OMG SORRY ABOUT THE LONG WAIT! It was, like, a 5 month gap. I kind of lost my spark for writing in that timeā¦but now I'm back! Oh, and I did Goldenflower in the last chapter right? I MEANT DAWNFLOWER. SORRY. Review please!
Dawnflower looked fondly at her four kittens. Gingerkit and Goldkit were to be apprenticed this afternoon. Blazekit and Leafkit were 2 moons old.
"Goldkit! Let's play!" Gingerkit picked up a ball of moss.
Goldkit shook her head. "That game's for little kits. And we have to get ready for our apprentice ceremony."
Gingerkit pouted. "You're no fun!" she meowed, and she ran off.
"Gingerkit! Goldkit! Come here, I need to groom you two!" Dawnflower meowed. She groomed them until every single tuft of fur was in place.
"Let all cats join under the Reedpile for a Clan meeting!" Mistystar's voice echoed in the camp.
"I believe that we have apprentice ceremonies today. Gingerkit, come here." Gingerkit bounded over.
"Gingerkit, you are 6 moons old, therefore old enough to become an apprentice. From now on you shall be known as Gingerpaw." Mistystar touched her muzzle against Gingerpaw's. "Your mentor will be Feathermoon." Gingerkit was delighted; she had heard that Feathermoon was one of the most gentle and kind cats in the Clan. They both touched noses.
Mistystar did the same with Goldkit, giving her Reedwhisker.
"Gingerpaw! Goldpaw!" The Clan howled in delight.
It was night. Feathertail was getting old, she knew that. She was a senior warrior. She looked at Crowfeather. He was also getting old; she could see a couple of white hairs on his nose. Feathertail woke Crowfeather up. "Hmm?" Crowfeather mumbled.
"Nothing," she replied. She curled up as tightly as she could next to Crowfeather. This is good, she thought. She rested her tail against his nose.
"Feathermoon! Can we explore the territory?" Gingerpaw asked.
"Sure!" Feathermoon replied. She looked at Reedwhisker with big, dreamy eyes. "Are you coming, too?"
"Of course! Goldpaw should get a view of the territory," Reedwhisker answered, his eyes with a hint of affection. Gingerpaw padded over to Goldpaw and whispered, "I think our mentors love each other." Goldpaw said nothing, but she did realize the affection between the two cats.
Goldpaw thought the affection was sick. She vowed that she would never mate, and be just a wild cat that could hunt and attack and never be worn down by kits.
Now that I've finished this chapter, I've run out of ideas to do for this story. Review your idea please, and I could use it!