A/N: I started this story like, over two months ago. And I finally felt like posting it. It's a chapter fic, and I know where it's going, but I might not update soon. I'm in senior year; enough said. It's mostly conversation, and I hope you like to read it like that. Enjoy.

Logan was heading to the little café at the end of the street. His mom had set up another date for him, and he wasn't even close to excited. It's bad enough for a seventeen year old that your mom thinks she needs to help you with your love life, but there was a certain factor that made this even worse. Logan reached the café and sighed when he stepped in. His mom has told him something about blonde hair. He found a lonely mop of blonde after scanning the place for a while, that must be it. He walked over to the guy that was waiting for him.

"Are you Kendall?" He asked when he was in front of him. The guy nodded.

"You must be Logan?" Logan sat down and took a breath.

"I'm straight." He said bluntly

"Nice, I like a challenge."

"What?" The conversation started not even a minute ago and Logan was already confused.

"So why are you here?"

"I couldn't just leave you hanging here." That comment earned a surprised look from Kendall.

"Why not? You don't even know me."

Logan just shrugged. "I'm a decent guy."

"Who likes girls…"

"Yes, exactly."

"…And is on a date with a guy."

"I just came to say in person that I'm not interested." Logan started to get a tad nervous. He had no idea where Kendall was going with this conversation. He wasn't sure it was the right direction.

Kendall squinted his eyes and leaned back in his seat. "You sure?"

"Uh yeah, very sure."

"Why are you here?" Kendall asked again.

"Like I said-" Kendall cut him off.

"Yeah yeah yeah, decent guy and shit, blah blah. You could've just told your mom you didn't wanna go."

"Not really."

"Why not?"

Logan sighed. "My mom has this strange lifelong dream where she gets a son in law." He looked down to his lap. "Apparently a real son wasn't good enough for her."

Kendall felt a little bad for Logan. He was only here to please his mom. He grabbed the other teen's hands in his own. "Or she knows you're gay and tries to help you."

"I'm not gay. My mom's just psyco."

"Really? Then why aren't you pulling away?"

"Just because I'm straight doesn't mean I'm some homophobic prick who thinks the gay's contagious."

"You're holding another guy's hand." Kendall stated. It was all it took for Logan to pull his hands back.

"And now I'm not. Happy?"

"Extremely. I'm gonna make you want me." Kendall said with a smirk. It made Logan chuckle.

"Good luck with that. Not gonna work."

"Do you think I'm handsome?"

"You don't need to be gay to find another man handsome!"

"So you think I am?"

"…I never said that."

"But you were thinking it. Are blondes your type?" Kendall continued, amused by the other boy's embarrassment.

Logan sighed once again. "Look Kendall, I tried. I really tried to like guys. This is like the fifth date my mom set up. I tried, for her, to change but I swear, I'm straight."

"Yeah I'm not buying it."

"Jesus, how much prove do you need?"

"Have you ever had sex with a guy?" Kendall asked with a serious poker face.

To say that Logan was taken aback by the question was an understatement. "No! Why would you even think that?"

"With a girl?"

Logan was silent for a moment, a little bit embarrassed by the fact that he never had sex. "…No."

"Then how do you know?"

"How do you know so sure you're gay? Have you had sex with a girl?"


Logan's voice rose a little. "See! Then how-" Kendall cut him off again.

"I tried too. But when she was naked in front of me and I saw all her… girly parts, I got so turned off. That's when I knew for sure."

"Alright, that seems legit." Logan said hesitantly. "Have you had sex with a guy?" He asked, looking everywhere but in Kendall's eyes.

"No." There was a long silence. Both didn't know what to say next. After a few moments Logan started talking again.

"So you're a virgin too then."

"Yep." Kendall's straight face changed back to a smirk. "Wanna get out of here and change that for both of us?"

Logan pretended to be offended but he laughed anyways. "I could just leave you know."

"Then why are you still here?"

"I already ruined your date by being straight, the least I can do is keep you company."

Kendall's smirk turned into a genuine smile. "That's sweet. So, you want vaginas hmm?"

"That sounds so gross when you say it like that."

"And that's why I said it." They both laughed.

"But you want dicks… I mean, that's just… that's even more gross."

"Why? You have one yourself?" Kendall said it as if he was stating the weather.

Logan's expression went wide. "Yeah and that's the only one I wanna see and touch."

That made Kendall laugh even harder. "Ooh Logan. Do you touch yourself at night? Who do you think of while you do it? A pretty pretty girl or a hot guy?"

"I'm so close to leaving."

"Fine, I'll stop."

"Thank you!"

"So, wanna be friends then?" Kendall asked, a little shyly.

"Sure, you're pretty easy to talk to."

"And being friends is the first step to-"

"Kendall! I'm warning you!"

"Okay okay. Can I have your number?" Kendall coughed nervously." So we can, you know, hang out some other time?"

"Yeah I'll write it down for you."


"Would you wipe that smug smile of your face?"

"What face, my handsome face?"

"I'm certainly not afraid to hit you."

"Oh please, you couldn't beat me if you wanted too."

"Wanna bet on it? I can kick your ass."

Kendall smiled once again. Logan made it too easy to pass up these comments. "You wanna touch my ass, Logan?"

Logan rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna leave now."

"Thought you'd never leave."

"Like you want me to leave." Kendall laughed a little uneasy at that.

"Yeah, so, can we hug?" Kendall said while standing up.

Logan stood up as well. "I guess that's okay."

"Why wouldn't it be?" Kendall said as he put his hands very, very low on Logan's back.

"Kendall, get your hands of my ass."

"It was worth a shot." He squeezed softly. Logan immediately pushed him away. He raised a finger at him.

"That was so inappropriate."

"Oh come on, you totally liked it!"

"I did not." Logan tried to be angry but he couldn't suppress his smile.

"Did too."

"Did not. Bye Kendall." Logan walked away, to the entrance of the café.

"I'll call you later!" Kendall yelled after him.

"I don't have a single doubt about that!"


The morning after his 'date' with Kendall, Logan was lying on his bed. Thinking. He never had such a weird, deep conversation with someone he just met. But talking to Kendall just was so easy. It was like they had known each other for years.

Right after he got home, his mom was all over him. He was out for a while so she automatically assumed he had finally found a nice guy. She was right in a way, of course. Kendall is one of the nicest guys he had ever met. No actually, if Logan was really honest with himself, Kendall is THE nicest guy he had ever met. Logan had never met someone who would just accept you as you are from the first minute. He guessed it had something to do with Kendall being gay. If you know how hard it is to be different, you probably treat all people as equals, because in the end, that's just what everybody is.

Logan heard his phone buzz on the nightstand. He figured it would be Kendall since he sounded so determined the day before.


"Hey man." It wasn't Kendall; it was Carlos, his best friend.

"Oh, hi Carlos."

"Well you don't sound too excited, where you expecting someone else? Maybe your date from yesterday?"

"Oh will you shut up? He wasn't my date!"

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."

"On who's side are you?"

"Yours! Baby, you know I could never support someone else!"


"No but seriously dude, what happened this time? Did he run like the last one, or did he slap you like the first one?"

"Actually, none of that. He was nice. We had fun and then decided to be friends."

"Well that's new. So he wasn't disappointed at all that you're straight?"

"If he was, then he hid it good. We just, talked for a while."

"Why do I have the feeling you're hiding something?"

"I don't know… have you been drinking coffee again?"

"No seriously, there is something, tell me!"

"There's nothing! Or maybe that thing…"

"What is it? Tell me!"

"He had this crazy idea in his head that he's gonna make me want him or something weird like that."

"I bet you 10 bucks that he'll succeed."

"What? Carlos, I'm gonna ask one more time, on who's side are you?"

"Dude, you should hear yourself, and I bet you grin like an idiot whenever you think of him."

"That's so not true! Why would you even think that."

"Hey Logie, I gotta go, talk to you later."

"Carlos, No, get back…" And with that, Carlos hung up. Logan let out a frustrated sigh. It was like everybody he knew wanted him to be gay, while they knew he just didn't swing that way. His phone started buzzing again.

"What?" He said, clearly annoyed.

"Geez, uh, I'll call back later if this isn't the right time…"

"Kendall! Oh it's a good time. Only, I just got off the phone with a friend who pissed me off and I thought he was calling again. Sorry for snapping at you."

"Ah, it's fine. So I was wondering... Do you wanna hang out? Like, today, or tomorrow?"

"Yeah, whenever you want."

A/N: I'd love to know if you want me to continue this.. weird.. thing.