbed Harry and dragged him into the shadow of the skeleton. Harry would have gasped had not a strong hand caver his mouth and the arm that had dragged him in was like a iron band around his arms and middle and held him tightly to a strong and broad chest.

The man that held him took a deep breath, taking in Harry's sweet and earthy scent, then let out a satisfied sigh like the smell of the young man in his arms was the most delicious and peaceful thing he had ever smelled. " you smell good." Riddick said as his nose and lips gently brushed the soft skin on Harry's neck and the curve to were it met his shoulder. The feeling made Harry shiver slightly against him as he felt the hands of the man loosen ever so slightly and caressed him through his clothing. Riddick chuckled, a deep and hearty sound that made something in Harry Cinch up, "You like this.." He said as his hand traced Harry's lips and he smirked as he felt the boys lips part.

Harry let out a sigh as he stopped his struggling against Riddick, instead he leaned back into him, pressing himself into him. A light and rumbling growl escaped Riddick's lips but Harry could feel it leaving the hard chest he leaned against. Harry just seemed to fit against him, like two pieces from the same puzzle finally coming together and finishing the image they were meant to make. His hands began to possessively, and with a gentle roughness, run against Harry's chest and sides. Harry bit his lip at the feelings that Riddick was making him feel. The electricity from his finger tips that made him feel almost weak in the knees. His hot breath on his neck as he pulled Harry closer to him and his head leaned into the back of Harry's shoulder. Harry silently wished that those strong hands were against his skin, bringing him to new heights.

'Wait! What Am I thinking? He's a killer!"

But his thoughts fled him as he felt a growing and pulsating hardness against his back, making him grow hard as well.

"How very interesting." Riddick said in a haughty whisper as his hand trailed down to Harry's pants, brushing over the growing bulge. Harry's mind restarted and his eyes snapped open and he pulled away from Riddick, his hand going to the knife at his waist as he turned to glare the goggled eyes of the much bigger man who gave Harry a handsome smirk. One that made Harry almost want to jump back into those strong arms.

'Why am I…so drawn to him? Why is he affecting me so?'

Harry had had a few lovers over the years. Some not worthy to mention, some mere one night excursions others mere experimentation.

He had slept with both men and women, but none of them in his many years had affected him like this. None of made his blood boil and his skin grow hot. Made him nearly burst with need at the mere sight of them as Riddick had.

Was it the danger that excited him? Was it the feel of the mans breath and hands over him? Was it the fact that Riddick's bronzed skin, tall and muscular build and rough and husky voice drove him out of his mind? Harry didn't know. All he knew is that he had to use every fiber of his being not to drop to his knees and beg for Riddick to take him there in the rocks and dirt and sand.

The two stared at each other intensely, mixture of desire and anger in Harry's eyes and Riddick's, though Harry could not see, held lust and amusement.

The two began to circle each other in the large chest cavity of the long dead animal and never once broke eye contact with the exception that Harry took notice of the hand made Shiv in Riddiks hand. Looked like it was made of bone, crudely hand carved and shaped with a stone. Harry pulled out his knife and held it in a defensive manner as he kept in step with Riddick who looked to be enjoying himself.

As if to test Harry and see how far he would go, he playfully jumped forward a bit, causing Harry to jump back and he gave a deep throated chuckle. Glaring at the taunt that Riddick gave, Harry lunged forward and swung his blade at Riddick.

Riddick blocked the blow with his bone blade, a small nick in the bone. Harry pushed against the blade and stepped back and glared again at the much larger man. Riddick smirked and this time lunged at Harry, locking there weapons and harry swing to bring his free arm into contact with the Criminals face. But his arm was cat in a mid air swing. Riddick tightly gripped his wrist and with a twist, forced Harry to face away from him and made him drop the knife that he kicked away and held him tightly to his chest.

He pushed Harry to the rock wall that came through the ribcage and turned him and pressed his back there before he smirked at the boy and pressed his body against him and pinned him there and pinned his hands up over his head. "Feisty little thing.." He said and met Harry's eyes. "..I like that." He said and leaned up and pressed his lips against Harry's in a rough and heated kiss.