So i might end up needed some help .

The next chapter is supposed to have some fighting scenes but i discovered that, when it comes to this story, i cant write a good fight scene.

I could just exclude them but that would make for a slightly boring and short chapter.

So what should i do? Not write it, or find someone to help me? And if so...who O.O

I do not own KH n_n

The apartment was tense. Axel sat on one side of the couch, his long black jacket unzipped, showing his chest and abs. He had thrown off his black boots, one leg bent with his foot pushing against the coffee table. His arm was propped against the arm rest, his chin in his hand with an annoyingly pissed look on his face.

Riku sported the same look, his chin also in his hand on the opposite side of the couch, a thick bandage taped over the bite mark on his neck. Sora had tried to heal it but surprisingly his blood didn't have much effect.

Keyblade sat between them, his tail twitching back and forth, as if he had been in the brawl himself.

Leon was on the phone with the King, filling him in on everything that had happened. Roxas, who had gotten some blood on his clothes and hands when trying to help Axel, got up to take a shower, asking me for from clothes to borrow. I heard Riku mutter something to Axel, biting out each word. I couldn't make it out but when I came back into the room I caught the words, "So he doesn't remember her." There was silence for a few minutes before Axel finally said "Thank you." Though it sounded as if he still wanted to punch Riku in the face.

I picked up Keyblade and sat between the two, stroking the cat. "You guys are funny." I said. Axel and Riku both snapped their heads to look at me, glaring daggers into both sides of my face. I curled up with Keyblade in my lap, my face heating up. I didn't like being the center of attention. "So…I guess I wasn't the key at all. Riku was." Both of their faces changed when I said this, as if both had just realized what this all meant.

My blood was supposed to bring them back from the dead, that's why Xemnas wanted me, yet nothing happened. But Riku's blood had changed Axel into a real vampire…

"Hey fire crotch." Cloud called, gaining Axel's death glare. Beside Cloud stood two guys, both looking buff and slutty. "Your meals here." Cloud figured Axel would be hungry after his transformation, finding two guys who knew about the whole vampire thing and paying them for their blood. Axel stood, making both of the guys smirk.

"We could do more than just give some blood." One said coyly.

"Like what?" Axel asked, giving him a sly grin.

"See if you live up to your nickname."

"Oh I think you'll find-"

"Ahem!" Roxas announced his presence, a towel draped around his shoulders, hair still dripping wet. Axel continued to grin, draping his arm over one of the guys shoulders.

"Maybe you should take some of Riku's blood too Roxy. Then we could all have some fun."

"No, we don't know if Roxas will react the same way you-"

"Fine." Roxas threw off his towel, my clothes fitting his frame perfectly. "Riku, you mind?" Riku tilted his head back to look at Roxas, blinking.

"Fine." He lifted his hand to remove the bandage around his neck but Roxas stopped him, sliding onto his lap and straddling him. I felt my chest and cheeks puff out in jealousy, knowing what he was about to do.

"Let's do this simple and clean." He said before he locked lips with Riku. At first, Riku just looked shocked. Then he rolled his eye and closed them, moving his tongue into Roxas's mouth and allowing the blond to bite it.

That was our thing.

Axel ripped Roxas away from Riku faster than I could crawl over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Roxas was confused, some of Riku's blood leaking from the corner of his mouth as he swallowed. Riku and Axel were glaring at each other again, looking ready to kill one another. Roxas cried out then, gripping his chest and arching his back. Axel quickly carried him into my room, his cries and soon the sound of retching being heard.

"You can let me go now." Riku said, poking my side. I huffed, scooting all the way to the end of the couch and sulking. Eventually Roxas's cries stopped, and I assumed everything was okay because a pissed looking Axel poked his head out of the room and pointed to the two guys.

"In here. Now." He said sternly, shutting the door behind them.

"Sora." I turned my head, refusing to look at him. "Hey, he kissed me."

"And you stuck your tongue in his mouth." I refuted, crossing my arms. I heard Riku sigh before he grabbed my ankle, yanking me closer to him. He then crawled over me, pushing me onto my back.

"He wanted to get even with Axel."

"Well he didn't have to do it with our kiss." He smiled then, leaning in and kissing me, his tongue still bleeding as he pushed it past my lips. I couldn't help myself. He tasted so good, even if I was mad at him. I kissed back, my arms wrapping around his neck and my legs locking around his calves. He gently lowered himself, resting his weight on me comfortably as he continued to kiss.

I hadn't had a make out session in a while.

One of Riku's arms rested by my head, keeping him balanced as his tongue tickled the roof of my mouth before rubbing against my own. His other hand was on my waist, rubbing circles in my skin and driving me crazy. After about fifteen minutes of making out he stopped for air, laying on top of me.

"Tell me what happened when I got kidnapped." And he did. He told me everything from the constant feeding to making love and out escape, even how I didn't get along with Leon, which made me giggle. Then he explained how I said I loved him, but that he wasn't sure which Riku I loved, the old one, or him.

"Sora, I should have told you this before but I didn't get the chance because of you being kidnapped. That picture. The one of you and the other Riku, I've seen it-" There was a knock at the door then, making Riku stop. "Just, stay there." He said, getting up and going to the door.

"Oh my god. We thought you were dead." I sat up and found Zexion at the door, his slate hair pulled to one side of his face, his expression grim. My bedroom door opened, Axel and Roxas walking out, the two walking snacks leaving. Zexions closed the door behind them, taking a breath.

"I managed to slip out of the mansion using an illusion."

"Dude. You're alive?" Axel looked panicked. "Oh shit, this changes things."

"Changes what?" Riku asked

"Well, Demyx thought you were dead. He wanted revenge. That's only natural." Axel scratched the back of his head.

"I'm pretty sure he's reported back to Xemnas about Riku." Zexion said, my eyes widened in shock. "He saw what happened in the park. Which means we don't have much time. He could be on his way here."

"Isn't that a good thing? You're in the organization too Zex." Axel reminded.

"Damn it Axel, you haven't figured it out yet?" Riku yelled. "They are the bad guys. Xemnas lied to you about everything! Sora was never the Key."

"And he never intended on making you all into vampires. He only wanted to turn himself. He used you and the others to get what he wanted. He was planning on killing us all once Sora's blood changed him." Zexion explained, making Axel's eyes widen.

"Namine must have known all along it wasn't Sora's blood he needed." Roxas said, looking over to Riku.

"But how? How would she have-"

"We really don't have time for this!" Zexion yelled, reaching into his pocket. "This is a gift from Namine, she told me to make it and give it to you if Xemnas ever came after you." Riku took the vile of red liquid going to ask Zexion a question. "I suggest we leave now before-"

The lights suddenly went out, everyone in the room tensing before all hell broke loose, everyone scrambling around for their shoes.

"Leon!" Cloud yelled, moving from behind the kitchen bar. He had been quietly listening the whole time with Leon by his side.

"Already on it!" Leon ran over to my white room, ripping the door open and coming out with to large, long boxes. "Looks like we're getting ready for a fight. Sora, Riku." Riku and I quickly rushed over to Leon, watching in the dim light as he opened one of the boxes. I gasped as I looked at a blade, looking as if it had been made from a bats wing, the hilt surrounded on one side by a white feathered wing, on the other a blue dragon like one. A wing came off the back of the blade, Leon picking up the sword and holding it out for Riku. "The king had these sent over just in case." Riku took the blade, gently swinging it.

"What's its name?" Riku asked.

"Way to Dawn." Leon answered. "And for you Sora." Leon moved to the second box, opening it up to reveal a key. Or rather, a Key Blade. Ironic. "The king had this specially made. The Kingdom Key." I took it in my hand, noting the key chain that came off the handle. It was odd. While it had a flat top, I could somehow feel that it could do just as much damage as a pointed sword. "Remember when we used to spar?" Leon asked, his own Gunblade in his hand. I nodded, butterflies quelling in my stomach.

"Axel, Roxas, you guys with us?" The two exchanged a look before Roxas nodded, holding out his hand as twin blades appeared. Axel still looked unsure but he summoned his Chakrams, giving them a spin before nodding.

"Okay, here's the plan-"

My phone rang, making me jump and everyone's attention turn to me. I took the phone out of my pocket, my eyes going wide.

"Were going back to their mansion." I said, my grip tightening on my Keyblade.

"Why?" Cloud asked, his brows furrowing.

"Because they have Kairi." I told them, showing them the picture i had just been sent.

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