The weeks went by, and Blaine had managed to stay visible with relative ease, except for a few minor slip-ups. The worst one was when he was in the middle of a conversation with his sister in the kitchen, and he started to feel the tingle in the center of his back. Luckily for him, he vanished while Del was looking in the fridge for something to eat, so when she turned around, he was gone.

He quickly ran into his bedroom and after a few minutes, managed to switch back. When he emerged from his room, Del asked him where he went in such a hurry. He clumsily covered it up by saying he had to get something from his bedroom. Del looked suspicious, but thankfully, didn't ask any more questions.

Blaine was starting to think that maybe this whole power thing wasn't so bad; he was really getting the hang of it.

But he was wrong.

It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon, and Blaine was at Kurt's house. Burt and Carole had gone out for lunch, and Finn had bribed Kurt to not tell them he was inviting Rachel over. So Kurt and Blaine had retreated to the living room, while Finn and Rachel were upstairs.

"There's never anything good on." Kurt said, idly flicking through the channels.

Blaine looked over at Kurt, who was sitting on the other side of the couch.

"We could always watch a movie." He suggested.

"Ooh! Good idea, Blainers! Help me pick something." Kurt said, standing up.

Blaine grimaced at his new nickname, but followed Kurt so the shelf of DVDs.

"What about Beauty and the Beast?" Kurt asked, presenting the movie to Blaine.

"Eh, never really been a big fan of that movie."

"What? Why not?"

The shorter boy just shrugged.

Kurt sighed, "Fine. What about… Lady and the Tramp?"

Blaine laughed, "Sure, I haven't seen that in a- oh shit."

He took a few step backs from where Kurt was with wide eyes. He clutched his head and started to look around frantically. He could feel, it as clear as day. The tingle in the center of his back, it was spreading.

"Blaine?" Kurt asked, frightened.

"No. No! NO! Not here, please! Not here, not now!" Blaine chanted, desperately trying to hold on.

"Blaine, what's wrong?" Kurt asked again, moving towards the shaking boy.

"I'm so sorry, Kurt." Blaine whispered.

Then, he was gone.

Kurt stared in horror at the space where Blaine had been a few seconds ago.



"Blaine, baby. W-where'd you go? If… if this is a joke it's n-not funny!" Kurt stuttered.


"BLAINE!" Kurt yelled desperately.

Then, as quickly as he had disappeared, he was back. One second there was nothing, the next his boyfriend was just standing there, looking completely relieved.

On the other hand, Kurt looked like he was about to pass out. The colour from his cheeks had drained, his eyes were wide and his mouth was agape. The two boys stayed silent for a few minutes, before Kurt managed to remember how to speak.

"What… what the hell was that?" He said, pointing a shaky finger towards Blaine.

Blaine took a step towards Kurt, but the taller boy flinched and took a few steps back.

"Kurt," Blaine said, trying to stay calm, "Kurt, it's still me. It's still Blaine. Just… Just sit down, and I'll try to explain everything, okay?"

Kurt stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, before nodding and shakily walking over to the couch. Blaine sat down next to him and took a deep breath.

"Well, uh… I may as well just say it." Blaine mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"I can turn invisible."

Kurt just stared at him in disbelief.

"It just sort of happens. It's like… a power."

"Stuff like this doesn't just… happen. This is some messed up sci-fi crap." Kurt said icily.

Blaine nodded sadly.

"How… how long have you known?" Kurt said in a softer tone.

"I found out about six weeks ago."

Blaine thought Kurt's eyes we're going to bug out of his head.

"Six WEEKS?" Kurt hissed.

"Uh, yeah. I went to school and just… no one could see me. Or hear me. It was like I didn't exist. But Tina found me. She took me to her Auntie May's house, and she taught me how to control it."

"How does it work, exactly? Does… does stuff you touch turn invisible too?"

"Uh, I'm not entirely sure. May could only tell me so much, cause every power is unique. But I figured out a few things. For example, when I'm invisible, I have solid form, except for when it comes to living things. So, I could pick up an object easily, but if I tapped you on the shoulder, you wouldn't even notice."

"That's… really creepy."

Blaine chuckled, "It is."

"So, does anyone else know?"

"Only you, Tina and her Aunt. I think Del is suspicious, but I doubt "has the power to turn invisible" is on her list of possibilities as to why I've been acting strange."

Kurt looked up at the celing for a few minutes, deep in thought.. Then, he took a deep breath and faced Blaine again.

"Blaine, I want to make something really clear."

The curly haired boy eyed him warily and nodded.

"Even though this is really, really weird… it doesn't change anything, okay? I'll always love you, no matter what." Kurt stated.

It took Blaine a few moments to register what Kurt had said, but as soon as he did, he smiled brightly and launched himself at his boyfriend. Kurt shrieked at the sudden attack as Blaine began to pepper his face with sweet kisses.

"You- are- the- best- boyfriend- ever." Blaine said in-between kisses.

Kurt giggled, "And don't you forget it, mister."

"I wouldn't dare." Blaine replied, grinning.

"So…" Kurt said, attempting to wriggle out from underneath his boyfriend, "Lady and the Tramp?"

"Of course!" Blaine said, jumping up and helping Kurt to his feet.

When the DVD was in the player, Kurt sat down with his legs stretched across the couch, while Blaine made himself comfortable in his lap. Kurt wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and pulled him closer. Blaine snuggled into Kurt's chest and sighed happily.

"I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too, Invisi-boy."

A/N Well, uh, the end of this chapter got a lot fluffier than originally planned but… you can never have enough Klaine fluff.


Anyway, that's the last chapter for this little thing!

Please review!