Dean can't think straight. Not when his brother is displayed before him, nearly naked and dripping water from his shower. Not when Dean used to know what that body tasted like, and it tasted better than any feast offered up on a silver platter. Dean counted himself lucky when he managed to get out of there alive and intact with the excuse of picking up breakfast and coffee.

"Alright," Sam said, and it made Dean feel a little sick. Nothing was alright. Sam had moved on, found Jess, and then he'd had his heart torn to pieces when she was killed. And Dean, his heart was torn as well; it had never healed from the wound of Sam leaving him for a normal life. And here they are, finally hunting together again and Dean wants nothing more than to make Sam forget; forget his normal life, forget Jess and revenge, forget anything except Dean. And nothing is alright.

Sam frowns at Dean's retreating back. He doesn't know what to do anymore. It's been months since he and Dean had started hunting together again, almost a year and a half, and Dean hadn't made a move. Sam thought he was making himself perfectly clear. He had left Jess for Dean (and it had gotten her killed, but he was finally getting over that). And after the first two or three months, when his emotions finally settled, he was practically throwing himself at his brother; taking every chance to wear as few clothes as possible, invading his brothers personal space. But Dean still won't make a move.

Sam doesn't wasn't to confront his brother for fear of ruining their current relationship (god he feels like a girl). He has fears that Dean had moved on, or that Dean couldn't forgive Sam for leaving him, even though Sam had only meant to leave their father. The longer Dean made no move the more Sam worried.

The boys get more and more on edge. They become less and less in sync with each other. This proves to be dangerous on a hunt and disruptive of their normal lives. As siblings there have always been times when they fought and rub each other wrong, but as the time goes on the fights happen more often, they get more and more intense, and they almost always turn physical.

Perhaps it was the physicality that enabled them to remove themselves from their insecurities and misgivings. Neither brother was ever sure who had initiated it. They were going into month 17 of their reunited combined forces, month 17 of Dean wanting Sam, month 15 of Sam wanting Dean, and month 7 of Sam being truly over Jessica. Needless to say, the boys were frustrated. And fighting. Again.

Neither of them can remember what they are fighting about anymore; not since they had stopped using words and had started using fists. Sam has Dean pinned up against the wall, and they are so close that each can feel every contour of the other. They are both breathing heavily from the exertion of the fight. They, one of them breaks, or perhaps both of them break. No one can remember afterwards, and frankly, they don't care.

All that matters is that Dean is kissing Sam and Sam is kissing Dean. All that matters is that Dean has wrapped his long legs around Sam's narrow waist and Sam is tripping them over to the bed. All that matters is that Sam still tastes like a feast and Dean still remembers exactly how to touch him.