Yay. New Story. :O Wow... I'm a machine xD jaykay. Hehe anyways this story, well the Idea belongs to the author of If I stay (can't remember name xD) anyways, if you have any idea as to what it can be called... Be my guest.

Well Read and review... then tell me how I did :)







How did people make these kind of decisions? Did they even make these kind of decisions? If so, why? Why are these decisions so hard to make? I made decisions all the time, but none like this. This shouldn't be up to me, should it? My God, couldn't someone make this decision for me? I looked up at the ceiling hoping I would get some kind of signal.


I shook my head, looking down at my heart monitor. "Beep. Beep. Beep..." my heart was beating normally. If I wanted to leave, do I just stop... But stop what?

I then looked at the lonely man sitting by my heart monitor, holding my hand. Lending me strength; his strength. I wanted to rustle his hair, tell him everything would be okay...but I knew otherwise.

Because how I can I stay in this world? When I had nothing left, not matter what I didn't know, I knew the truth. The answer was simple:

I couldn't.

I just can't stay in this world; not after this. How can people go through this? I don't think I'll ever comprehend. My heart was aching, feeling the loss of everything. I watched myself, laying there in that bed. I looked at him then, the tear that fell out of his eye, onto my hand, and somewhere inside me, I am crying too. I can feel again. Not only the physical pain, the emotional one too. I know that if I decide to stay, my heart will never be the same, feel the same.

I remember the nurses words: I'm running the show.

I imagine everything that I have lost.

He squeezes my hand again.

I decide. I know this now.

I hear the beep of my heart monitor, indicating my decision; I hear his voice too.





Review! Please thank you!

Cliffy? Oh haha you'll never know what really happens!


You will, but you have to review!