This is a response to a prompt on the suitsmeme on Livejournal. It's a song fic based on Adele's One and Only: The POV in the song is Mike's. Harvey is either a man-whore or prostitute. Mike is his friend who is in love with him. Happy ending please :) I know this one is short but the lyrics really do say everything.

I couldn't agree more anon! I'm having fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it too.

It's late when Mike hears Harvey's key in the lock. He pauses his game and grins as his friend and roommate shuffles in. Harvey's blond hair is disheveled as usual, and Mike can practically smell the musk of sex from the sofa. His grin widens and he tilts his head further back.

"Heya Harv. Good night?" The only light in the apartment is an orange glow from the kitchen, and a brighter blue glow from the TV. Somehow, Harvey still finds the shadowy part of the doorway, and Mike almost misses the frown on the man's face as he turns around.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" There's a stern reprimand hidden in Harvey's tired voice. "And what did I say about calling me Harv?"

Mike just snorts and rolls his eyes. He tilts his head back up before he gets a head rush and twists around to stare at his roommate instead. "That you would personally hide my body where no one would find it. But considering you look more likely to do a face plant than come after me with a knife in some sort of bloodlust… I think I'm safe."

Harvey just grunts as he toes out of his shoes and hangs his coat up by the door. As tired and wrung out as he probably is, he still scoops up Mike's discarded jacket off a chair and hangs it up too. There's a tiny spark of guilt in the younger man's chest as he notes the sagging shoulder under Harvey's tight black sweater.

"Bad night?" It's more of a statement than a question, and a worried frown tugs at the corner of Mike's mouth when he gets a sigh as a reply.

"Nothing to worry about." Harvey pads over to ruffle Mike's mop of shaggy hair. "And I'll ask again. What are you doing up, don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's my day off, jackass." Mike calls after his friends retreating back. "They changed my schedule remember? And take a shower! You reek!"

The only reply he gets is Harvey's middle finger before the bathroom door clicks shut.

"To think I saved left over take out for you too!" Mike grins and shakes his head before settling back into the couch. His thumb hovers over the B button as he listens to the shower running. Harvey seems to be in worse shape every time he comes home at night. Mike worries about the man constantly, despite protests that he can handle himself, because being a prostitute like - at least - doubles his odds of getting arrested or murdered on the job. Mike knows Harvey's not going to stop, not without a good reason, and that fact kills him just a little on the inside. It doesn't help he's in love with his egotistical, man-whore best friend and roommate either…

Mike quickly restarts the game as the shower turns off and plays as if he hadn't been interrupted in the first place.

"Seriously I thought we agreed on a bed time for you." Harvey's voice is muffled by the towel he is drying his hair off with.

"Would you give it up mother?" Mike leans back to watch his friends ass as he bends over to rummage in the fridge. "And the plate's already in the microwave, ready to be reheated."

"I'm not going to have to worry about food poisoning am I?" Harvey raises an eyebrow in Mike's direction.

"Yes Harvey, I'm secretly trying to kill you through E coli poisoning. It's part of my larger plan to get the apartment to myself." Mike leans forward to grab the remote and switch off his game, knowing full well Harvey was going to sit down next to him to eat. For someone so prim and proper, the man sure enjoyed eating on furniture.

"Like you could afford this place without me." Harvey sticks his thumb in his mouth and hisses around it. Gingerly carrying the plate in one hand, he walks over and sits down on Mike's feet. At least he would have if the younger man hadn't known what was going to happen.

"I can't help if the economy tanked and they cut my hours and wage." Mike flops back against the armrest and props his feet on his friend's lap. "Oh by the way, I got the second job I applied for at that twenty-four hour grocery place."

Harvey's glare is sharp and holds a bit of warning.

His only other reply is a huff, but since Harvey doesn't actually say anything, Mike assumes the subject is dropped and takes advantage. "I love you too Harvey." He leans forward to pat his friend's leg and almost gets stabbed with a fork for his troubles.

Sighing, Mike just shrinks into the cushions and flaps a hand. "It won't interfere with any of 'our time', and I'm only going to be working part time there so I won't end up sleep deprived or anything." He wiggles his toes and grins.

"Stay on that side of the sofa," Harvey says around a mouthful of noodles, "and I might let you live."

Want and contentment war in Mike's mind as he laughs at the empty threat. A sick little twist to his heart makes his breath hitch. It wasn't fair, but then again life didn't play by some rule book, so he just closes his eyes and laughs just that much harder. The joke's really not that funny, but they're both just this side of tired induced hysteria and it's better than the alternative. Things aren't right, and really haven't been since they met, when Mike answered Harvey's ad for a roommate. They were both more than a little fractured, but they didn't ask questions and things just worked. Still, every day the scales keep tipping toward something big. Things are starting to strain, and it is only a matter of time before they snap back.

R&R please! Chapter two is pretty much done, it just needs to be cleaned up, so until next time! Toodles!