Needless to say this is way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue. Anything from me is, actually ;; I've been starting and not finishing things but hopefully that THAT WILL COME TO AND END!
Warnings: Guy on guy action. If you don't like... wait, why have you even been reading this?
Other: I finished this literally today and am throwing it up RIGHT afterwards so there's bound to be a hundred-dozen mistakes. Hopefully now that it's done I can get around to re-reading or finding someone willing to edit it for me later.
Thank you to anyone who might actually have waited around for this! And whew what a wait D;
Needless to say, it was a feast that no one was soon to forget.
Dish after dish of Riku's favorites, as well as the specialties of the time of year, were brought out in the grand dining hall for all the try. Roast pheasant, slices of ham, stuffed leaves of cabbage, roasted rutabagas and green beans, savory soups, mashed potatoes that melted like the butter that was placed with it, loafs of bread so soft that they deflated before getting cut into, loads of pies, sweet breads and meats from the kitchens and wine, mead and ale enough to put half the countryside in a drunken stupor for weeks on end. People poured in from the town, villagers and merchants and farmers alike, dining with the royals and nobles and knights in celebration of the prince's return. During the dinner Riku leaned over to Sora's side, who's blue eyes were wide and overwhelmed. "This isn't so much for me as it is for my Father," he insisted. "The people wouldn't have cared less if I had not returned to rule."
That struck Sora as heartbreakingly sad and he said so, to which Riku laughed quietly. "I was a brat, remember? No one save for my Father would have any kind memory of me," he murmured softly, reaching out under the table to take up and squeeze Sora's hand. "I do plan to change my old image, though. So enjoy the feast! It is not often that we have such a spread outside of Harvest."
And enjoy it he did. Sora couldn't say if he had ever seen so much food before even in his dreams. There were piles upon piles of dishes, from sweet to savory to tart to a soup that made his eyes water from the burn when he tried a sip. And there were people everywhere, from the elderly set at quieter tables to children running and laughing as they darted around servants with the village mutts, playing among themselves. It was all quite different from the quiet life that Sora was used to up in his cabin though with Riku by his side he more than enjoyed himself.
As the night lead on tables were pushed away and dishes taken to have room for entertainment. There was a group of bards who sang and musicians who played and dancers who danced. After several kegs of wine others were dancing, too, ladies with farmers and miners and a knight with a servant that happened to be within reach, squealing in surprise. Riku then got a look in his eye that reminded Sora of when he was a wolf and kicked snow into his face before being grabbed by the wrist, Riku drawing him quickly out onto the open floor. Flailing his free arm and sputtering Sora's cheeks went bright red as others took notice, the prince seeming to ignore the space being made around them on the impromptu dance floor. "Riku! Everyone's looking!"
"Let them look." The mild words were followed by a jerk of his hand and Sora sprawled into the solid chest, an arm wrapping snuggly around his waist a moment later. "You are mine," he murmured into the brunet's ear, warm breath making him shiver. "I don't mind if anyone else knows it. Do you?"
Sora swallowed, slowly shaking his head as Riku drew back to look at him. The darkly intense expression melted into something softer, warmer as the arm around his waist relaxed, the palm resting on his lower back rather than clutching him to the taller male. Riku's other hand shifted into Sora's palm, entwining their fingers together and they stood there, poised for just a moment before the bards kicked in again, string and wind instruments playing something soft and slow and almost as lulling as Riku's green eyes on his own.
The two of them danced, Riku with the ease of years of practice and Sora following a half-step behind, learning on the spot but fully trusting in his partner. They didn't notice when the people who filled the hall begun to go back to their own drinking or dancing or chatting. They didn't even see the king's eyes on them, his own surprised green going dark with understanding. It was only Riku, Sora and the soft sway of their bodies together, ebbing and flowing like the waves.
After their dance others begun to approach them, many cautiously though all with curiosity. Riku murmured who each person was as they approached if he knew them being lord or lady or minor noble and firmed the pressure of his palm to Sora's back (as he had never removed it after their dance) if it were some unknown peer. Either way he greeted them all the same; with polite smiles, quiet nods and answering most of the questions asked as well as asking some in return.
A glass of wine somehow ended up in Sora's hand, followed by a mug of ale once that was gone. After that the night begun to blur together into a mass of drinking, dancing and servants making their way quietly up to their side and adding more drink to their cups so that they were never empty. The festival was still going on by the time Sora's head drooped on Riku's shoulder and the beginnings of light was peering through the windows of the castle, showing it was nearly full light.
With a look around Riku found his father and gave Sora a quiet nudge, rousing him from his doze. "We will head in for the night," he murmured, leading the way over to the older male with the sleepy brunet in tow. Once before the king the man studied them both for a stern moment before reaching out to place a hand on Riku's shoulder to squeeze. The other went on Sora's, which startled the boy enough into waking up fully.
"Your chambers are ready," he said just over the music and laughter. Surprisingly there were many who still were in the full spirit of the party and unwilling to go home. "Sleep well, boys. I will see you when you rise."
"Thank you, Father," Riku intoned quietly before leading the way out, a hand staying as a guiding force at Sora's lower back the entire time.
With his mind muddled with drink Sora still noticed when Riku lead him to a room, entering and closing the door quietly behind them. It appeared to be a room for entertaining; a large, plush-looking set of lounges were set in it along with some small tables. Two sets of doors sat on either wall and Riku lead them to the left, which opened up into a dim bedroom.
"We're here to sleep." The silver-haired prince gave a quiet, rather tired smile. "As much as I would love to take advantage of you the night has left me exhausted. Allow me the pleasure of holding you in my arms in a bed as we rest."
With that sort of request Sora really couldn't argue and the bed with its plush pillows and sinfully soft-looking mattress were far too tempting. So the pair stripped down into their smallclothes, slid under the blanket and sheets and snuggled against one another, arms wrapped around each other's waist with Sora's cheek pressed to Riku's chest. Despite his worry upon first entering he was asleep in moments to the sound of Riku's soft breathing and the steady beat of his heart, warmth soaking into his skin.
Sora awoke to the most curious sensation. He was warm from head to toe with something slowly rubbing his stomach and side, stroking his skin in steady, soothing motions. The brunet sighed, turning his head towards the direction of the motion onto to have something soft and slightly sucking press against his lips. A smile curved his lips and Sora slowly opened his eyes, a hand scrubbing at sleep-tinged lashes as he begun to awaken more. "Good morning."
"A very good morning to you," Riku said quietly, a soft smile playing on his lips. The hand running over his skin continued stroking and Sora shivered, the warmth over him growing.. "Did you sleep well?"
"Mmhm…" Even with his head throbbing slightly at the temples Sora was as happy as could be, turning to press a kiss to Riku's lips on his own accord. "I did. I'm kind of-" Riku brought a glass forward and Sora couldn't help a laugh, taking it and drinking most of the water in one swallow. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it. I thought that we could order some breakfast up today." He paused. "Or rather, lunch. It's well into the afternoon now."
"It's after noon?" Sora would have shot straight up to crawl out of bed if the larger male hadn't dropped onto him, their bare chests pressed together and pulling a grunt from the smaller male. "Riku, we were supposed to meet with the king! How could you let me sleep in?"
"He said to see him when we got up." Despite the squirming underneath him Riku remained in place, wrapping his arms around the other. "He stayed up well into the morning and is likely sleeping it off with most of the town by now. We'll see him before dinner."
With a sigh Sora stopped resisting, eyes falling shut again. "You're a terrible influence on me," he muttered even as sun-kissed arms rose to return the embrace. "I've never slept in past sunrise."
Any muttered complaints that he might have had afterwards were muffled by the slow, melting kiss that Riku gave, his tongue dipping and swirling in lazy strokes that had Sora breathless and flushed by the time he drew back. "It was just after dawn when we retired so there is no need to batter yourself on the matter." Another kiss was taken, shorter than the others. "I will call for a bath to be drawn and food to be brought up - we'll spend the afternoon here."
And so it was. Almost the instant Riku slipped out (after Sora begged him to at least put on pants, jeez!) a half-dozen servants scurried in, bustling about the room and Sora in a whirlwind of activity. A bath was brought in and he was hustled out from the blankets and his smallclothes into the near-scolding scented water. It seemed like a dozen hands instead of the two pair were on him, scrubbing at his arms and washing his hair despite his protests, the women seeming set on scouring every speck of unseemliness from his body before pulling him out, toweling him off and re-dressing him ("I really, REALLY don't need help with this!") in soft, clean clothes that he hadn't worn there but fit surprisingly well.
The curtains had been drawn back and the bed remade with fresh linens, Sora saw as the women attending to him left him be to take up the tub, the others setting off as well. It was a minor relief; the pair attending to him returned some minutes later, each with a brush and comb in hand.
When Riku re-entered the room Sora looked up with miserable blue eyes, the women nearly done wrestling with his usually unruly spikes. "They accosted you, too, I see."
Startled into laughter Riku crossed his arms and leaned against the door, a grin on his lips. "Are you saying you're not enjoying the pampered lifestyle of the castle?"
"Riku, they saw me. Naked."
The taller male snorted, tried to cover it up with a cough and failed miserably. "It's their job. Besides, it's nearly done." Even as he spoke the words the women applied some scented oils to Sora's hair, gathering the brushes and combs and made their way for the door. The prince moved away to allow them to leave and Sora admired the way the deep green silk pants and black dress shirt fitted to his form. "How do you feel?"Tugging at the collar of his own shirt - a lake blue with black breeches of the same material. The smallclothes, at least, were cotton. "Like a groomed bitch ready for show," he admitted, pulling another laugh from Riku. His hair tickled him where it touched his cheeks and neck, feeling both strangely heavier and lighter as it hung down. As it was he noticed it curling at the ends, trying to go back into its usual gravity-defying form as it dried.
A hand reached out, fingers catching Sora's chin and drawing it upward. The brunet went without protest, body swaying forward and lashes lowering as Riku's lips found his own. /He means so much to me…/ The thought bubbled up like the sigh that fell from his lips and onto Riku's own. /I've only just known him, but not. Like a long lost friend that I only just met, our hearts are one./
The hand that had caught Sora's chin slid around to the back of his neck, sliding up into brutally-brushed strands. Though his scalp was sore from the battle Riku's soft, cool fingers were like a soothing balm and Sora sighed again, lips parting more to meet the tongue at them with his own. The brunet's hands wrapped around Riku's waist as the other male's settled on his left shoulder and they stood their for a time, exploring the nooks and crannies of their mouths and sharing their hearts.
A quiet knock interrupted the gentle exploration and Sora opened his eyes, a shiver going through him at the heat in Riku's gaze. It was like smoldering emeralds and Sora couldn't look away, even with knowing their were servants waiting just on the other side of the door. "Sora…"
Breath catching the brunet licked his lips. He knew the pressure that was weighted behind the word; the heat in it alone was enough to make his fingers twitch at Riku's spine and set his heart pounding. Sora knew that the power of the moment lay in his hands. He also knew that whatever he decided, Riku would respect him and agree.
That, along with the pounding of his blood through his veins, decided him.
The decision must have etched itself on his face because Riku tilted his head towards the door, gaze fixed on Sora as he called, "Leave them be! We will fetch them at our leisure."
A moment later peach-pale lips were over Sora's own again, harder and hungrier than before. A bolt of panic shot down Sora's spine and as if sensing the change the kiss lightened, slowed, lips and tongue going back to the slow buildup of kindling before Riku drew back to catch Sora's dazed gaze. "I will do everything in my power to make this nothing but perfect," he murmured, spearmint-scented breath puffing against his lips. "Please trust me."
The brunet took the hand at his shoulder between his own, turning Riku's palm so that he could press his cheek against it. "I do," he murmured, lashes lowering as he enjoyed the feel of the slowly warming fingers against his flushed cheek. "I trust you more than anyone in the world." A sudden shyness seemed to take him and Sora ducked his head, forcing his gaze back up to meet Riku's gaze, even though it was through thick, sweeping lashes. "I want to make love with you."
A tremor seemed to rattle Riku's bones and he claimed Sora's lips again instead of replying, unable to help the heat and hunger behind it. Sora did not stiffen as he had before, answering with his own desire for the silver-haired male instead.
The pair tumbled onto the remade bed, neither sure of who had lead who there. Side by side hands slid over scrubbed skin and silken clothes, Riku being the first to loosen the ties that crossed just under Sora's throat before breaking the kiss to pull the top up. Sora was more than willing, raising himself up to help and soon the material was forgotten, Riku's lips finding purchase on the newly exposed skin of Sora's chest and shoulders.
Gasping as Riku sucked at his collarbone the brunet tugged at the silken shirt under his fingers, trying to reach skin. His grip tightened as the lips dropped suddenly lower, the flat of a tongue sliding over a rapidly hardening nipple. "Sensitive here?" Sora looked down and had to shut his eyes against the sight of Riku's smiling lips at his chest, tongue coming out and flicking teasingly at the bundle of nerves.
Riku seemed intent on torture; at least, that had to be the reason for that wicked tongue dragging over every bit of his chest. The smallclothes felt far too tight and Sora's length strained against the material, a ragged moan tearing from his chest as Riku's stomach slid against him. He had since given up on trying to rid Riku of his shirt and was alternating between clinging to his hair and stroking the silky-soft strands, breathing coming out in pants.
Just as Sora thought he would either melt into a puddle of pleasured good or burst into flames Riku drew back, sitting up on his knees. Blue eyes popped open (/When did I close them?/) to see pale fingers reaching up to pull slowly at the ties to his own shirt, tugging the strings loose before reaching down to pull the hem out of his pants. Sora's mouth went dry as the shirt was slowly removed, tossed away and exposing the solid chest and flat stomach of the prince.
Captivated the brunet reached out, pushing himself up into a reclining position with an elbow planted in the bed to touch the pale chest, fingers resting above the left pectoral. It was both so similar yet different to his own. While Riku didn't have the cut of muscles Sora did from his heavy work there was little softness to feel. Blue eyes flickered upward and at the slight nod Sora turned his attention back to the delicious display before him, fingers ghosting over the skin in a zig-zag across his chest and shoulders, slowly working his way down.
When the tips of his fingers bumped over a peach-colored nipple the prince took in a sharp breath, Sora's own lips twitching upward in amusement. "Sensitive here?" He repeated the motion, continuing the lazy tracing on to the other nipple, sending a shiver through Riku's form. Rather than continuing his downward path Sora went back, bumping over one nipple then sliding over to the other, repeating the motion at the same, lazy pace.
Minutes of this had Riku panting heavily above him, eyes wide and dark with need. When Sora paused to lightly twist a bud with his thumb and forefinger Riku threw his head back and moaned, hips thrusting forward sharply against Sora's abdomen. A hand grasped his wrist as he went to give the same treatment to the other and Sora could feel the prince's trembling, the taller male needing to swallow a few times before he could speak. "Enough," he rasped, voice thick. "I do not know how much I can take."
Smiling Sora pulled his hand away to reach up, grasping the back of Riku's neck. As he drew him in for a kiss Riku's hips slid back, silk-clad rear grinding against Sora's rock-hard cock and drawing groans from the both of them. "Oh…" Foreheads pressed together Riku shifted again, this time rubbing their cloth-covered cocks together and making them both shudder. "Oh gods, this…"
Riku drew away, pulling a cry of displeasure from the brunet before he realized what the other was doing. Riku moved between Sora's legs, raising the brunet's thighs which were quickly wrapped around his waist, his hands settling on Sora's hips and pushing them together. The friction sent a jab of fire-sharp pleasure through their pair and Riku drew back to thrust forward again, Sora raising his hips to meet the motion.
Using both elbows into the mattress to support himself Sora rocked down, blue eyes as deep as midnight meeting green ones nearly as dark. It was awkward but when he pushed back and arched his neck and Riku balanced himself just on the edge of falling forward they were able to mash their lips together in a desperate, hungry kiss, the pair sharing their grunts and groans as the pleasure built. Too soon Sora fell back, his arms giving up but the shift allowed him to arch his hips more, to rock against Riku as he rolled his hips against Sora and thought that he was going to die from the pleasure.
Riku suddenly came forward, balance apparently lost and knocking the wind from the brunet. Seconds later he was scrambling back up, setting a jar that was far too cool on Sora's trembling stomach and why wasn't he moving-
Pale hands tore at the ties of his bulging breeches, thumbs hooking in them a moment later and jerking the material down, smallclothes and all. Sora found himself suddenly transfixed on the flushed, moist head of Riku's exposed cock, not even noticing the hands pulling at the ties of his own breeches until the sight was blocked from him, his own pants and smallclothes blocking the view.
"Here, lift up- like that." Riku seemed near-breathless as they raised Sora's legs up, the prince pulling at the silken pants until they were at the brunet's calves. He lowered tanned legs, shimmying between Sora's thighs and the thought of them coming together, still partially dressed with Riku's pants at his thighs and his own near his ankles caused Sora's cock to twitch, a few beads of precum oozing from the head. "Beautiful…"
Sora wasn't sure if Riku was talking about him or his cock but a cry was wrenched from him as Riku wrapped a hand around the sensitized muscle, thumb spreading the fluid and making Sora buck into his palm. The hand was gone just as quickly and Sora sobbed, skin coated in a sheen of sweat and skin feeling more sensitized than in the near-scolding bath. The hand returned only to give a few very slick, very teasing strokes, the brunet looking in time to see Riku applying some of the violet-scented oil to his own cock. The jar was capped and tossed aside a moment later, Riku wiping the oil-slick palm absently on the sheets before grasping Sora's hips and thrusting forward.
It was brilliant. Better than the rutting through the cloth. Better than the hand wrapped around Sora's cock because Riku was getting pleasure from it, too, if the way his pupils dilated and jaw fell slack meant anything. Their cocks bumped and ground together, sacs heavy with seed pressing against one another with each upward rock and forward stroke and Sora knew that there was a heaven; it was right there, with Riku.
The pace was set, long, firm thrusts that made Sora want to howl with each grind. They were both moaning with each breath, it seemed, Riku's fingers digging into his hips with a pressure that was sure to leave marks behind. Their slick cocks missed each other more often than not, sacs slapping together with a wet sound on each thrust.
On impulse Sora reached down, making a half-tunnel with his hand to guide their cocks together. Riku did howl then, pounding at breakneck speed and Sora could feel the tightening of his sacs, pleasure mounting, rising-
Riku was the first to break. His entire body seemed to twitch, spasm, then there was hot fluid spurting out onto Sora's cock and hand and stomach. Blue eyes soaked in the dazzled, pleasure-etched features before his own orgasm hit, body arching and toes curling as he groaned. The entire time his hand was moving, stroking, milking their seed until Riku dropped on top of him, panting.
The two of them stayed that way for a time, slowly catching their breath as a haze of pleasure hummed through their veins. Though the room wasn't cold by any means Sora was glad for the weight and warmth of the prince's body above him, an arm raising to tiredly drape around Riku.
The prince shifted, moving so that he was more at Sora's side than putting his full weight on the brunet before sighing. "I could stay like this forever," he murmured, breath ghosting across Sora's cheek and brow.
"Mm. Good idea."
Sora was settled, content to go back to sleep despite their semi-dressed, soiled state above Riku's formally clean sheet. His eyes slid close, breathing evening out as he felt himself start to drift.
Snapping awake as embarrassment flooded him Sora groaned as Riku laughed, looking to see the other had shifted to hover over him. "Hungry, are we?"
"I'll just let the floor open up and swallow me, thanks," the brunet said, expression crossed between flustered and annoyed. He was comfy.
The annoyance melted away as Riku caught his lips in a lazy kiss. "We can always have a nap after food," he murmured as the kiss was broken, pulling away and leaving goosebumps in his wake. "We should probably clean up, anyway."
They used the basin of lukewarm water and a soft cloth to wipe away their mixed seeds, Sora flushing all the while. After redressing and getting the food that had been left out on trays outside of the bedroom door (more than Sora would have considered getting for a family, let alone just the pair of them) the two settled in, feeding each other bites of eggs, fruit, sausage and rolls. They spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between chatting, munching, napping and sharing long, deep kisses.
When they were sent for dinner the king was already in attendance, sitting at the head of the high table. Sora looked near ready to faint but when Riku took his hand and squeezed the brunet straightened his spine, took a breath and walked with him up to the raised table and seating. There weren't as many lords and ladies as usual and hardly a handful of knights; the party was put on pause for dining and those who had come later were likely in bed, passed out or expelling consumed drinks.
Riku took his seat to the king's right, motioning Sora to take the other beside him. They shared a corner and that way when they sat down he was still able to reach under the table and take the brunet's hand, fingers lacing together as he nodded to the king. "Father."
"My son." Despite his late night the king actually looked better than he had when Riku first saw him. There was more fire in his eyes, life that seemed to have flowed into him. /That's because of me,/ he realized, heart clenching as he recalled considering staying away. /Because I'm back./
Riku wasn't really hungry but put a few small pieces of meat and a scoop of peas onto his plate, using one hand to do so. His father had food piled onto his own plate but he did not eat so Riku waited, knowing that he would know why soon.
He wasn't disappointed. "Son, I must know. What happened that took you away from me? When your guards returned, they said…"
He didn't need to finish. Riku knew what it must have looked like for the men that day, seeing the great beast surrounded by the prince's discarded items. "That I was eaten by a wolf."
The man's hand tightened on the fork he was holding and he closed his eyes, suddenly looking very old and tired. "But there was no tears in your clothing, not blood on the cloth. Riku, were you not happy here? Did I not treat you well?"
Riku let go of the hand holding Sora's to grasp his father's with both of his own, squeezing. "Not at all, Father. I did not go willingly," he swore, giving his head a shake. His hair was quite a bit longer than when he had left and his bangs nearly hid his eyes, obscuring his vision. "I was bewitched; magic turned me into a wolf for near a year."
The prince relayed the story of his journey, sometime during the telling removing one hand to take up Sora's once again. His father sat quietly, listening to his son tell his tale with a drawn expression. By the time Riku finished- including his growing fondness of the boy who had saved him and his encounter with the bear - the king was looking at Sora with a light in his eyes that made the brunet shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"Sora." the brunet started, heart leaping into his throat as the king addressed him. "You have done the kingdom a great service with your kindness." The older male bowed his head and seemed to be gathering his strength. Unconsciously Sora squeezed down on Riku's palm, who squeezed back in return. "But more so, you have given me my life back with the return of my son. Name your price; anything within my power will be yours."
The weight of the words shocked the brunet into an uncharacteristic silence, blue eyes blinking several times in quick succession. Both Riku and the king had turned their attention to the brunet and he swallowed, hard."I…" Shaking his head Sora met the king's quiet, heavy gaze. "I want nothing of myself, sir. Your Highness. Only that- that Riku be happy." He couldn't help blue eyes sliding to the prince, who had a gently melting look in his eyes.
"I'm happiest when I'm with you," he said and Sora could see the wantneedlove in his eyes, more plain than an open book.
"Then it's settled!"
Both males looked over at the king, blinking. "Settled?" Riku asked, tone a bit wary. The king nodded, giving his son's hand a pat before turning to his food.
"Of course. Sora can pick any rooms that he may wish for his own. His guards will accompany him to his home if he wishes to fetch anything that was left behind but I'm sure, as you've may have noticed," he added, looking at Sora then. "We will provide any and everything that you need."
"M-my guards?" Sora squeaked, blue eyes wide. Riku only grinned, turning to his own dish. /This day,/ he thought, watching quietly as Sora tired to explain that he didn't need more than one room or any guards and definitely no servants who insisted on scrubbing him raw and yanking at his hair - hair that had already lost the effects of vigorous brushing and oils and was sticking up in tuffs. /Could not possibly get any better./
After dinner the king insisted that Sora and Riku be fitted for clothes. Though the ones that they had been provided had done the job they weren't as well-fitting as they could be, the king had noticed.
"I had several girls working on them so that you two would have something to wear for when you woke," he said as he placed a hand on either side of Riku's face, studying. "You've grown so much," he murmured, eyes suddenly sad. "I've missed so much of that."
The pair had gone without complaint and if Sora was uncomfortable with the measuring and fretting about him, he kept it to himself. He was surprisingly silent from the end of dinner, Riku realized with a worried look. /Is he regretting this?/ A rock seemed to settle in Riku's stomach at the thought. /Does he wish he had stayed home?/
Riku was near to bursting with questions by the time they were excused, walking together in silence back to his room. Opening the door and letting Sora in first Riku turned to close it behind them, noting only that his fireplace had been lit and before he found his arms full of eager brunet, his surprised huff caught in Sora's lips.
Tongue lapping and lips sucking Riku was quite thoroughly kissed, groaning in approval as his wrapped his arms around Sora. It was some minutes of such treatment before Sora drew back, rising up on the balls of his feet to murmur in Riku's ear. "I want you, Ri. Inside of me."
The simple words had a profound affect on his body, the quiet sizzle of his blood changing to a heated boil. Before he could recover Sora was moving, a hand taking up one of his own as he lead the way to the bed.
Absently noting that the sheets had been remade and jar set back on his stand with the others Sora turned, letting go of the prince's hand. Reaching up he worked at the ties at Riku's throat, loosening them where the other had re-tied them before they left for dinner. "I didn't get to do this last time," he murmured as if explaining. "I want to see you, bit by bit."
Riku was more than willing to let Sora strip him for his shirt, sharing moist kisses as his fingers worked the tie then breaking to pull the material over his head. The lips returned a moment later, a hum that started in Sora and ended in Riku or the other way around, neither knew which, tanned fingers working the ties of his breeches and breaking the kiss as Sora crouched down to his knees, taking the pants with him.
The soft cotton smallclothes were bulging with his hardening need and Sora looked up from before it, a hand raising to palm the prince through the material and pulling a breathless huff from him. "This for me?"
Riku wanted to both kiss and curse those curving lips and slowly stroking palm. He nodded instead, managing to say, "Of course. Who else?"
"Hm, better make it worth it, then." The hand moved away only to pull down the prince's smallclothes, his engorged cock springing up eagerly. Sora gripped the shaft and before Riku could brace himself was pressing a wet, open-mouth kiss to the heat, lapping and sucking all the while.
"Oh - oh, Sora-ah-!" Riku couldn't escape; closing his eyes made him feel every millimeter of that tongue and those lips. Looking down at Sora, on his knees, a hand on his cock and mouth working the head-
As if sensing the eyes on him dark lashes fluttered and Sora looked up, eyes like an ocean in the shadow of clouds. A final, sucking kiss and then he was pulling away, hands tugging the smallclothes down with his pants and Riku stepping awkwardly out of them. "Me, next," he murmured, raising his arms above his head.
Snorting a laugh Riku moved to claim those wicked lips, pulling at the strings of Sora's shirt and pulling them apart to get the shirt off more easily. The breeches came easily though as tempted as he was to taste the brunet he was hungry for something more. Sora seemed to agree and moved to the bed, kneeling. "How do you want me?"
A half-dozen positions popped into Riku's mind and he had to swallow his tongue to keep it from hanging out. Sora kneeling on his bed with his cock jutting out from his body in invitation was a delicious sight on its own. "It would probably be easier on your hands and knees," he managed, reaching out to arrange the pillows. Two were set under Sora's hips, causing him to groan when his cock pressed against the material, one under his head.
Taking up the violet-scented oil from before Riku uncapped the jar, licking his lips. "Spread your thighs."
While Riku could only part of Sora's face what he could was flushed, though the brunet said nothing as he spread his knees. The motion caused his rear cheeks to spread, exposing the puckered entrance that he was meant to use.
Dipping two fingers in the oil Riku let it drip, moving them to the top of Sora's parted cheeks. The prone male gasped as the cool liquid touched his skin, running slowly down and over his hole. More joined the first drop and it trailed lower, gliding down to Sora's sacs before dripping onto the sheets. "R-Riku, they're going to have to change them again…"
"Good." His fingers followed the trail the oil had taken, pressing teasingly against the tight hole before going lower to drag over his testis. "I want everyone to know of my love for you."
Sora didn't respond but Riku took that to be because he had grasped the hanging sacs and squeezed, thumb stroking against their underside. The brunet shuddered and Riku's hand moved back up, pressing against the snug hole before dipping for more oil, working it into the brunet without penetrating him just yet.
When Sora was moaning and pushing back against the digit's the prince pushed firmly, letting the first oil-slicked finger inside. The brunet gasped, freezing for the first few, tentative pushes before slowly rocking back against him. "Is this okay?"
"It's- weird," the brunet said, words muffled from the pillow. "Really weird."
"Do you want me to stop?" As much as the words pained him to say Riku would feel even more pained at hurting the brunet.
"No- it's fine. I'm pretty used to it already." He rocked his hips back again, looking over his shoulder at the prince. "Another."
Withdrawing the first digits Riku added more oil before working it back inside, carefully adding another. When Sora hissed he stopped but the brunet muttered something into the pillows. "Wha-"
Tanned hips slammed down and Riku's throat went dry, mouth working for a time before he could find his voice. "Are you okay?"
Sora's skin had broken out into a coat of sweat, sides rising and falling. "It's- better to go fast," he panted and Riku reached out with his other hand to stroke his spine. "I'll be- I'll be okay." He squirmed then hissed, sending another jolt of worry through Riku. "Come on, come on."
Still uncertain Riku moved his fingers carefully, watching the brunet for his reactions. Eventually the panting subsided and Sora sighed, breathing falling into something closer to normal. "Alright."
More oil and another finger later Riku was chewing at his lower lip, pushing continuously into the brunet. Sora had insisted upon it despite the pain so he pushed and pushed and-
"Ngh!" Sora jerked as if shocked, body jolting up against the pillows. He was panting again but when Riku tried to draw back his hips followed, insides tightening. "Do- that again."
Riku paused for half a heartbeat before pulling back, pushing in more smoothly than before. This time he felt the slight bump of nerves the tips of his fingers glanced over and the answering shudder that went through Sora was enough to make Riku do it again, then again. By the time he felt that Sora was ready the brunet was alternating rocking against his fingers and the pillows, cries of pleasure muffled against the down by his head.
More oil was taken to slick his own throbbing cock and Riku shifted into position behind the other, guiding the damp head to the stretched entrance. Sora pushed up on his hands and braced his knees before the prince begun to push his hips forward, mind going blank as he was enveloped in the moist heat. With his hips pressed to Sora's rear the world seemed to sharpen, hungry gaze taking in every bump of Sora's spine, the arch of his back, the damp strands that clung to the brunet's back. It took no more than an encouraging wiggle for Riku to draw back, thrusting forward at force.
It was bliss. Riku thought that rocking above Sora with their cocks cupped in his hand was amazing but this- it was pain and pleasure and icy heat. With each thrust he couldn't wait to draw back and with each pull he was hungry to push back in. Sora was not at a loss for words.
"Riku- ah! Harder! Yes! Please- it's good, so good, so good-"
Riku was pounding into Sora and the other was giving as good as he was getting, pushing back against him and demanding more. The bed rocked, mattress shifting enough to make the headboard smack against the wall and neither of them cared. It was carnal and sticky and scorching hot and amazing.
The warm haven suddenly tightened in spasms around Riku, making the prince nearly choke as he buried himself to the hilt. He could feel Sora's shuddering under him, moaning his release and Riku pressed a pale forehead between the brunet's shoulder blades, rocking once more before his own hit him, ripping the breath and energy from his body.
Panting Riku wrapped an arm around Sora's waist before rolling them to the side, the smaller male giving a low squeak before they were both on their sides. Riku spooned against Sora's back, inside though his cock was softening, the pair sharing in each others' company and warmth. "Wow."
Riku chuckled, tiredly. "An understatement."
Shoving the soiled pillows off of the bed Riku rearranged them, slipping out of Sora with some disappointment in option of having the other face to face. Sora snuggled against him happily once they were settled under the sheets, lips near a pale neck. "Sora?"
"What…" The pause had Sora forcing his eyes open, looking up at his lover. /My lover…/ "What made you…"
Understanding came over him and Sora pressed a kiss to the prince's chin. "I've wanted to for a while, actually. I've only just worked up the nerve to do it."
Silver brows smoothed out from their furrow, a slow, pleased smile pulling at Riku's lips. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Sora took a kiss this time, worrying lightly at Riku's lower lip before settling back down again. "Besides, I thought it would be the best way to show that I love you."
Riku seemed to freeze into a block of stone and for a moment Sora thought that something was wrong. Only a moment, as when the prince recovered the dozen kisses that he planted all over the brunet's lips and face had him more than reassured. /I'll never regret this,/ Sora thought as he laughed, trying (though not really) to fight off the overzealous prince. /As long as I can keep him with me. Forever./
After weeks of celebration the kingdom well into some semblance of normal life. Farmers went back to their animals and crops, maidens went back to their knitting and old croons to their gossip. One change was that every week or so the crowned prince would ride down through the streets and to the fields, greeting and socializing with his people along with the mysterious brunet boy.
Years passed and the kingdom flourished, its growth continuing on at a steady pace. One fall the prince and brunet rode out of the city with rumors springing up in their wake. Some said that the king, nearing retirement, decided to send his son off to be a squire for a year. Others said that the prince had not really changed and fled, wanting his people to remember him as the person he had become rather than the person he was. Whatever the reason when the pair returned the following spring it was with a third party; a small bundle that had unruly silver curls and eyes as deep a blue as the ocean.
The king turned the throne over to the crowned prince shortly after the return and, true to his word, King Riku ruled with a gentle and caring hand. If anyone thought it odd that the mysterious brunet- dubbed Duke Sora and given the lands to the east- sat to the king's right where a queen would, no one raised their voice. And if anyone found it curious that the king's apparent heir most certainly had the king's coloring yet a gentle nature and blue eyes that seemed more like his counterpart, they were quickly shushed. The people were happy, the retired king was happy, the child was happy.
As for Riku and Sora, they most certainly were happy, too.