Hi everyone, just want to give a big thanks to Ellen1996 who suggested this fic and believed in me enough to write it and make it good!

I hope you like it and please R&R. (For all who read my other stuff, my main focuses are going to be this, Restless and Something Supernatural. I will try and finish HAppy Halloween but it's not that much of a priority but please shout at me if you want updates on the other fics and i'll do my best!)

Thanks! :) xx

Chapter 1

'Can somebody please tell me why we're doing this?' Rachel whispered as she, Santana, Brittany and Quinn wandered through the woods that ran along the back of Santana's house.

'Because Berry, this is a sleepover, and this is the kind of crap people do during sleepovers.' Santana crudely pointed out.

'San, be nice.' Brittany pleaded, holding Santana's free hand. The other was carrying a big blue duffle bag filled with sleepover goodies.

'Right I understand that Santana, but why are we going into the woods? What are we even planning to do in the woods?' Rachel looked cautiously behind her.

'Santana thinks the woods are haunted.' Quinn said, getting a glare from the Latina.

'I don think Q, I know they are.' Santana corrected, leading the rest of the girls out into a small clearing. 'This will do.' She said, setting the bag on the floor next to a cut of tree stump.

'Santana, just tell me what is in the bag.' Rachel pleaded as she looked at Santana. The girls smirk was growing as she unzipped the duffle, pulling out an old wooden box.

'I knew you wouldn't come if I told you what we were doing.' Santana said as Rachel gazed upon the object.

'Oh, no way Santana!' She yelled, again looking around her as if she was afraid of being watched.

'Man up Berry, I just wanted to try it.' Santana began folding open the wooden board.

'No, forget it.' Rachel stepped back.

'Come on Rachel, it's just a bit of fun.' Quinn rubbed the top of her arm reassuringly.

'No. I'm sorry but I am not doing a Ouija board in the middle of the night, in woods that you already believe are haunted.'

'Fine whatever, are you in Brit?' Santana looked down at Brittany who had picked up the pointer and was playing with it in her hands.

'No, I don't want to either San. Boards make me nervous.' She looked down sadly.

'I know B, it's okay.' Santana smiled at her and then looked at Quinn who was staring at Brittany. The blonde shook her head as she tried to understand the dancer but quickly snapped back to reality. 'Just me and goldilocks then.' Santana winked as Quinn rolled her eyes.

'Fine, but only because I don't believe in this crap anyway.' Quinn conceded, moving up to stand next to Santana. The wind howled around them, all of the girls pulling up their collars, except for Santana who didn't have a collar to pull up. She felt Brittany's hand tighten around her own and leant into her.

'Go stand with Berry okay, we wont be out her long and then we can get our cuddle on.' She kissed Brittany's neck, the blonde giggling before running and latching onto Rachel's arm.

'Alright, how do we do this?' Quinn asked as she studied the board.

'Are you kidding me? You've never done this before?' Santana placed the pointer she had gotten from Brittany into the middle of the board. It was resting on the tree stump in the centre of the small clearing, Quinn and Santana standing opposite each other either side of it.

'No, I told you. I don't believe in this crap.'

'Basically we both place a finger on the pointer. Lightly so that neither of us can push it.' Santana started explaining.

'But how will I know you're not pushing it?' Quinn thought out loud.

'You just do Q.' Santana shook her head and continued. 'Then we ask a question. And if there's anything here the pointer will move and spell out what they want to say.'

'Okay.' Quinn said firmly. 'But San, what do you honestly think will happen?' She laughed. 'This isn't real, it doesn't really work.'

'How do we know that until we try?' Santana smiled. 'And there is definitely something here, I can feel it.'

'You're nuts Lopez.' Quinn laughed.

'Maybe.' She grinned. 'Now come on, I'm freezing my ass off.'

'That is your fault for not wearing a proper jacket.' Quinn pointed out.

'Whatever, Brit..' She called to her girlfriend. 'You guys okay over there?' Brittany and Rachel had sat down on one of the large uprooted tree logs on the other side of the clearing.

'We're good.' Brittany replied cheerfully, her arm still locked with Rachel's.

'Just hurry up Santana, I don't like it out here.' Rachel said nervously, once again looking behind her. 'Did you hear that?' She shouted.

'It's the wind Rachel, calm down.' Quinn called over her shoulder and then looking up to Santana. 'So, what do you want to ask?'

'I dunno.' Santana thought for a second. 'Put your finger on the pointer.' Both girls did so, placing their right index fingers onto the wooden pointer. Quinn didn't want to admit this out loud but the atmosphere was getting to her. Dark night, wind swirling, four girls out in the middle of the woods doing something they probably shouldn't be. It felt like the beginning of some horrible teen slasher movie, which Quinn refrained from watching.

'Now what?' She asked nervously.

'Is anyone there?' Santana called out, looking up and around Quinn. A few moments of eerie silence passed, Quinn looking at the brunette.

'Oh well ,no one home. Shall we call it a night?' Quinn almost stepped back but Santana stopped her. 'San, what the hell?'

'Don't take your finger off of the pointer.' She said anxiously.

'What? Why?' Quinn lent back over, her finger still very much on the wooden object.

'You just cant okay, not until we end the conversation properly. My grandma told me that if you're in communication with someone and you remove your finger before the session is over, the spirit will get released.'

'Santana you're freaking me out. Released from where?' Quinn looked up, fear now running through her as the wind got colder. She could see her friend shivering as goosebumps covered her arms.

'It's like another dimension, or plain, where the souls get stuck after they die.'

'How do you know all of this stuff?' Quinn asked.

'Grandma.' Santana smiled. 'She was kind of a freak for the afterlife and all that shit. Told me once she spoke to a ghost.' Santana informed Quinn, who looked even paler than usual.

'Well, at least now I know where you get your crazy from.' She joked.

'Exactly.' Santana grinned. 'But she said that some spirits will use Ouija boards to break back through into our plain of existence, to cause havoc or whatever.'

'So why the hell are we doing it!' Quinn shouted.

'I thought you said it wasn't real?' Santana reminded her.

'Still, I'm cold and scared and I don't want to be here anymore. It's obvious there is no one here.' She said firmly. And then the pointer moved. 'Holy shit!' Quinn cried, doing everything she could to keep in contact with the pointer as it moved towards the letters.

'H…' Santana spoke out loud. 'I…. Hi.' She looked at Quinn. 'Was that you Q?' Santana whispered.

'N…no.' Quinn swallowed. 'Was it you?' Santana shook her head. They looked at each other for a moment until Rachel broke the silence.

'What's going on over there guys?' She called.

'Nothing, hang on.' Santana shouted back, looking down at the board. 'Who are you?' She looked up to the sky.

'San, I think we should stop.' Quinn practically begged.

'We cant until they officially say goodbye.' Santana reminded her.

'Great.' Quinn whispered, resting her other elbow on the tree stump. 'Oh my God.' She said quietly, lifting her head as they watched the pointer move once more.

'J…. A…. R…' Santana looked at Quinn before following the pointer again. 'E… D. Jared.'

'So it's name is Jared.' Quinn looked up at Santana who nodded.

'Apparently. And I think we can safely assume 'it' is a man.'

'Oh yeah.' Quinn agreed. 'What now?'

'Erm..' Santana thought of how to word the next question. 'What….' But before she could get it out the ground started to shake.

'What the fuck Santana?' Quinn looked around at the floor below them, dirt and small rocks bouncing up around their feet.

'Guys?' Brittany called, she and Rachel even more huddled together. Quinn looked to Santana for what they should do now, because this was getting seriously fucked up.

'Santana do something.' Quinn pleaded.

'Okay erm, goodbye Jared.' She called, slightly muted by an annoying rumbling that accompanied the mini earthquake they seemed to be experiencing. The pointer didn't move so she shouted again. 'I said goodbye!'

'Wait, look.' Quinn directed her attention back down to the pointer. 'N…. O.'

'No?' Santana looked at Quinn, eyes locking in panic. This was real. 'What the fuck does 'no' mean?' Santana yelled. But then a bright light started to emit from the centre of the board.

'Santana what is that?' Quinn asked.

'No idea. Shit, shit.' She looked back over to Rachel and Brittany. This shouldn't be happening. She hadn't expected anything like this to happen she just wanted to have some fun, especially scaring Berry, but this was just insane.

'Santana!' Quinn yelled, but it was too late. The light burst from the centre of the board, sending both girls flying backwards. Their fingers were definitely off of the pointer now.

'Oh my God!' Rachel and Brittany yelled in unison, standing up together as the rumbling stopped and the light died down. Quinn was nearest to them, thrown backwards about ten feet and landing hard on her ass in nearby shrubs. 'Quinn!' both girls ran to her side. 'Are you okay?' Rachel asked, pulling her out gently.

'Yeah, ow.' She winced, her hands covered in small scratches along with one on her cheek. Santana had been thrown in the opposite direction, the three girls walking together to find her.

'Santana!' Brittany shouted, seeing her lying on the floor next to an old oak tree. The blonde sprinted to her side and looked her over.

'Rachel, Rach she's not awake!' Brittany cried.

'Okay Brit, let me look at her.' Rachel knelt on the other side, bending over the Latina before looking up at the other girls. 'She's, she's okay. She must have just hit her head.

'Damn right I hit my head.' Santana spoke from below them. 'Shit.' She tried to focus as she put her left hand over her eyes.

'Jesus Santana.' Rachel sat backwards, the abrupt noise coming from the ex-cheerio making her jump.

'San are you okay?' Brittany took her hand away and looked into her eyes.

'I'm fine Brit.' She smiled, standing up with the help of her girlfriend. 'You okay Q?' Santana looked at her.

'No. I'm not okay. What the hell was that?' She asked, a single tear falling from her face.

'I have, no idea.' Santana admitted, looking down at the floor as Brittany put her arm around Santana's waist.

'Come on.' Rachel said. 'Lets get out of here.' They all agreed and headed back to Santana's house. They had a lot to talk about.