Chapter 9: The Timing Game

Zoro barely had time to yank Luffy through the doors of the hotel before the captain attacked his lips. Zoro moaned at the rough kiss and opened his mouth to be devoured. Luffy's tongue thrust in hard, tasting like a blend of various savory marinated meats still juicy in his mouth.

"Room, now!" Zoro barked at the clerk, and he threw a high enough Beli to assure no delays and no questions.

The clerk caught the money and chuckled to himself. Not the first couple to come in like that, and the hornier they were, the higher they paid, which pleased him just fine. At least these two were still dressed. The clerk placed a key on his desk. "Number 26, up the stairs and to your left."

Luffy's arm stretched out and grabbed the key. The clerk's eyes widened as such an inhuman ability.

Zoro groaned in frustration. Luffy did it again! The stupid kid didn't realize that his stretching ability was a dead giveaway to who he was. The straw hat did not exactly conceal his identity either. Now that the whole world knew the name "Straw Hat" Luffy, they had to pay off more and more people. Zoro tossed more Beli at the clerk and gave him his most demonic glare. That should shut him up.

The clerk accepted the money and winked. Sure, he recognized who they were, but his hotel got the business it did because people like those pirates knew they could go there and not be reported. It was not about reward money; it was about honest business. The occasional extra money was a nice perk. He laughed as the two young men raced one another to the stairway.

"Ah, to be young and adventurous!"

Zoro figured they could at least get into the hotel before things started up, yet as Luffy ate his meat-filled dinner, he appeared to be completely recovered from earlier and eager to show his resilience. They had been walking to the hotel, no more than a block away from the building, when his captain yanked him into an alley for a kiss and to grope Zoro's pants with maddening persistence. Zoro barely managed to stop him from taking it further. Right in front of the hotel, Luffy had tried the same, pinning Zoro against the hotel's front door. Now they were here, and the young captain was still too eager.

Halfway down the hall to their destined room, the rubberman grabbed Zoro and shoved him to the wall, then tried to stab him in place with a thrust from a cock already as hard as vulcanized rubber. Zoro could hardly help but moan as he felt Luffy rub against him, and the friction of his clothes inflamed his sensitive skin. Only the training from Mihawk let Zoro be able to take control of the situation.

"Room first, Luffy."

The young captain pouted cutely, looking upset yet blushing with embarrassment. He pushed himself off of Zoro, grabbed the sword-roughened hand, and yanked him down the hall. Zoro chuckled as Luffy ran ahead until even his arm began to stretch. He only stopped when they came to the designated room. By then, Zoro was still seven paces back, slowly catching up. As he drew nearer, he heard why Luffy had paused and turned red.

Two people were in the next room making a loud racket. One man kept bellowing "Oh yes, fuck me harder" over and over, while the other was silent except for deep, rhythmic grunts.

"God, that is just too hot!" Luffy exclaimed.

Zoro grumbled. "Now I know why this hotel was so cheap." He grabbed the key away, opened the door, and yanked Luffy inside. "Whaddaya say we give them something to listen to!"

This time it was Zoro who pinned Luffy against the wall, nearly knocking over a lamp. He palmed Luffy's hard cock with the strength his training had built up. He knew there was no such thing as grabbing Luffy too hard, not with that rubber body of his.

Luffy grunted and pressed against the kneading fingers. He drew Zoro in closer, arms grasping around his shoulders, placing kisses over his muscles as he fought away the green clothes to expose hard skin bronzed by the sun. Zoro easily pulled off Luffy's opened red shirt and yanked on the cut-off blue shorts. Then he grabbed the rubberman's freed shaft and yanked it so hard, it stretched nearby a meter.

"Ahh, Zoro! Yes, like that. I love it when you stretch it like that. Feels so good."

"Aye aye, captain," he chuckled.

They stumbled blindly over to the bed and fell hard onto the mattress. They fought one another for a moment, each trying to claim dominance. Luffy tried to get on top, but Zoro used his larger size to force Luffy down. Just as he thought he had won, his captain's rubbery body stretched out of his hold and wrapped around him, twisting his way up until he straddled Zoro's back. He gave a carefree laugh, but Zoro reached around and grabbed him, wrestling him. The best Zoro could do was to end up on his back with Luffy always getting the upper hand.

"You definitely are a lot stronger," the swordsman had to admire.

Luffy gave him a massive, toothy grin. "Shishishi! If I wanna be the Pirate King, that means I get to be on top of the entire pirating world. What sort of Pirate King would so easily be dominated by his first mate?"

"Oh?" Zoro challenged. "So does that mean you want to be on top from now on?"

Luffy slowly leaned over and gave him an endearing kiss. He stroked Zoro's cheeks and smiled tenderly. "Being on top is only good if someone is there to support me, to hold fill the emptiness." He sidled downward until Zoro's shaft felt the vale of his ass. "Even when I'm on top, I still want you with me, only lover, my first mate."

Zoro was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed with a smirk. "Well hell, I guess I could be under a man like captain."

In Another Hotel Room on the Island

"Aww, so the sexy moss-head didn't show up?" Shanks pouted and he lay back on some fluffy pillows.

Mihawk sat in the same bed, propped up by numerous soft pillows, the sheets tucked neatly around his naked waist as he read a newspaper. "He has his lover back. I watched them briefly. They looked happy together."

Shanks smiled to himself. "Good. That's really good. Luffy needs someone who can take care of him. Especially now that Ace is gone, he needs someone more than ever. And I gotta say, Luffy grew up nicely!"


"Hey, he's legally an adult! He's the same age Zoro was when you went after his ass. Whatever. More wine?"

Shanks rose from the hotel bed and walked naked across the room to a carafe of blood red wine. Mihawk stayed where he was reading an article discussing rumors that the Shichibukai "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk was out chasing after "Red Hair" Shanks once again. Foolish reporters! But such lies and gossip kept the World Government off his back, so long as they thought he was doing something constructive.

Shanks came back with two goblets carefully held in his single hand. "A toast!" he called out. "To the upcoming generation of pirates. May they match the bar we set and succeed where we have failed."

"I have never failed," Mihawk said coldly as he accepted the goblet.

"We all fall short somewhere along the way, Hawky. Didn't you tell me that the first time you entered Zoro, you had to pull out and couldn't do it because you got overwhelmed, too afraid you'd hurt him? You took his friggin' ass-virginity and then couldn't do the deed properly."

Mihawk blushed and looked away. That was one moment of weakness he often regretted.

"Aww, you're so cute when you blush like that!" Shanks teased.

Mihawk glowered at him. "I am not...cute."

"Ohhh, Zoro!"

Both men looked in shock to the wall separating them from the next hotel room. Grunts came through the barrier, muffled sounds distorted by what little thickness the wall provided, but unmistakably the noise of heavy sexual tension.

Shanks quickly set his goblet down and ran on tip-toes to the wall with a mischievous grin. "Dahahaha!" he chuckled as he put his ear against the wall.

"Ugh! Lu-Luffy!"

"I want you in me. Now!"

"But I haven't..."

"I'm rubber, I can stretch. Hurry, Zoro!"


"Nnngh! More! I want you in all the way."

"Fuck, you feel tight! Are you doing that on purpose?"


Shanks covered his mouth and laughed silently at their grunts. "By the devil's own luck!"

Mihawk rose quickly and threw the sheets aside in a flutter. "We're leaving this hotel."

"Oh hell no! I wanna listen."

"I do not!" Mihawk said firmly, snatching up his clothes.

Shanks grabbed him hard. For a one-armed man, he could really hold a person immobile. "Are you truly that jealous? Listen to him, Hawky."

They heard rhythmic thumping. The two sets of grunts were easily discernible through the thin hotel walls. Luffy's had a higher timbre, shouting at every single thump. Zoro's was low, husky, only groaning when Luffy apparently did something only a rubberman could do.

"Shit! Luffy!"

"Should I stop?"

"No, I just...ahhh! Oh fuck yes!"

Mihawk frowned tightly. "There is no way he could be losing his control so soon."

Shanks began to fondle Mihawk as they listened, stroking his cock and nipping the back of his neck. "Maybe Luffy can really give it to him good. Or maybe Zoro is purposely allowing himself to lose control. Either way, sure sounds like he's enjoying himself."

Mihawk hummed at that. "He did mention something about not liking the amount of control he has. Apparently it was too intimidating to Straw Hat."

Shanks now had Mihawk pressed back to the bed and slowly lowered him to the mattress. "I recall how you reacted our first time together. I was afraid I might have scarred your poor virgin mind."

Mihawk looked offended. "I was not a virgin."

"Whether you'd inserted your penis into a woman or a man meant nothing," Shanks chuckled. "Back then, you were a lonely swordsman who knew nothing of sexual control." With each syllable he bopped Mihawk on his sharp nose. "You...were...a...vir-...-gin!"

Those golden eyes looked away in shame.

"Aww, you're too cute when you show me that face."

"Stop calling me cute!" Mihawk growled that this infuriating man always knew just how to irk him and shatter his equanimity.

Shanks slid his hand up Mihawk's bare chest, over a nerve in his neck that he knew always gave the stoic man chills, and gently tugged his face back around for a deep kiss. Mihawk hummed at the taste, always a little sweet with a mix of wine and savory marinated meat. It was a wild taste, a feral flavor. When Shanks pulled back, Mihawk knew he purposely left a string of saliva just to entice him more.

Damn this redheaded slut!

"Just as I taught you, Zoro will slowly teach Luffy. Maybe they'll never get to the point we are," he said, smirking as he thought about their years of practice, "but at least Zoro has the potential to please Luffy utterly. It's something Luffy needs, so I'm glad. And this is something that will keep Zoro encouraged to live long enough to get another chance to face you, so you should be glad too. Besides, every time Zoro pleases his captain, you know he's going to think a little about you. Isn't that a good thing? It's a mark left on him far deeper than any blade can pierce, a mark you alone can recognize and say 'That man is mine.'" Shanks chuckled and stroked a finger across Mihawk's heart. Oh yes, he knew just what type of mark that was!

"Zoroooo!" the rubberman's voice howled. It was followed by a drawn out profanity from Zoro.

"God, that is just too hot!" Shanks exclaimed.

"Now I understand why this hotel was so cheap," Mihawk glowered. "Next time, I shall pick the hotel."

Shanks did not even listen. His entire attention—what little he had—was on the noises in the other room. "Sounds like they're about done. Damn, I wanna go over there and join them."

"No!" Mihawk said in a thudding tone.

"Hawky, you're no fun! Okay, how about this? Let's give them something to listen to. Timing Game. Limit: five minutes, not a second later."

"Ah, this game," Mihawk smirked, allowing himself to be taken submissively, complying to Shanks' caresses. "This is a game I didn't teach Zoro."

"Maybe you'll have the opportunity in the future. For now, you're mine! Five minutes,!"

Zoro grabbed Luffy's hips to yank him down harder. Letting go of his restraint like this was oddly refreshing. He felt his body reacting, and instead of suppressing, he indulged in it...a little too much.

"Fuck...oh fuck, I'm..." He didn't even have time to give a proper warning. It came at him too fast and utterly consumed him.

Luffy shouted in shock as he felt Zoro fill him. He looked down at the strained face as Zoro fought to at least not scream loud enough for the whole hotel to hear. Then Zoro jerked him hard and fast, yanking that rubber phallus until Luffy lost control and shot off over Zoro's chest. He watched his captain's elated face, slack and so honest in that moment of utter euphoria.

"Y-you came...first," Luffy panted hard.

"Maybe I like taking you while you're sitting on top," Zoro chuckled.

Luffy dived down and kissed Zoro hotly. Their foreheads rested together as both caught their breaths. "Do you really like it this way? I...I can please you like this?" He sounded so unsure of himself, it made Zoro pout, wondering if Luffy had really been doubting his own sex appeal so much.

"Luffy, you always please me," he assured. "I told you, I just had some issues I had to work out for myself. I'm sorry. It's going to be better from now on, I promise."

"I kinda like this position," Luffy confessed with a slightly naughty look.

"Well then, we'll have to try it again...and again," Zoro chuckled.

They heard noises start up in the room next door, low grunts and muffled words of passion. Then they heard the springy squeak of a cheap bed and deep grunts of lust. Luffy looked up curiously.

"Wow, spry for a couple of old guys."

"Maybe we inspired them," Zoro joked as Luffy pulled off from him and rolled over to curl into his chest.

Luffy yawned. "When we're old, I hope we're still together and sneaking into hotels like this."

Zoro smiled down at his exhausted face and stroked back his messy raven hair. When we're old, huh? He could imagine the two of them still wrestling for top position twenty years from now.

"Oh God, Hawky! Yes, suck it harder."

"You fool! Keep your voice down, Shanks."

Luffy and Zoro both sat up in bed at the same time and together shouted, "Shanks/Mihawk?" They looked at each other, then at the sounds in the other room.

Luffy suddenly jumped out of bed. "I wanna go see him!"

"No!" Zoro screamed, yet Luffy was laughing maniacally as he ran naked to the door. "Luffy! Stay away from him."

"But Shanks said I could see him again when I'm a great pirate, and we've gotten this far."

"That isn't the man I'm worried about. Oi, Luffy!" Zoro barely had time to yank his clothes around him as he ran after his crazy naked captain. "Fuck, this is not going to end well."

The End

A/N: Luffy is totally the sort of person who would run into a room with two guys having sex if he knows one is a friend.

I hope you all enjoyed this story. Cheers!