Hey! So this idea has been bugging me! And I wanted to know if I should continue it or not. So please review to tell me what you think. (:

Maybe rated M later!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 1

"Edward! Over here!"

"Smile over here Edward!"

"Edward Cullen give us a smile here!"

I heard the paparazzi from all around me say as I brought my hand to my face to try to hide away from all the camera flashes. As I got through the steps toward the plane, I could here security behind me telling the paparazzi to leave.

"I really don't get how the paparazzi found out about these things I swear," I heard my sister, Alice, say to me as I took the seat next to hers on the private plane. "Must be a joy to be you huh bro?" she continued sarcastically.

"It is. Be jealous," I remarked back.

"We're finally going back." She said seriously ending our playful banter.

"Yeah, it seems so." I said gravely.

"It's been 5 years. What do you think has changed?" She asked nervously.

"I don't know, but we'll handle it together." I said before gently grabbing her hand.

She didn't look at me, but she squeezed it back. Ah Alice. She was my little twin sister by 9 minutes. Though we were twins we were really opposite. She was short and petite being at the height of 4'11, while I was tall with a medium build at the height of 6'1. We shared the slight tinge of redness of our mother's hair, mine more prominent, while you could only the tinge of red through Alice's black hair in the sunlight. And we both shared her emerald green eyes. And while she was friendly and loud, I was more polite and reserved. Despite the differences in personalities, we were very close. She was very important to me.

When I got founded to be an actor at 18, it was she, who went with me five years ago to go to LA to film a scene for a TV show. Now it's five years later, and I'm 23 and a big shot actor with my twin sister as my fashion designer and my rock who brings me down to Earth when my head gets caught with all the fame from time to time.

We are now in a plane heading back to our home in Forks, Washington, a small town where there was barely any sun, for our older brother-Emmett's-wedding. I felt guilt surge in me as I've neglected to see my parents and my brother in the past 5 years after I left home. I've left so much when I went to start my career. Now I'm going back to see what's changed.

"Mr. and Ms. Cullen we are about to land. Please fasten your seatbelts," the pilot said through a mike.

Once landing, we met our cab in the back of the airport to stay clear of paparazzi. Neither Alice nor I spoke through the drive back home to our parents' house. I'm guessing she was as nervous as I was of the outcome of this visit.

"Mr. and Ms Cullen, we are here. Can I help you with your bags," our driver said as he opened the door for us.

"No thank you, we are good. Thank you for the ride," I heard my sister say to him as she paid him.

"Of course Ms. Cullen. And Mr. Cullen, if you don't mind, may I have your autograph? My daughter Lizzie, she's 15, and she loves your movies. I know this would mean a lot to her," the driver said as he hesitantly offered me a piece of paper and a pen.

I smiled politely at him. "Of course I can. How many kids do you have?" I asked him as I wrote an autograph.

"Three sir. Lizzie's my oldest. Then there's Jordan, my boy whose 10. And my baby girl, Vanessa, whose 5," he said, the pride in his voice very noticeable.

"Wow, a big family you got there," Alice said.

"It is. Is it a lot to handle?" I asked, handing him the autograph.

"Sometimes, but when you have kids, there worth all the trouble," he said with a fond smile on his face.

"I hope to be as lucky as you are then one day," I said before shaking his hand goodbye. Alice and I watched him go, before we took our bags and walked up the stairs to the door.

I hesitantly door belled, and Alice and I held our breath as we heard footsteps near the door. The door opened, and my mother, Esme, appeared. "Edward? Alice?"

She looked older than the last time I saw her, but then what do you expect after not seeing each other in 5 years. Though she was in her early 40's right now, she still looked like she was in her mid 30's with her lovely youthful heart-shaped face. Her brown hair that was tinged with a slight bronze cascaded down her shoulders, as her green eyes widen with surprised.

"Hey mom, surprised?" Alice said hesitantly as our mother just looked at us with a surprised expression. She shook her head before giving us a big smile. Before I could blink, my mom had wrapped Alice and I into a tight hug. We stood like that for a while; the three of us holding each other before she finally let us go.

"I'm sorry. Come in. I was just so surprised. I wasn't expecting until next week. Oh look at you two. So grown up. Alice, you're so beautiful. And Edward. Look at you, so tall! And so very handsome," she continued to babble as we walked into the living room.

"Mom, relax and take a breath." I said as she continued to talk. "Where's Dad?"

Her eyes looked at me with slight panic, before they darted around the room. "Oh you know he's out and about. So you hungry?" She said.

Alice and I looked at each other confused before shrugging it off. Alice gave a squeal of happiness. "Yay! Mom's homemade cooking! Whatchya making? Whatchya making?"

Mom smiled indulgently at her. "I'm making spaghetti for lunch. And Edward," she said before her eyes turned to me. "I made cookies. Chocolate chip. Your favorite."

I could feel my mouth turn into a very happy grin. Mmm, mom's homemade chocolate chip cookies. Before I could say anything, I heard the front door open and a little girl's voice. "Honey, we're hoooome!" The high childish voice said, as a little girl appeared into the living room. The little girl ran straight to my mom with a happy smile on her little face.

I looked to my mom who had bent down to catch the little girl when the she threw herself at my mom. "Oh yes you are home, my sweet pea," my mom said to her as she picked her and pecked her on the cheek. The little girl giggled before shifting her eyes to me.

I had to admit, she was probably the most beautiful little girl I met. She had a small round face with big green doe eyes and a cute button nose with a big dimpled smile. Her hair was dark brown and had it cascaded down her back past her shoulders in slight curls. There was something about her though that gave me a sense of familiarity. Neither of us spoke, while we looked at each other. Alice's squeal broke our staring contest as I looked to my left to see Alice tackle our father in a bone-crushing hug.

"Wow! She's strong!" The little girl said in amazement. I chuckled in agreement.

"Alice? What on earth?" I saw my dad say as he hugged her back.

"Surprised? We came home early," I said walking to him to get my hug.

"Edward!" And he grabbed me into a tight hug, which I eagerly returned.

"Missed you too Dad," I said while I let go of him. I heard a giggle behind, and I spun around quickly to the little girl in Alice's arms. Geez, what is up with me? I feel so attuned to her. "Looks like I'm not the only who laughs at you Alice," I said teasingly. She glared at me, but didn't say anything.

The little girl laughed and her eyes looked at me again. I felt a smile tug on my mouth at the thought of her attention being on me. Really weird, I know. She cocked her head to the side a little, her eyes staring intently for a moment before she spoke. "Hey! I know you!" I saw from the corner of my eye my parents stiffen at her comment and how they in turn stared intently at the little girl.

"Oh, do you now? Then who am I?" I said.

"You're the guy on TV, and on magazines. You're Ehwa…Edwar..Eddy Cullen! Yeah! You're Eddy Cullen." She said her voicing sounding pleased that she put a name to my face.

I chuckled. Normally I'm annoyed at anyone calling me Eddy, but it sounded so adorable from this little girl's voice. "Actually it's Edward Cullen," my sister said, amused as well.

The child pouted at her for a moment. "That's boring. I like Eddy Cullen." She then wiggled free from my sister's arms. She walked toward me, stopping when she was directly standing in front of me. She was a tiny thing. The top of her head barely reached the top of my waist. She brought her head back to look up at me. "You like Eddy Cullen too, right?"

I kneeled down so I could be on eye level with her. I took her tiny hands in mine as I gave her my crooked smile. "Yeah. I like Eddy Cullen too. But only you can call me that okay?" She nodded eagerly in return. "And what's your name little one?"

"Me? I'm Cassie-" she said before my mom cut her off.

"Oh dear look at the time! Cassie dear. You better come now so you can some cookies before your mommy comes here to pick you up."

Her green eyes brightened. "Cookies!" She exclaimed as she left my side and hurried over to Esme-grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the kitchen.

Alice laughed. "She's just like you. The thought of Esme's cookies and you go wild." I rolled my eyes, but sense someone staring at me. I turned around to see Carlisle looking at me intently. Before I could say something, the intent look disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, let's get some cookies, before she eats them all." He said before walking to the kitchen.

"Is it just me, or are they acting really weird?" I whispered to my sister as we followed him.

"No it's not just you. They're keeping something from us," she whispered back.

As we entered the kitchen, I saw little Cassie sitting on one of the stool in front of the counter-a plate with two cookies on them, and a glass of milk in front of her. In her hand was another cookie, and she was happily munching on it. "These are so good!" She exclaimed.

I laughed as I sat on the stool next to her. "Aren't you gonna share some with me?" I said with a playful frown on my face. She surprised by what she did next. She placed herself on my lap and put the cookie to my mouth.

"Here, have some Eddy Cullen. I don't like it when my friends are sad," she said. Touched by her statement I gave her a smile and brought her hand away from my mouth to hers.

"Thanks little one, but you can eat it," I said to her. She smiled at me, and quietly munched away on her cookie. We stayed like this for a while, me watching her eat on my lap as she ate and swung her legs back and forth humming a random tone. There was something about this girl that had me so wrapped up around her, but I didn't question it. I was quite contented right now. I leaned my forehead against her head, and relaxed. She smelt like orange blossoms and mint with hints of strawberry.

I noticed the room was strangely quiet. I looked around the room to notice my family staring at me all wearing different expressions. Alice's was confused, and I knew why. I never showed a liking to little kids and she was probably wondering why I am now. Esme's was mystifying. She was looking at me like she was about to cry with happiness. Like she was waiting for this moment to happen for a while. Carlisle's was like before. He was looking at me intently as if he was waiting for me to realize something, but I didn't know what.

The doorbell broke me away from my observing. Esme smiled at us before leaving to get the door. Cassie squealed on my lap. "Someone's here Eddy Cullen! Let's go see who!" She hopped off my lap and dragged me to the hallway of the front door.

I could hear my mom talking to someone, as we got closer to the door. "Bella wait! There's something you should know." I heard her say in a fast tone. I froze when I heard the name of the person that was revealed behind the door, but little Cassie was oblivious to me.

Once she heard the name, she let go of my hand and ran to the door. Once the door was out of the way from blocking my view, I saw someone I had yearn to see in so long. Miss Isabella Swan. She was even more beautiful than before. She wasn't the pretty young lady from 5 years ago. She was a confident beautiful woman. She was still tiny, compared to me. Her familiar dark brown hair in layers fell down past her shoulders. Her cheekbones were a bit higher than before and were more prominent-in a good way. She still had those adorable big brown eyes and luscious pink lips. She took my breath away.

But there was something else that was more shocking. And that was Cassie's reaction. "Mommy!" She exclaimed happily. She ran to Bella, who was bent down ready to catch her when Cassie threw herself at her. There was a beautiful smile on Bella's face as she hitched Cassie on the left side of her hip.

"Hey baby," she said as she gently pecked the little one's forehead.

Cassie smiled at her before she turned to me with those familiar green eyes. And then it hit me. I now knew why Carlisle was watching me so intently after seeing me with Cassie. The reason of why I was so fond of her. Her familiar dark brown hair that was without a doubt the exact same as Bella's. Her eyes..oh god her eyes. Those were MY eyes. The realization smacked me right in the face. I felt like someone had punched me in the gut because I felt like the air was knocked out of me.

I looked at my parents who were watching me with a grave expression. They knew I knew. I looked at my sister who was looking at Cassie with wide eyes. She had come to the realization as well. And finally, I looked at Bella whose face was void of no emotion, but that just made me know I was right.

The little angel in her arms was Bella's daughter that was for sure. But that wasn't my realization. The little angel in her arms was also MY daughter. I was a father, and I didn't even know of it. So I said the next thing that came out my mouth without thinking, but I didn't regret it. "What the FUCK?"

DUN DUN DUUUN! So…you like? (: Please review to see if I should continue!