Chapter 4

Sitting in the hospital waiting room, I started to worry a bit about Robbie. Honestly it was incredibly overdue. I probably should have started worrying a long time ago, but I was busy worrying about everything else.

Like what was going on with Jade. I mean, I swear to God... Robbie goes and ruins our moment and she leaves like nothing happened, muttering about someone calling an ambulance. But it wasn't like she totally ignored me afterward or anything like that. She just acted totally normal.

Without the insults. So yeah. Maybe she's ignoring me.

Every time I look at her now, though, she's got this little smile going. It's incredibly confusing. She hasn't tried to talk to me about it, but she isn't really avoiding the subject, either. Like, if I talk to her and try to bring it up she just looks at me and waits.

But everybody keeps interrupting us. Beck keeps crying about how terrible his life is and how this road trip isn't getting any better and Andre keeps flipping out about the whole damaged-Robbie thing. Trina's being herself, getting in the way just by being here.

The only one who's not interfering is Cat. Which is strange in and of itself. She just sits over in the corner. And she keeps looking at us expectantly. Every time I catch her eye she gives me a goofy smile and a thumbs up.

The doctor came in looking all solemn. I could see everyone's nerves intensify. "Hi," he said sadly.

"Hi!" Cat chirped.

We all waited for him to continue. He didn't. "Well?" Jade snapped.

He sighed. "I have good news and bad news."

There was another awkward pause.

Andre stood up. "Tell us if he's okay, man!"

"Oh, your friend? He'll be fine. He'll just have to stay in the hospital for a few days to recover from a minor concussion." He sighed again.

"Oh. Good," Andre said, relieved. "Well, what's the bad news?"

The doctor sighed once again. "My wife's filing for divorce."

We all stared at him for a moment before he turned to leave, muttering about how nobody understands and he's under-appreciated.

Cat got an excited aura to her. "Let's go visit Robbie!"

"No," Jade said.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't care," she said as if it were obvious.

"I bet you wouldn't care if I was in the hospital, either," Beck muttered to himself.

Jade glared at him. "Oh, shut up already."

The rest of us ignored the exchange and decided to follow Cat's idea and go visit Robbie. Andre forced Beck to come along despite his sulking and attempts to escape.

We came to Robbie's door. Everyone else went in before me, and just before I walked through the doorway Cat slammed the door in my face. I made some confused noises and glanced through the glass panel.

Cat smiled at me from the other side of the door and pointed toward the waiting room. Then she made characters from her hands, making them walk toward each other and slamming the facial area together violently. All the while she was making an over exaggerated kissy face.

I glared for a while and then tried to open the door, which she had locked. I turned in defeat and headed back to the waiting room, where Jade was sitting as if waiting for me.

That same smile was plastered across her face and she stood up.

"Let's go for a walk," she said. "We've gotta talk about this."

I gulped. "What about them?"

She shrugged. "As if they'll notice."

We walked outside to the streets and wandered over to this bench. It was all old and looked unsafe, but Jade didn't mention it so neither did I.

I fiddled with my fingers nervously. "So... what did you want to talk about?"

She smiled. "I figured you'd know that. You always know what to say."

I blushed intensely, which didn't make sense at all because it wasn't even embarrassing. Then I thought about this question. "Jade... what are we?"

She laughed a little. "Well... let's see. I'm a dark, overly jealous high school student with no respect for authority and basically no respect for anything else. And you are beautiful, and basically perfect, and I don't understand why you're wasting your time on me but you are so that's good."

I smiled a bit even if I didn't agree with everything she said. "Okay. I'm not saying that that's all true. But it's not what I asked."

She sighed. "Phrase your questions better."

"What are we together?"

She raised her eyebrows, leaning back and pretending to think. "Well...," she murmured. "I don't know," she continued, nodding and connecting our eyes. "But I like it."

I giggled a bit, connecting our hands and leaning in to kiss her. We connected, and I'd never felt so complete.

I just want to say that I don't know when I started to look at her like this. Like I wanted her as more than a friend. I think it may have been before I ever had her as a friend. Actually, I don't think she really was ever a friend exactly, we may have completely skipped that part and gone right to the I-like-touching-your-lips-with-mine part.

We pulled back but we didn't separate, we kept looking at each other.

Then there was a yelp of happiness from behind me and I jumped and fell off the bench.

Cat squealed in happiness and did a little dance routine on the sidewalk. Jade rolled her eyes, but didn't seem that phased even though she'd obviously seen us.

Jade pulled me to my feet by the hand and kept holding it despite the fact that Cat was standing there. This caused Cat to squeal again and get even more involved in her dance, which actually looked quite rehearsed as if she was planning this.

Jade dragged me by her and told her she looked like an idiot, though the comment lacked its bite. She was smiling too much.

The three of us headed back toward the hospital to try and convince the doctors to let us leave despite Robbie's sentence. I'm pretty sure we'll get out of it. Jade can be pretty convincing when she wants something.

I still don't know what we are, or what it means. But I like it. And I'm looking forward to finding out.

A/N ~ Wow, I SUCK. It's been like a year.

Anyway, I guess I'm gonna end this here. because I clearly don't have the motivation to update consistently. I also am not very inspired by this plot/lack-of-plot. And I wouldn't have anywhere to go from here.

I have absolutely no excuses for the pathetic time period between the last update and this one besides "I'm a douche."

Okay. With that being said, please don't hunt me down and thank you for refraining to do so while you were waiting for this letdown.

Alright. Bye. It's over, and only four chapters, because I'm bad.