Exactly one person at William McKinley High School was not shocked when Noah Puckerman and Rachel Berry walked in on a Monday morning in late October holding hands. Ok, so that wasn't entirely true. Even Santana was a little surprised. She had no doubts that after the results of her little sin-tervention, the two would be official, but still, Puck didn't do hand-holding. Berry's tiny little hand tucked into the crook of his elbow? Sure, that was a near-daily occurrence. His arm slung lazily over her shoulders or wound around her waist, fingers tickling at her hip? All the time. But holding hands just wasn't in his line-up. Santana could recall maybe two times during Quinn's pregnancy that he had held her hand, but that was it. So, maybe there was more to this thing than even Santana had realized.

After about a month, the shock of never seeing Puck without his fingers interlocked with Rachel's (and of seeing him in math class at all) had pretty much worn off. For the first week or so, everyone had assumed it was either a joke or a publicity stunt to raise their respective stocks in the school – sort of a more well thought out version of "Run Joey Run," for those who were around for that disaster. But when the only change to the arrangement was that the two appeared even more into each other over time, the rest of the student body just kind of accepted that the whole Puck and Rachel thing was really happening. Then for some reason, when they walked in the door from Christmas break, his callused fingers wrapped securely around her little yellow mitten, it seemed that everyone fell back into that initial state of surprise. Sure, they had been together when classes broke for the holidays, but no one (again, except Santana and now maybe Kurt and Brittany) expected them to still be together. After all, it had been over two months. With the exception of Quinn's pregnancy, which no one considered to be a real relationship anyway (at least not an actual romantic one that would have existed on its own), Puck had never had a true girlfriend at all, let alone one that he kept around that long.

One afternoon toward the end of January, Rachel pulled Puck into a corner on their way to her locker (they shared hers for the English class they had together in the afternoon and their respective math classes in the morning, and used his to hold the books and binders for the other classes in between) to ask if he felt like people were staring at them.

"C'mon babe, we're two hot Jews, 'course they're starin'."

"Noah, I'm being serious," Rachel snuck a glance around her before leaning a little closer. "I can feel them all watching us. Is there – Is there something wrong with me? Did one of those Neanderthals put something on my back again?" She craned her neck to try to see the back of herself, doing a half-spin in the process. Puck was reminded of a puppy – a really freakin' cute puppy – chasing its tail.

"C'mere babe." He reached out, both hands grasping her shoulders, to stop her. "There's nothin' wrong with you. " He let his hands slide off her shoulders and down her back as he pulled her closer. "That's kinda the point."

Rachel clearly didn't understand. She pursed her lips and tilted her head, studying his face as if the answer were written somewhere there. When Puck only smirked back at her, she crossed her arms over her chest, putting a little more distance between them. He rolled his eyes before pulling her against him, leaving her arms trapped between them.

"Rachel, everybody's starin' 'cause they didn't expect me to hold onto you this long. They all thought you'da got sick 'a me by now and kicked me to the curb." He didn't add that it also went the other way, that a lot of people were shocked that the McKinley High badass stud had stuck with the Broadway obsessed glee-freak. What? He sure as shit didn't agree with that assessment, but he also couldn't help that idiots talked in the locker room. He could, however, make sure that the same idiot didn't do it more than once. Azimio and his broken nose were proof of that. (Although, Puck always made sure it couldn't be traced back to him through any means other than the unreliable mouths of the idiots he knocked some sense into – idiots who weren't likely to be talking any time soon. He didn't need his ma or his case worker or his girl – especially his girl – finding out.)

"Noah, that's ridiculous."

"No baby, it's true. There's no good reason a guy like me should be able to hold onto a girl like you, but I have. They just don't get it." He didn't care what his moron classmates thought; he knew he was getting the good end of this deal. Even he couldn't really put a finger on why she stuck with him. (Outwardly, he credited his badass-ness and his guns, but he knew that for Rachel, those things played a minor role, if any at all.)

"Noah," this time his name came out as a sigh and she looked up at him with wide, glistening eyes. Rachel unfolded her arms to wrap them around his neck, one hand snaking up to tickle across the hairs of his 'hawk. "Do I tell you often enough what a wonderful boyfriend you are?"

"Wouldn't hurt to hear it again." He smirked down at her.

"Well," Rachel took a step closer, their bodies gently pressed against one another and their breaths mingling together. "To start with, as much as you pretend not to be, you're incredibly sweet. And to be perfectly honest, I kind of like that I'm the only one who knows it."

As if to prove Rachel's point, Puck leaned forward slightly to kiss the tip of her nose.

"Then, as if that weren't enough, I know I can always count on you to be there when I need you." She smiled up at him almost mischievously before pushing up onto her toes and pressing her cheek to his so she could whisper huskily into his ear. "And, to top it all off, you are incredibly sexy."

Puck gulped and his mouth went a little dry on that last part. Taking into consideration how their relationship had gotten started, they had been taking things pretty slowly since. It wasn't like they'd gone backward, they revisited those initial activities frequently (and his girl was not selfish, let's just say that the first time was the last time he'd had to make a bathroom run), but they hadn't gone forward either. But lately, Rachel seemed to be getting bolder. She was no longer content just to go along whenever he kicked things into gear, now lighting the fuse herself as often as not. And she had been increasingly, well, forward, in public. He didn't want to push her – that was one thing he promised himself he would never do – but he couldn't help but think about what they weren't doing when she did things like tell him how sexy he was in the middle of a crowded hallway.

Almost praying not to break whatever spell she had seemingly been under lately, Puck replied with a simple, "Well babe, you're not so bad yourself."


The next morning, Rachel walked briskly, determinedly, to Santana's locker, clutching her math materials to her chest. "Good morning Brittany. Tina. Santana, a word?" Without waiting for Santana's response, Rachel grabbed one of the straps of her backpack and pulled her down the hall to a bench in a relatively quiet alcove.

"What the hell, Manhands?" Santana glared at Rachel as she was pulled down to sit.

"Really, Santana?" Rachel rolled her eyes as she released the other girl and smoothed her hands over her skirt. "I'm really quite disappointed in the lack of creativity, or accuracy, for that matter, in your insulting nicknames. I mean, although they certainly didn't require much thought, at least the monikers 'dwarf' or 'midget,' while still technically inaccurate, made some sense, given my admittedly small stature. But 'manhands' is not only dull and overused, but also highly invalid, mainly given said small stature." Rachel spread her hands in front of her so that both girls could see them, wiggling her fingers a little and running the tip of one index finger over the nail of the other and frowning at the chip in the polish. "My hands are very feminine, if I do say so myself." She folded them primly in her lap and watched as Santana pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"Oh dear God how does Puckerman put up with you?" Santana pressed two fingers into each temple and glared back at Rachel. "Is there a point here?"

"First of all, I resent the implication that Noah has to 'put up' with me, when what we have is -,"

"Yeah yeah, a beautiful relationship, mutual trust, respect, whatever. I get it Berry." She stopped when she noticed the mildly hurt expression on Rachel's face. "And okay," she rolled her eyes, "I guess I see it. You and Puckerman work. You make sense or whatever. Oh don't look so surprised," she smirked at the wide-eyed expression on Rachel's face, "if anything I should be saying 'I told you so.' Or ya know, maybe 'you're welcome,' since neither of you ever bothered to reply to my texts. Two months," she clucked her tongue, "such bad manners."

"Okay Santana," Rachel huffed a little and crossed her arms over her chest, pressing her back against the wall behind her. "I get it. You were right. I had feelings for Noah and I never should have argued otherwise. And yes, your" she fought the urge to say 'interference,' given the word's negative connotation, "suggestions definitely helped get us to the point we are at today." She rolled her eyes as Santana flipped her ponytail over her shoulder and grinned, satisfied. "Anyway," she cleared her throat and dropped her hands back to her lap, her fingers twisting together anxiously, "I suppose you could say that's why I'm here, why I pulled you away from the others. I-I need your advice again."

"What," Santana studied her own nails casually, "you come to your senses this time around? Decide to come ask me yourself this time instead of making me drag it out of you?"

Rachel lifted one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. "I guess you could put it that way, yes."

"Well hob-Rachel, let's have it. I don't got all day here."

"Right. I apologize. Well, you see, given that you were basically the catalyst that put certain events into motion, you are very aware of how mine and Noah's relationship started." Rachel frowned a little and scrunched up her nose. "Well, I mean, when it officially started, at least in its current incarnation. I hate to imply that our relationship formed based solely on -,"

"Puck's wanted you for like, a year, and not just for the sex stuff. I just gave both of your stubborn asses a push in the right direction. Doesn't mean that's like, all your relationship is or what it's about. That what you wanna hear?"

Rachel smiled, lowering her head to hide her blush. "Yes Santana, if you are sincere, and I truly believe that you are, that is lovely to hear. But again, that brings me to the current issue that I would like to ask for your assistance on. As I was saying, you know how our relationship came to be pushed into existence, as you put it, and the fact that you are the only person who knows that, as well as the fact that you did in fact give such good advice last time, you are really the only person who I feel comfortable coming to with this issue."

Santana rolled her eyes, annoyed with Rachel's wordiness, but a little proud of herself at the same time.

"You see, it's been more than two lovely months, and in that time, while we have no problem returning to those initial activities," Rachel's face glowed nearly the same color as Santana's Cheerios uniform, "we haven't exactly added any new activities to the repertoire. And lately -,"

"Wait. So, you're telling me Noah fucking Puckerman, pun intended, has been okay with just like, going down on you for the past two months?"

"Well," Rachel looked around, terrified at who might have just heard Santana's crass question. Seeing no one in ear shot, she continued. "Not exactly. I mean, I'm more than happy to return the attention."

"Whoa!" Santana cut both hands through the air between them and visibly shuddered. "Okay. Enough. I don't need all the dirty details of your and Puck's sex life." She shook her head. "Oral life. Whatever."

Rachel gasped. "Oh Santana, you're right. I'm so sorry. That was entirely inappropriate." She covered her mouth with her hand but Santana only waved her off flippantly then gestured for her to get on with the story. "Anyway," Rachel continued, much more quietly than before, her eyes trained on her lap, "lately I've been thinking that, well, maybe I'm ready to change that."

"Way to go Berry. Get you some."

Rachel didn't respond to the interruption, continuing with her speech. "But the problem, if you can really call it that, is that Noah has been a perfect gentleman this entire time," Santana snorted a laugh, and again Rachel ignored her, "and he's so insistent on not pushing me that I can't seem to make him see that he wouldn't be pushing, that I'm ready."

"So," Santana's eyebrows drew down as she cocked her head and studied Rachel carefully, "you like, told him you wanna do the nasty and he turned you down?"

"No," Rachel drew the word out. "I mean, that's not entirely how it happened." She picked again at her chipped nail while Santana just lifted an eyebrow and waited for her to continue. "It's just, I'm not the type of girl who can just come out and say something like that. I'm not like you." She stilled her hands and darted her eyes up to meet Santana's. "That type of … of forwardness doesn't work for me. But I've been dropping hints for weeks now, and he hasn't responded at all."

Santana groaned a little and let her head drop back so that she was studying the ceiling. Really, why did she bother with these people? "Okay, Rachel, look, you're about as subtle as a foghorn. And this is Noah fucking Puckerman we're dealing with here, again, pun intended. Trust me, if you were really dropping hints that you wanted to get it on, he'da been all over that shit. So maybe you're not really dropping hints."

"But -,"

"No. Hear me out here. You're tellin' yourself you're ready and that you're givin' him hints. But obviously, if he's not gettin' it, then your hints are shit. So maybe," she paused and shook her head, rolling her eyes at herself before continuing, "damn you people better be glad nice-Tana makes Britt happy and that I like my girl happy -"

This was nice?

"- maybe you're not really ready. Maybe you think you should be, or that you need to be, to like keep him around or whatever, but that's not the case. Like I said, Puck's wanted you, and not just in a sexual way, for a long ass time. And since you two been together, he's happy. Like, Jewfro-hasn't-seen-the-inside-of-a-dumpster-in-months happy. Now, will his head probably explode whenever you two finally have your hot Jew-sex? Probably." She paused for a second and chuckled at something, though Rachel didn't know what. "Pun not intended that time. But seriously Rachel, I don't really know when I've seen him like this before – all calm and comfortable in his own skin – so whatever you're doin', sexual and otherwise, it's working." Santana heard Rachel's faint sniffle and saw her moving toward her, but she didn't have time to move, so she just stiffened as Rachel's arms wrapped around her body.

"Sorry, I had to do that," Rachel smiled sheepishly as she pulled back.

"Whatever." Santana made a show of dusting herself off and straightened her uniform. "Anyway. Whenever you're really ready, it'll just happen. Naturally. So, ya know, just go with the flow or whatever."

Rachel gathered up the books she had set on the bench beside her when she and Santana first sat down and stood to look down at the other girl. "Thank you Santana. That was wonderful advice, and just what I needed to hear. I knew you were the right person to come to with this issue. I'll see you later in glee. I look forward to hearing what you have to share with us this week."

Santana only shook her head as she watched Rachel disappear into the sea of people heading to their first period classes. Before she had a chance to start toward her own class, though, she was cut off by the other half of Puckleberry stalking toward her from the open door of the boys' locker room. "What the hell was that? You two were talking. Alone. She hugged you."

"Creep much?" Santana crossed her arms and watched him make his way across the hall to her. "Just how long were you watching us?"

"Long enough. Now spill."

"Don't worry Puckerman, I wouldn't dream of bringing your princess over to the dark side."

"Seriously Santana, what's going on? I know what happened the last time you two talked like that, so right now I don't know whether to be excited or fucking terrified."

"Relax Puck. It was just a little girl talk." She hiked her backpack a little higher onto her shoulders and stood to face him squarely, planting one hand on her hip and using the other to pat his cheek a little more roughly than Puck would have liked. "But listen to me right now, pendejo," she slid her hand off his face to jam one very sharp fingernail into his chest, "Broadway's putting a lot on the line for you. And she trusts you. A fucking lot. She's a good girl and she thinks you're a good guy. At least, that you're a good guy for her." She turned on one heel and took a couple steps away from him before turning to call back to him over her shoulder, "Don't fuck it up, Noah."

Puck stared at her, confused, until she was nearly halfway down the hall. He finally got it together and called to her retreating back, "Didn't plan on it, Satan!"


Forget TGIF, Rachel was more of a TGIW (Thank God It's Wednesday) kind of girl. It was as if the stars had aligned to make Wednesdays 'Rachel and Noah' days. Wednesday was the day that both of her fathers stayed at work late to get caught up on work from the beginning of the week and to get a jump start on Thursday and Friday so that they could be sure the weekend would be free. They always followed this up with a nice dinner somewhere, just the two of them. (They believed that romance and making time for one another was an essential part of any healthy relationship. Rachel wholeheartedly agreed.) That put them getting home no earlier than 9:30 or so for that one night every week.

Wednesday was also the day that Sarah rode the bus to Nana Connie's to spend the night, meaning that Noah was free of the babysitting duties that were his responsibility every other week night. (The fact that he fulfilled those duties without any serious complaints was just another of the things that Rachel adored about him, and she often spent at least one or two nights a week sharing that responsibility with him and helping him entertain the pre-teen.) So, what all that really boiled down to was that the young couple often spent more time together, truly together without any distractions or friends or family members, on Wednesdays than any other day of the week, including weekends.

Basically, Wednesdays were 'date night.' And yeah, okay, date night in an empty house for two teenagers definitely meant sexual gratification ('cause even if what they were doing wasn't actually sex, it was definitely gratifying) on a pretty regular basis. It also always meant a Rachel Berry home-cooked meal, the entire ABC comedy line-up, and lots of cuddling. And while Noah had certainly changed her mind regarding certain oral acts (as well as their manual counterparts), Rachel would be lying if she said anything other than the cuddling was her favorite part. She just couldn't find the words, even in her vast vocabulary, to describe how good, how warm, how loved she felt when they were lying on the couch watching ridiculous sitcom antics and Noah's solid, strong body was practically wrapped around hers. (And she was pretty sure, even though he'd never actually said it, that Noah was quite fond of that part as well. She always caught him burying his nose in her hair and running his fingertips in wide circles over whatever skin he could find, even if it was just her forearm or some other, equally un-sexy, body part.)

On the first Wednesday after Rachel's conversation in the hall with Santana, she felt much more relaxed than she had in weeks. She hadn't given up on the feeling that she was ready to take the next step with Noah, but her conversation with her teammate had certainly put her at ease. Rachel had to admit, not for the first time, that Santana's advice on these particular matters was good. If she couldn't bring herself to initiate it, or at least tell Noah she was ready for sex, then maybe she really wasn't as ready as she thought she was. And she had never really thought that she would lose Noah if she didn't have sex with him, but hearing it out loud from someone else, from Santana, no less, was definitely comforting. So she decided to let it go; it would happen when it happened. After all, she had a sweet, dependable, sexy boyfriend whom she should just be focused on enjoying and appreciating. She was sure that when they were ready, the two of them, as a couple, it would happen naturally. And that decision made it the best Wednesday in a while.

Puck noticed the difference in Rachel that week. She had been so excited when, after just a couple weeks of dating, she'd realized how much time they got alone together on Wednesdays. And more than once he'd given her a hard time about "sitting around the house doing nothing" for hours on that one night every week, but he loved it. He loved that there were no dads, no mom or Sarah, no friends to 'accidentally' get in the way (there was no way Finn hadn't known Rachel was over that Saturday he came busting into Puck's house with Madden 12 and all the glee guys in tow – no way), no glee, no distractions at all. In fact, the only time she even sang on Wednesday nights was under her breath with the tv or with the radio while she was cooking – and he loved her singing, but he liked it the most that way, without the pressure of it being for like, a competition or assignment or whatever. And he loved her cooking, even when she didn't make a 'carnivorous' alternative for him, and since his mom worked nights, it was often the only fresh, home-cooked meal he got during the week. Hell, he even grew to like the goofy shows she made him watch. So maybe 'Happy Endings' wasn't exactly what it sounded like (and yeah, he knew it was on network tv, but he couldn't help but hope), but that shit was pretty funny. But for the past few weeks, she'd been different. She was all tense, and they'd be watching tv, and she wouldn't be laughing, like, even when 'Modern Family' was on and Cam and Mitchell had this big like, disagreement over Cam's birthday party and 'following the birthday flag,' and he knows that's right up her alley, and then next thing he knew she was on top of him pushing her tongue into his mouth and holding onto his shirt like she was afraid he would disappear if she let go for even a second. And ok, he went along with it, 'cause, hello, he's never, ever, gonna say no to makin' out with his girl. But still, it was different, cause after a little while she'd fizzle out and she'd look at him kinda sad before she rolled off and curled back into him, locking her fingers with his and squeezing super tight, and he had no fuckin' clue what that was all about. Now finally, his Rachel was back. She was cool, and chill, and laughing and bouncing around the kitchen while she made some eggplant thing that he would grumble about but probably love. It still made him a little uncomfortable that all this change had come right after he saw his girl talkin' off in some corner with Satan, but that wasn't about to stop him from enjoying it.

Later, after homework (because apparently, being with Rachel also made him a much better student) and eggplant casserole, Puck sat on one end of the couch, one hand clutching a Coke bottle and hanging off the arm and the other running over Rachel's back where she lay with her head in his lap. He looked down at his girl when he heard her sigh.

"I hate reruns. It's just ridiculous that we have to wait from Christmas until February for new shows. Don't they know people care about these characters!"

Puck laughed and scratched up and down her spine a couple times before responding. "Wanna change the channel? 'M sure we could find an episode of something on cable ya haven't seen before, or a movie or something."

"No," she sighed again, "it's still funny when Sue dresses up as the crayon. And her first kiss story is cute and actually quite uplifting."

Right. Puck was more of an Axl guy himself (he wished he could get away with walking around in his underwear all the time, but his ma would bite his head off), but whatever. "Whatever you want babe."

Rachel hummed (purred) a little and pushed herself farther up into Noah's lap so that her head rested on the arm of the couch and most of her upper body stretched across his legs. Without new and interesting storylines on her favorite shows to entertain her, she found herself getting lost in the feeling of Noah's fingers tracing random, soothing patterns over her back. It had been a while since she'd enjoyed a Wednesday this much. She had never stopped being happy with Noah, of course. She'd just let the sex thing get so into her head that it was hard to just relax and be herself when they were alone. It was nice to have that back.

She closed her eyes and tucked her arms under her, flattening her back a bit more, when his fingers slipped under her shirt to run over her bare back. She loved when Noah rubbed her back. Not even in a massage kind of way, but just with his fingers moving lightly over her skin, or even scratching gently. It was soothing, and it seemed very intimate to her. It had only been a couple minutes, not even the full length of the commercial break, but Rachel felt herself starting to drift off when she felt a tug on the back of her shirt. She twisted to look up at Noah, who was looking back at her questioningly, one eyebrow lifted and a small, sweet smile tugging at his lips. Rachel wasn't stupid; she knew what the removal of clothing generally led to. (And she certainly wouldn't mind if that's where things headed. Again, she wasn't stupid.) But she knew that while that thought was most definitely bouncing around in Noah's head, it wasn't the main reason he was asking if she wanted to take off her shirt. He would be sure to capitalize on the lack of clothing later, but his initial motivation, Rachel was pretty sure, was that he was getting annoyed by having his arm pinned down by her sweater.

When Rachel pushed herself off him, rocking back onto her heels to tug her sweater over her head, Puck leaned forward to drop his Coke bottle onto the coffee table, pulling her in for a kiss by the sweater that was hanging off both her arms on his way back. He smirked at her blush when his eyes skimmed over her body, then gripped her arm gently and tugged her back onto his lap once she had folded her sweater neatly and set it on the table next to his soda. "Much better." He grinned at her giggle when he went back to rubbing her back and ran his newly empty hand through her hair.

By the time the closing credits of 'The Middle' were rolling, Puck really thought Rachel was asleep. He couldn't see her face to be sure, but she hadn't said anything in like, 10 minutes (a lifetime by Rachel Berry standards) and her breathing was all deep and even, and even though it was only 8:30, he knew how she got when they just sat around and he like, petted her, or whatever. But then she shifted, folding her hands under her cheek and settling a little deeper onto him and when he ran his hand up under the back of her bra, she said, "You can just take that off, if you want," all quiet and without really moving. Fuck yeah he wanted. Without actually answering, he flicked his thumb and two fingers over the clasp and sent the two sides of the cute little silky yellow number falling away from her body. He heard her giggle at the triumphant "score" he let out under his breath, but when she sat up to slide the straps over her shoulders and off her arms, she turned to look at him and looked really fuckin' serious all of a sudden. Rachel just kind of tossed the bra behind her onto the table without taking her eyes off him and when she leaned into him, his arms instinctively wrapped around her, one hand on the small of her back pressing her against him and the other splayed between her bare shoulder blades. He felt her hands on his face half a second before her lips hit his, almost instantly drawing his bottom lip between both of hers.

Rachel had decided to just go with the flow, let things happen naturally. Really. But this was different from all those other times she climbed on top of him with the intent of trying to get him to understand that she was ready for more. She'd been laying there for nearly 30 minutes, feeling Noah's hand running over her body, and it just felt so good. He just felt so good, and so right. And when she suggested taking off her bra, she really was just thinking of his convenience until she sat up and saw his face. And he wasn't even looking at her like that, not really, but he was looking at her and his hand was kind of resting on her knee while he waited for her to lie back down and she just really, really wanted him.

So maybe she was letting things happen naturally, after all.

They stayed that way for a minute or so, her on her knees next to Noah and his body twisted around so that he could kiss her and hold her and just kind of run his hands over her back. (And Rachel couldn't help but notice the difference between how that felt at that moment and how it had felt just moments before.) When she felt his teeth sink into her bottom lip, causing her to gasp and give him an opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth and over hers, Rachel slid her hands down to grip his shoulders as she turned a little and threw one leg over both of his so that their bodies were squared to one another and she was straddling him. A tingle slid down her spine when Noah's hands slid up so that both of his palms pressed against her shoulder blades and his long fingers hooked over her shoulders.

It wasn't long before the situation was escalating, Noah's mouth sliding across her cheek to tug at her earlobe then back across her jaw, and when he started working his way down the column of her throat, Rachel's head fell back and her hands slid down his chest and then over his stomach until her fingers were gripping the hem of his shirt. She gathered the material into her hands and forced her body to push away from his as she started to drag the shirt up his torso. His eyes, clear and kind of dancing and greener than usual, stared back into hers as he dragged his own hands around to the front of her body before lifting them over his head. She wondered if he felt it too, how different, how much more, everything seemed to be.

Puck watched Rachel, her eyes glued to his own and her mouth set determinedly, as she pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it behind her to join hers on the table. They'd done this dozens of times before – making out, clothes coming off, even the other stuff it tended to lead to – but for some reason, this shit felt big. It could have been the way she'd been all different lately and was finally back to herself, or the way she'd been so quiet through it all, not saying and just doing, but whatever it was, he had a feeling this was not like all the other times. He lowered his arms, but instead of immediately wrapping them around her and pulling her back in like he knew she expected (he knew his girl, and he knew that cute, confused little head tilt), he placed his hands flat against her stomach and moved them slowly up her body until he was cupping both of her boobs, his thumbs tracing smaller and smaller circles until they were just brushing over her nipples. He watched with a smirk as her eyelids drooped and she drew her top lip into her mouth between her teeth. He leaned forward enough to press his lips against her collarbone at her right shoulder and kissed his way across to the other side. Deciding she was sufficiently distracted, he slid one hand back around to her back and pushed the other into her hair then sat back against the back of the couch and pulled her with him until her mouth was back on his and her body was again pressed tight to him.

Rachel whimpered, then moaned, when her bare chest pressed against Noah's. She thought distractedly (very distractedly, because one of his hands was holding her to him, fingers almost digging into her back, and the other was pulling just a little at her hair and his mouth was … anyway …) that she'd never actually felt that before. Of course they'd gone that far, farther even, plenty of times, but the activities they typically engaged in didn't really call for them to be face-to-face (or by extension, chest-to-chest). Sure, she'd felt his body on hers before, his chest brushing across hers as they moved, but it was the first time she'd felt it like that, her breasts pressed against his chest and nearly every inch of her skin from her waist up coming into contact with his, and she liked it. A lot. She flexed her hands at his sides, then, realizing that there was nothing there for her to hold onto, slid them up his body – up his ribs to his shoulders, then over to wrap her arms around his neck.

Having Rachel in his lap, straddling him, her boobs pressed against his chest and her tongue doing that thing where it slides over his then runs along the roof of his mouth? Hot. And Puck was loving it. But since she was on his lap, he had to crane his neck back to reach her mouth, which he wasn't used to, and sure, he'dve been more than happy letting her mouth go and putting his own to work teasing one of her nipples like she loved, except, did he mention that her boobs were pressed against his chest? And he wasn't so okay giving that up just yet. So instead, he held her tight against him as he stood, then turned and propped one knee on the couch to support some of their weight as he lowered her down onto it. He got her laid out on the couch, one of her legs between his knee and the back of the couch and the other hanging off so her foot rested on the floor, her hair spread across the throw pillow her head rested on, and started to push himself up to take some of his weight off of her. He stopped when he felt her nails dig into his back. "No?" he asked, pulling his head back so he could see her face. She shook her head, and he moaned when she lifted her foot off the floor to wrap her leg around his waist and hold his hips down against hers. "Works for me," he mumbled into her neck as he lifted his own foot of the floor and settled himself between her legs.

Rachel being under him ensured that her tight, smooth little body wasn't going to go anywhere that wasn't pushed right up against his, Puck's hands were free to roam. He moved them both, one from her back and one from the back of her neck, to her hipbones, just above the waistline of her skirt. He ran his thumbs over her hips a few times while his mouth worked on marking her just behind her ear. He knew that hickeys in visible areas were a no-no, but when was the last time Rachel wore her hair up? No one would see that shit besides him, and even then, it would be the next time they were doing this, and that was just hot. When he was satisfied his girl now wore the Puckerman stamp of approval, he started moving his mouth down and his hands up. Just when his tongue hit that almost ticklish spot at the juncture of her neck and shoulder so that her eyes closed tight and her head twisted in the other direction to give him all the access he could need, his hands slid up the sides of her boobs and he arched his back to lift his own chest off hers just enough to slide his fingertips between them. He ran his fingers over her lightly a couple times at first, teasing her, then pressed his hands a little harder against her and pinched each nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger, rolling them a little, before he lowered himself back onto her and pushed his hands back down her sides toward her waist.

Rachel shivered when she felt Noah's thumbs dip under the waistbands of her skirt and panties just between her hipbones. She arched her back, pressing herself up against him, and moved her hands from his back to his face when he growled against her shoulder. She pulled him until they were eye-to-eye again and smiled at him quickly before she pulled him down so that his lips crashed onto hers. She was enjoying the taste of him, loving the confident way he both pushed his tongue into her mouth and sucked hers into his own, when she felt his hands moving around to the small of her back, all of his fingers now skimming across her skin beneath the fabric of her clothes. One hand pulled out of her skirt to grip the zipper and he stilled for a second before pulling back to look at her, as always, for permission to go farther. She was sure that if she opened her mouth, nothing intelligible would come out, so she just lifted her head to tug at his lip a little with her teeth and arched her hips off the couch. Noah was never one to waste time, and within seconds he was kneeling between her legs and pulling her skirt and panties down to her knees, then gently working first one leg and then the other free of the garments. Once she was completely naked beneath him, he tossed her last pieces of clothing onto the growing pile on the coffee table.

Still sitting up on his knees, his weight back on the heels of his feet, Noah grabbed each of her legs behind her knees and lifted them until she was lying with both knees bent, feet flat against the couch cushions. He slid both hands slowly down the outsides of her thighs then up the sides of her body until he moved them up onto her shoulders and began to work his way back down. He spread his fingers wide, barely touching her as he brushed his hands over her breasts and back down her body. Goosebumps popped up all over her legs when his hands ghosted up the insides of her thighs back to her knees. He kept going until he hit her ankles, then, holding them both in his hands, he grinned down at her and scooted back until he was practically sitting on the arm of the couch. That grin never failed to make Rachel's stomach clench and her skin burn. "God baby, the things I wanna do to you." And then there was just no accounting for the things that happened to her body when he growled at her like that. "The things I'm gonna make you feel. You ready for this?"

Rachel nodded and reached for him, dropping her hands to her sides when she realized she couldn't reach him without sitting up, which she was in no state to do. He chuckled at her a little then lifted the foot that wasn't trapped between his knee and the back of the couch until his mouth was on her ankle and moving down her calf with a series of kisses, licks, and nips. He stopped about halfway to her knee and murmured against her skin, "Always taste so fuckin' good. So perfect, Rach." He lowered her leg, and his own body with it, as his kisses traveled closer and closer to where she was already throbbing, aching almost. His mouth continued to move almost torturously slowly, but his hands moved faster, sliding up the backs of her thighs until he was cupping her butt in both hands. Finally, she felt his breath on her and she couldn't help but giggle when he kissed the sensitive skin at the crease of her thigh. She reached for him, grabbing his face and stopping him before he could press his lips against her core, which she knew he was seconds away from doing.

Puck jerked his head in her hands, looking up at her with his eyes wide and his eyebrows bunched together in confusion. "You don't want me to?" And if she said no, he'd totally stop. Always. But shit, he could spend like, all day every day down there and be happy. 'Cause Rachel Berry? Totally his favorite taste in the whole damn world.

The look on Noah's face, shocked and confused and even a little hurt, affected her so much that Rachel almost let him go and told him to go back to what he was doing, that she hadn't meant to stop him in the first place. But then, he squeezed her butt a little while he was waiting for her answer and she saw the muscles from his forearms all the way up into his shoulders and even a little across his back flexing and moving, and it wasn't that she didn't want him to do that so much as it was that she wanted him to do so much more. So instead of answering, she tugged on his head until he crawled back up her body and hovered over her, looking straight down into her eyes with more than a little confusion. She leaned up and traced the seam of his lips with her tongue until he relaxed a bit and lowered himself down onto her.

"Rachel," Puck mumbled out between kisses, because now she was kissing down his chin and onto his throat, and sue him if that made it a little difficult to concentrate, "do you," he moaned, shit, where were her hands going? "Do you wanna stop baby?" He was pretty sure she was trying to pay him back for that hickey he had given her earlier, and her hands were moving down his stomach and over his abs, and generally, that meant anything but stop. But then, he wasn't completely sure, since she'd hit the brakes just before what was normally her favorite part, and he always wanted to be completely sure. She pulled back from his neck and looked up at him, and oh shit was he in trouble, because he knew that smirk. That was his smirk. But before he had a chance to worry too much about what it might mean, his jeans were moving, sliding and twisting on his hips, and he looked down to see her delicate hands tugging first at his belt, then, once she'd gotten it open, at the button of his pants. "Hey babe, it's okay. I'm good with this bein' just for you." He shifted all his weight onto one arm and moved the other hand to his waist, where hers were currently working on his zipper, and tried to stop her, but she slapped him away and kept going, starting to work his jeans and underwear down over his hips. "Rach, seriously, consider it, like, repayment for this weekend when you were, ya know, outta commission or whatever and it was all about me." He had to grit his teeth together when she'd gotten his pants as far down his legs as she could reach and scraped her nails back up the backs of his thighs before stopping and tracing patterns onto his ass.

"Actually," Rachel kept one hand on Noah's butt and brought the other up to his face to cup his cheek and run her thumb over his cheekbone, "I was hoping maybe this would be about both of us." She watched him, amused and nervous, as his eyes flitted over her face while he tried to figure out exactly what she was saying and if she really meant it.

"Yeah?" Puck finally found his voice, after swallowing hard a couple times once he finally realized just what Rachel was saying. (What he thought she was saying – what he really, really hoped she was saying.) He grinned back when she smiled up at him and he kissed her thumb when she smoothed it over his lips.


He reached behind him quickly and jerked his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans and tossed it onto the arm of the couch behind Rachel's head before kicking his pants, and his briefs, almost frantically down his legs until finally they were caught on his feet and he had to twist his body around to jerk them off and throw them onto the table to complete the pile they had made.

Rachel wanted to laugh. Really. Because her badass boyfriend looked absolutely adorable and just plain silly kicking off his pants like that. But he was kicking off his pants, and she was already completely naked, and there was absolutely nothing funny about that. And then he was straightening his body back out and re-settling himself between her legs and she could feel him, already hard, pressing against her thigh. And that was new. She'd had him in her hands, and even her mouth, many times, and she'd felt him on her leg or stomach, straining against his jeans as they made out. But she'd never really felt him, hard and hot, velvety skin stretched taut, with anything other than her hand or her tongue. She realized that there was nothing between them; nothing stopping him from being inside her, a part of her, and she grabbed his face with both hands, kissing him hard, desperately.

Puck dove into the kiss, sliding a hand under her back and shifting all his weight to that arm and bringing the other hand to cover her boob. He stayed there for a couple minutes, first massaging it with his whole hand then plucking at her nipple with his fingers and finally rolling his thumb over it a few times before moving his hand down her stomach and sliding it between her legs. He moaned and dropped his forehead to the pillow under Rachel's head. "Fuck," he growled into her ear, "so wet baby. So good." He ran his middle finger up her slit and around her clit. "That for me, baby? Did I do that to you, Rachel?"

"Always Noah," Rachel breathed out and pressed her head into the pillow, her neck strained and her body arched up against his. "It's always for you."

Puck moaned again and dug his fingers into the small of Rachel's back. For someone who liked to talk as much as Rachel did, his girl was usually uncharacteristically quiet when he was going down on her. (Normally a question like that would be answered by Rachel biting her lip and nodding all timid-like and blushing, because no matter how many times he did it, she somehow still seemed a little sheepish when he buried his face in her, which for some reason, he kinda loved.) But hell, if she wanted to talk for this, if she wanted to say shit like that, he was game. Without taking his hand off of her, he bent to take one of her nipples into his mouth, closing his lips around it and sucking, then swirling his tongue over it. He felt her moving and opened his eyes, shifting them up to see her digging through his wallet, a look of grim determination on her face. Finally finding what he knew she had to be looking for, she smiled triumphantly and pulled the condom from the little pocket behind his license before throwing the wallet carelessly to the floor. And then he had to kiss her like, more than he'd ever had to kiss anyone ever, 'cause that was pretty much the hottest thing he'd ever seen. (And yeah, ok, that probably had something to do with the fact that it was Rachel, but whatever. Didn't change the facts.) He abandoned her chest and kissed her, sweeping his tongue through her mouth and dragging his teeth across her lips, until she was pressed into the couch and her hands were gripping the sides of his neck and he could feel the little foil packet pressing against his skin.

Rachel moaned into Noah's mouth when he sucked lightly on her tongue at the same time that he pushed his middle finger just barely into her and brushed his thumb over her clit. Before her brain caught up with her body to react, though, his hand was off her completely and the cool air she could feel taking the place of his warm hand made her whimper. He smiled against her mouth and kissed her sweetly, a series of quick, gentle pecks that contrasted greatly with the way he'd been kissing her just seconds before, as his hand came up to cover her own that was still holding the condom.

"You wanna do it?"

His voice was deep, gravelly, and she couldn't help but squeeze her thighs around his. She shook her head and smiled sheepishly. "I-I might mess it up. That was the only one." She loved the way he didn't act disappointed or even amused by her worry, only smiling at her before pressing his lips to her cheek.

"Another time then." Rachel nodded in agreement.

Puck slipped his arm out from under her and sat back on his heels, noting the way her eyes followed him then dropped to his dick once he was settled. She said she didn't wanna do it this time, which was cool (and he'd never get mad if his girl just wasn't ready to go all the way, but if she was ready and willing and then they had to stop 'cause they had a condom malfunction, he might just lose his shit), but that didn't mean she couldn't help. He picked up her right hand and guided it to him, moving slowly and giving her time to push herself up onto her other elbow. This she'd done before, and she was damn good at it, so once he had her fingers wrapped around him, he moved his own hand and went about opening the condom wrapper. She looked at him uncertainly for a second, but he leaned forward and kissed her, and she started stroking him, setting a slow but steady pace and twisting her wrist at the top every so often. He let her work for a minute or so, his eyes closed and his forehead pressed against hers, once he had the condom ready and waiting in his hand. Finally, he kissed her again and moved her hand gently, resting it on his hip, so he could roll the condom on.

Rachel watched, fascinated, as Noah rolled the condom smoothly over his length. And because she was still watching him, she couldn't miss the way he twitched when she licked her lips and let her nails bite into his skin. She looked back up to find him watching her much the way she had been watching him and lifted her hand to wrap around the back of his neck, fingers gripping his mohawk, so she could pull him with her as she laid back. She waited while he situated himself, once again, between her legs and on top of her. "I'm ready Noah," she whispered against his lips and closed her eyes when she felt his hand brush over her hip and her lower stomach as he reached to line himself up with her.

"You sure about this Rach? You wanna stop, we stop, but ya gotta tell me like, right now."

"Positive." She watched Noah's eyes widen just a little before he nodded and pushed his hips forward so that the head of his penis brushed against her and just teased at her entrance. Her eyes had fallen closed when he started to move, but they flew open when she felt him jerk his hips back and heard him suck in a hiss between his teeth. "Noah?" She stared up at him, concerned.

Fuck. He was ready to stop at so much as a hesitation from Rachel, but there she was with that big, neon, fucking flashing green light, and he's wanted this so bad for so long, and he's right there, and shit. It just felt so good and it was almost too much. And then she was looking at him like she was afraid she did something wrong, and he didn't know what else to tell her, so he decided he should probably just tell her that. "I'm good baby. You just feel so damn good. Too good." He leaned down to brush his nose along hers and kiss that spot on her neck just under her jaw that made her go a little bit liquid. "Just need a second to get my shit together."

"Noah," her voice had an amused lilt to it for a second, "you've done this before." And she knew he had, so she didn't know why it came out sounding so much like a question. She was just confused.

He pulled back and looked down at her, making sure she could tell just how serious he was, before he whispered, "Not with you." Her jaw dropped a little and her eyes grew wide and for a split second he could have laughed at her, but then both of her hands were on his ass and pulling him toward her. Puck thanked God for his quick reflexes and his strength (both physical and mental) when he managed to stop just as his head brushed against her, and God she was so wet and warm and he wondered where in the hell all this self-control had come from all of a sudden. "Slow down, baby." He kissed her cheek just in front of her ear. "Don't wanna hurt you." And that was probably a shit thing to say, 'cause he knew it was gonna hurt her no matter what, but all he could hope for was that it didn't hurt too much. And she was so damn wet and he'd had his fingers in her before (yeah, fingers, plural, 'cause no way one would come close to preparing her for this, let's just face the facts), so he was really holding onto that hope.

Rachel knew it was going to hurt. She hadn't deluded herself into thinking otherwise. She was even prepared for the very likely possibility that she wouldn't even have an orgasm this first time. But she was okay with that. Because she knew Noah would give her more than enough orgasms to make up for it later on. That wasn't even really what this was about. She just wanted to be close to him, as close as she possibly could be, and share that intimate moment with him, and when he looked at her and told her as sincerely as Noah Puckerman had probably ever said anything in his life that he needed to take a moment to get himself together just because this time he was going to be with her and that it was "too good," she wanted the intimacy and closeness and him as fast as she could possibly get it. But of course, he was Noah, and he'd wanted to look out for her, to take care of her. So that left her laying there, his lips moving sweetly over her cheek and jaw and his tip resting just at her opening and she was afraid that if he didn't just move she was absolutely going to die. And then, he did. He reached for one of her hands and laced their fingers together and pushed his hips forward no more than an inch. And she knew it was just beginning, that there was so much more to come, but Noah was inside her, and it was amazing.

"Good?" She could feel his lips moving across the shell of her ear when he asked.

"Amazing." She squeezed his hand when his mouth closed around her ear and he pushed in a little deeper.

Puck didn't move again for a minute or so, trying to give Rachel's body a chance to adjust to him. He kept kissing her – her ear, cheek, neck, chin, lips, anything he could reach – until he felt her squirm, wiggling her hips beneath him, and then he couldn't have waited longer if he'd tried. He tightened his hand around hers and moved the one under her back up to cradle her head, then, with his mouth pressed against hers, he rolled his hips forward, pushing as far into her as he was probably going to get for a while. He felt her suck in a sharp breath, and when he opened his eyes hers were closed tightly and she might have been clenching her jaw just a little, but he couldn't help but be kinda relieved because at least there were no tears. 'Cause he was 117% sure that if there'd been tears, he'dve been out of her and holding her in his lap in .7 seconds or less. "Still good?" he whispered against her lips.

Rachel pulled back as far as she could so that she could see him and so that he could, in turn, see her. "Perfect." She slid the hand not still tangled with Noah's, the one that had been gripping his bicep as he moved over and inside her, up his arm and across the back of his shoulders to hold his body against hers. "It feels – you feel perfect."

"God, Rachel," he growled as he pulled out slowly, stopping when just the tip was still inside her, then pushed even more slowly back in. "So wet. So tight, baby, fuck." As he pushed into her, he saw her flinch a little, but her eyes stayed open and she was smiling up at him even as he continued to move, still more slowly than he would have thought possible.

"Noah?" Puck had buried his face in Rachel's neck as he continued to push into her, inhaling her scent and kind of letting himself get caught up in being surrounded by her, but he pulled back to look at her when she called his name.

"Yeah baby?" His voice was low, quiet and almost reverent, as he pulled his hand from hers and brushed her bangs off her forehead and away from her eyes then let his hand drop to her shoulder.

Rachel let her eyes flutter closed for a second, because her senses were already overwhelmed by the nearly intoxicating smell of Noah, and the sound of his heavy breaths and low moans in her ear, and then, of course, the feeling of him moving in and almost out of her. And then his fingers were moving on her neck and shoulder and it was almost too much to handle. After a moment she caught her breath, and when she opened her eyes again, he was lowering his head to drop soft kisses over her collarbone, so she dropped her head back as far as she could, opening herself up to him. "Could you," she closed her eyes again when she felt Noah's tongue dip into the hollow of her throat, "can you," her hand gripped his shoulder when his teeth scraped across her skin, "go faster? Please Noah, faster." Both of her legs came up to wind around his waist, pushing him just a little deeper inside her.

Puck bit down on Rachel's shoulder a little harder than he meant to, but shit, she's breathin' heavy and scratching her nails over his back and, holy fuck, then she's wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing him deeper than he even thought he'd be able to go so soon and asking him to go faster. Not exactly something he could (or would want to) say no to. He buried his hand a little deeper in her hair and darted his tongue out to soothe the spot on her shoulder he had just bitten and moved his hips faster, picking up speed until he had reached a steady pace that almost had him seeing stars. And he would have worried about hurting her, except her head was still thrown back and she was breathing with these airy little pants, so he was pretty sure pain wasn't an issue anymore. "Oh. My," he growled into her chest, "Rachel, God," he moaned when her heel dug into his ass, "shit baby. Yeah, perfect. So fucking perfect. God you're so good." And shit there was more to it than that, but his brain was quickly shutting down 'cause all he could feel was Rachel and wet and tight, and even if he didn't get the other part out, it was still true is it was. "So good." He tried again, his teeth ground together and his hand holding onto her shoulder for dear life as he slid into her again and heard her breath come out as a moan. "With words." There. Finally. Shit.

He felt Rachel's chest vibrate when she giggled, then felt her hand fly off his back, and when he pulled away to look at her, she was staring up at him with wide eyes and her hand clapped over her mouth. "You know," he grinned as he lowered his mouth to her ear, "it's okay for sex to be fun." He ran his tongue from her earlobe up over the outside of her ear. Rachel giggled again, harder, and he felt her tighten even more around him and for a second, he could swear he might've blacked out. He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, because you don't tell a girl you love her for the first time when you're inside her, at least not if you really meant it. And he did. Mean it, that is. So instead he occupied his mouth kissing hers again, because as far as he was concerned, it'd been far too long since the last time he tasted her. Besides, he'd have plenty of chances to tell her later, and she'd know it wasn't just because she was practically fucking him breathless. (And now he had living proof that lack of experience didn't have to mean shit, 'cause this right here? Best he'd ever had.)

Noah started to slide his hand off her shoulder, and Rachel instinctively moved her own hand to his back as his skimmed over her breast for just a second before moving lower. "Noah, I -," she lost her train of thought for a second when his tongue trailed down the front of her throat, "It's the first time. I probably won't, I don't think I'll," she was sure she'd never been so inarticulate in her life, and also sure that she'd never cared less, "I mean, you don't have to -,"

"Come on Rach," he pushed himself up onto his elbow, "you know it ain't over till the hot lady sings." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows as he looked down at her, "And you know I know how to make you sing."

Rachel let out a long, high-pitched sigh when Noah's hand slid down to just above where his body met hers, the pad of his middle finger rubbing circles over her clit. "See?" She opened her eyes just enough to see him still hovering over her, watching her as he played her body as well as he played his guitar. She had to smile at the self-satisfied smirk he wore. Yes, he certainly knew how to make her sing, as he liked to put it.

"Noah, that's," she breathed deeply, heavily, "that's so, OH!" Her nails dug into his skin, leaving a mark, she was sure, as her hands traveled down his back because she just couldn't resist the urge to push him into her, because she'd asked him to go faster, but now what she really needed was for him to go harder. "Yes, Noah, that's, just like that."

Puck was really fuckin' thankful for the sting he felt when Rachel scratched her nails down his back, because if it hadn't been for that, he just might have lost it right then, and his girl wasn't there yet and that just was not cool. He just needed time, just a little more time, and he knew he'd have her piercin' his eardrums in the best possible way – and then he flicked his finger over her clit and he could feel how tight she was getting, and she was pressing her legs so hard around his waist that he thought she might end up with bruises from his hipbones, and he knew what all that meant. "Come on baby. I know you want it. Just let go Rach. Let go for me, baby."

Rachel did not expect to climax her first time. That's just not the way it usually worked. But she should have known better than to expect her first time, her and Noah's first time, to be 'usual.' Because this was Noah Puckerman she was dealing with, and on top of being a self-proclaimed badass and sex shark (and she'd certainly had reason for a while now to have faith in every ounce of his bravado, in fact, she sometimes wondered if maybe he hadn't been selling himself short all that time), she was pretty sure she was in love with him. That second reason alone was probably enough to change everything, she knew. Whatever the reason was, she was lying under Noah as he stared down at her, an expression she recognized as both determination and awe on his face, as he moved inside her and worked his fingers over her and she couldn't deny the burning tightness that was building low in her belly. She was vaguely aware of him talking to her, encouraging her, as her body tuned out everything except the feeling growing deep inside her. Then suddenly, he was pressing down on her just a little harder and pushing into her just a little faster, and something inside her snapped and the whole world just kind of exploded around her. "Noah! Noah, yes!" For a moment, Rachel was positive that she lost control of her body, because her head whipped from side to side and her hands gripped Noah's butt until somewhere in the back of her mind she worried that she was going to draw blood. And this was nowhere near the first time he had brought her to climax, but it was by far the most intense, most wonderful thing she had ever felt.

Puck didn't know if he'd managed to make Rachel come just in time, or if her getting off around him like that was what pushed him over the edge, but either way, as soon as her walls started to flutter around him, he was done. He barely managed to hold himself up over her on shaking arms as his thrusts lost their rhythm and he came inside her, grunting out her name as she cried his.

Rachel looped her arms lazily over Noah's back as he collapsed onto her and buried his face in her hair. She smiled and brought one hand up to comb through his mohawk when he kissed her shoulder before turning to nuzzle his nose against her cheek and wrapping his arms around her waist. "At the risk of sounding redundant," she started quietly, "that was perfect."

"Mmhmm," was all he could manage to respond, and Rachel had to laugh.

"Noah," she smiled when his arms tightened around her, "Noah, as lovely as this is, we can't stay here like this. We have to get up and get dressed."

"No," he grumbled when Rachel tried to wiggle out of his grasp, "mine."

"While that is a very sweet, albeit somewhat barbaric sentiment, and while I would love nothing more than to continue to lay here with you, we should at least have a few more layers of clothing between us as we do so, considering my dads should be home shortly." At the mention of her dads, Noah was jumping off her to stand in front of the couch, looking positively panicked.

"Shit. Clothes. Dammit, where the fuck are my pants?"

"Noah," Rachel sat up and reached for his hand. "Noah," she tugged and waited until he stopped spinning in frantic circles and looked down at her, "all of your clothes are right there on the coffee table, along with mine." She bent to retrieve his wallet from the floor where she had thrown it before. "Here's your wallet. Now go up to my bathroom and clean yourself up. You can dispose of the condom in there."

Puck finally got his shit together, because it was whack that Rachel was the one having to calm his ass down. (And speaking of his ass, he was pretty sure it was currently sporting one really hot set of marks from Rachel's nails. Nice.) "Rach, I'm not just gonna leave you down here alone."

"Your chivalry is greatly appreciated Noah, but not necessary. I'm sure we have plenty of time before they get home anyway, but just in case we don't, we both know it would be better if I'm the one down here to greet them. I'll just step into their bathroom and make myself presentable, and if they ask I can say you went upstairs because you weren't comfortable using their bathroom." She stood and ran her hand over his cheek when she saw that he still looked worried. "I promise, Noah," she pushed up onto her toes to peck his lips, "it will be fine. They won't get home before we get ourselves cleaned up, as long as you get going." He nodded reluctantly and Rachel watched him head toward the stairs.

For Puck, getting himself 'cleaned up' after had pretty much always meant getting the hell out of Dodge and going home for a nice, long shower. But that was before Rachel. With Rachel, he had no desire to run out and leave her alone. So, he did like she told him to; he went up to her bathroom, grabbed a washcloth, disposed of the condom while he waited for the water in the sink to warm up, and then cleaned himself up (throwing a little cold water on his face afterward for good measure) before pulling his clothes back on. And he was actually really, really happy to be staying. Until he got back downstairs. Because when he rounded the corner to the living room, he saw Rachel, also once again fully clothed and cleaned up, standing in front of the couch, practically studying it, with her arms wrapped tightly around herself. He could only see one side of her face, but she certainly didn't look happy. "Hey babe," he cleared his throat and ran his palms down his jeans before stuffing his hands into his back pockets, "you, uh, you alright?"

Rachel jumped a little then spun when Noah spoke to her, startled by his voice. "Noah," she could hear the shakiness of her own voice and she tightened her arms around herself, "we just had sex on my fathers' couch!"

It was a night for firsts, and so far, they had all been awesome, but that knot in Puck's stomach, not a first he could say he was happy about. "Yeah," he said slowly, taking a couple cautious steps into the room, "and just so we're clear, the part you're upset about is …"

"Noah!" She sounded absolutely scandalized. "We did it on. Their. Couch!"

Puck blew out the breath he had been holding since he found Rachel staring at the spot where he'd just taken her virginity. "Babe," he spoke soothingly as he made his way across the room to her to run his hands up and down her arms, "I'm not gonna lie, I always figured when you were ready you'd let me know and then I'd plan this big epic thing with candles and shit 'cause, I mean, that's not exactly my thing, but I'd do the romance shit for you 'cause you deserve that." He watched her open her mouth and shook his head to stop her, squeezing his hands a little around her wrists. "And I know it's probably killing you inside that you broke your 'World's Best Daughter' streak by havin' sex with me right here on the same spot where you have Musical Mondays with the Daddies Berry. But – hey, look at me," he tipped her chin up when she dropped it to her chest, "first off, your dads never gotta know anything. Trust me, I'd really prefer it that way. This doesn't make you a bad daughter, okay?" He pulled her forward and kissed the top of her head when she gave him a small nod. "And as far as the other stuff goes, baby, if that's what you want," he dropped his hands to the small of her back and rubbed small circles as she wrapped her own arms around his waist, "then ya know, we can do like, a do-over or whatever." Puck felt her shaking her head across his chest. "Seriously babe. I'll come over when your dads are gone, or you can come by my place, or, hell, I'll rent a hotel room if I have to. I'll do candles, flowers, sappy music, the whole nine if that's what you want. Hell, we can even, like," he dropped his voice and nearly mumbled the next part, "keep it, ya know, pg until then. If we have to. If that's what you want, to make it, ya know, special."

Rachel pressed a kiss to Noah's chest over his shirt. She wondered at least once a week (ok, usually once a day) how she had gone from being the school freak to having, hands down, the best – and undoubtedly hottest, most badass – possible boyfriend she could even think of asking for. Really. A few months earlier, she viewed Noah (no, not Noah, Puck) as a friend, but also as someone who had frequent and often indiscriminate sex purely for the physical payoff. (The fact that her stomach twisted every time she watched him flirt with a Cheerio was something she had chosen to ignore at the time.) But the man holding her, comforting her, in the middle of her living room was the complete opposite of that perception. She had just had sex with him, given her virginity to him, and not only was he still there, but his only concern seemed to be that she was comfortable, happy, with it all. The sacrifices he was willing to make for her were quite amazing. "No, Noah. That's – that's not necessary. I couldn't ask for anything more special. And you're right," she rolled her eyes when she felt Noah pull away to look down at her, "about the couch. I know you are. It's just, I'll never be able to look Dad or Daddy in the eye when they are sitting on that couch ever again."

A few minutes later, Puck and Rachel were curled on the couch once more watching tv and waiting for Rachel's dads to get home, both hoping they wouldn't walk in and instantly know that Puck had just deflowered daddies' little girl. "Rachel," he ran his hand through her hair and she snuggled tighter against him, settling her head against his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. "I just want you to know baby, that was …" he trailed off, not sure how to finish.

"Perfect?" She tilted her head up and smiled at him.

"Yeah. Perfect." He leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips, burying his hand in her hair and running his fingers over her scalp.

"I thought we already established that, Noah. Along with the fact that you should leave the words to me." Rachel giggled when Noah tugged sharply on a lock of her hair.

"Yeah. We did. But I just wanted to say it again. And make sure that you know that I don't just mean, ya know, physically. Like, it was, it was the best fuckin' thing I've ever felt, but you know it was more than that, right? It was more cause it was you."

Rachel closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of pure Noah that surrounded her when her head was buried in his chest as it was. There was quite a lump in her throat, and she knew how silly she would sound if she cried right then, so she only nodded her head against him. After a few moments, when she'd collected herself, she told him, "It was the best thing I've ever felt too Noah, in every possible way."

"Hey," Rachel started several minutes later during a commercial break, once they had both calmed down considerably and were no longer jumping at every little sound, "do you think it's too late to get Santana a Christmas gift?"

"The fuck?" Puck grabbed Rachel's shoulder and pulled her away from him so he could stare down at her, shocked and confused as all hell by that question.

Rachel only shrugged. "She's just a really good friend."