
That's all we ever are.

We try and try and what is it for?

Heart break.

I try, almost every day.

But who listens?

Who cares?

No one, and this is because,

I'm all,


"Hey Arthur!"

I hide these thoughts.

"Oh, hello."

I pretend no one can hear me.

"What's up, dude?"

I pretend they don't know the real me.


I let my tears fall. Tears of hate, tears of depression.

"H-hey dude! Don't cry! Arthur, what's wrong?"

I let them fall because,

"Shh Arthur, I'm here."

I'm all,

"Don't cry anymore, I'm here."


I honestly don't know where this came from, but it just gave me a good idear for a story :D Feedback on that idea will be greatly appriciated, but not necessary.