The response to my last couple of fics has spurred me onward! Thank you!
This is a rather strong T. I don't like to go into details but it kinda wrote itself. Please let me know what you think. Suggestions are very welcome!
I don't own Bones.
"Oh, Boooth!" His name was drawn out in a drunken slur as his partner sunk back lackadaisically onto his chest – creating a small wave in the hot tub. She let her head roll back to rest on his shoulder as they both watched the condensation slide off the unopened wine bottle; glistening in the flickering light.
After a night out enjoying each other's exclusive company, the candles, bubbles and warmth of the penthouse suite spa served only to intensify the intoxication of their evening. They had only just made it over the threshold of their suite before they had unceremoniously freed the other from clothing in a whirlwind of frenzy. Their love had been frantic, needy, unencumbered and left them both grateful for the deep calming comfort of the water.
Brennan shook her head with a disbelieving laugh, "You are just soo… HOT tonight, Booth! You look so much… handsomer through beer glasses! Alcohol has very much heightened my attraction to you. Whilst I have always been attracted to your physique, I never fully appreciated your structure until I saw it bare and unencumbered by clothing and beer helmets. And since I can more openly express that appreciation now…" she gave a throaty laugh, "let's just say I am very surprised that we made it back to the room fully clothed."
He chuckled at her open chattiness and endearing lack of tolerance to what was her first drinking session since the birth of their six month old baby. With her recent lack of adult company – the liquor also served to loosen Brennan's tongue and he was really, really enjoying this side of her. He had only once been introduced to Inebriated, Sexually Available Brennan and that was way back during their first case, before he had fallen so deeply in love with the woman herself. Tonight she seemed playful and unguarded but in every way – sexually, emotionally, romantically… he was just blown away.
Brennan grumbled adorably, "Eh! If I wasn't so… damn intoXicaTed and lacking the… required spatial awareness I would most dEfiNitelY be down for round two! Sexually speaking… But… I am… DRunK… hic!" She dropped her head forward in emphasis of 'drunk' and released a hic-a-giggle.
He laughed and nuzzled his head into her neck. "Oh, Bones – you are just too cute when you're tipsy. Your squinty talk just does it for me."
"Hmmm," she smiled dreamily, lifted a bubble covered toe out of the water and dragged a wet finger down the length of her leg, "Do you realise that this is the first time that we have become inebriated together since we commenced a sexual relationship?"
"Yeah, I have had the best night, Bones." He dropped his head back to the edge of the tub and raised his voice in songlike glee, "Thank! You! Angela!"
"She can't hear you Booth."
Booth rolled his eyes in affection, "I know, Bones! I'm just … openly acknowledging the fact that I am grateful that she took Kayla for the night."
"Mmm, in that case," Brennan raised her voice and a swaying arm in an invisible toast, "Thank you An-gela!"
She sighed happily and snuggled back against him, "Mmm, Booth, this is really, really… nice. I am sooo relaxed."
"Relaxed, huh? So," he gave her ear lobe a long, teasing taste and whispered, "What deep dark, embarrassing secrets can I pry out of you while you're drunk, Bones?"
She turned her head slightly to get a glimpse of his face. Seeing no evident humour she queried, "Is that an unspoken activity in monogamous relationships?"
"MmmHmm" He murmured over an impish smile.
"You mean it is actually socially acceptable to get your partner intoxicated for the purpose of lowering inhibitions to the point where they would disclose things that they would otherwise not?"
"MmmHmm" Booth drew out the hum to incite a shiver and burrowed his nose into her neck. She raised an arm to keep him there.
"That is…ah… very devious Booth. Clearly my alcohol abstinence has lowered my tolerance and you are using that and my naturally weak sexual resistance to you… against me to…" his taste testing grew more devouring in nature, "Booth! This is not fair!" She squeaked, swatting his shoulder and inadvertently sloshing water over the sides.
"Hey, all's fair in love and war, baby!" He laughed with a playful tickle.
"That makes no sense at all, Booth."
Brennan again relaxed back onto her partner and after a good minute of silent musings, she decided to play, "I will make a compromise."
He smiled, "Go on."
"I will divulge one secret for every one you reveal."
He chuckled devilishly, "You're on, Baby!"
Suggestions for secrets/ embarrassing moments are very welcome! I have an idea of where I am going but it depends on interest. Shall I keep it rollin?