Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece and Harry Potter.
Ratings: T (for now)
Pairings: Harry/Luffy (surprise)
Warnings: slash, male x male, violence.
I have been reading most of One Piece/Harry Potter crossover fics. I then discovered how come no one did the Harry/Luffy pairing. I hope this pairing will bring the best of both worlds (quoting from Hannah Montana). I also borrowed the famous TV Series title, "How I Met Your Mother". Please, it just modifying the title but everything else is mere snippets of various ideas.
*bold* or bold – flashback / thoughts (just not to confuse you guys)
How I Met the Pirate King
He didn't think that he will be back here. In this room. On the very platform. Where the object of which he hated the most, for it has taken his godfather, Sirius Black before his very emerald eyes. Yet, here he is. In front of the Veil of Death. Harry Potter could hear them whisper, calling him as if he was right beside them. With them.
Harry. Siri. He wished he had more time to talk to him. Make him laugh like his animagus counterpart. Wish had more time. Time...to avoid death. Dumbledore. Remus. Tonks. Colin. Fred. Memories of the death, whose faces he had cherished most in his life and of course, the first innocent to be killed; Cedric Diggory.
Harry...don't... A movement first alerted Harry of his presence than its whimper. Harry gazed down on the bundle in his arms. Ted Remus Lupin. His godson. He clutched the baby slightly harder, and released the extra pressure at the whimper of his beloved godson. At the age of barely a month old, he was already orphaned. Andromeda Tonks nee Black was grieving for her husband, daughter and son-in-law in a single year. Feeling responsible to live up to his godfather status, he took Teddy to allow her to gain her wits.
It dragged on to six months. Half a year ago, Remus and Nymphadora Tonks nee Lupin were still alive and had a healthy baby boy. Yet, here they are. In front of the Veil of Death. He did not want to do it. He was happy for once. Teddy was his lifeline. He kept himself isolated from everyone except the Weasleys and Hermione. The Number 12 Grimmauld Place was his home, a sanctuary from the press and outside world itself. He usually went to the Burrow for their annual Sunday brunch and occasional Saturday dinner. There was still joy and a carefree feeling to the air, like it was no longer filled with paranoia. However, Harry could still see the marks of the Second Wizarding War on each of them.
George was hiding in his Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes shop in Diagon Alley for two weeks, before their mother, Molly dragged him out to the Burrow in plain view, pulling the only available ear on him. Percy worked alongside with his father, to comb through the legislation to prevent a Dark Lord/Lady rising. Hermione was also involved in their research, however more inclined towards the Department of Magical Creatures Regulation. Well, you can see that was dream come true for her.
As for Ron and Ginny, well...that was what brought him here. Ron was grieving on Fred's death. He took it as hard as George, but at least George did bounce back, bringing in more ear jokes than ever. Ron only appeared to be. At times, whenever he sees George, he would expect Fred to appear and ridicule him like back in fifth year. When he realised he was not there, he then sent his gaze on Harry. He could see the desperation in his eyes, asking him when it will get better. For Harry could see he was stuck in his nightmares of witnessing Fred's death, despite the comfort and re-assurance from his family that no one blame him and he, in turn, did not blame others and himself.
Ginny, on the other hand, became another person entirely. She threw her life between Quidditch and men. It was a rare sight to see Ginny Weasley in her childhood home. Just last month, she was seen in Diagon Alley with Dean Thomas, an ex. She did try to pressure Harry into getting involved with her, but Harry was not the only one who also did change. Molly did try to do the same to Harry, hoping it would bring Ginny back into her folds. Harry refused, stating he was no longer romantically inclined towards her.
In fact, he seems to be looking at both genders at an alarming rate. This was usually when he went grocery shopping in the Muggle world. After panicking for half-an-hour in the Burrow, Hermione dragged Harry up the stairs while Molly tended Teddy (fussing more likely) as she pushed the thought of him being bi-sexual into his thick skull. It was quite the revelation for him, you know, as he was more focused on the Idiot-Who-Was-After-Him-Since-He-Was-One.
Hermione also gathered that he would be looking towards the personality side in a love/life partner rather than the looks. He just stared at her. The discussion between them took two hours' time in total plus some recommended reading for Harry to purchase. Lucky for him, Teddy did wear Mrs Weasley before she could question him. Having these new thoughts on top of his ritual nightmare was too much for him bear. He could not cope with the memories. He tried leaving Teddy back at his grandmother several times, but the look on Andromeda's face whenever Teddy's hair changed colour was enough to convince him that she was still hurting.
Harry...come back... Enough for his past thoughts. It is time. Time for him. Time for Teddy. Time for a new life. Freedom. Siri... Pounding and spells rocketing outside the room could be heard. He can distinctly hear Hermione crying, pleading with him. Please Harry! Don't do it! Come back! "Forgive me, Hermione. But Teddy and I need this. We are going on a new adventure," he said aloud. However, the person whose message is for is outside the Veil room. "This is it, Teddy. We are going to see your mummy and daddy now." Teddy merely snuggled closer to Harry. Harry smiled at the innocent act of faith on Teddy's part.
He steps forward towards the Veil. He turns back to face the outside world one last time. He takes his last breath, exhales and merely steps back, falling into the Veil. The last thing that he sees before his doom was Hermione, cheeks wet with tears, trying to catch his hand while being restrained by George and Ron. Goodbye...my friends...
Grey surroundings greets Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin when he opens his eyes. White beings floated around them, like they are part of the place. What is your wish, Harry Potter? He whirls around to see where the voice came from. He didn't seem surprise to himself floating with the white beings. After all, he always stumble upon something weird like the conversation with his former headmaster, Professor Albus Percival Wulferic Brian Dumbledore. This is probably happening in his head again.
What is your wish, Harry Potter? His wish? Well, that is new. What did he truly wish? Having deprived from any affection and attention until his first year at Hogwarts, he never had a normal childhood, the proper bond of a family. He always envied Ron of his family, wondering if his parents were not assassinated by Voldemort, would his family be like Ron's. Family. He looks down at Teddy. He is fast asleep, unaware at the state they are in. Maybe, a family for both him and Teddy. Somewhere to grow up normal. No one to stare at his scar. Someone to love and cherish. Love, to find out for the first time.
Have you decided, Harry Potter? He shouts out, "Yes, I have!" What is your wish, Harry Potter? "I wish for a family, somewhere to grow up normal for myself and Teddy. To have no bad memories of my past. To be free!" That is a lot to ask of me, Harry Potter. But, so shall I grant thy wish! The white beings now swirls around Harry and Teddy. Harry hold Teddy tight in his arms, avoiding the beings from affecting Teddy in any way. They form together a tornado, whereby Harry and Teddy is in the centre of it. They inched closer towards Harry and Teddy.
They spin so fast, that they emit a bright light like his dream in the King Cross platform with his deceased headmaster. He feels his very being was pulled apart. Teddy woke up, wailing probably feeling the same thing as Harry did. The last he heard was I will grant your wishes but for a price... He couldn't answer back, as he and Teddy was pulled into a white wormhole and lost conscience.
'Red-Haired' Shanks is having a good sail this very morning. He might sneak a few beers before his doctor bashes his head against the wall for not watching his health. Honestly, it is not as if he could die on the spot for consuming too much beer. He sighs deeply and turns his gaze to the open sea. His eye immediately catches on to an image of something floating on the sea. It does not have a sail. So, it is a raft then carrying someone. The raft is in bad shape. Probably that person survived a pirate or Sea Beast's attack.
The raft is drifting towards his ship. He can finally see who is on that raft. Laying his gaze on the raft, his instincts immediately has him shouting for his crew mates before he dives down to save the survivor or in Shanks' case, two survivors. When he surfaces, the crew has thrown a rope for him to drag the raft closer, thus pulling the survivors to the ship. Shanks pulled both of them overboard with gentle ease. As if they were fragile beings. Shanks' instincts came forth due to a recent visit of a young boy by the name of Monkey D. Luffy from Foosha Village. Seeing the survivors reminds him similarly to the incident when he saved Luffy from being eaten from a Sea Kind. He prays that they will both survive under his medic's attention.
The loud cries of Theodore Remus Lupin first alerts him of his new surroundings. Groping around for his glasses, he shoots up after failing to locate the said item. As he look around for them, he further realises that he can see clearly like a normal person would. Another loud cry grabs Harry's immediate attention. He rushes towards Teddy, unaware of the circumstances around him.
The first thing he sees out of the cabin is a group of men, oddly dressed like pirates cooing and rambling desperately at a baby. He then sees another group yelling at the former, something about the shutting the kid up. He looks up at the sky. It is clear and filled with breeze, which can only be found near the sea. Speaking of sea, he gazes back around to realise that, in fact, he is on a ship, surrounded by the sea.
The pull from Teddy's bond with him finally pulls him of his daze and rushes to calm Teddy down. He walks to the group of the former group and just lifts Teddy into his arms. His arms automatically goes through the motion of rocking and soothing Teddy from his previous colic episodes. Having back to his caregiver's arms, recognising by his scent, he is reduced to sniffles and whimpers. Teddy coos back at Harry, grabbing his chest. Harry immediately knew Teddy must be hungry from their journey.
Turning to the nearest person, he asks, "Do you have milk?" His voice sounds weird. Very much childlike. Come to think, these men look a lot bigger than him. He looks again at them. Yes, definitely a lot bigger. He looks at himself. He nearly drops Teddy in shock. He is six years old again. No, this cannot be happening. A big hand on his back prevents him from falling to his knees. He hears someone murmuring around him. He looks up to that person.
It is a red-haired man. The hair is a coppery-red like the colour of blood with extra shine. The other striking thing is his left eye. It has three claw-like-slashes across it. However, he is comfortable around this man. He was speaking to him, giving wild gestures as he is speaking to a barbarian. Harry laughs at his attempt to communicate with him. It is so like Sirius. He wonders if this man has met Sirius before.
A finger now pokes his cheek in order to get his attention. The red-haired man now is rambling some words. Frustrated with the language barrier, he wishes to speak the person in charge to help Teddy. He tries once more. "Do you have milk?" They look back at his surprise. "Well?" "Sorry kid, this is a pirate's ship. We don't have milk." Finally, an answer. He doesn't want to question his good luck. He proceeds with his next question.
"Do you know where can I get some?" They all start laughing at him. The red-haired, having recovered from his fit of laughter, says, "Look, I don't know where you are from. You are not going to get any milk anywhere for the next three weeks." "What? Why?" Another pirate, carrying a rifle answered, "That is because the nearest land is the Baratie Restaurant. Well, technically it is a ship which now a restaurant. Anyway, you get the picture." The red-haired man introduces everyone, "My name is 'Red-Haired' Shanks, just call me Shanks, the fellow there with the rifle is Benn Beckman. We are the Red Haired Pirate and I am the captain." Harry scoffs, "Right, really whose is in charge here? Mr. Beckman, you must be captain, being sensible and all."
A wail of "Captain!" has him turn back to Shanks, only to find Shanks being restrained by his crew members and Beckman laughing his head off. Inspired by his Slytherin side, he makes his eyes widen in fear and mouth tremble. "You would not hurt a little boy and a baby, would you?" He adds a couple of sniffles here and there. Teddy, now being very hungry starts wailing to his effect. Shanks mellows down, seeing his re-action was scaring both the boys.
"I'm sorry, kid. You just reminded of a kid, whom I love to tease a lot. He went all hyped up when he was angry, which is probably all the time. That crazy kid." Beckman asked then, "What's your story, kid? How did you end up here?" "My name is Harry Potter. Are you sure you don't have any drink or milk around?" "We have beer, wine, and we do have water, but no milk." Harry is relieved to find some form of liquid, and then asks Shanks to bring them a bottle of water.
One of the crew comes back with a glass bottle of water. He places the bottle on a table. He looks around his wand. He is not sure if his magic would work in this world, thought to give a try. "Have you seen a wand, a stick about 11 inches long?" Most of them starts to cry indecent things. Shanks himself having a perverted mind says, "Harry, you should not be saying those things. Oh poor you, having been exposed to some perverted brutes."
Harry merely lifts his eyebrow in a Snape-like manner. Not that they know Severus Snape. "I mean a normal stick, you dunderhead." While Shanks is restrained again, Harry turns to Beckman, who figures that Harry wants an answer from him, "We did find a small trunk on the raft you were on, but there was no twig found."
Upset with his lost, most prized possession and his inability to provide milk for Teddy, he almost misses his forearm glowing and shot a familiar spell at the bottle. The bottle is transfigured into a baby bottle as well the water turns into milk. Another light shoots from his arm like the summoning spell, brings the bottle towards Harry. Using his Seeker reflexes, he catches the bottle and feds Teddy promptly. Finally receiving his long-awaited meal, he sucks enthusiastically with eyes closed enjoying every drop.
He looks at the pirates. Shanks grips his shoulder, "Oi kid, which Devil's Fruit did you eat?" "Huh? Devil's Fruit?" Shanks grips his shoulder even harder. His voice is low, as if he is trying to force the truth out from Harry. Batting away the external attack, he calmly says, "I do not even know what a Devil's Fruit is." Everyone shouts "Eh!" "You cannot be serious."
Harry is going to retort using one of Sirius's famous puns but is not able to as Shanks cut him in his explanation. "Well, did you eat any weird fruit? It has different shapes and colours from any ordinary fruit. Usually after one eats such a fruit, that person will gain a specific ability. Like that Luffy kid I was telling you about, he ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi." "Gomu Gomu no Mi?" "It means you become a rubber man. His skin is like rubber. He can extend any part of body like rubber."
Okay, he could understand that. So, they think magic is like a Devil's Fruit. "What did I just now is called magic." Beckman eagerly asked, "Magic?" Oh Merlin, he sounds just like Hermione. Surprisingly he is readily willing to shed some light on the matter. "Where Teddy and I come from, there are people with abilities like us. We use magic. Earlier Shanks was using some of it on me." Shanks is surprised, then realises what he means; starts laughing. "Kid, you got it wrong." "Oi, the name is Harry."
"Kid, stop interrupting me. Anyway, where was I?" "Captain!" the crew scolds him. Shanks bangs his fist into an open palm. "Ah, what I used was called Haki." "Haki?" "A mental power. Very few people can control it, and so very few people can also withstand it. You must have a lot of willpower to overcome me." "Well, don't do it again. I don't like it. It reminds me of some bad stuff in my world."
Teddy has finished his bottle. Harry asks for towel to burp Teddy. After that, Teddy is more awake and wants to look around. Yasopp, a known marksman offers to take Teddy around. He says he has a son, named Usopp and he misses him. On that note, Harry allows Teddy to be parted from him but not after a lot threats from Harry and Shanks. Luckily, Harry has fresh food. As Harry dines, Shanks and Beckman explains about their life and situation around them.
He is also informed that since they are headed to a dangerous ocean known as the Grand Line, he will be staying with the Red-Legged Zeff, the owner of the Baratie Restaurant. He spends his time learning about the workings around the ship and the crew members. He also spends time with Beckman, who is ever the scholar. Teddy is a joyful kid who has every member, including Shanks tied around his finger. Mainly for two reasons; they do not like the sad, pouting face and the wrath they will face from Harry. Harry has a scary face, despite in his six-year-old stature.
He estimates himself to be at that age, as he briefly recalls receiving a particular bruise at the similar, courtesy from his 'beloved' cousin. At times, Shanks and Beckman would ask him about his past. They cotton on the fact that he is small for his age and sporting bruises a kid should not have. In his first week, they would question extensively on the whereabouts of his relatives, despite the lack of means to travel to Harry's world. He merely shuts his lips tightly or gives them a cold reply, stating he doesn't need their pity. He has to re-enforce on that fact, giving them an ultimatum; Stop asking questions or they both will jump overboard, leaving themselves in their faith and luck.
Understanding the threat perfectly, Harry becomes a temporary crew member of the Red Haired Pirates. He would be mostly involved in the kitchen, as their chef is temporarily indisposed. Harry imagines it is due to the parties that is always held on the ship. The crew loves his cooking, even persuades Shanks to take Harry on as their permanent one. He blushes every time someone praises his cooking. They also love the way he mothers over them. That would be the joke of their journey. Beckman comments, "That day when we found both of you, we would have assumed you were a girl. That is if Shanks did not change your clothes in front of us."
He recalls the last bit of what the voice was telling him. This is probably his prize. He reverts back into six years old, but retains his mind. He could recall the memories he has from the previous world, but the feelings were dulled as if it did happen around a millennium ago. His features is exchanged to more feminine. He could say he is more of Lily Potter's son, rather than James. The other surprise is the glowing forearm.
He looks at his forearm, tracing the permanent tattoo. The phoenix feather is transferred from the holly wood into Harry's forearm. That is not all. The feather tattoo is entwined with the letters DH. Having achieved the Master of Death status, naturally the Deathly Hallows have followed Harry into his next adventure. He is able to perform these similar abilities like the physical Deathly Hallows. The items that was found in the raft were a miniature-sized trunk.
Bless Kreacher! Leaving most items into his vaults at Gringotts with his will, he asked Kreacher to pack the photo album and his old books (bought or received) into trunk, as he has no one to give them to, apart from Teddy. Of course, he does not know he is going to end up in another world. Oh well, best not to dwell in the past. He and Teddy could do this, build a new life here. He is sure of it.
After the long three weeks, they have finally arrived at the Baratie Restaurant. Teddy is fairly bouncy that morning. He waves rapidly at the ship, babbling some words that are knowledgeable to babies and toddlers only. Upon their docking, Shanks, Beckman, Yasopp and Lucky Roo accompany Harry and Teddy to the restaurant. The Baratie is a fairly large ship. It takes an oval shape, with the normal masts but has a fish as a front-piece/head. The Baratie has a round bottom. As they step inside, they are greeted with a weird surprise.
This is a new story. I like One Piece; I am just catching up to the latest episode. So, members or not, please, I strive for reviews. Please mind my spelling and grammar.