FudoTwin17: Hey! Well, I decided to write another story. This is going to be a full out story, and ,if you want, I will accept OC's and story ideas, because I'm a lonely person who lives with my cat and would love to talk to you people for any reason whatsoever.

GoldFish # 1: It's true.

FudoTwin17: Shut up. I'm venting.

Cat: . . . What's wrong with living with your cat? After all, I am fluffy and loveable.

FudoTwin17: Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . .

Dog # 1: She doesn't own Young Justice.

FudoTwin17: Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . .


"I have chosen the next member of the team." A calm, strategizing voice echoed through the cold, silent room.

A guard glanced around as he continued to scope his area, looking for any intruders. It was empty. It almost made him smile, but he was too stressed and careful to accept the small gesture and continued scoping the area, not thinking about the consequences of what would happen if he missed something.

"You have deemed them fit, Master?" Asked another voice, too worn for her age.

There was a quiet noise of something falling to his feet as his head snapped down. His eyes widened in understanding. His grip tightened on his gun. This was bad.

"I have. But obtaining him will be a greater challenge than any other you have faced." The truly old voice replied.

White smoke filled the air around him. He moved backward carefully, backup coming up behind him. He was thankful he didn't have to call them. They were just there.

"How so, M-Master?" The youngest voice choked, still uncomfortable calling someone 'Master'.

A grappling gun shot the tall building, easily letting the figure glide though the darkness with relative ease.

"He is trained better than any of you were at the times of your capture." Everyone else in the room shifted uncomfortably, ignoring the unhappiness in the woman's voice as she focused on the youngest.

A elated cackle drifted through the erie quiet. The guard knew he was in trouble immediately. He knew the laugh. He knew the danger. He knew the vigilante.

"And how else is he dangerous that he would require a briefing n how we take him, Master?" Asked a edgy young man who seemed the oldest of the males in the room.

He wasn't surprised when he heard the backup being beaten up. This was really bad.

"This young man is dear to the Justice League and is on his own team, Young Justice. They will not give him up without a fight. You all are needed to capture this boy." The leader stared at her own team.

Then, the boy dropped down in front of him in plain sight. The Bat wasn't even there. That was enough to make the guard want to hide in the boy's bathroom like he would in high school. Instead he lifted his gun.

"Master, we must break his will?" A young girl's voice asked.



"Typical evil villain. You always try to order me around like I'm going to do it." He rolled his eyes behind his mask.

"Break his will, Master?"

The guard trembled.


"I-I'll shoot!"

"Break his closest bonds, Master?"

"Yeah, right."


"I mean it!"

"Force him to our side, Master?"

"No, you don't."

"Use every happiness-"


"Every pain-"

"Drop the gun and walk away. I might spare you."

"Every deed, good or bad-"

The guard stared.

"Even those who he would give everything for-"

He felt the weight of the world lift off his shoulders as the gun fell to the ground at his feet.


He stared up at the one super hero he would always admire, thank, and defend. The youngest. The greatest. The one most amazing and merciful human he'd ever encountered. The amazing and forgiving boy. The one no one paid enough attention to, but it didn't matter to him.



FudoTwin17: YAY! Well, please review! I hopes you liked it!

Cat: Yeah.


Dog # 1: Bye!