A/N: This won't make much sense if you haven't read Accidental. So you should do that now. It will mostly be from Bella's POV, though I may toss in a JPOV for giggles. Also, seriously mature themes here within. Not kidding.

Mostly, this is a look inside Bella's head at certain points in the story. As such, I predict this to be told present tense for the most part. Same will go for Jasper if he decides to hassle me as Bella has. 100-200 words'ish?

Not beta'd. Mistakes? Probably a ton. Can you forgive me?

Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, and I've never made a penny doing this.


I wonder if he knows? That it's him I think of when we come together like this?

He's in the shadows, lurking behind me, but it's my minds eye that creates the image.

Not Edward. Not any dark fantasy I've ever had that I'm too ashamed to speak of. Jasper. God, Jasper is who I picture.

Would he approach if I gave a signal? Would he move my hair away from my neck, brush it aside with long, cool fingers? Maybe his finger would trace my spine and make me shiver. OH, God, yes. I shiver.

Then I imagine his lips, cool, but oh, so hot as they kiss my neck. Would Jasper be gentle? Or would he take me rough and hard? Passionately?

I come. Hard and fast, and I think it might never end.

He leaves in silence. I lick my fingers clean. My eyes close and I picture Jasper's eyes. Would he like that? That the sweet juices coating my fingers are all for him?

I think he would.