A/N – Hello everyone, this is a sequel to my first Morgan Prentiss fic, Alive. This fic is sort of how I wish things would go for them as a couple. I will have some case scenarios but I'm not very good at that stuff so it won't ever be forefront. I'm kind of going with a slightly similar idea as a story I began about Castle and Beckett but I got stuck with that one and I think it just works better for Emily and Derek. Also, though this is primarily T rated there will be M rated chapters, I'll give plenty of notice before hand if that's something you'd prefer to avoid. Thanks so much for reading, writing is a favourite pastime of mine and I love to hear what people think!

It was hard not to touch him. It wasn't like she spent their time alone constantly in contact, but when they were with the team she couldn't touch him at all. Normally it wasn't a problem; normally they were so busy learning about the case, working the case and just trying to keep each other alive, that not touching was simply not an issue.

It was on the plane ride home that she physically itched to touch him. It was after the 2 or 6 or sometimes even 14 days on the road working the case that she so badly wanted to touch him. She wanted to collapse into the big comfortable airplane chairs lay her head on his shoulder, let him wrap his arms around her. She wanted to feel his fingers playing with her hair, and she wanted desperately to rain kisses small and wet all over his handsome face.

Instead she dutifully took her seat opposite Reid and waited for him to deal the cards. She would get to touch him as much as she wanted the moment they got home, to his place or hers it never really mattered, as long as they were together.

Things were going pretty fucking fantastic. Not only was the team stronger than ever since they'd gotten Emily back, but he had Emily back. He had all of Emily too, how many people got to say they had all of someone. It was almost funny how quickly they had opened up to each other, considering they were two of the most mysterious, closed off people he could think of. It had only taken a bottle of wine, a deep spacious bathtub filled to the brim with hot water and mild scented bubbles to let everything come flooding out.

"Emily?" JJ's voice broke them both out of their thoughts and Morgan had to fight not to look up from his book.

"Yeah," Emily smiled. She'd always gotten along well with JJ, but since they'd both left and then come back to the bureau, JJ had become one of her closest friends. Between JJ and Penelope she was a little surprised they hadn't picked up on any of the goings on between her and Derek.

"Oakley's tonight at 9, Penelope is going to meet us there," JJ pocketed her phone and Emily figured she'd probably only just received the text from their favourite technical analyst a moment ago.

Emily struggled not to look over at Derek, because really all she wanted was to be alone with him for the evening. They'd agreed to take it slow though and it had been way too long since she gone out with the girls.

"Sounds fun," she forced and caught Derek adjusting in his chair. She'd been wondering if it bothered him as much as her, not getting to touch on the plane after cases. Had he been wanting this night together as badly as she had?

"Is this a girl only evening?" Hotch asked surprising them all. He cleared his throat and continued "Jack is with his aunt tonight, and to be honest I could use a drink after this one." They all nodded, the case had been tough.

"Of course you can come, we should all go," JJ ever the diplomat smiled.

Part of Emily was pleased that they would be together but the rest of her couldn't stop thinking about yet another evening she would have to fight her body's new and completely natural inclination to be all over him.

The plane landed and they all made their way back to Quantico to pick up their vehicles. It was just past 7 when she got back to her apartment, she'd only just slipped her shoes off when she heard the light wrap on the door. A quick peek out the peep hole and she found herself exhaling with relief.

She opened the door and he had her in his arms instantly, his lips found purchase on neck as he simultaneously closed the door with his foot and pushed her into the front entrance wall.

"I hate the ride home," he mumbled, his hands busily moving over her body.

"Me too, I'm sorry about tonight," her fingers slipped through the belt loops on the front of his jeans and pulled him into her.

"Don't be, we'll have fun tonight, you'll drink too much and then I'll offer to drive you home and we can spend the entire night making love." His lips connected with hers and she let him consume her. Making love had never been a term she had particularly liked, maybe it was because she couldn't remember ever really being in love, maybe it was because sex had always just been sex to her; but when Derek Morgan told her he was going to make love to her, she knew that was exactly what was going to happen. That didn't mean they didn't have sex as well.

She lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist pulling him into her. He groaned instantly and then laughed. "Damn it woman," he sighed slipping his tongue past her lips and allowing the heat to rise between them.

Just then her stomach growled and they both laughed.

"Come on, we have an hour before we have to be there let's get some food and we can continue this later." He pulled back from her and dragged her into the kitchen. The soft cries of Sergio followed them into the kitchen and Derek bent down to lift the cat to his shoulder. Sergio had taken to Derek as quickly as Emily had, she wasn't sure if it was the height or just the attention but the cat would sit on his shoulder all night if Derek would let him.

They worked efficiently in her small kitchen, making pasta, because she hadn't had time to get groceries and it was the only thing not developing new colors.

After dinner she slipped upstairs to shower quickly and change. He headed to his own place, he had to check on Clooney and change himself. They were lucky that she lived on his route to work. He often picked her up on the way, had been doing it long before they'd become what they were now, so it was never suspicious. They'd planned to meet at the bar, when he got there a little past 9 he was surprised that she hadn't made it yet. Emily wasn't the typical girl, she didn't take hours to get ready or show up fashionably late. If anything, she was the complete opposite but when she walked in that night there wasn't a person in the room who didn't notice her.

Emily wasn't sure what had gotten into her; standing in front of her mirror imagining Derek with other women, even if it was a ruse, well it made her feel completely self conscious of her nearly 40 year old body. Didn't matter how many times he praised her beauty or ran kisses up her legs and over her stomach. She could never be 23 again; but she could look good, she could make him want her so bad that he wouldn't be looking anywhere other than at her.

She found the jeans in her closet with the tags on still; she'd bought them on an impulsive shopping trip with Penelope. They were too low cut for work and every time she put them on she took them right back off again, except tonight. They were a little long in the leg but with her black boots they'd fit perfectly. The top was one she'd bought in Paris, dark green tank that plunged low showcasing her breasts. The black lace overlay was tight at her waist and sat just above the jeans, only a hint of skin showing, it hung loose over the top of the tank falling suggestively over one shoulder.

She'd left her hair down and only applied a bit of make-up, choosing to focus mainly on highlighting her eyes which she knew were fabulous.

She felt good, she felt confident. It only waivered slightly when she saw she was running late. She felt even better when she walked into the bar and instantly felt his eyes on her.

He watched her walk into the bar and the first thing that entered his mind was how quickly he could get her home. He watched her turn her head, looking around the room for them until she was engulfed unknowingly by Garcia.

"Holy shit Lady, you look smokin' who are we trying to ensnare this evening?" Penelope laughed and then dragged Emily over to the rest of the group. She was almost regretting her decision when she saw the way Rossi, Hotch and Reid were eyeing her, then she caught sight of Morgan.

"So who's buying?" she asked making a joke and drawing the attention away from her appearance. Morgan laughed and stood from the table. She slid into his place beside Reid snatched one of the fries off his plate and munched on it. No one was talking; they were all just watching her.

"Alright would you guys lay off, so I dressed up a bit. It's not like I walk around work in sweatpants with greasy hair." They all smiled, even Hotch and then Morgan was back, JJ behind him helping to carry the drinks.

It didn't take long for everyone to get comfortable, for everyone to open up. They were enjoying being together in a positive setting, because above everything else these people were family to each other.

She was in her 5th or was it her 6th drink when Penelope led her and JJ onto the dance floor. It only took a second to have their little threesome swallowed up by a multitude of young and older men. Emily was laughing loudly as some guy wrapped his arms around her waist. She was surprised at the awkwardness of it, he was an attractive man but he wasn't Derek and had she not been a few too many in, she would have easily side stepped him.

Morgan inhaled sharply at the sight of the other man holding Emily; it was almost surprising to him just how envious, how possessive he felt about her.

"Not dancing tonight Derek," Rossi brought his beer to his lips and grinned.

"Nah, it's been a long week. To be honest I'm itching to get home." And to get that woman naked, he thought as he drained the last of his drink.

"Emily sure looks to be having fun," Hotch nodded once again to the dance floor, watching Morgan watch Emily.

"I think she's maybe had enough for one night," Reid answered, they watched her stumble to the floor, the idiot behind her already moving onto another taller brunette. Morgan was out of his chair quicker than anyone and replacing JJ's arm with his own.

"Come on Princess, I think it's time to get you home" she looked up into his eyes and he knew she wasn't going to be able control the next words out of her mouth so he filled the silence with his own voice.

"Ladies, have a nice evening," then he dragged her from the bar; his eyes meeting those of the unit chief as he did so.

A/N - thank you so much for reading! please don't hesitate to drop me a review! Don't worry for those of you who want it, you'll get to see what happens when he gets her home in a couple of chapters!