Alrighty peoples! CCL here! So, the other day I was reading a Hetalia Gender-bender fic called It's Raining Women. (So much thanks to Bri Nara, you are the best for writing that story!) Anyways, I got some really good (bad) ideas through reading that fic for a Clone Wars one. AL0LT0 and I were talking about it and decided we'd do a fic together (thanks to you ALLT)! So, here's a gender-bender fic for the clone wars! Whoop! Parts written by me, will have a little CCL beside it in bold, parts written by ALLT will have ALLT beside it cause I'm putting our parts together to make each chapter. Whoever the part focuses on will be beside it. Enjoy!

ALLT (oh ya, she gets to start)-Rex

Rex woke up to the monotone, annoying beeping of his alarm clock. He groaned, reaching out to shut the kriffin' thing up and, reluctantly, pulled the covers off his body.

He yawned; still half asleep and slowly began pulling his armour on, years of training making it second nature.

Thigh plates here, breast plates there....?

That was weird.

Rex could have sworn his breastplate was too tight. Not all the way of course, just the top part, the rest felt too big.

In fact, everything else felt too big.

Rex's eyes shot open, now fully awake. He quickly removed his breastplate.

Okay, those were definitely not there last night.

CCL (Me! ^^, ya, I'm alternating these chapters)-Jester

Jester rolled over in bed and his brow furrowed. Okay, something was not right here, he just felt odd, like there was something under the covers that shouldn't have been there.

He finally convinced himself to get out of bed and take a quick look. Maybe one of the guys was playing a joke on him, ya, they did that sometimes. No matter how many times Gus told them to stop.

And kriff, that was a lot.

Jester walked into the 'fresher's they shared and yawned, running a hand through his hair. Why did his hair feel so long? He'd never let it grow out like this before. And he'd cut it only yesterday!

Then he saw himself in the mirror.

Jester tried to scream but his mouth just moved up and down like a fish out of water.

Then he remembered something important that might be missing.

Jester quickly removed his boxers and let out a shrill yell, too high to be a man's. "Oh my-!"

Chopper and Echo were the first to find the source of the yell. They both stared at Jester, trying to form a sentence.

Punch, Sketch and Gus arrived just behind and stopped dead, unable to make a sound.

Finally Jester spoke. "As bad as this looks, I KNOW I had all my parts when I went to bed last night."

Chopper burst into laughter and Echo covered his mouth with a hand, biting on his fist. Punch and Sketch did the same and, to Gus' credit, he didn't move.

"Brother..." Chopper gasped. "You're're a girl!"

Punch was crying from laughing so hard as he corrected Chopper. "Technically, Jester's now our sister."

Jester's eyes went wide and he quickly pulled his boxers back up and folded his arms across his newly formed breasts to cover them, feeling the need to put a shirt on. "This is not funny!"

His voice was higher than normal and his squad burst out laughing again. Except Gus, he still didn't move and looked like he'd gone into shock. Jester facepalmed.

He had not been like this the night before and they were not helping.

ALLT's turn again!-Cody

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sir! I am not coming out sir!"

General Kenobi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Cody was a sensible man, a good soldier and a good negotiator.

Much like himself actually.

So needless to say he'd never expected the Commander to pull a stunt like this.

"Commander, you are needed on the bridge." Obi-Wan said for what felt like the hundredth time, he'd been standing there for at least a half an hour.

When Cody hadn't shown up on the bridge, Obi-Wan had sent a sergeant to find him.

The sergeant had returned saying the Commander refused to leave his room.

"Yes sir, I understand that sir, but I can't come out sir." Cody answered through the door, trying to maintain military courtesy while disobeying his General. His voice

Obi-Wan sighed heavily. "I didn't want to have to do this Cody, but you leave me no choice." He folded his arms across his chest. "I ORDER you to open this door."

Right about now he felt like a father dealing with a teenage son.

There was a pause before the door slid open, almost reluctant in action.

Kenobi's jaw dropped.

Okay...maybe not a father dealing with his SON.

Standing in front of him, wearing only a bodysuit that was MUCH too big. Was a pretty woman with long straight black hair and a scar next to her right eye.

Exactly identical to Cody's.

"Sir." The woman acknowledged, looking completely miserable.

Obi-Wan continued to gape.

CCL (Me again!)-Gree

Gree groaned and decided it was finally time to make a run for it. Nothing fit him properly and he didn't want to do this but he really needed to use the 'freshers.

Gree sighed and pulled at his bodysuit to loosen it around his chest to make it more comfortable. Then he summoned up all the courage he could muster.

And then he sprinted down the hallway, hoping no one saw him.

"Sir, is something wrong?" One of the snipers, Cooker, stood outside the stall, waiting for Gree to come out.

Gree's eyes went wide; he'd checked the hallway for people but not the freshers. "I'm fine Cooker."

"Then why are you using the stall?" Why couldn't Cooker just leave him alone?

"Because I have to Cooker. Please, just go." Gree squeezed his eyes shut. Come on, come on, just go.

Cooker laughed. "Commander, we're the only ones in here, I can hear everything. Come on out sir."

"Not a chance." Gree pulled his bodysuit up over his newly formed chest and got prepared to wait Cooker out.

"Fine then." Cooker jiggled the lock and smacked the door of the stall to open it. "Sir, we have the right to know..."

He stood gaping for a moment. "When something's wrong..."

Gree glared at him. "Are you happy now?" A lock of medium length red-brown hair fell over one eye.

"Sir are you a...girl?" Cooker stood still with an expression of confusion on his face.

"Yes Cooker, I am."

And back to ALLT!-Koho

Denal woke up with a yawn and a smack of his lips.

He stood from the bed, stretching his arms out of habit before opening his eyes. He had to wake Koho up.

Denal froze.

That was NOT Koho.

Lying in his bed was an attractive young woman with short cut bob of red hair and a tribal tattoo in the corner of her face.

Wait a minute, that was Koho's tattoo!

The woman stirred in bed, yawning. Denal blushed a deep crimson. She was wearing boxer shorts.

ONLY boxer shorts.

The woman scratched her back lazily before looking up at him. "Hey Den. What's up?"

Denal didn't say anything for a long time, his face getting hotter. Only Koho called him Den...

"K-Koho?" He couldn't hide the quiver in his voice.

"That's my name." Koho stood, bending down to touch his toes. "Don't wear it out..." He...she...they trailed off when they noticed something...out of place.

Koho ran to the bathroom they shared.

"Holy sh*t! I'm hot!" A female voice rang throughout the room and suddenly Koho was leaning against the door frame, an evil smile on his face. "You are SO attracted to me right now."

Denal's blush went all the way to his hairline. "I am not!"

"Are so!" Koho countered, making for the door. "Wait till I show the guys, they are going to be so jealous of my hotness!"

"Koho!" Denal yelled, covering his face with his hands. "Put a shirt on before you go out there!"

Koho's brow furrowed in confusion, he/she looked down. "Oh ya..."

Denal facepalmed. Koho had been oblivious.

*gets shot for all the references to girls areas and boys areas* Hey! I wasn't the only one! Anyways, hope we didn't scar anyone too much. Next chapter we'll add Slick, Fi and Walon Vau. *evil laugh* Also Mace and Aayla. If you have anyone to request shoot ahead, I'm sure ALLT won't mind it and I don't!
