Author's Note: I do not own Harry Potter 1-7. It is owned by JK Rowling. I only own Rebecca... maybe.

Name: Rebecca Adhara Sherwood

Parents: Gregory and Ambrosia Sherwood

Gifts: Witch and a Metamorphmagus

Blood-Status: Pure Blood

Status: Well off (Rich)

True Features: Unknown

Current Features:

Hair: Straight Bleach Bottle Blonde

Eyes: Golden

Age: 12

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House: Gryffindor

Patronus: Unknown

Friends: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger

Family friends; Draco Malfoy (unfortunately), Cedric Diggory

Letters sent: TONS, and angry that Harry hasn't written back

My parents and I were about to walk into Flourish and Blotts to pick up my new schoolbooks for this year at Hogwarts which I spied a certain dark haired boy with round glasses walking alongside a tall bushy man. I spun and smiled brightly at them as they waved at me, coming closer. But then my father knocked into me.

"Rebecca!" my father hissed, making me shrink away from him as he raised his hand as if to smack me. Luckily, my mother reached up and grabbed my father's hand as if he had been asking for her to. She kissed it gently and smiled a fake smile at him.

"Don't Gregory," she whispered.

"Rebecca!" Harry called to me. I turned as he ran right up to me, though for a few seconds, he eyed my father before smiling at me again.

"Harry! Hagrid!" I exclaimed happily, quickly hugging Harry even though he was dirty.

"Hello, Rebecca," Hagrid smiled down at me, though he immediately turned back to my parents, watching them.

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" I smiled.

"Well, it's great to see you, too!"

"What did you do to your glasses?" I asked, noticing one of the lenses was cracked. I sighed and pulled out my wand. "Oculus Reparo," The crack began to disappear until there was a little puff, leaving the glasses fixed.

"I definitely need to remember that one," he said, pulling his glasses off to look at the lens.

"You'll be all right now then, Harry?" Harry nodded happily before Hagrid turned to me. "You too?" he asked. I kept the smile on my face and nodded. "Right. I'll leave you to it, then," And with that, Hagrid was off, leaving Harry and I alone with my parents.

"Hello, Mr. Potter. We meet at last. Since my gracious daughter has failed to introduce us, I must introduce myself," my father said, pushing past me to shake hands with Harry. "I am Gregory Sherwood, Rebecca's father,"

"Pleasure," Harry said stiffly.

"Harry, this is my mother, Ambrosia Sherwood," I told Harry quietly, afraid of my father's anger for introducing Mum but not him. My mother however, smiled brightly down at Harry and shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry Potter. I have to admit, I have heard loads about you, mostly from Rebecca," my mother said kindly, though the whole thing made me blush. Harry smiled up at her and then looked over at my father, and I found father glaring down at me.

Yep, going to get yelled at later.

"Yes, after all, he is the Boy Who Lived," my father nearly growled, making me wish that I had come here with just my mother. "And after letting Rebecca become one of his little minions and getting her into trouble, I assume she would have a lot to tell,"

"Gregory," my mother hissed at my father as I dropped my eyes to study my shoes. "Are you going into Flourish and Blotts, Harry? We're taking Rebecca to get her new books. Gilderoy Lockheart is in there too, signing autographs," my mother said, ending with a scrunched up nose. Like her, I also disliked Lockheart and his fake personality and shinning white smile.

"Yeah. I was actually looking for Ron," Harry answered.

"Well let's go then," I said, trying to smile as I linked my arm with Harry's and pulled him into the book shop, leaving my parents to follow.

We were instantly met as the door by Hermione who practically squeaked with pleasure at seeming the both of us, hugging us both tightly. She had grown a bit, and her hair wasn't as frizzy as what I had remembered, though some of it was pulled back and away from her face.

"Come on, everyone's been so worried," Hermione said, grabbing Harry and pulling him through the shop.

"What's you do this time, Harry?" I asked with a smile, though he just shook his head and followed Hermione until we all reached Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, Harry! Thank goodness!" Mrs. Weasley sighed, brushing Harry off as I spied Ron. "We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far-"

"Hey Ron," I smiled hugging him, though he didn't return it. I pulled back to see him giving me a fake smile. "To old for hugs already?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockheart," I heard a man announce as everyone began to clap.

"Ah! Here he is!" Mrs. Weasley sighed.

Out from the back room came Gilderoy Lockheart, dress fancy, hair perfect and smiling like an idiot as he winked at a few of the girls in the crowd.

"Mum fancies him," Ron murmured to Harry and I, making Mrs. Weasley smack him on the shoulder before she continued clapping.

"Make way there. Please! Let me by, madam. Thank you. Excuse me, little girl," a photographer shouted, knocking me into Harry, and making me hiss at him as I righted myself. "This is for the Daily Prophet,"

A light flashed as Lockheart posed for the camera, his smile even more fake than usual. After a moment, Lockheart stopped twirling about to stop and stare at Harry.

"It can't be- Harry Potter?"

"Harry Potter!" the photographer exclaimed, grabbing him by the front of the shirt and pulling him through the crowd. "Excuse me, madam,"

"Nice big smile, Harry. Together you and I rate the front page!" Flash. I kinda felt sick… could one man do that? "Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me…"

Everyone clapped loudly around me, Ron seemed to have the same look on his face as me, so I leaned over to him and whispered, "Do you want to hurl as much as I do?"

"Which, incidentally is currently celebrating its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list…" More clapping. "He had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving…" Lockheart turned as a man hand him a stack of books I assumed to be all of Lockheart's. Lockheart then shoved them into Harry's arm and then smiled up at us. "… with my entire collected works, free of charge," Everyone clapped and then their was more smiling and pictures, making me want to roll my eyes until they fell out of my head.

Harry came back over to us and Mrs. Weasley began fussing over him again. "Harry, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside. That's it, Ron,"

We all quickly made our way back through the crowd when I saw Draco Malfoy, white hair, black cloak, angry expression and all, running down the stairs to intercept us.

"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter! Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page," Draco sneered.

"Leave him alone," came a small voice.

I looked down at the little redheaded girl I knew to be Ron's little sister Ginny. I admired her for her bravery, but knew it would do no good.

"Oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend," Draco smiled.

Suddenly, a silver snake head slammed down on Draco's shoulder, making us all look behind him at the man we could all only assume to be Draco's father since they looked so much alike.

"Now, Draco, play nicely. Mr. Potter… Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last," Mr. Malfoy greeted shaking hands with Harry before yanking him toward him, and using the snake head on the top of his cane to move the hair off of Harry's forehead. "Forgive me, your scar is legend… as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you," Mr. Malfoy smiled.

"Voldemort killed my parents," Harry growled simply, causing Mr. Malfoy to let go of him. "He was nothing more than a murderer,"

"Hmm. You must be very brave, to mention his name. Or very foolish,"

"Fear of a name only increase fear of the thing itself," Came Hermione's voice from next to me. Mr. Malfoy turned with a look of amusement on his face as he looked down at her.

"And you must be… Miss Granger?" Draco nodded. "Yes, Draco's told me all about you, and your parents. Muggles, aren't they?" Mr. Malfoy smiled fakily before his eyes fell on me. "Aw and little Rebecca. How far have you strayed to be conversing with Muggle-borns? You used to be such friends with my Draco,"

My and Draco's faces practically mirrored each other as we both looked at each other with disgust.

"Children grow up, I guess," I smiled up at Mr. Malfoy. "And I have found… much more stimulating company,"

Mr. Malfoy glared at me for a second before moving on to Ron. "Let me see… red hair… vacant expressions…" Mr. Malfoy then grabbed a book out of Ginny's cauldron and looked it over with a slightly scrunched nose. "Tatty second hand book. You must be the Weasleys,"

"Children," I looked up at Mr. Weasley as he smiled down at us, looking a little uncomfortable though. "It's mad in here! Let's go outside,"

"Well, well, well. Weasley senior," Mr. Malfoy greeted.


"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it," I glared up at him though he didn't see it.

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy," Mr. Weasley bit back.

"Clearly. Associating with Muggles… and I thought your family could sink no lower," Mr. Malfoy smiled.

"Lucius," I knew it was my father before he came into view. My father smiled… I think, and greeted Mr. Malfoy. "It's good to see you. We should talk. Rebecca, stay with you mother," my father bit out before he and Mr. Malfoy walked over to the corner to talk. I watched them for a moment before I watched Mr. Malfoy hand my father a black leather bond book, which my father slipped into his cloak pocket.

"See you at school," I heard Draco say, but I really wasn't paying attention.

What was that book for?

The next day, I met Hermione and Neville on the train to Hogwarts ready and waiting to get there. My mother wished me luck while my father stood off, looking aloof. I sighed and gave my mother one last hug before I boarded the train and sat in one of the compartments.

It was when the train began rolling that I got worried. Harry and Ron weren't there, and Ginny, who walked in as the train began to move, had said that they were supposed have gone through the barrier after her.

"Of course the barrier would close up on them," I growled to myself and Hermione just sighed and smiled at me.

"Don't worry. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley wouldn't let them miss school, they'll be there," Hermione said sitting back to talk with Neville and Ginny.

Unfortunately, by the time that we were all going to be in our dormitories, Harry and Ron hadn't shown up. Hermione even looked worried, as she settled into bed and went to sleep.

The next day however, I woke up and got dressed in my uniform to find Harry and Ron already, and down in the common room waiting for us. I ran at them and practically tackled them as Hermione hugged them beside me. But they were in for it as soon as Hermione and I let go of them, yelling at tem angrily, and then lecturing them once they had explained what had happened.

It could only happen to them, honestly.

Author's Note: Y'all need to reveiw!