4th November
So I was right. I mean, I knew I was right anyway. Miku is back to her usual self. She just seems to act older and more mature at times. Her voice has more power to it and sounds amazing.
I got in trouble from Master. I had scared everyone by doing what I did. He took away my bananas and told me I wasn't getting fed for a week. That is just mean. No one will talk to me and I am feeling a little lonely.
Even Iroha has stopped texting me. I think I might just be acting paranoid, but I am worried. I hope she's ok. I hope she isn't mad at me... I hope she isn't going to dump me.
Hey guys, really short update today. Here are the promised answers for the last two chapters! Also, I will post a review for this story that has a clue to my skype name. If you add that skype name, you can talk to me! That's right, I am giving my skype name to my wonderful readers so you can talk to me and maybe even get me writing.
All you have to do is add the name of one of the reviewers that will review chapter three. To make sure that it is the right person, they will say the words "Banana Split". I look forward to talking to you and becoming friends! (Please make sure to write in the invite your username on and that is where you are from.)
Chapter 26 Answers
wisarute7 says: Aw Rin is such a nice sister taking care of Len xD Len you help the girl with you -manli- shotaness so awesome *w*
Len replies: No shotaness was involved! You'd think after a few months, you'd understand this!
Rin replies: If I wasn't here, I can't imagine what would happen to him.
OtakuHeartsays:Len, Master wouldn't listen to me. They say you're their program and should do what they want. *hugs you and gives you a banana* I'm still on your side, though. Ooh, a ghost, how creepy!
Len replies: *takes banana* Good to see people still on my side D:
Official Len lover says:No way, the girl with the voice bank that consists of moany speech. MASTER YOU PERVERT!
Master replies: Why does everyone call me that lately? TT^TT Len-chan has been spreading lies about me
Len replies: I never lie. I tell the truth about you!
Pii says:Rin being you in a dress huh, Len? I wonder how did anyone think that was you or not :P
Len replies: I don't know. I don't know what people were saying. I was… "busy".
Lynn 'Ne'-chan says:its was Sonika! What? Sonika has green hair and its kinda long but then again meaby its 'Miku' ghost. And Len please screaming when you see it like a girl!
Len replies: I do not scream like a girl! D:
LeviIsAwesomesays:Wha! Cliffhanger! I hate you right now Len! I love the story so far. I made a giant skeleton on minecraft! I'm soo random when I have sugar.
Len replies: I just make houses, mansions and castles. I'm not talented enough to make anything else.
IllusionistDream says:...Just wondering... will vocaloid 3 IA be in this story?
Author replies: I am hoping to get her involved soon. Hopefully one day every Vocaloid will be discussed. I really like IA, it's just getting her into the story somehow.
Master replies: I am hoping to get her soon actually, I just hope everyone behaves when they meet her.
Zelda-JSRF-Fan says:Haha, Kaito and Kiyoteru saves the day from an evil spirit... Apparently while drunk! XD
Kaito replies: We weren't that drunk. Well… I wasn't anyway.
Kiyoteru-sensei replies: It sounds like a good plot for a novel, doesn't it?
All reply: Everyone here apologizes for the lack of replies.
Chapter 27 Answers
Lynn 'Ne'-chan says:... so that append Miku. then what happen when she woke up and see her outfit change? you know... Miku's append outfit kinda short... very short actually...
Len replies: Yeah, she freaked a little. I guess Master was going to introduce her nicely to the idea. I kinda forced her :\
Official Len lover says:Wooooo! Master please get the other appends I recommend it. That way Len won't be called a shota that much (except in some cases)
Master replies: I might one day, I like the deeper tone of his append.
OtakuHeartsays:Ohhhh, it wasn't a ghost, just an append. By the way Len, I heard you and some of the others are getting English voice banks! Do you know when they're coming out?
Len replies: Really? No one ever tells me about anything. So sorry, I don't know when it will happen.
wisarute7 says: Len append *q* you show your belly *q*
/author I love Len append xD I wish Oliver have spend to along with Piko XD
Len I hope your hunch is right... If not then goodbye Shota life and hello prison life ._.
Len replies: I would change my outfit so I didn't show off my belly :U I was right, but I still got in trouble.
Author replies: I really like his append too, but miss his shota-ness too much XD I couldn't understand the thing your said about Piko and Oliver .
YeaImAGuest says: Wow *facepalm* I'm such an idiot! I should have known it was miku. I have a new keyboard on my iPhone, Korean I think
ㅏㅡㅓ sheep & pig ㅏㅛㅓ
Author replies: O_O Get an English one then?
Rea-chansays:The stories that I think are good always have an answer segment. YOU DA BEST AUTHOR! :D :D :D
Author replies: Well, thank you? So you wouldn't read this story if it didn't have the answer segment? LOL
Pii says:I like the append idea 8D wonder how Len's personality will be... Powahful, Srs, and *forgot* is that cold? Len, you'll get manlier, whaddya think o' it? P8
Len replies: I would LOVE it. But Master still refuses to get it :(
WolfGirlMikusays:Next time someone calls you a shota, Len, you get the road roller :D
Len replies: Master has it locked up after Rin and I went on a spree with it and flattened Kaito.