A/N. Hello everybody, how are you? this week has been specially hard for me, too much work to do, but still I found some time to write this, the last chapter of this fanfic. Yes, that is what I said, the last chapter. I really hope you liked it... and if you don't you can tell me xD.

I want to thank everyone that had read this fanfic, specially to those who had commented, alerted or favourite this fanfic, it really made me happy. to be honest, at first I thought this was going to be a 3 chapter story... well... It was more than that, wasn't it?

And now, everything ends the way it started, from Jade's Pov. What is going to happen? what would Tori say? this is the longest chapter in the whole fanfic, so I hope you like it.

Disclaimer. No, but maybe... nope, not even then.


Jade's POV

To begin with, I never thought I was going to do something like this, not in a million years, for a great number of reasons. First of all, declaring your love to another person in front of several individuals is dangerous, reckless and stupid. Yes, really stupid. For one, the other person could reject you or not even understand. I feel like I'm in one of those romantic movies I hate so much. It's ironic really. Second, this is not like me at all. I'm Jade West, the girl everyone fears. I'm known for being tough and making a fool of the rest, and right now, I know I'm making a fool of myself. I mean, I'm showing a soft side that isn't even supposed to exist! And it's all for that girl, for that little princess… I just hope she understands… I just hope she's worth all this, because I'm putting it all on the line here for her, like I've never done before for anybody. This is my last resort.

I got here at school almost forty-five minutes before class began and set everything in the classroom, all the decorations I'll need. I know this is a little over the top, but hey, what harm could it be? I just wanted to add a personal touch to this, so no one would forget that after all, it is me we are talking about here. Right after that, all I had to do was wait for Sikowitz. I kind of needed his approval for what I had in mind, but I knew he was going to say yes because I think he could never resist the curiosity to know what it is that I'm planning. This has to work.

Besides, last night I got a text massage from Beck telling me that he was sorry, that he regretted blowing up his chance with me and making me lose mine with Vega. He said that he is going to make it right. I replied that he better. No idea how he is going to do it, but I appreciate that he realizes he did wrong and tries to help.

Everyone is already in the room; only Beck and Tori are missing. I guess they are together now, maybe talking or something and I can't help feeling a little uneasy about that because I really don't like not knowing what is going on. I hate not being in control, but I just let it go, thinking about what I have to do next. I need to be prepared for this. Cat waves at me from her seat, smiling at me. She is great; she stayed all weekend at Vega's helping her, keeping me informed of everything…sometimes just too informed. I mean, I did not need to know what they ate or how long Tori took showering, and I certainly didn't want to know anything about Trina's future plans for her "career". Still, I owe her. Someday I'll repay… maybe.

I'm still thinking about Cat when I see them entering the room. I raise a brow to Vega as a greeting and she waves at me nervously. I guess maybe Beck did help. I'll ask him later what he said to her because, at least, she doesn't seem to be all that mad.

Now the only two people standing in the entire classroom are Sikowitz and me. He is giving an introduction to what I'm about to do or something, although he has no idea. I told him he had to see it for himself and that it was going to be special and 100% personal. Isn't that right? Oh well… here I go. I take a minute to smirk at Vega, to help me to remember why it is that I am doing all this. It's her, and that is all the courage I need to go for it.

I used to write poetry when I was really young; I found it a good way to express everything I wasn't allowed to say. And now there were just too many things I hadn't said and I had to. It's part of being a performer, right? It is expressing your feelings through acting, singing, or in this case reciting something that came from my own sentiments.

I try to show every emotion that is meant to be shown into this because it has to make sense. If I'm doing this, I have to do it right, so my eyes don't leave Tori's at all.

Once I finish reciting the poem, I stand up and stare at Tori asking her, "So Vega, what do you say to that?" It is a little dangerous to ask in front of everybody, but what can I do? I couldn't prevent myself; I just blurt it out. I need to know what she thinks, feels or whatever.

She looks shocked; she opens her mouth and closes it again. I can see how her mind is trying to work, to process everything that is happening. Maybe I should have waited until we were outside the classroom to ask her, but it is too late to back down now, and to top it all off, everybody is staring at her. Then, completely decided, she stands up and starts walking in my direction. Her eyes don't leave mine while she approaches me, and I have no idea what she is going to say or do. All I know is that I hope it is something good.

When she is finally in front of me, she just shakes her head like she still can't believe what happened, and then she mumbles something like "How? When…?" I'm not really sure about what her exacts words were. All I know is that she suddenly looked around and noticed the rest of the class, and apparently she just realized they were there. It's then that I try to reach for her, calling her name. I try to pull her close to me, but she steps back and heads to the door, looking overwhelmed, and I just stand there, watching how she slowly walks away from me, looking in her direction until the silence is broken by Sikowitz who says out loud:

"Oh, a twist, that is interesting. What are you waiting for, young lady? Go after the girl now." I listen to him and automatically go after Tori. This girl surely loves when I have to chase her.

When I get to the hallway I see her. She is there and I notice that tears are rolling down her cheeks. I try to get close to her to hug her. I don't know what it is with her but I just need to make her feel better even if I know that somehow, right now, I'm feeling just as vulnerable as she is, maybe more.

"Tori…" It´s all I manage to say before she burst into tears and shoves me off.

"It's not fair, Jade. You can't just pour your feelings like that in front of everybody and just expect me to fall to your feet telling you that I love you! It's not fair," she says and I see that she is really upset about everything.

"No, wait, that is not…" And she gives me this look, like she is insanely mad, a look I have never seen on her face before. Jeez, I thought she was going to like this; I'm feeling worse by the second.

"I am still talking; please, you had your moment to talk so now let me… I can't believe you, Jade. This is completely over the top." And she turns around and I feel the words that I want to say to her get caught in my throat because this don't make sense. This is not the way it was supposed to happen. I want to scream, I want to shout the words that I already told her but nothing comes out, nothing except the feeling of being lost.

And I don't know what happens first because out of nowhere she turns around really fast and takes my hand without even looking at my eyes, and drags me full speed to the janitor´s closet. I can't understand what is going on right now. Am I in another world? Did I skip dimensions or something? Once we are in there, she doesn't even bother to turn on the lights. She just locks the door and goes directly to me. I don't know if she is going to continue yelling at me, if she is going to hit me or what. All I know is that I am not prepared at all for whatever that is going to happen now.

Then she smiles and leans in closer to me, caressing my cheek. I stare at her in disbelief. Is this for real? I'm giving up on trying making any sense of this. I try to talk; to ask her what's going on, but she just silences me, placing a finger over my lips, and feeling the touch of her skin like that makes me shiver. I had almost forgotten how it feels to have her close to me, to almost feel the warmth she radiates. She touches my lips with her finger and I can't think straight anymore because all that occupies my mind is her name.

She doesn't make a sound and she does not speak a word. She simply grabs my chin and pulls me to her, catching my lips in a really soft kiss that makes my world melt. I don't know what this means but it makes me happy and it's all that really matters. Does this mean she understands now? That she has finally forgiven me?

"Tori…" I try to speak again, but again she shushes me, saying no with her head. I guess I'll have to go with Vega on this one. If she does not want me to talk, let's just see what she has in mind, what she wants to say, or do.

I feel her arms locking around me in a tight embrace, her hands traveling alongside my back and her lips tracing a path of small kisses between my earlobe, my neck, and my lips. I had never felt this way before; she is so soft, so much for me that it almost seems like a dream.

The silence is still here, but no word is needed because we understand each other in a way that doesn't really need words. I am kissing her, something that for a while I thought I would never do again, and it's worth it. It was completely worth it… all of it. The poem, reciting it in front of everybody, fighting with Beck… hell, even that stupid plan was worth it. Every mistake led me to this particular moment because right now, I can't think of a better outcome than this.

And here she is, gently tracing her hands through my skin, my forearms, my hands, my collarbone… every part of me that is not covered with clothes is being caressed with her soft touch, and damn, I would really like to have more skin exposed right now because this innocent touch is making me dizzy, is making me want more… way more.

It is in that moment that I can't take it anymore, even if my plan was letting her do this her way. I just can't wait anymore. There is a big possibility I may die, implode, or something, and I'm not taking any chances of that happening. Besides, this is just perfect. I need to show her how I feel, how I really feel, without pretending, without ulterior motive… this is all for her and for me. All because I love this miss Tori Vega.

I start kissing her neck as subtly as I can because I'm trying real hard not to let go and take off all of her clothes and bite her or something. I want to take this slow. She deserves it; it is what she wants… I think.

She is letting me do this, resting in my arms, giving me the space and time to control everything, like she knew what it is that I want and right now, I have no doubts that she does. So I take her with me and we sit in the floor, as close to each other as we physically can.

Time goes by and this is beyond my imagination. We are still here, this is not like before, this is not about me wanting to control her, nor about me just wanting to have fun. No, this is completely different. It is something else and now she is smiling, something that I take as a good sign. Then she takes my face between her hands and pulls me close to her to kiss me. This time the kiss is not so soft, and I can feel her tongue playing with my lips. Vega surely knows how to do this. I would have never guessed it before any of this happened.

I feel just like heaven, and then out of the blue, she stops. And not just that, but she stops, grabs my chin, looks at me in the eyes and says with an unexpressive face, "Bye Jade," and I don't understand. Is she playing with my mind? Is this some kind of sick joke she is pulling on me? I don't like this at all.

She stands up and approaches the door, and when she is about to open the door I grab her arm and turn her around. It is time for me to give her a piece of my mind; she can't be playing with me this way, giving weird signals, and then leave. She just can't.

"Wait there, Vega, you can't just leave that way. This time I'm not allowing it, so now just hold still and listen." I wait to see if she has something to say, but she doesn't. She just stares at me. So I continue talking.

"I poured my heart back there. I spoke from my feelings. I really love you, Tori, and I put myself on the line for you, and your reaction to it really is complaining? And then, you confuse the shit out of me by taking me here, kissing me and making me feel like no one has ever done before. If you just don't feel the same for me, if you didn't like my poem, if you don't want my feelings, why would you do that, Vega? Why make me believe this? Tell me."

I stare at her, but she maintains the same expression and it makes me want to hit her. Why isn't she reacting?

"Is it that you wanted to take a little revenge for what I did to you? Is it that this is just a game to you? Let me tell you, Vega, this is something else for me… you are not walking away just like that. I demand you tell me what the hell is going on with you…" I haven´t stopped talking yet when I she starts laughing, at first almost in a whisper, and then every moment that went on, it become louder. "What is so funny?" I ask a little annoyed.

I look at her and she has a wide grin on her face. I don't understand this at all, and she is making fun of me, what… I need her to tell me what she is thinking; I can't take not knowing anymore. This uncertainty is eating me alive.

"Sorry Jade, I never thought that I would actually be able to fool you. I guess my acting abilities have improved since we've been hanging out," she says and now she is smirking directly in my direction. Acting abilities? Wait, it was all an act?

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, and I can't help but remember Cat with that statement. It's like her signature phrase when she does not comprehend something.

"Well, first of all, let me tell you that your poem blew my mind. I had never heard something more beautiful, more truthful, and on top of all of that, it was directed at me. It was too much to handle and I felt overwhelmed. I needed to talk to you alone. That is why I was crying when you got to me once I left the classroom. I wasn't running from you, I wanted us to talk outside but…" She stops there and looks at her feet and I can see she is feeling guilty about something.

"Spill it out, Tori. But what?" I say. I want to know what this is all about, and I want to know it now.

"Well, then I saw your face, and you should have seen yourself, Jade. You were panicking and I couldn't help but pay you a little joke. I never really said I hadn't liked the poem, I only said that it was too much and it was. You had me with the first few words. It was all really… intense. I wanted to leave and see if you noticed my act, but when I saw that you really believed that I was mad, I couldn't take it and I brought you here and silenced you. I needed to kiss you so much, Jade. I haven't stopped thinking about you at all, even if I tried…" She stops and bites her lip. I don't really know what to say. I should be mad, but I'm feeling so relieved that this wasn't really her being mad or not liking my poem or whatever that I just take it as a lame joke.

She keeps talking.

"I tried, but in the end you remain in my heart, even if my mind told me a million times not to be with you. It also betrayed me wondering about you all the time… then Beck told me… and then you… I just can't do what's supposed to be right anymore. You made a mistake, I know, but you apologized and then some." She takes a deep breath and then continues.

"I love you; Jade, and right now, I had to stop. I don't want us to do more than what is appropriate here in the janitor's closet for our first time. I needed to put a hold on this." And when she says this she is blushing. It's so funny how some things really escape her control and her emotions are shown so out in the open. I'm actually surprised that I never noticed she was teasing me with that before. I guess she is getting better. Oh well, she is going to be teased now.

"So there is going to be a first time I presume? Is it going to be really soon? Maybe it will be in your house? Or do you prefer mine? Because it is bigger…" I am smirking, not because I really think that that is going to happen right now, but giving her a hard time seems so appropriate right now. She is smirking back. I guess she is learning.

"Well West, I think we could make an arrangement there," she says and she is laughing, and I just know that now everything will be alright because there's no room for secrets nor misunderstandings. She knows me, and I've done everything in my power to ruin this and if we are together still, something tells me this is going to be good.

"Good Tori, I'm glad, but remember, I'm not easy so try to keep your hands to yourself right now, alright?" And now I'm laughing again. I can't remember the last time I felt this light, this good about everything. I guess I am really in love.

"Yeah, I think I can handle it," she says and gets closer to me and kisses me, placing her arms around my neck. I just love this feeling. My own hands go to her waist and I kiss her again. We simply fit together.

"Great, Vega. Now, do you think we should get out and tell the world about what is going on? I'm pretty sure everyone is dying to know what happened after we left the classroom," I remind her, remembering Beck, Sikowitz and Cat.

"Yes, we should, but not right now. What about five more minutes?" That is what she says and I agree… although in the end those five minutes become in forty-five. Apparently in Tori time, every minute is multiplied by nine or something. And I can't be happier about it. This is the best outcome the plan could have had… ever.

A/N: It feels so weird to know that I wont be writing this story anymore... but hey, I guess that everything has to end up at some point. I just wanted to tell you how thrilled I am that you had liked this story so much.

So, tell me, what do you think about the end? did you like it? or hated it? tell me, I really want to know.

This chapter is for everyone who reviewed, specially for Angel, without her threats I wouldn't have updated so much and I would have end this at chapter 9 or something xD

and of course to Liz (Bandgrad2008) who was the one who encouraged me to do this, and helped me at all times. She is such a good writer, if you haven't read her stories yet... you should x3

And now... waiting for the new Victorious Episode! XD

See you!