I'm back.. And I'm really sorry for making you guys wait.. Already done with a few chapters.. So, you'll be getting the updates weekly! Go on, read!

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Martha Rodgers

Looking for an apartment? Anyone's selling or renting?

A few seconds ago. Like. Comment.

Richard Castle, Lanie Parish and 2347 others like this.

Javier Esposito Moving out Mrs.R? ;)

Martha Rodgers Yup.. Can't stay Mr. Castle and Mrs. Castle-to-be after their wedding, can I? :D

Lanie Parish True.. With all their UST, you need to move out! ;)

Martha Rodgers That's the plan, Lanie.. :P

Alexis Castle Don't leave us, Grams! :(

Martha Rodgers Never Darling.. Just moving out of the loft! Cheer up kiddo! :)

Richard Castle Mother, you don't have to move out..

Kate Beckett Martha, we all can stay together.. Please don't move out!

Javier Esposito Why is the whole Castle clan a sap?

Kate Beckett Shut up, Lanie…

Richard Castle Jealous much, Javi? And Mother let's talk about this when I get back home okay?

Alexis Castle Coz we are sweet! :P

Richard Castle Again I say "jealous", Lanie? :P

Martha Rodgers Javier, the essence of life is love my dear! And Richard, okay we'll talk once your back..

Kate Beckett Can't argue with that, Martha..

Javier Esposito Touché Mrs.R touché..

Lanie Parish You wish, writer boy!

Richard Castle It's writer MAN, Lanie! Ask Kate, if you want to know! ;)

Alexis Castle Oh God! Dad, do you ever stop?

Kate Beckett Richard Alexander Castle you are a D-E-A-D man.. And Lanie, I'll deal with you in a while.. Lex, I'm sorry that you are beyond scarred for life!

Kevin Ryan Good to know you guys! :D

Victoria Gates Detectives you don't have work to do! And Mr. Castle it was really nice knowing you!

Richard Castle You too Captain! :(

Kevin Ryan On it, Sir..

Javier Esposito Right behind you, bro!

Lanie Parish Captain this may seem odd.. But hi five! :D

Kate Beckett Sir, please don't encourage them!

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Javier Esposito

Damn! Paper work sucks!

An hour ago. Like. Comment.

Kate Beckett, Lanie Parish and 1467 others like this.

Richard Castle Nope.. What sucks is signing every single book for like 7 hours straight!

Lanie Parish I can top that Castle! 2 dead bodies and another 2 on its way.. Try staying with the removed organs in the morgue.

Javier Esposito What? I thought we had only 1 dead body!

Lanie Parish That was your case. The others are from another precinct. Their ME is out of town and I had to step in! :(

Alexis Castle Lanie, you need help? I'm free right now.. I can do all the toxicology!

Lanie Parish That would be really helpful, Lex. But are you sure?

Alexis Castle Yeah.. I'm bored anyways.. I'll be there in 30 minutes max.. Need anything?

Lanie Parish A burger or a sandwich would be good! You are a sweetheart, Lex..

Alexis Castle Done.. Javier And Kevin anything you guys need?

Javier Esposito A lamb burger would be good!

Kevin Ryan Nothing, Lex.. I'm not hungry yet..

Richard Castle Only my dear daughter would do work rather than getting bored..

Gina Cowell You on the other hand LOVE to waste time, don't you Richard?

Richard Castle Gina, you are such a spoilsport!

Gina Cowell Someone has to take care of your career.

Martha Rodgers I agree with you, Gina!

Richard Castle Mother!

Martha Rodgers What? It's the truth..

Kate Beckett Lanie, sorry I am not there!

Lanie Parish Don't you dare say anything, Kate Beckett! You deserve this break!

Javier Esposito This status went from north to south! Hmph!

Chat between Javier Esposito and Kate Beckett

Javier Esposito Hey Becks..

Kate Beckett Hey Javi.. What's up?

Javier Esposito Nothing much..

Kate Beckett Really? Would you like to try that again?

Javier Esposito I'm just worried..

Kate Beckett About what?

Javier Esposito Lanie and me..

Kate Beckett What? Why? Did she say anything?

Javier Esposito No.. She didn't say anything.. She's really happy.. But I'm scared where I'll mess this up..

Kate Beckett Javi, did you let me mess up?

Javier Esposito No.. But I am not you or Castle..

Kate Beckett That's right! You are not dumb like me and Rick.. You know what to do when and talk to her when things are not right!

Javier Esposito I just sometimes feel like I'll let her down..

Kate Beckett Javi, she loves you.. You won't, I'm sure of this! And Lanie also knows this that she can trust you completely. Please don't overthink it.. Just talk to her, if you have any problem, okay?

Javier Esposito Okay.. Thank you, Becks.. I didn't know how to speak or whom to speak to this about..

Kate Beckett You can always talk to me, Javi..

Javier Esposito Will remember.. Where is your Goofball anyway?

Kate Beckett *eye roll* he's at the signing.. Taking a long time today!

Javier Esposito So Lanie told me about the proposal.. A lot of sappiness, huh? *smirks*

Kate Beckett Oh god! I shouldn't have told her..

Javier Esposito Nah.. Can tease him a little more now.. :P Seriously, I'm really happy for both of you..

Kate Beckett Me too, Javi.. I'm so surprised at myself.. I've gone from hating him to liking him to loving him immensely.. He crushed the wall I had built..

Javier Esposito It's a good thing.. You have someone who can read you and know you better than anyone of us! He really admires you and loves you! Well, so does his family..

Kate Beckett I know.. Feels like my luck is my hand!

Javier Esposito Don't let it go! But I gotta go! Gates is staring!

Kate Beckett Don't fall in trouble! Bye.. Take care..

Javier Esposito You too, Becks.. Tell Hi to that Goofball of yours..

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Martha Rodgers

Richard Castle why on earth would you order this?

A few seconds ago. Like. Comment.

What do you think Castle ordered? Pitch in your suggestions.. If I like something, I'll change the written chapter.. And no episode till January, that's just pure depression! Can't wait to see the episode though!

Do not forget to review.. They are like Caskett love for me!