Stephanie Meyer owns all. The environment and plot is ours. This comes to you from Digbygirl and me. The ideas are from both of us. When I told her what I needed she wrote it perfectly, I just edited a little and added a few things here and there. She researched the language for us. You rock girl! Two heads really is better than one, well, as long as both heads aren't on my shoulders. With her help this is coming quicker than I thought it would.

I hope you enjoy this tale from us.

Special Forces

(Bella's POV)

Chapter ONE

"Laissez les bon temps roulez" She said in her northwestern accent. I just looked at her and went back to inventory. Angela was a sweet girl but she was having trouble adjusting to life down here.

"Seriously Bella you should come out tonight, its' my first Mardi Gras." She said collecting all her belongings at the front desk, wearing a crazy outfit with a drole mask on. Ten months down here and she still acted like a tourist sometimes.

"It's okay, hun. We just got a shipment of books from our London supplier so I need to go though them. Most of the books were fairly new but there were a few older books, and a bible from, I'm guessing the sixteenth century, there were names and dates on the inside, I'm positive this must have been a family bible.

I got online and updated our site with the new finds; I had some one email us last week about old bibles. They were interested in old family bibles, said it was a collection they were working on. I had emailed them that I didn't have any but was expecting a shipment from London in the next week or two.

"I feel bad about leaving you alone when the whole town is outside partying" She said breaking my from my thoughts, while applying some bright pink lipstick. She had changed so much since she moved here from Washington state. I had heard that when she first moved down, she was a quiet almost mouse type girl. She was still very sweet but had become more outgoing and was enjoying life. A group of guys banged on our window startling us, they were also wearing Mardi Gras masks and must already be deep in their drinks.

"Couillons" I cursed under my breath as I picked up the book I had dropped. She asked me what that meant, I explained its Cajun for fools, or jerks. She smiled and helped me bring some of the books to the counter.

"I don't think I'll ever understand the way you talk" She said putting the books down on the counter.

I just smiled at her as I sat down and began looking the books, but the old bible kept grabbing my attention so I went back to it. This was going to be a long night, and luckily I knew we wouldn't have any customers so I could get a lot done before closing. I couldn't wait to get home and soaking in a nice warm bath then relaxing with a good book while enjoying a nice glass of white wine, I don't drink often, but one class would be welcomed tonight.

"Why do you hate Mardi Gras?" She asked heading to the back to bring more of the new books up front.

"I don't hate it hun, it's just I grew up with it. With my father being wealthy and political motivated I've had to go to more parties and soirees then any normal person would want to." I explained to her as I looked though the old bible again.

The last entry in it was scratched out but you could still see the date, 1640, I decided not to sell it but donate it to the local museum. I was about to take the listing off the website when I heard the front bell ring.

"Welcome to Belles' books and candle." Angela chimed coming back to the front; I was shocked anyone came in. They probably needed to use the restroom or needed directions to a hotel or private party, there were a lot of those going on during Mardi Gras

I came out from behind the desk and went to greet them. There were three of them, a couple, and a guy who looked like he was seventeen, maybe, you never could tell around here. They were very pale in complexion, the girl had black spiky hair, the man with her had red, and he had messy copper hair.

He kept staring at me I felt uncomfortable till Angela was able to join us.

"I'm Bella, how can I help y'all tonight?" Putting my hand out to shake to shake their hands in welcome. The girl of the group took it and shook like a squirrel on crack. She was very small, but her hand shake was stronger than how she looked. She wore white leather gloves.

"I'm Alice" she chirped." Yep, she must be on crack or some sort of energizer pill. "This is my fiancé Jasper and this is my brother Edward" she was a little too friendly and up beat, anyone could tell she was faking. They were all well dressed and didn't seem to be part of the party raging outside.

"How can we help you" Angela said trying to rush them out, she wanted to go outside and enjoy Mardi Gras with the rest of the tourist.

The one she called Edward stepped closer and the air between us froze, I felt like he was stealing my body heat from me. He took my hand a kissed it gently then taking a deep breath. He was so cold and creepy; I just wanted them out of my store, now.

"We heard you have an old bible we were wondering if we could see it?" He said trying to sound seductive I assume, he just sounded like the stalker from a lifetime movie.

"Yeah, it just came in." Angela said looking and sounding as surprised as I was. They must have been watching the site very frequently. They still got here pretty quickly.

"Our father collects them and we wanted to get him one for a present." The girl chirped again as she skipped towards the small candle selection we had, dragging her fiancé with her. He looked as though he was holding his breath the whole time, as though he smelt something bad.

I went to the front desk and Edward followed me never taking his eyes off me and breathing deeply like he was smelling the air. I brought the book out and let him hold it; he ran his hand across the cover and opened it to the family page. He brushed his finger over the writings and smile slightly as he looked back at Alice.

"Its here" He said and she skipped back to us squealing in delight. They must really love bibles; they asked how much I wanted for it. I told them I was going to donate it to the local museum.

"Please let us buy it; we've been looking for one just like this for years now." Edward mildly pleaded. I wanted to say no, but a sense of calmness and relaxation fell across me. They offered me an outrageous amount of money and I agreed to give it to them, though I really didn't want to, it was as if I was forced to.

"Would you care to join us for a small dinner?" Edward asked me as I wrapped the book to prevent any damage to it. I declined the offer there was something mauvais about them, I really wanted them out of the store.

"No, I must decline; I have a lot of work to do." I said politely, didn't want to lose any future business from them. "But thanks for your kind offer."

They looked disappointed as they said goodbye and left the store. I looked at Angela who seemed to be in a slight daze.

"He was so handsome." She said finally. Handsome? Is she serious? "Why I didn't want to go with them?" she asked. I didn't want to explain my uneasy feeling to her so I changed the subject.

"How would you like to get off earlier?" I asked. I knew she was excited, and would enjoy the craziness that was outside the door. She looked at me in excitement.

"Really, you won't mind?" She asked running to her purse. She paused and looked at me with those kind brown eyes.

"I'd feel bad about leaving you with all this work." She said, I knew she meant it but I wanted her to go enjoy herself and I didn't mind being alone with my books, I loved being surrounded by them; it's the reason I started this business.

"Go, have fun." I said walking her towards the door. She gave me a big hug and laughed as she disappeared into the ever growing crowd. She might of yelled goodbye but I couldn't hear her, to save my life, with everyone shouting, singing, and basically having a good time.

I went back into the store and went into the back to bring the rest of the books up front when I heard the door chime again. Must be Angela probably forgot something and came back. I started laughing as I came up front.

"Didja, you forgot something hun?" I asked without looking from behind the books I was carrying. I didn't hear any response so I peered from behind the large stack I was carrying. There stood Edward with the most terrifying look on his face. I blinked and he was in front of me, nothing human can move that fast. I noticed his eyes looked like rubies and his canines were elongated and sharp.

"Tataille" I whispered dropping the books and ran towards the front door screaming. He laughed and caught me holding my hands behind my back; he licked my neck and whispered into my ear.

"You shouldn't call people monsters until you know them better." His grip tighten on my arms as his took me outside the store, into the crowd of partiers. I started screaming for help but my pleas went unanswered by the chaos of the crowd. The one named Alice joined wearing a mask and laughing she gave me a kiss on the check. I tried to hit her but Edward caught my arm before I could, she laughed some more.

"You should really calm down dear." She said, he looked at Jasper and had him join us as well. A wave of calmness flooded over me and I caved to it. I went limp in Edwards arm, and he smiled to jasper and the little pixie of a witch.

"We have to hurry dear brother; we are due back in twelve hours." He started to run and the world turned into a blur of lights and colors. He stopped and I realized we were at an airport; he picked me up and carried me into a plane.

"Another one sir?" The pilot asked looking at me with pity. "Help me" I pleaded, he sighed and went to the cockpit of the plane. Edward sat me down in a seat and buckled me in.

"You won't get away with this; they'll send someone to find me. I never miss a day at work and when I don't show up Angela will know something is wrong. " I said as he sat down next to me taking my hand in his. His nose grazed my wrist and he took a deep breath, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small folding knife.

"Everyone says that" He cooed in my ear making a tiny incision in my thumb, I gasped from the pain, when placed his lips to the wound and sucked it gently.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked trying to ignore what he was doing; he broke his suction and smiled at me.

"Darling, I'm sure your daddy made you think you're a princess but they won't find you." He said and resumed what his was doing.

I tried to jerk my hand away from him but he kept at it. "I'm Isabella Swan; my father is the mayor of New Orleans. And someone will find me." This must have shocked him slightly because he let go of my hand. I looked at the small wound, it had stop bleeding already. He got up and went to the back to where Alice and Jasper where sitting.

They were speaking but I couldn't hear a word, he returned to my side with a smile. He took his seat and held my hand again. He broke it to his lips and kissed it, he looked at me with a disgusting smile.

"You won't go into the general population of donors." He said kissing my check now, his lips were so cold and hard, I'm sure they left bruises where he kissed. The plane took off and he didn't say anything more. He never put my hand down and kept kissing my check and hand. The cold marble feel of his lips on my skin, disgusted me and I felt as though I would throw up.

"What are you talking about? You're making no sense." I finally said, I was curious to know what was going to happen to me. "General population of donors to what?" I asked, trying to prevent the panic that seized me from showing. He didn't reply, just smiled that evil smile of his, and kissed my hand. This couldn't be good, maybe I shouldn't have told him who I was. I knew dad would send someone to find me, but would they get there in time? would be the big question.

"You my darling will be my pet." He told me as he began stroking my hair and forced my head unto his shoulder, it was so cold it made me shiver with repulsion. "Now get some rest it is a long flight to Italy my dear"

Italy? I thought to myself. Would they think to look for me in Italy? I doubted it, but who knows maybe a trail was left. I desperately hoped, knowing it is fruitless to even have that now, hope, but it is something I refuse to let go of.

We just sat in silence for a few hours; he kept kissing me and holding my hand. I finally pretended to sleep just so he would leave me alone. After a few minutes of pretending, thinking of ways I might escape, I did fall asleep.