Blaine sighed as his alarm clock went off at six in the morning, he groaned falling back onto his bed as he realised it was Monday, five more days of school until the glorious weekend. He lay there for about five minutes before he realised if he didn't move soon then he wasn't going to have time to have a shower. He crawled out of bed and shuffled over to his shower in a sleepy haze. He turned on the water and undressed letting the warm water wake him up a bit. He washed the gel out of his jet black hair from the pervious day letting his black curls that he hated fall down around his face. When he got out a wrapped a towel around his waist and walked over to his mirror, he wiped the sleep and water from his brown butter cream coloured eyes and blinked. He grabbed his gel from his cupboard and took a hand full smoothing back his curls, putting them back into place. He walked to his wardrobe pulling out his favourite t-shirt and jeans and putting them on, he grabbed his gold chain and threw it over his head. He grabbed his bag and jumped down the stairs and into the living room where he threw himself down on the sofa.

"Blaine baby, I need to talk to you," Blaine's mum said walking into the living room from the kitchen and placing a plate of lightly buttered toast of the coffee table.

"What's up?" Blaine asked picking up a slice of the toast and taking a bite and turning his head to the side slightly in curiosity.

"We…were moving," Blaine's mum said.

Blaine nearly choked on his toast, "W…What?" he cried.

"To Ohio, it's only a few miles away," Blaine's mum said trailing off at the look of horror on her sons face.

"Lizzy?" Blaine's dad called from the direction on the bathroom, "Have you talked him yet?"

"Dan You might want to come out here a sec," Lizzy panicked watching as Blaine went completely white.

Blaine's Dad Dan rushed out of the bathroom as the sound of his wife's voice with his face half-shaven, the other half still covered in snow white shaving foam, "What, what's wrong?" he asked. He looked at Blaine's panic stricken face and sighed, "Blaine it's not going to be that bad."

Blaine's head snapped up, "Really?" he asked, "Are you going to go to a new school were your going to be the new freak? Are you leaving behind a load of friends and a girl friend?"

"Look Blaine, your not the only one who's leaving friends behind, and you don't think were going to be the new guys in town too?" Dan asked getting slightly annoyed.

"Why?" Blaine asked abruptly, "Why are we moving? I thought we were happy here!"

"Blaine, Dad's got a new job," Lizzy explained, "I will be better for us all."

"Mum, just…" Blaine shook his head getting to his feet; he grabbed his school bag and walked out into the hall.

"Blaine what about breakfast?" his Mum called as Blaine opened the front door.

"I'm not really hungry anymore," Blaine growled walking through the door and slamming it forcefully behind him. Blaine stood just outside breathing heavily with anger; he looked out at the bright sunny day and found himself hating it. How dare it be such a bright happy day whilst his world had just been turned upside down? Blaine took a deep breath and then realised he still had half an hour before school started and he had no where to go. He wasn't going to go back inside; he was slightly humiliated but more just angry. He was happy, happy here so why couldn't they just stay here? But he had heard that tone of voice on his Dad a few times before and it basically translated as 'It's happening so tough.'

Blaine pulled out his mobile and text his girlfriend Amy,

Hey, are you up? Can you meet me at school in fifteen minutes? Blaine X

Blaine slipped his phone back in his pocket and walked out of his front garden following the garden path. He and Amy had only been dating for about a week. He bit his lip when he thought about his past relationships; he's never been in love. Well he didn't think he had, how were you meant to tell? But he hoped that it felt more then it did with the other girls he'd been with. Amy was….Amy was pretty, blond with blue eyes, tall a skinny. All innocent and smiley, he only said yes because…well….she was something different, he'd always gone for the bold types but he hadn't had much luck with them so he though to try the opposite. But he didn't really have any feelings towards her, she was nice, kind, pretty, funny but there was no…no spark. He hadn't felt that yet but he had a friend call Matt who said that he and his partner Katy had it, he had describe it, that you never want to be away from each other, that when you touch it sort of tinkles and your heart beats in your chest at a hundred miles an hour and Blaine wanted that.

Blaine walked to school still cursing the bright day with his bad and unhappy mood, when he arrived outside the gates were still locked so he sat down outside them on the pavement grumbling little comments to himself trying to get out all his anger before Amy arrived. Which didn't take that long, a few minutes later Blaine saw her walking up the hill to the school. He got to his feet brushing off his jeans and leant against the gate casually as he could manage acting as cool as possible. But should you really have to act around your girl friend? He shrugged to himself as she walked up to him; he put a smile on his face even though his insides were churching.

"Hey Blaine, what's up?" she asked with a slight giggle that any guy would find adorable. But Blaine found himself finding it just plain annoying.

"I need to break up with you," he said deciding to get straight to the point as there was no point of hanging around.

"Oh…" Amy said her baby blue eyes filling with tears, she blinked them away, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no It's because I'm moving," Blaine said deciding to let her down easy and not telling her that he didn't really think of her in that way, "I don't think I can do long distance," he sighed, "and I wanted you to be the first to know, I'm sorry." He added on the end to make it sound more sugar coated.

"Oh…" Amy said again looking at the floor. At that moment the short old grumpy janitor with the bad back walked up to the gate and unlocked it, the huge metal squeaking as he pulled it open.

"You're eager," he commented before walking away again with a slight limp in his step.

"I really am sorry Amy," Blaine said walking forward, kissing her forehead and turned walking into the school not giving her a backwards glace, not wanting to see the tears in her eyes that he was sure he would see. He already felt evil.

He walked to the back of the school behind the science block where no body ever met and sat down with his back against the wall. Shouldn't he feel…sad at the very least at the break up? He bit his lip I'm just going to have to face the fact that I'm going to die alone. He thought he groaned slamming his head backwards against the brick wall just enough to make it hurt. He didn't want to move! Great now all his anger was coming back. He could hear the school behind him slowly fill up with chattering students but he still didn't move, they sounded far too happy for his liking. He knew he was being ridiculous but he didn't care and it wasn't until the bell rang that he got to his feet and walked off to his first class dragging his feet behind him like a bear drags his paws along the floor. He was a little late for class but lucky he had maths with Mr Manse and he was usually late for class himself. And sure enough when he arrived there were just a classroom full of noisy students and no teacher to control them. He went to sit at the back of the classroom next to Joe and Max his two best friends who he usually sat with and threw himself down in the seat with a glum expression on his face.

"Wow Dude," Joe said, a gangly tall teenager with brown bowl shaped hair and blue eyes that hadn't quiet got the hang of his limbs after a huge growing spurt, "What's up with you?"

"Huh?" Blaine asked, "What do you mean I'm fine."

"You look like someone just shot your hamster," Max comment, the smallest of the three, also with blue eyes but he had short spiky blond hair.

"Well…I got some news this morning." Blaine said biting his lip and looking straight ahead, "I'm moving."

"What?" Max asked running his hair to gelled up blond spikes.

"Not that far, just into Ohio instead of the outskirts," Blaine explained, "It's a few miles away."

"When are you going?" Joe asked tilting his head to the side.
"I don't know," Blaine admitted.

"But what about Amy, she is fiiiiiine!" Max said winking and throwing his head back.

Blaine rolled his eyes-typical Max, "You go out with her then!"

"Is that me giving your permission …?" Max asked.

"Sure why not," Blaine said with a slight laugh.

"Yes, get in!" Max grinned, "Result."

"Max for Christ sake, your best mate is moving and you're worried about girls?" Joe said roll his eyes.

Max turned to Joe with a grin on his face, "Did you expect any different?"

"No not really," Blaine butted in with a laugh, man he was gonna miss these guys….

New chapter up soon! Thanks for reading! X Klaine meet in the next chapter...X