Well, this is only my second fan fic, but my first Jacob and Edward pairing so go easy on me

Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Every day was the same for Jacob Black. He got up, showered and dressed and went to his friend Embry's house to play PlayStation, but this was no ordinary day. As Jacob walked to his friend's house he saw his other best friend Quil standing outside in the rain. He ran over to him.

"Hey Quil, what's up man?" Jacob asked him.

"Embry…I saw him…he's at the cliff," Quil sighed. Jacob was confused, he was cliff diving? Why did Quil seem so upset?

"Let's go see him then," Jacob smiled, they walked together up to the cliff's, before they reached them they saw figures at the highest cliff, where only a certain cult jumped off. Jacob looked from the figures to Quil and back.

"He's up there isn't he?" Jacob frowned, "with Sam and his stupid cult," Jacob swallowed back the bile in his throat. He could not believe Embry had let Sam fill his head with all that crap.

"Yeah…I tried to talk to him, but he just said that I don't understand, but one day I will…what's up with that?" Quil frowned.

"I dunno, but I don't wanna be here when they come down…I mean just look at them, they think they're so perfect jumping from the top cliff," Jacob sighed, calming himself down before he ended up going up there and confronting them, he knew that wouldn't end well, it was him against Sam, Paul, Jared and Embry.

"You know…I saw Leah Clearwater the other day, she's back from the trip she took after Harry's death…I thought maybe we should go see her and Seth, we've sort of been neglecting them," Quil suggested, Jacob nodded.

"Yeah, you're right, let's go," they turned and made their way over to the Clearwater house.

Jacob was worried how Seth and Leah were going to act when they turned up. Jacob, Quil and Embry had all been there for Seth and Leah, even Sue when Harry had died, but after the first few weeks they started to stop coming every so often, then Leah left on holiday to grieve that way and left Seth and Sue at home. Jacob did feel bad, but he wasn't sure, especially with the temper Leah carried how she would react to him just showing up again. They reached the Clearwater house, nervously Jacob knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing an average height tanned young boy, none other than Seth Clearwater, he smiled when he saw them.

"Jake! Quil! I thought you guys were never going to come over again! I don't really blame you we were all being depressing morons," he smiled and hugged both boys.

"You had every right Seth," Jacob smiled.

"Who did you say was here?" Jacob heard a voice behind Seth. The door opened more to reveal a very angry looking Leah Clearwater. "Oh look what we have here. The dumb morons who were too selfish to come and see how they're supposed friends were doing! Now you've seen we're fine, now you can leave," she growled at them and pulled Seth out of the way slamming the door in their faces.

Jacob and Quil flinched back. Yeah...Leah was very angry with them. As they were walking away the door opened again and Seth came running out.

"Jake! Quil! Wait...Ignore Leah, she's just being a bitch," Seth said, Jacob hit him in the head.

"Hey! You're just a kid, you're not allowed to swear yet!" Jacob smirked at him. "Why don't you guys make your way over to mine and set up the game, I'll go talk to Leah for a second," the other boys nodded and walked away.

Jacob walked into the Clearwater house, he didn't bother knocking. He found Leah in her room.

"What do you want? Get out!" She shouted at him.

"You're contradicting yourself there you know," Jacob tried to joke but the look on Leah's face told him he wasn't getting a smile out of her.

"Look Leah I'm sorry, I really am, but I thought you and Seth could of used some space, instead of seeing the same faces every day. Yeah okay, maybe I stopped coming for selfish reasons too, but…I'm here to make amends, doesn't that tell you anything?" Jacob raised an eyebrow.

"Amends? Since when did you start using big words," she smiled a small smile at him, he laughed.

"I always have! I am smart you know," he pulled Leah in for a hug, which she gladly returned.

The two made their way over to Jacob's house to meet Quil and Seth.

Edward Cullen stared through his bedroom window at the rain. It was always raining in Forks, which he hated, but it was an advantage so he wasn't always stuck inside the house if it was always sunny.

Edward felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, he pulled it out seeing Bella was calling, he sighed.

"Hello?" He said.

"Edward, hey, I was wondering if you wanted to do something today," he could hear the giddiness in her voice, he couldn't really tell her no, he had already said no twice this week.

"Sure, I'll be over in 10 minutes," he said hanging up and making his way downstairs.

His vampire family were going about their daily routines. Alice was looking to the future to see how Jasper would react if she did certain things. Edward cringed when he saw the image form in her head. He turned his attention to Emmett who was watching the sports channel yelling incoherent things to the TV. Rosalie was pampering herself, though she didn't need it at all.

Carlisle was at his desk and Esme was next to him helping any way she would. Alice's face suddenly went white…well whiter than usual, if that's possible. Everyone's eyes snapped over to look at her.

Edward read her mind, trying to see what he vision was, but there was nothing there, it was blank. Edward raised his eyebrow.

"Alice…why is your vision blank?" He asked, she shook her head.

"I don't know Edward, I just got a vision, but it's blank, as if I can't tell what's going to happen to us in the future," she gasped, "what if I die? Do you think that's why I can't see anything?" Her eyes widened.

"No…remember months ago when the same thing happened and we ran into those Quileute wolves on the reservation? Maybe we are going to run into them again," Carlisle piped up, Alice immediately calmed herself, but she was still a little edgy.

"What will the dogs want with us?" Emmett snarled.

"Maybe it's to tell us that some more of the kids on the reservation have changed, I mean we did ask them to warn us about that beforehand," Edward spoke, he moved towards the door calling back over his shoulder, "I'm going to Bella's," he stated and left.

Edward jumped into his car and sped off towards Bella's house, he always went too fast in his car, mainly because he hated going slow when he could run faster than a car, plus he had excellent reflexes so for a vampire to go at 70mph would be like a human going at 30mph, or maybe a little less even.
He arrived outside Bella's in record time, he made his way over to the door. He saw Charlie's police car wasn't there so he walked straight into the house calling Bella's name.

She appeared at the top of the stairs a huge smile on her face as she ran down the stairs and jumped into Edward's arms, he wished she hadn't done that as she got done she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"You forget it's like running into a brick wall when you do that to me," he smirked, secretly enjoying the fact she hurt herself so she had to let go.

"Yeah…I just got a call from my best childhood friend Jake, he's coming over now, I've told you about him haven't I?" She asked, Edward nodded.

"Oh good," she smiled.

As they waited for Jacob to turn up they both watched TV, Bella was trying to snuggle up to Edward. Edward wasn't happy, lately Bella was starting to make him feel sick every time she kissed him or tried to get close to him. He'd never really had a girlfriend before; he had no idea how he was supposed to break up with her.
He always knew this Jacob guy had a crush on Bella, since she was never shy to tell Edward how Jacob had been flirting with her, though Bella always said he was never exactly a muscularly guy, Edward hoped he was at least good looking enough, so he hoped he would try and win her heart and she would fall for it, therefore nobody got hurt. All he could do was sit back and pray.

Jacob made his way over to Bella's house on foot. He could have taken his car but he wanted to clear his head as he walked. Lately he had been seeing Bella as more of an older sister than anything else.

He knew that she saw whatever he did as to mean he was trying to flirt with her, but he ignored it, trying to have a good time with his childhood friend. She had told him her boyfriend was going to be there, he had never met this Edward but he hoped they could be friends, and hoped that for Edward's sake Bella would pretend that Jacob was flirting with her whenever he opened his mouth.
He soon reached the Swan residence. He knocked on the door and waited as Bella opened the door, her eyes widened when she saw him.

"Jake…what the hell happened to you?" She asked, Jacob looked down, and then realized what she had meant.

He was very muscular since she had last saw him, his shirt looked way too tight for him, he had grown over a foot bigger and he had chopped his long flowing hair.

"I've been working out," Jacob lied. He had no idea how he was looking like this when all he really did was eat and play games all day. Apart from cliff diving every so often he never did much exercise, at least not enough exercise that he would look like this…though Jacob wasn't complaining at all, he liked the way he looked now.

"Oh…well, come in then, Edward's in the living room," she said, Jacob nodded and walked inside, seeing a boy sitting on the couch.

"Hey," Jacob smiled at him; Edward stared at Jacob, shock filling his body. He could smell the wolf inside of him, it hadn't yet come out, but he was nearly there, he was near enough 7 foot, and had more muscles that even Emmett did.

Edward snapped himself out of it, standing up and looking Jacob in the eye. "Hi," he held out his hand to Jacob, but Jacob didn't move as he stared into Edward's eyes.

Edward searched Jacob's mind, confused as to why he was staring at him like that.

He is so hot…what the fuck am I thinking! He mentally cursed himself. He's straight! And dating my best friend, and I'm straight! Least I thought I was...

Jacob moved and shook the vampires hand, the spark that went through both Edward and Jacob's hand was enough to make them jump apart.

I gotta get out of here before I jump him. Jacob ran out of the house, leaving Bella confused and Edward shocked. Jacob was going to jump Edward and not in an angry way.

Edward's eyes widened as he began to think about what would have happened if Jacob had of jumped him. Edward had to stop himself from smiling at the thought.

There you go, there's the first chapter. I'll hopefully update every week at the same time, if not its cause I have loads of college work to do, but I will always try my best.

REVIEW! And the next chapter will be posted asap :)