
Well 4 years later...here I am again! This has just been something that has been on my mind for a little while now, thinking back on how I wrote this story when I was so young... Anyways! I hope you enjoy this final epilogue. (Even though the other one was supposed to be the last. Whoops.)

As always, reviews are appreciated, and I'm so thankful for everyone who has favorite'd and followed this little story through the years. Thank you so much!

Enjoy :)


In the quiet times of night and calm, still afternoons, Lovino's mind seemed to wander. Whether it would be in a tomato field gazing into the endless hills and lush, fertile land or lying beside his lover at the day's end, listening to his soft breathing, and gently running his fingers through his partner's dark curls; there always seemed to be a pain in his heart when the thoughts hit him.

He thought of home. His brother, an idiot he was, but yet how he longed to see him. Although their differences were countless, they were still brothers. They shared many fond memories together. Running through the vast mansion of their grandfather's home, laughing and causing boyish havoc. Those evenings when they would sit and talk, when the thunder would roar and rain would pound and Lovino opened his bed to a quivering Feliciano. That is what he missed. He missed his brother. Although there wasn't anywhere else in the world he would rather be than with Antonio, he always wondered if he would ever be able to see Feliciano again. Then there was Grandpa...

Perhaps it was all just immature love and lust that drove him away from his grandfather, but now he realized that perhaps there were a few of his actions that he shouldn't have done... Leaving so abruptly was one of them. Yet, he always wondered why no one ever bothered to look for him. It had been two years now. No word from any of his family. No going back to Italy.

"If they can't be bothered to look for me, then to hell with them all." Was Lovino's solemn motto.

He only wished that he hadn't spent so much of his time wrapped up in an intense pride battle with himself. What was the harm after all of trying to find his brother? Or grandfather? After all, he knew their residence. That is, unless Feliciano had run off with the German. He always shuddered to think of how lonely Grandpa must have been if those were the circumstances.


The night was cold and once again, as if on schedule, Lovino's mind drifted to Italy. He gazed down at his unconscious lover

"Idiot..." he whispered as he saw drool dribble down Antonio's chin onto the pillow beneath him.

However, this night was different. His stomach felt sick, a hollow pit had formed. One that couldn't be filled no matter how many happy thoughts he tried to force into his mind. Lovino looked down at Antonio, and gently nudged him.

"Antonio?" he whispered, nudging the Spaniard once more.

Antonio groaned, muttered something about tomatoes, then turned his back to the Italian. Lovino frowned, "H-hey bastard! Don't ignore me," he flipped the sleeping man over to face him. Antonio opened his eyes slowly, blinking sluggishly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lovi," he kissed the boy's forehead softly and looked up at his frowning lover, "What is the matter? Can you not sleep again?"

Lovino turned away, "I suppose...Antonio?"

The Spaniard gave a small smile, "Tell me what's been on your mind, my love. You know I'll always listen."

"I'm sure you'd rather be doing something else in the middle of the night than listen to my nonsense. It's all stupid." the flustered Italian flung himself under the blankets once more and curled away from his attentive partner. "It's all a waste of time and I know I can't change anything, a-and I know I'll n-never see them again-"

"Lovino, please...hush now, and calm down." Antonio lay down next to him, wrapping him in a soft embrace, kissing his dark hair and caressing his shaking hands.

The boy started to break down, tears streaming down him cheeks. Usually when this happened, Antonio would hold Lovino until he calmed down and cried himself to sleep. It wasn't common, but recently it began to be. Antonio asked no questions, have him no grief over it, he only wanted to help his sweet boy. Although Lovino never really explained what tormented his mind so, Antonio had a few thoughts.

Sure, he was a bit naïve. Okay, very much naïve. But there were rare moments when Antonio would know exactly what was going on, and over the course of time, his absurd and difficult Lovino was becoming less of a paradox to him, and more of a clear picture that he could detail and understand. He wasn't a spoiled, beautiful aristocrat with grandfather issues. There was so much more to his sweet Lovino. The way his nose wrinkled when Antonio made him laugh especially hard. The sweet red pigment that dusted his cheeks when Antonio would whisper not so innocent things into his ear. The way his delicate fingers clung to Antonio's shoulders as they made love, and the heavenly sounds he made that accompanied it.

All he wanted was that Lovino back. His Lovino. He couldn't bear the sight any longer of his suffering. He couldn't stand just sitting by while he cried night in and night out. When he only smiled rarely, instead of daily. It was impossible for Antonio to deny that nothing was wrong.


Weeks had past since that night, and yet so did the tears. Lovino rarely slept at night however, and their afternoons together were usually spent with Antonio carrying the Italian boy on his back to their house from the tomato fields after he was found asleep on the ground.


Antonio knew exactly why. Try as he may to listen, Lovino just wouldn't talk. He spent his nights awake in bed. Staring into the distant black room. Sometimes lighting a candle or two, but never waking Antonio anymore. The dark circles under his eyes grew heavier and more noticeable. Every sigh and frown broke Antonio's heart even more.

It was evening now, the sun not yet set. Antonio ran his fingers through the soft waves of dark hair on the Italian that lay in his lap. His eyes were closed, his breath was shaking yet calm. All was still, and finally Lovino was peaceful.

As the Spaniard looked out over the horizon, he saw something odd. He saw two figures on horseback, riding down the path to their home. He squinted, until it became quite obvious who said figures were.

"H-hey, Lovino. Wake up, love." Antonio said softly, nudging the brunette awake gently.

Lovino's eyes shot open and he sprang to his feet, he looked around frantically, "W-what is it? Is someone trying to steal the tomatoes again?"

Antonio grabbed the startled man's face and positioned it straight in front of him, showing him what all the fuss was about.

Lovino's stomach plummeted, his breath hitched, words not seeming to form on his lips try as he might. By now the figures were completely noticeable and recognizable.

"O-oh shit. I-I can't do this Antonio." Lovino was frozen, he felt his eyes sting with the onset of tears.

Once the pair was only a few yards away, one of them hastily and frantically jumped off his stead, throwing the reigns to his partner who had stopped both of the beasts.

"Lovino! Lovino! It's me!" He ran down the path, at one point almost tripping over his own feet.

Lovino still stood motionless, staring at the man running furiously down the path until finally, and all at once, he thrust himself on Lovino, almost toppling both of them over.

"Lovino...oh, how I've missed you, fratello" Feliciano said between sobs, his arms wrapped tightly around his brother's neck. Lovino could feel the tears against his neck, and he knew his brother could feel his own staining the fabric of his collar. He gently wrapped his arms around Feliciano's waist, "Y-you don't even know, Feli..."


"So...how exactly did you two find us? N-not that it's a problem, however! We rarely get visitors..." Antonio asked, taking a sip of his wine.

The four men sat at the table in the kitchen, dinner long gone as the two weary travelers had eaten most of it all as soon as it was offered, not leaving much room for conversation until they all were full and satisfied. Lovino didn't eat much, or drink much for that. It was rare, but under these circumstances, eating was the last thing on the Italian's mind.

Feliciano looked up from his glass of wine and over to the German sitting by his side, "Well, it was Ludwig who had the idea to look here and ask around. I had never heard of this town, but he and his grandfather had delivered chocolates here some time ago. Very secluded and off the map, he says. Isn't that right, Ludwig?"

The blonde, flustered, muttered out a simple, "J-ja.".

"But why are you here. Why now?" Lovino asked bluntly.

It was silent, Ludwig averted his eyes away from Lovino's inquisitive glances, while Feliciano's cheery expression turned dark. His eyes lowered and he became uneasy. "Lovino, I think I should talk to you about that in private..."

The two brothers arose from their seats and ventured to Lovino and Antonio's bedroom. Lovino lit a two candles then sat down on the bed. Feliciano paced in front of him, his eyes already hazed with tears.

"What is it, Feliciano? We're alone now, you can tell me."

The younger male was silent, but his eyes almost said it all. He looked up, tears falling down his cheeks, his mouth quivering, "W-we've been trying to find you two for almost a year now. We had no idea where to look. Town after town, n-no one knew... It's a miracle I'm actually looking at you right now." He gave a weak smile.

Lovino looked down, his heart twinging with pain. His eyes clouding with tears he so desperately wanted to delay.

"I-it's Grandpa, Lovino."

His heart sank, his breath quickened, he awaited the worst.

"H-he's dead. It happened about a year ago. A little after we started looking for you, a-after he got sick. So sick, Lovino, he never left bed."

There was no chance of him denying his tears now. Feliciano sat down next to his grieving brother, holding onto him. Lovino buried his face in his brother's chest. He didn't care anymore, why try and be strong at a time like this? Soft, muffled sobs filled the still room. Feliciano clung to his older brother, his brother that he loved so much, his other half that had left him two years ago. He lived with the mistake of selfishly turning his brother and Antonio in to his Grandpa, only to find himself falling in love with the German boy from town. They were the only family the each other had left.

"I-I'm such a coward... I ran away. I ran away from my problems like the stupid fucking idiot I am. I-I'm so sorry..." Lovino stuttered out between heaves.

"Lovino, no... Don't say that. I was wrong, what Grandpa did was wrong. Running away may have not been the best decision, but I don't blame you." Feliciano began, Lovino looked up from his sobbing mess to focus on his brother's familiar soft eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Feliciano sighed, "Well, when I told Grandpa about Ludwig and I... He lost it. Again. W-We've never fought like that. Horrible things were said, and then I left like you did. Although I wasn't brave enough to leave the country, I only went into town to Ludwig's."

Lovino gave a weak smile at his brother's confession, it was so typical of the younger.

"B-But it isn't all bad, Lovino. Here," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled letter. "H-He asked me to give this to you, whenever we found you."

Lovino hesitantly took the letter from his brother and unfolded it reverently.

"He told me not to read it, I swear to you I didn't!"

Lovino stared down at the letter, not quite reading it yet. He reveled in this new item, something his grandpa wrote especially for him. Never in his life did he think he would have something like this. Feliciano stood up, looking down sweetly at Lovino, "I'll leave you alone to read it. Besides, Ludwig is very bad at making small talk so I think I should go save Antonio from all that."

"Yeah..." Lovino said, dazed.

As Feliciano exited the door, he poked his head back in once more, "Oh, and Lovino? I-I just want you to know that I love you, and I'm really happy that I've finally found you."

Lovino looked up and smiled, "I love you too, fratello."

He returned the smile, and in an instant, he was gone. Lovino was left with himself once more. Himself, and a letter from his deceased grandfather. Gathering up as much courage as he could muster, he began to read the first line, and that's when he knew that this would be one of the most painful experiences of his life.

My dearest Lovino,

Nothing I have ever done has given me more joy and satisfaction than being a grandfather to you and Feliciano. You both have filled my life with such happiness and love that I could never think of wanting anything more. When your mother died, I was lost. My heart ached every day for her return, and the only consolation I found to have any effect was the thought of my two beautiful grandsons that I now had to duty to raise. I tried to raise you two in the best way I saw fit. That is why I say this now to you, Lovino:

I am sorry. I am so sorry. I thought that I was doing what was right, what God wanted. That he would shine down on me and somehow shed light on you. I know now, that you can't change something like that. You cannot change love. Those who are lucky enough to find a love that is so pure and so real, there is nothing wrong with that.

I was so blinded by myself, by my religion and my fears. I feared I would lose you, consequently enough my fear led to me losing you. I regret every day the things I have done to you and Antonio. If only God would have given me a second chance to make things right again, I would not hesitate one moment to do so.

I am not asking for your forgiveness, I've come to accept that I may never receive that, all I ask is that you know how much you mean to me, Lovino. I love you more than all of the stars in the sky. I am so proud of the young man that you have become. I know I did not tell you that often, but I really am proud. You are independent and strong, resilient and kind-hearted. There will never, ever be anything that you could do to me that would ever make me believe otherwise.

I pray for you each and every day, I pray for your safety guidance and peace within the wake of hard times. Each day it has been hard without you, knowing that you are happy and in a loving home, however, has given me some peace. At the end of my days, the happiness of you and Feliciano is all that matters to me. I only wish I could have seen that earlier.

Although these may be the last words you hear from me, know that you are always welcomed back home. Antonio as well, my home is always available. Please remember me, Lovino. I pray you do not hold disdain for me forever.

I love you, more than you will ever fathom of knowing.

Love always,


By now, the letter had been soaked with Lovino's brutal sobs and heavy streams of tears. Strangely enough, the heaviness and ache in his heart had lifted. The words of love that his grandpa had wrote to him played over and over again in his mind as the tears still had yet ceased to fall from his cheeks.

"I-I forgive you, Grandpa... I-I love you s-so much..." He whispered, almost prayer like.

He held the letter close to his heart, almost as if in an embrace. He wished, in vain, that his grandfather could be there. As awful as things had ended, Lovino was tired of this grudge he held against his family. It had ate away at him day in and day out ever since he made to bold move to run off with Antonio. He knew a change had to come, and he was so thankful that it happened in this way.

Lovino knew now, finally, that he was at peace. No longer did the image of his grandfather bring harsh memories and endless grief, but now brought memories of happier times and forgiving love that he finally let into his heart.


As Lovino had cleaned himself up a bit, and put the precious letter away somewhere he knew would be safe, he joined the three other men in his kitchen. Feliciano was telling some silly antidote about an adventure he and Ludwig encountered with a drunken women on their quest to find the two of them. Antonio was fully engaged, laughing and attentively asking for Feliciano to continue, much to Ludwig's dismay, the stark deep blush on his face explaining it all.

"Ah, Lovino! There you are, my love. Come join us, you're brother is telling us the most fascinating story." Antonio motioned for his lover to return to his seat next to him, which Lovino gladly obliged.

"Now, Feliciano, I-I'm sure you don't need to repeat that embarrassing story all over again." Ludwig mused, only to have Feliciano scoff back at him playfully.

"Nonsense, Luddy! Lovi would enjoy it more than any of us!"

The German buried his face in his hands as Feliciano began his story once more, "Okay, so there we were, in the middle of Barcelona somewhere, and you know that Ludwig absolutely hates to ask for directions, so we..."

As Lovino listened to his brother trail off about his amusing tale, his eyes wandered briefly around the room. Across the table sat his dear brother, happy and cheerful as ever, as Lovino had always remembered. Now he was a bit older, the remnants of baby softness to his face that adolescence brought were long gone, and now sat a man. His own little brother had grown into someone that he was more than proud of knowing, and someone who he could confidently say he loved more than anyone of this earth. Sitting right next to him, flustered with embarrassment, was his brother's lover, Ludwig. That stern looking German chocolatier who had won the heart of his younger brother. He knew he would grow to love him. Somehow. Although, the way Feliciano talked so fondly of him, and how lovingly he would look at him, he could tell it would only be a matter of time.

Then finally, his glance turned to the man seated beside him. Antonio. The one who had started all of this mess, this beautiful, wonderful mess. There wasn't a moment that Lovino spent with his love that he regretted. They had sacrificed so much to be together. Endless tears, smiles, happiness, sadness, anger, passion, and unforgettable memories had been formed between the pair. Sometimes Lovino would wonder about life without Antonio, but when he would see him flash a smile, or laugh out loud, or any of the simplest actions, he never wanted to imagine life without him. His beautiful and strong Antonio.

This was his life now, and for once, Lovino had not one thing to complain about it.


A/N: WOW that was longer than I expected it to be... Lol whoops. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I had a great time writing this epilogue ish tye thing. I know a few of you asked what happened to Feliciano and Ludwig, well now you know! I thought it was only fair to tie up the loose ends left at the end of the last chapter...like 4 years ago...

Who knows if any one will read this again, but I just want to thank all of you who have read and followed my story through the years. I appreciate everything said to me. Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoyed this.

As always, I'm always thankful for reviews and favorites, I don't expect them, but it's always nice to know that someone enjoyed my work.

Until next time!
