Thank you to everyone who has read, fav'd, alert'd and reviewed this story. For my first story I wasn't expecting this response. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me even through those first few not so great chapters and patiently waited for my writing skills to improve! This chapter is unbeta'd

Bella's POV

I slowly wake up, head pounding and very uncofortable. A pleasent purring echoing through my ears. I look up to see my beautiful Caius's ruby red eyes staring intently at me as he is holding me tightly to his chest. That explains why I'm uncofortable.

Looking around I realize I'm home. Back in Volterra in Caius's chambers. Was that all a nightmare about Edward?

"You're safe now Mio Amore. That boy is no longer in any position to do anything to anyone" Caius whispers sofly in my ear while loosening his hold and shifting me slightly.

"Well that answers the nightmare theory" I whisper back snuggling into his chest.

"Caius, I don't want that to even have a possiblility of happening again. I think it's time to change me. I'm ready" I say while deeply inhaling his heavenly scent.

"If that is your wish little witch. Do you want to do it right this moment" He asks looking at me concerned.

"Yes, right now" I reply tilting my head to the side.

He lightly skims my neck with the tip of his nose as if he is memorizing my scent as it is now. Caius places a light kiss at the pulse point before slowly sinking his teeth in. The burn is immedient.

Caius POV

The days pass quickly during Isabella's change I keep her wrapped in my arms hoping that my cool skin will help dull the burn coursing through her body. She screams sparadically not constant like all others I have witness go through the change. On the 3rd day her screams are even less. It's aproaching the finish. Aro had called upon Carlisle and Esme to come here. Wnating to know why they knew harm would come to a Volturi queen and did nothing to help stop it. They are here now. They will most likely die alongside their pathetic son.

Looking down at the dark angel in my arms I notice all cuts and bitemarks left by that boy are gone. He did not use his venom on her thus leaving no lasting scars. The only scars that stayed where placed by me. I smile at that thought.

Isabella's heartbeat is speeding up when she lets loose an ear shattering scream. I set her down gently on the bed and back up a few steps wanting to give her space when she awakens. Alec has brought in a human and kept their senses cut off.

Isabella's heart comes to a complete stop. Alec and I hold our breaths not making a sound waiting for her to open her eyes. Suddenly her eyes snap open and she flips off of the bed landing in a crouch growling lowly at us. She takes in a deep breath head snapping to the human in the corner by Alec. I nod my head slightly towards Alec signaling him to leave. He bows then retreats the room quickly.

Isabella had sprung to the human as soon as Alec had starting backing away from it her jaw dropping and teeth sinking into the humans jugular. Blood spurting across her face and the blue sundress she was put in during the change. When the humans heartbeat comes to a stop I slowly walk up to her, gently placing a hand on her sholder. She purrs softly and drops the now drained body on the ground.

Turning her around quickly I crush my lips to hers. Our temperatures a perfect match now. No more do I have to be careful. Her hands fist into my hair as she grinds her body against mine. The unique taste of her and the human blood she had consumed moments ago cloud my senses. Her legs suddenly wrap around my waist as she rips the clothing off of my body and I do the same to her. Crashing her against the wall I slowly lick the blood from her face before plunging my tounge into her mouth once more. Isabella grabs my hard member and forces it to her opening. I slam into her with a low growl. Her answering growl pushing me to go harder. She will know who is in charge.

This is where I belong. I want to crawl inside of her and never come out. Quickly manuvering us from the wall to the ground I force her on her hands and knees before slamming into her tight core from behind. Her fingers ripping through the carpet and floor underneath it and a constant lusty growl rumbles in her chest. She getting close to her release I can feel it.

I quicken my pace. Slamming into her at a speed humans wouldn't be able to see. Her thrusts backwards meeting mine. As her walls tighten around me my release explodes at the same time. Ducking down to where her pulse point at her neck used to be I bite down hard causing her to orgasm oncemore while roaring out in pain and pleasure. I don't let go of her neck until her body relaxes and her head bows in a submissive gesture. The animal in me is pleased that our mate has submitted.

Coming down from the post sex high I realize what I had just done. How could I have ravaged her like that after her ordeal with Fuckward. Suddenly not feeling so amazing I turn to look at my little witch she is sitting there with a small smile on her face her eyes back to their crimson from the onyx they were only a moment ago. How is she smiling at me after what I have just done? So I do what I'm best at, go back to being an ass.

Scowling I say, "What are smiling about? I shouldn't have done what I did you need time to heal!"

"Caius what Edward did is rather fuzzy now. Almost like a dream where most of it is forgotten. The only thing that is clear is Jane and Jasper torturing him on the ground and the sense of elation and happiness I felt watching it. Everything else is choppy at best" she says with that small smile still on her face.

"Actually there was something I wanted to talk to you about. Well, what I remember of it anyhow. The time I was in a slumber for six months" Isabella says her smile wavering slightly.

Interested I grab a throw from the back of the chair by the fire wrapping it around her shoulders. Scooping her up in my arms I situate her on my lap gently carresing her hair.

"Tell me what you remember little witch. I have wanted to know" I whisper sofly in her ear.

"There's not much I remember actually. I remember faces. The faces of all of my classmates that I murdered. I was reliving that day over and over again. Only it would change just a little each time. My classmates would taunt me like they used to even when they were dead. One time during the scene I turned my wand on myself. Sometimes they would ask me why I did it. Why I made them die before their time and got them stuck inbetween. I think it was limbo. That's all I remember really. Very anti-climatic huh? But it terrified me. Reliving that horrible time in my life. " she shuddered and snuggled deeper into my chest.

"So that is what the old woman was going on about. A place no living soul should be. Limbo. Only Limbo for you is filled with your victims. No worries little witch you will not be going back there. Ever. Now onto better topics. I saved a present for you. And Aro too has a surprise" I say to her giving her a little grin.

"Well I can't really go out there looking and smelling like this now can I" she says while hopping out of my lap and dashing over to the closet. I had all of her things moved to my, our, chambers during her change.

She accidentally rips the handle off of the door. Chuckling at her scowling face I make my way over to the closet to assist her. During our rational conversation it was easily forgotten that she is meerly hours old. No newborn I've encountered were capable of a relaxed rational conversation after just one kill. She amazes me.

Giving Isabella a quick kiss on the forehead I make my way into the closet. Picking up a black corset gothic style dress, and black boots. I head over to the jewlery area picking up a black chocker with a large tear drop ruby to go with the dress I go back out to Isabella whom is still scowling at the doorknob in her hand.

"Don't worry yourself over it Isabella. It will take some time for you to get used to your new strength and speed. Now let us make our way to the powder room so you can shower" I say to her in the most comforting tone I can manage. Even that makes my stomach turn a bit.

After Isabella's shower and another feeding for her we are making our way to the throne room. Holding on to the crook of my arm my little witch is trying to get control over her speed. As we get closer to the room Isabella's faint growls are increasing. Stopping I take her face in my hands.

"Calm down Isabella. No one is a threat in there. I made sure that it is only Aro, Marcus, Jane and Alec for the time being. You are doing remarkable right now. Most newborns would have gone on a rampage at the first sign of another vampire near them and their mate" I say to her before releasing her face.

She takes a deep breath. A habit from her human life that has carried over to help her calm. It has the opposite effect since in doing that she smells and tastes the others more strongly. The Major is a ways down the hall in his room I feel his calming effects envelope us both instantly working on my little witch. She mutters a soft thank you to Jasper before we continue on our way.

Finally making it into the throne room Isabella tenses slightly, eyes darting around the room surverying it for the first time with her new sight. Her eyes land on Marcus and she relaxes. A smile is on his face. What the fuck? Marcus does NOT smile!

Suddenly Isabella is out of my reach and hugging Marcus. Now I'm very confused. I don't like to be confused it pisses me off. Aro walks over to me with his goofy grin plastered on his face. I want to punch it off of him!

"When Isabella's change was almost complete Marcus came to me with some news. It seems in her vampire life Marcus takes the place of her human father. He is her protettore. Her protector. It is a very rare bond in our kind" Aro says smile still in place.

Well, that explains things. A faint smile goes across my face before I nip that shit in the butt and place my usual scowl on. I am happy for my mate. Even if she didn't let it show I know the letter from her human father had hurt her on some level. Marcus will be a great father for her. And now I have someone to go to about asking for her hand in marriage. Not that it's nesesary but it's the way it should be.

After the hellos and hugs were done I hold my hand out to my little witch. She takes it, and I settle her in my lap as I sit on my throne.

"Little witch. We did not execute Edward. As much as I wanted to we all agreed that it was your right to do so. If you wish to not see him again we will go deliever the justice you so deserve. But if you do I will send Jane and Alec to go fetch what is left of little fucker. Aro has also brought in Carlisle and Esme. I was able to purchise a pensive so that I could show them the condition you were found in. They still refused to excile him from their coven so their fates rest in your hands also. You can kill them or one of us will. Either way they die for having knowledge of what he was to do before he did it and not informing us. Which is the job of the coven leader" I tell her while looking into her eyes that went from crimson to midnight during my little speach.

"I will deal with Fuckward myself. I don't remember everything he did to me but the flashes I do have suggest I owe him one hell of a pain session. His parents can be brought in to watch then do whatever you wish to them" Isabella growls out.

I nod my head toward Jane and Alec who bow and flit away to fetch the prisoners. Vladamir and Stefan were already taken care of. Lilith slides in the door ahead of Jane, Alec and Felix whom is dragging Edward by his hair. Lilith had went to guard him when Isabella started her change. I look to my beautiful mate who lets out a feral growl upon seeing Edward and lunges out of my lap and at him. I hear a cackle of delight from Aro as I lean back in my seat to watch the show that is about to commence.

Bella's POV

Being a vampire is amazing. The speed, the strength, the vision and hearing. The emotions are a bit hard to handle. As a human you don't feel to many emotions at one time. As a vampire you can have a wide range at all times. Like now, as I'm ripping Fuckwards broze hair out by the roots as his mommy and daddy are watching. I'm feeling such intense anger I feel like I should be on fire. But I'm also feeling elation, happiness, vengful. I'm getting my revenge for what I can remember him doing to me.

A murky memory of his razor sharp teeth sinking into my skin comes to the front of my mind. I roar while biting off his one ear. He only has one. Then I continue to sinck my teeth into his face and neck. The entire time he's screaming like a little bitch as I pump a bit of my venom into each bite I make. Standing I summon my wand to me. It comes flying through the open throne room doors into my hand. I paste a manical grin on my face while staring down at the pansy ass.

A swift powerful Crucio courses through his body making him scream so loudly the floor vibrates with it. I laugh a laugh of pure delighted glee. Looking over to where I spit his ear I cast it on fire making him scream some more. Carlisle had tried to lung at me but was only held back by Felix who was smiling my way before he gave me a thumbs up. Casting another Crucio on him I call Lilith to me I speak with her for the first time since I was in that dungeon who the hell knows where.

"Lilith my beautiful girl. I am sorry I have not spoken to you in so long. I hope you remember what I told you. It was in no way your fault I was captured. I shouldn't have left without you or a guard" I say soothingly to her.

"Of corssse misstesss" she hisses back at me.

"Good now I have a job for you. Bite off Eddie boys manhood. He won't be needing it" I hiss to her with a sinful gleam in my eye.

She lunges at Edwards junk sinking her teeth into it before ripping it off of his body through his warn, dirty jeans all the while I'm keeping the crucio on him. Vemon is steadily leaking out of the large gaping whole where his penis used to be. Lilith drops it at my foot before making her way up my body to settle around my neck. Sometime during the show Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Peter and Charlotte had come in staying towards the back of the room.

Rosalie is laughing like a mental patient over the sobs of Esme and the growls of Carlisle. I look towards her and give her a wink before turning my attention to Edwards deattched manhood. Conjuring a cloth I pick it up finally letting Edward off of the curse and hold it over his face.

"See this Edward. You know what this is. This is the pathetic thing you called a penis. The thing you forceablly slammed into my fragile human body. Did you feel like a man Edward? Taking advantage of a HUMAN witch whom you stripped of her powers? You are nothing but a pathetic fucker Edward and you won't be needing this anymore" I say knowing he will hear my little speech through someones thoughts before flinging said penis to the side and lighting on fire.

Walking slowly around Edward I glance up at Felix. His scent is on Edward, perhaps he was taking liberties with the prisoner? Who knows but this will be a nice touch.

"Brother bear" I say glancing over at Emmet.

His face light up like the fourth of july before he barrels over to me scooping me into a big bear hug. I squeeze him back just as tightly.

"Ow bellsy you're a bit stronger than I am right now sis" he chokes out.

I giggle before letting him go. Looking over at the others Alice's face stands out among them. She looks as if someone stole her Jimmy Cho's then kicked her puppy with them. I had already come to my conclusion that none of them really wanted to leave me but followed Edward blindly. Suddenly Alice's eyes glaze over and she squeals running over to me hugging me tightly.

"Okay enough of the lovey shit before I become the first vampire in history to vomit. I understand now that you all blindly followed orders before. So all is forgiven. Lets just start over. Which brings me to the point of why I called Em over. Will you please go hold Carlisle so he doesn't do something stupid that will end his life sooner than it's already schedualed to end? I need Felix for a moment" I ask letting my evil grin out again.

Emmett goes and grabs Carlisles arms in place of Felix. Felix walks over to me I simply give him a knowing look and nod my head towards Eddie boy. Felix gives me a small smile before turning his attentions to Edward. Esme tries to close her eyes but I use a spell on her to bind her body and make her watch as her precious golden boy gets ass raped by a man three times his size. Her sobs finally getting on my nerves I put a silencing spell around her.

When Felix finishes. And boy that man has some stamina I walk up to Edward who is sobbing and looking rather pathetic with no ears, arms, legs or penis now. I think he's learned his lesson. I glance over at Carlisle and Esme while holding my wand towards Edward.

"You could have prevented this you know. Some of the fault is on YOU. You never fully explained what mating entails to him. He believed a sick obsession was mates. You could have stopped him from harming me. Alice gave you warnings when Edwards thoughts starting taking a dark road. But you did nothing. You tried so hard to play the humans that you never explained the way of vampires to him or Em or Rose. Thankfully the latter two figured some shit out on their own. He's going to die now. And so are you. With the knowledge that all of this could have been prevented" I snarl out at them before lighting Edward up like a bonfire.

I nod to Felix and Alec to take care of Carlisle and Esme. They are quickly dismembered and tossed into the Edward fire. Rose's eyes are clouded with venom tears.

"They brought that fate upon themselves Rosalie. You and Emmett are now the leaders of the Cullen coven. Carlisle had all of the paperwork done while here knowing he and Esme would not be leaving. He divided his assests between you too. Sadly nothing for Alice and Jasper. I believe they were still holding a grudge on Alice for shining a not so good light on their favorite son" I say to her while bringing her in for a quick hug.

Glancing back at Caius who flits to my side we make our way back to our chambers. Damn what a first day to this life. I love torture. Live for it really. But it will be nice to have some quiet uneventuful time with my mate. I have an eternity to get out my lust for death and violence. But even an eternity won't be enough time to throughly enjoy the body of my perfect mate.

I REALLY REALLY hope you all liked this last chapter. I tried to tie up any and all loose ends that I could think of. I can't believe it's over now. Makes me a little sad :*( Tossing around a few ideas for my next story. Not sure what it will be yet. So just visit my profile every now and then to see what is next. Please review to tell me what you think of the story as a whole. What I need to improve on and so forth. Until next time! :D