Hey guys!

First off, it's good to be back. I'm really excited to announce that the first chapter of the new/rewritten version of Moonlight Dancing is (finally) here! Took long enough, eh? It goes by the name of "Ashes of Eden," and it's been a hell of a week grinding it out.

Sorry this update had to be done as a chapter (especially sorry if it got anyone's hopes up). New readers have continued to follow this story, so I thought I would make a final announcement that Moonlight Dancing is officially discontinued, and will only remain on this site until I'm finished using it as a veeeery general skeleton for my new one. I didn't feel like I was giving you guys my best, and I want to fix that.

That's where Ashes of Eden has stepped in. Let me clarify that it is following the same idea as Moonlight Dancing, but the events have been shaken up and I've got a way better idea of where everything is headed. So, if you're still curious as to where Moonlight Dancing was going and how this story ended, you'll still get the opportunity to find out!

Anyway, that's enough from me. Hope to see you all over at the new-and-improved version! ^-^