I did it! I got this done just in time! After forcing myself to not stop writing until it was done, I finally did it! Now, to my awesome reviewers!

DiamondRainbows: Actually, it was Kisshu hitting his face head first on the ground from trying to punch Taruto. And pizza isn't made of bricks/rubber? MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE! *Cue dramatic music*

CelticLily: My stories probably have bad effects on many people! xD May the funny gods be with me!

Akarui Nightshade: Thanks for-*See's glare and snow melting* EEEEEEEEEEEK! *Runs away, writing the update*

sailor phoenix black: You hear that Kisshu?

Kisshu: You're uncle Taruto gave that to you, didn't he? *Puts shirt back on fast*

livingplayanime: Anything for my awesome reviewers!

MistressRiruko: Of course~! *Updates* I hope you're happy!

Animelover4798: Here ya go! And on Christmas Eve~!

This story was pretty fun to write! But good things come to an end. At least I think this is good. Though I never like my writing because for some reason, my mind tells me it sucks each time. T.T But your amazing comments help! Thank you all so much~!

Thanks to all who have reviewed this story~!


Evil Wizard Kairon

Hope Diamond







Shadow Raccoon and Shadow Wolf

sailor phoenix black


Sun-Chan Kyuubi MewMew

Akarui Nightshade

The person with no nickname




And you, yeah you, the ones who read but not review. Thanks for taking time out of your day to even read it~!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone~!

I don't own Tokyo Mew Mew, but I got meh fluffy hat that has husky dog ears! IT RULES! *Puts it on* Wan-wan~! (Woof-woof)

"Catch me you hag-loving baka!" Taruto snickered as Kisshu once again tried striking him. Though Taruto was teasing, he felt terrified by the look on Kisshu's face. He knew talking badly about Ichigo infuriated him, that's why he teased, but Kisshu might give him the biggest beating of a life-time now. So he ran. He couldn't fly or teleport, not with all these humans around. It was quite comical though, when he thought about it. An older brother chasing his younger brother, arms outstretched in front, face red with blazing anger. Okay, so maybe the anger part wasn't funny. But if it had been anyone else, besides Taruto, it definitely would be added to his funny category. So he needed a plan, a escape.

He turned another sharp corner, ending up in a sports shop. He slightly turned his head to look behind and nearly screamed when he saw Kisshu's hand about to grab him. Thinking fast, he knocked over a bucket of nearby golf balls. There was a loud 'thud', along with someone's painful sounding groan. Daring to look, he stopped running and slowly turned around. He could see Kisshu face-first on the ground with golf balls surrounding him all over the place. Taruto laughed when Kisshu lifted his head. He had about three golf balls in his mouth while two were in his nose. That laugh was short lived when Kisshu stood up, getting one of the metal baseball bats that were on a close shelf.

"You're so dead, ya little brat!" Kisshu roared, swinging the bat in any direction possible. Luckily for Taruto, he was able to dodge each attack, making Kisshu hit several different shelves. Some people weren't so lucky...

Taruto was desperately searching for anything that could be of help. That's when he saw it, a golf cart! He quickly snatched the closes thing to him, which was a golf club, then jumped into the machine. Taruto wasn't sure how the thing worked, but he remembered seeing humans put something into a keyhole. Finding what he believed to be the key, he jabbed the key inside and mimicked what humans did with those things called 'cars'. He jumped when it made a loud noise. Not sure what he was doing, he stomped his foot on one of the pedals, causing the golf cart to shoot straight forward. Right at Kisshu.

Kisshu yelped, now it was Taruto doing the chasing. This made the golden-eyed child grin evilly. He still didn't know how to control the odd machine, but right now he didn't care. His golf club was raised high up, laughing victoriously. "Look who's running now!"

ლ()ლ Ichigo's mad! ლ()ლ

"Ugh, I hate this! How could Shirogane make me clean the gum off!" Ichigo complained, pulling another piece of the sticky bubblegum off with her gloved hand. "Ew, ew, ew! This is disgusting! Why me?" She threw the gum away, into a trash bag that had many other pieces. Her eyebrow twitched when Mint's cocky voice was heard.

"Oh, stop whining. Try being like me, though that isn't even possible. But at least try."

"You don't do anything, so you have no right to say that!"

"Yes I do. Someone has to make sure the tea is fine. Of course, only I could tell what's good and what isn't. Now back to work, Ichigo." Mint said, waving her hand in a 'shooing away' manner.

Ichigo growled. "That isn't working!" She noticed Zakuro passing by, holding a tray with sweet foods. "Come on, Zakuro! Tell her she doesn't do anything!" Ichigo looked hopefully at the purple-haired model.

"It is none of my business. Do your job, that's why we work." Zakuro unemotionally said, heading back to the kitchen after delivering food to a customer coldly. Leaving Ichigo with her mouth wide open while Mint smiled admiringly at her role model. Before Mint could list all the reasons why Zakuro was amazing, a certain pink fluff ball came flying in after another customer opened the door to leave.

"Ichigo! Ichigo! Lettuce! Lettuce!" Masha squeaked loudly.

Ichigo hurriedly grabbed the fluffy ball before too many people noticed. She blushed when few people started staring at her. "I...uh...heh, heh..." She decided standing with her hands behind her back wasn't helping the embarrassment she already felt, so she walked as normally as she could back towards the girls changing room. Once there, she let Masha go.

"What's wrong? Is there an alien? Is it Kisshu? I'll seriously hurt him if he shows his face! After what he did to me! That kiss...GAH! Now I'm thinking about it and him again!" Ichigo was blushing, either from rage or something else, she didn't know.

She felt funny whenever Kisshu came to mind, well, not really funny. More like that same feeling when she's with Aoyama-kun...But that would mean? No, she did not like Kisshu! She's just feeling this way because she is a teenage girl, right? It's like with Ryou, she'll get flustered and blush. But it didn't feel exactly the same. She wasn't sure what to think of Kisshu. Was it hate? She has every right to hate him, he's tried killing her and human kind.

He did have moments when he was, dare she say it, nice. Maybe even sweet. Under that playful smirk was a sweet smile, a very rare smile. She's only seen it once...last night, when he kissed her so softly... Don't think about it! I love Aoyama-kun only! Stupid Kisshu, always making me so mad! So...confused.

"Park at 10:00.p.m.! Park at 10:00.p.m.! Ichigo, Lettuce park at 10:00.p.m.!" Masha's high pitched voice brought Ichigo out of her thoughts. She gave the fluff ball a questionable look. Why would Masha want her and Lettuce to be at the park? And so late at night? Ichigo did think about going back and trying to get Aoyama to come as well. But if his family wouldn't let him leave on Christmas eve, then most likely they wouldn't let him leave when it's Christmas day. What puzzled her more, was the fact Masha wanted Lettuce to go with her.

"Why?" Was all she could say.

"It's a surprise! Surprise!" That made Ichigo frown. She'd rather know what's going on than having to wait. But maybe it was something good? Maybe Aoyama was planing something for her! Then why would Lettuce have to go? Nothing made sense now! Could the other Mews have anything to do with it? No, Mint was going to dinner with her older brother after the Café closed. Zakuro had a Christmas photo shoot. And Pudding...wait...where was Pudding? For the first time today, Ichigo noticed Pudding was nowhere to be found. Now she was even more confused.

"Okay...I'll let Lettuce know."


After getting kicked out of the store, Kisshu and Taruto found themselves walking mindlessly. Taruto had a huge bump on his head from where Kisshu punch him, and Kisshu had tire marks covering his body. Then, Taruto heard kids laughing and a bell. He tilted his head when he saw children talking to a man wearing red clothes. Curiosity got the best of him. Quietly, he sneaked his way over to the overly happy man who was holding a bell, a red bucket hanging down from something he's never seen before.

"Did you like what you got for Christmas?" The man in red asked a little girl, who smiled happily. Why would he asked kids what they liked? Did he give it to them? When the little girl answered, the man with a very white beard told her as long as she's good, she'll get what she wanted next year. So he did give them stuff? Hey...he didn't get me anything! I've been good! Kinda...eh...Doesn't matter, I want something, too! Thinking that, he pushed the kids out of his way so he was now standing in front of the red-man.

"Well, hello there. It's not nice to push, I wouldn't want to add you to the naughty list." Taruto rolled his eyes at him.

"I don't care! I want something, you gave them stuff now where's mine!" Taruto demanded, pointing an accusing finger.

"Well, I'm guessing you were on the naughty list. I'm very sorry, but if you be good this year, I'll add you to the good list." The red-man said, smiling a fake smile.

"Give me something now, you old-loser!" Taruto yelled, grabbing the man's beard. Yanking at it, he gasped slightly when the hair easily ripped off. Shocked cries came from the kids as they took in the sight. One of them screamed "That's not Santa, get him!" Making every kid attack the imposter. Meanwhile, Taruto was digging through the red bucket. Stupid junk! He thought, throwing it. He heard someone yell "OW!". Turning, he saw Kisshu rubbing his now sore head while money scattered all around him.

"Why you...!" Before Kisshu could beat the living daylights out of Taruto, the moms started coming after them. Kisshu was not about to hear their complaints, and he definitely did not like the looks of them holding their bags up. Grabbing Taruto by the head, one hand covering his mouth because he started protesting, Kisshu took off.

Two hours later, he and Taruto were now safe from the angry women. Taruto had earned himself another whack to the head.

"We're not here to fight or start trouble!" Kisshu scolded, crossing his arms.

"Right, we're here to find your old-hag something! Well, why don't we start lookin'? I know what she needs, anti-aging cream!" Taruto shot back, sticking his tongue out.

"I'MMA KILL YOU!" Kisshu yelled with rage, wrapping his hands around Taruto's neck. Before he knew what was happening, bags and many other items came crashing down on his head. Releasing his death grip on Taruto, he realized the women from before were attacking him. "Stop-ow! I mean it-OW! I-Dammit!"

"How dare you try hurting a child!"

"What is wrong with you?"

And more comments were shot his way, though he could barely hear them. Taruto was in the background laughing. When one of the women asked him if he was all right, he gave her the most innocent look. Telling her his big brother was mean. She smile kindly at him, giving him a piece of candy. So while he ate his sweet, Kisshu was seeing stars...Stars of dizziness.

After an hour, Kisshu had finally woken up. He had been knocked unconscious when the women left. He noticed Taruto chuckling, that made him furious. Sure, he knew shopping with Taruto would be hard, but he honestly didn't think he'd get beaten down by humans! You're doing this for Koneko-chan...We've been wasting too much time fighting! But I'm gonna make this brat pay... Looking around, Kisshu saw a store called 'Spencers'. Perfect... Smirking evilly, Kisshu said sweetly. "Hey, Taruto. I'm really sorry. Why don't we just find Koneko-chan something and get out of here? We can start by going into that store over there named 'Spencers '."

Taruto looked doubtful but nodded. Going into the store, Taruto gasped at all the very...inappropriate things. "W-W-What the hell?"

"I think Ichigo would look good in that..." Kisshu dreamily spaced out.

"Why would you want the old-I mean Ichigo to wear that? And what's up with that stupid look on your face? W-What is all this?"

"Let me explain EVERYTHING to you, my dear brother." Kisshu grinned.

Ten minutes later

"There, there...get it out..." Kisshu said calmly as he rubbed Taruto's, who was currently throwing up, back.


So after that fun explanation, both boys tried finding the perfect gift in many other stores. They had seen cats, dogs and birds running around everywhere when they passed by the Pet Shop and found that odd. When they went into Sears, the place looked like a tornado went through. Kisshu sighed, nothing was good enough! Not one thing made him think it'd when Ichigo's heart. He thought about giving up, Taruto almost got him killed and his head hurt badly. Not as bad as the feeling of not getting Ichigo's heart. Nothing came close to that pain. Her heart, such a beautiful thing he desired. If only she felt the same way about him. If only she wanted his heart, not like she didn't already have it. She did, she had everything. His mind, body, soul and most of all, his heart. She didn't know, though.

Maybe if he told her...who knows? Maybe she does want it? No. She wanted that human's heart. If only that boy never met Ichigo! Why did life hate Kisshu? But when he thought about it...It wasn't life's fault, it was his own. For falling in love with someone who already loved another. Her love for that human might not be real...Maybe just puppy-er, kitty-love? By the way she acts, she's never really been opened to loving someone else. So if she could just open her eyes, maybe she'd find the love in her that wants Kisshu? Maybe...Why wonder anymore? Why not find out?

Over hearing someone answering another person what the time was, Kisshu gasped. "9:50.p.m." He had to leave! But, he still didn't have anything. No gift...The gift he needs to give her so she'll give him the most amazing Christmas gift, her heart. He looked down, what's the use? She wouldn't want it anyway, right? That's when he saw a...mistletoe. It must have fallen from it's spot...

He gently picked it up, remembering their first Christmas kiss together. He allowed a smile to appear. He loved kissing her. She was the first and last person he's kissed. He knows he'd never be able to kiss anyone other than her. Because he only loved her. When he kissed her the first time, he chuckled, it was because he thought it'd upset her. He didn't really care about giving away his first kiss, besides, she's really cute. That first kiss had started all this, because he knew right then he wanted her. Maybe as a toy? Yes, at first. Time went by and he slowly found himself falling hard for the cat-eared girl. Now, she was far from being a toy to him. But she still thought that's all she is to him...Could that be the reason she won't open her eyes? Is she scared of getting hurt?

He had to tell her, now more than ever. That had to be why she didn't allow him to touch her heart.

◕ ‿‿ ◕ To fluff or not to fluff! That is up to Sesshomaru! ◕ ‿‿ ◕

"Why did I come by myself? I should have came with Lettuce!" Ichigo sighed, she had left a few minutes early since she was all too eager to found out what surprise Masha was talking about. She had high hopes that Aoyama would show up, but those hopes were long-gone when she arrived. "At least the Christmas lights are pretty." So here she was, alone and cold. Her friends out doing their own thing, her parents at a party their job threw. I wish Aoyama-kun were here... This really was her worst Christmas ever. She wondered what possibly could make this better. Not being alone, that's for sure... "Heck, I wouldn't mind if Kisshu was here..." She said the last thought aloud, not really meaning to. She shivered when a chilly gust of air blew through. Cold and alone on Christmas. Life just wasn't fair. "I'm cold..."

"Your wish has come true, kitten! Now why don't I warm you up?" Before Ichigo could blink, two pale arms slipped around her waist. She knew from the start who it was. No person, or should she say alien, did this to her! She felt his warm breath on her neck as he kissed it. That small peck made her twist violently. She asked for him and she got him. Why did she open her big mouth! Why did he do this to her? Why just her? Why not another Mew? Since day one he's been locked on her! Even in battle he only greeted her. Was it because he thought she was his toy? Of course! There isn't any other reason, right? No! Couldn't be...

"Let me go, Kisshu! I'm already having a bad enough day and don't need you making it worse!" He always called her his toy. It sent painful jolts into her whenever he did, though she wasn't sure why. But hey, wouldn't you be upset if someone considered you their toy? The way he kisses her without asking, hugging her with no shame at all! If she was kissing anyone, it should be Aoyama. She loves him, never having feelings for anyone but him! Kisshu was just an enemy who literally came flying out of nowhere. Stealing kisses...her first Christmas! Even if it was nice...IT WAS NOT!...Do I honestly believe that? It's true, right? Yes! Yes...

"Ichigo, I need to tell you something..." Oh no, the name! He said her real name! That never meant anything good! He spun her around, making her face to face with him. It also made their noses touch. Ichigo's cheeks flamed pink, pinker, until it darken to her hair color. Even then, her hair had no match when she felt his hold on her tighten. The fuzzy feeling, the same feeling she felt last night...it was back! Why couldn't she make it stop? Make him stop! Her heartbeat, it skipped. Why? Why for him? Why so many questions? He brought her so much confusion, her head was spinning.

"If you want to talk, let me go!" She pulled back away from him, giving her face little space though his arms still held her. Ichigo looked shocked to see him...frown? No smirk? No witty comment?

"Please...I just want to tell you how I feel about you, that I-" Ichigo sharply cut him off.

"I know already! I'm just a toy! Nothing more than a play thing you'll get bored of, then throw me back into the toy box when you find a new one!" She hissed, that jolt shocking her like lightning.

"I care more about you than that, Koneko-chan! So much, in fact I...I..." Why couldn't he say it? He knew how much he loved her, but he never has told her. But why would it be hard? Maybe because fear of rejection? That was highly possible, that she might reject him. Hasn't she been doing that all this time? So one more time couldn't hurt...Well, actually, it might kill him...

"Y-you're lying! I'm just a toy in your eyes!" Why does he make her feel like this? Hearing him say that...the feeling is growing. What is it? What kind of feeling could this be caused by because of Kisshu? It wasn't hate, this feeling was warm...sweet...yet so confusing. What feeling gave you that? Not...

"Kitten, you're not just some toy to me! I lov-like you! I mean...I...I..." Kisshu's face was drawing nearer and nearer. His breath fanning her lips, now not even two inches apart. Sure, she was fun to tease and play with like a toy. But now, he knew these feelings for her were far more than he ever thought they'd be. These playful feelings for her had changed, for the better, he thought happily. Her lips...they're so close. His mind screamed with joy.

Ichigo's heart beat increased with every warm breath. Her mind was as frozen as the snow all around them. Had he almost said the 'L' word? No! He couldn't! Could he? Would he? What about her? Does she feel like that towards him? Maybe that little 'L' word is something she might want to say? His lips...so close now...Maybe a kiss can help determine this...new feeling.

Closer...closer... Both thought. But then...

"BowChickaWowWow!" Pudding and Taruto screamed, laughing.

"YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" Kisshu yelled at the top of his lungs. Ichigo, his kitten, was about to LET him kiss her! Then these two come along, ruining it? Life just sucks sometimes! Way to ruin a romantic moment, almost as if someone with a evil mind made those two appear! So while Kisshu chased the kids, who were still laughing, Ichigo smiled.

She didn't kiss him, but that's good. She loved Aoyama. But she knew her feelings for Kisshu were no longer hate. She cared for him, more than she should. She could even say she had a crush on him, love? Who knows what this crazy world has planed for her. But she knew one thing, Kisshu was going to be in her world. Rather she liked it or not. And quite honestly, she did like it. Annoying, yes. Fun? Sometimes. Love? That's her heart's secret.

Turning to leave, she felt those warm arms wrapped themselves around her once again. "Not so fast, honey." Kisshu said before giving her the most passionate kiss, not even a dream could wish to make. One hand stroked her back gently, while the other lovingly caressed her cheek. Ichigo kissed him back, only a little. Maybe because of how much passion he was throwing into it? Or maybe because she still doesn't understand her feelings for him? Maybe both? For once, she allowed that fuzzy feeling to warm her up. Warmer than how burned her cheeks were, and that's saying something.

"Awwww, isn't that sweet Taru-Taru, na no da?" Pudding smiled brightly. Pudding, with her hyper energy, was able to miss each attack Kisshu sent her, not so much for Taruto. He grumbled something along the lines of 'Kissing an old-hag, gross...'

"Speaking of sweets, you owe me something! That sweet thing you were talking about earlier, I want it now so I can leave! This is making me almost as sick as when Kisshu told me about..." He stopped, shaking his head from side to side, trying to knock out those disturbing memories.

"Pudding forgot, na no da..." After all that shopping with Pai, it must have slipped away from her mind. She did have a small candy drop in her pocket, but was that special or sweet enough? Then she remembered when they kissed back in that weird green place. She got a very sweet feeling from it, Taruto did too! He had to of! And it felt...Special. So without a word, she pulled the candy drop out, placing it between her teeth.

Taruto raised an eyebrow, then gasped when she kissed him. Both arms wrapped around his neck happily when he tasted the sweet treat. He didn't know if it was the candy drop that was so sweet or Pudding's kiss. Without really thinking, his arms had made themselves at home around her small waist. Both of their cheeks were burning, Taruto's mostly. He tried ignoring his proud ego, but sooner it won the fight. He broke the kiss slowly, his mind still lightheaded.

"I-if I would have known that was the sweet, I'd never agreed to this!" Though the words were hurtful, Pudding could tell he didn't mean them, or she paid no attention. Pudding hugged Taruto tightly, his blush giving Ichigo's a run for its money. He struggled, but it was no use. Once Pudding got a hold of you, you might as well enjoy it. He hugged her back, rolling his eyes at her happy smile. Though he, himself felt a smile tugging at his lips.

Back with Kisshu and Ichigo. He still held her close to him, kissing her sweetly yet passionately. Ichigo didn't think of what the other Mews would say, or Aoyama. Her Christmas wasn't going well for her, so having this warm feeling made it better somewhat. Even when she knew she'd beat herself up for this later.

Breaking the kiss, Kisshu chuckled when he looked up. "Well, this seems familiar." Ichigo blinked, letting her gaze follow his. What she saw made her smile lightly. Above them, was the same mistletoe from before. Making this both his and hers second Christmas kiss. Under their very own, special mistletoe. "I love you, Ichigo-chan."

"My heart holds a secret feeling for you, Kisshu. When I find out what it is, I'll let you know." She blushed brightly, lowering her head.

He cupped her cheeks, bringing her gaze back to his. "I'll be waiting my Christmas-Koneko. When you do, I'll be under our special mistletoe. Even if it's nowhere near Christmas. I love you, Ichigo-chan. I may not have your heart, but I got you to willingly kiss me. And that's a wonderful start." Softly smiling, he gently embraced her. "Merry Christmas, Ichigo-chan."

"Merry Christmas, Kisshu-kun." So maybe this wasn't such a bad Christmas after all.

◕‿◕ The lord of fluffiness approved! ◕‿◕

Yes, I used Taru-Taru. Because you know you're obsessed with Tokyo Mew Mew, the anime, when you can watch the episodes without reading the subs and know what they're saying...Yet you don't speak japanese. I'm sorry for not making Ichigo be all "OMG I LOVE YOU TOO!" But come on, I don't even know what omg means! Even if I am a teen, I don't understand text talk, few of them yeah, not a lot. o.o; Is it me, or did my writing style change? For the worse? T.T Oh well, I hope you guys have an amazing Christmas and new year! *Puts party hat on* Reviews will make my Christmas a heck of a lot better since I love and adore them, so please do! Merry Christmas~!