"Italy-kun, wake up please"
Feliciano rubbed his eyes "Veh?"
"Germany-san told me to come wake you for training... You're late again..."
Italy rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head. "No thank you, Sleepy time~" He began imitating a snoring sound.
Kiku urgently pulled at the covers. "Italy-kun, Come on. Germany-san said no breakfast until you finish your training- no one gets to eat until you get up and do it." A gurgling sound came from Japans stomach. Blushing, he quickly covered his belly with his arms.
"No one gets breakfast? Veh! That's not fair of Germany!"
He pulled the covers off of himself and Japan covered his eyes.
"I really don't understand why you insist on sleeping in the nude like that."
Italy tilted his head in confusion. "Veh? But I'm Italian, this is normal. Plus its hot out, maybe you should try it sometime~"
"Are you saying you want to see me naked? I cannot believe you would suggest such a thing, I am utterly shocked at you!" Japan blushed and left the room, shutting the door behind himself.
"...uh?" Feliciano shrugged it off. He walked over to his bag and pulled out his training shirt, which said 'Troop #1" on the front, and some pants.
After pulling them both on, he opened the door and stepped outside. "Veh~ Germany~" he called, looking for his German friend. "Germany?" Spotting someone in a green jacket standing down on the beach, he ran over, snuck up behind Ludwig and gave him a hug.
"Veh Veh~"
"Ah, Gute morning Italy. You ready for your training?"
He nodded into Germany's back. "A-huh!"
"Alright. Lets begin ja?"
Collapsing, Italy fell onto his hands and knees. Running on solid ground is one thing. Running on sand is way harder. Pushups are ten times worse than normal. Hell, everything is supper hard on sand.
"I-Italy- Are you alright?"
"R-Remind me to never t-train on sand again, will you Germany?"
Chuckling, he reached out a hand. "If you trained better on solid ground, this wouldn't be so hard in the first place."
Thankful, Italy grabbed the hand that was outstretched to him and pulled himself to his feet. "But training is haaaard!" he whined.
"If you actually put all your effort into it, it would get easier for you."
"But then you'd make it even haaarderrrr." Today it seemed that whining would be his strong point. "Germany can we be done today? I'm so sore..."
"Ja, alright. But were going swimming later after Breakfast."
"Veh~ Okay~"
True to his word, an hour after breakfast, (which was delicious pancakes by the way,)
Germany herded everyone into the cabin, made them changing into swim wear, and ushered them all down to the water.
"Alright. Do whatever you want ja?"
"Veeeh~ I'm gonna look for froggies~."
"I'm gonna help you find the awesomest frogs ever!"
"I think I'll draw a picture of Kumarijo in the sand..."
"I'm just going to lay in the sun... Germany-san, what will you be doing?"
"Keeping watch in case one of you go to far out into the water. I don't need any of you drowning now." He sat down on a bench that was close to the water.
Prussia couldn't help but crack a grin. "West, what do you mean by 'now'? 'Now' as in, Not yet?"
Italy shrieked "Germany I don't wanna be drowned! That's not very fun at all- and I'm sure its no good for your health! I'm a great swimmer but I can get tired- Germany if I get tired promise you'll come save me! Germany promise!"
"Germany-san, what Prussia-kun said can't be true- you wouldn't really let us drown would you- It would defiantly bring great dishonor to your family."
"I would never le-"
The next thing he knew, Italy was blubbering into his chest and Japan was covering his ears to block out unwanted information.
"I- It- no- you see-" Growling Germany jerked his head and glared at Prussia. "Bruder look what you did!"
Prussia doubled over laughing. "I can't believe they fell for that! Kesesesese!"
After about twenty minutes of reenforcing that he would never let anyone drown, Germany was dragged into the water by Italy. The smaller nation wrapped his arms around the larger one and made him blush.
"I'm glad you'd never let me drown."
"J-Ja- I'd never let anything happen to you."
"Veh~ really?"
"J-ja... o-of course I wouldn't- y-your m-my b-b-best fr-friend..." Embarrassed, he turned his head away as he finished his sentence. He never was good with his emotions.
"haaa~ your my best friend to Germany! Hehe~ Te amo!" He looked up at his burly friend and blushed slightly. That last part wasn't supposed to come out. Oh well.
"I-I'm... I'm g-glad- w-wait, what?"
Realizing his mistake, Italy released Germany from the hug and splashed him, attempting to not notice what had slipped out of his mouth. "Veh-heh!"
Germany slightly smiled and shook his head "N-Nevermind, Italy."
Italy was about to say something else when he was pulled over and under the water by Prussia.
Quickly springing back up out of the water he gasped for air, then started giggling. "Keh- v-veh! Prussia!"
"Kesese~ I bet you can't catch me!" Gilbert shouted, as he rushed to get away through the water.
"I think I totally can Prussia!" He shouted back, before stumbling and almost falling back into the water, then jumping back up and continuing to chase after the albino.
Sighing, Germany waded back out of the water and sat on a rock on shore. Spotting a stick on the ground, he picked it up and began playing with it.
Germany looked behind him to see Japan running up to him.
"Ja, what is it Japan?"
"Canadia-san told me that's lunch is almost ready. Please get Italy-kun into the sauna and then come in for it, Okay?"
"Ja. Alright. Danke Japan."
"But of course." Kiku began heading back towards the main cabin.
Turning his head back towards the water, he noticed that Italy was still plashing and playing around in it, despite the fact that Prussia had gone back inside a while ago.
"Oi! Italy!"
"Veh? What is it Germany?"
"Its time for lunch. Please come out of the cold water and go to the sauna with me to warm up."
"mmm... No~"
Germany's eyes widened. Italy never disobeyed. Well, except for when- Ludwig sighed "What do you want Italy?"
"Ah. So you figured it out~ I want you to come get me Germany! I'm not coming out till you do~" Italy smiled and waved. "Come on~"
"I'm not getting into the water Italy. Come out. The food is going to get cold."
"Then I guess I'll just stay here." a sly grin covered his face. "Yup. I'll just be right here. Alone. Left to fend for myself when America attacks me." Dramatically he covered his eyes with his arms. "Oh, Woe is me! I'm nothing but a lowly Italian! So useless that not even Germany will come to get me! I do so ever hope that the Mr. America fellow wont come and hurt me!"
"Italy stop being so ridiculous and come over here."
"Sob sob, cry cry cry, weep cry sob." Italy giggled. This a lot of was fun. He understood why big brother France liked to be so dramatic all the time.
"Get out of the water right now, or I'm going to punish you!"
Italy stuck his tongue out. "Bleh~ you gotta come get me Germany!"
"Oh for the love of-" Germany waded into the water and grabbed Italy by the arm, attempting to pull him out. "Come on."
He wrapped his arms around Germany and smiled "Veh~ I knew you'd come to get me~"
"Ja ja. now come on. To the sauna."
Feliciano noticed what was in Ludwig's free hand. "Wait-"
"What now?"
Italy was hesitant to ask. "Is... Is that Herr stick?"
"What? Oh Ja. I found him again. Isn't it great?"
"H-He isn't allowed to go in the sauna."
Oh Ja. Thanks for warning me about that yesterday. You're right. He could catch fire. Then where would we be?"
"...Without that stick?"
"Ja, Could you imagine?"
"If only…" Italy mumbled
"N-Nothing Germany."
In irritation, Feliciano began pulling Ludwig towards the sauna, instead of the other way around.
He grabbed the stick out of Germany's hand, put it by the door, then pushed Ludwig inside.
He stripped down and sat on the part of the bench that was closest to the rocks. He waited for Germany to also enter the main room of the sauna, then patted the seat next to him.
Germany blushed and looked away. He was used to sleeping next to a naked Italy. Sitting next to a naked Feliciano, while he himself was also naked, was still something new all together. Despite this, he sat down next to him.
Italy scooted even closer to Germany than he already was, and wrapped his arms around him. Nuzzling his face onto Germany's chest, he smiled. Germany's face turned a deep shade of red.
"Veh... I'm glad to be here with you Germany. Its happy."
"J-Ja... but- w-we should probably g-grab a towel or something to dry off faster-"
"I got an idea." Grabbing a large empty bucket next to them, he filled it up with water and then dumped it onto the rocks. The room immediately filled with steam.
"GYAAA! Germany! My eyes!"
"O-Ow I know-"
A mass amount of heat filled the room, causing their eyes to burn from the sudden change in temperature ( A/N I've actually done that, it hurts like a bitch QAQ)
"G-Germany i can't see-"
"M-Me either-" He began randomly reaching out to try and find Italy.
"Ahhh! G-Germany your- nng- ha-hand i-is on my- ahhh~ c-c-curl-"
"S-Sorry! You're not hurt are you?"
"N-No.. I- I'm f-fine."
Feliciano pulled himself closer and clung to Ludwig to make sure that he wouldn't get up and leave him alone in the hot room. However, at the same time, he was trying to ignore the strange feelings in his groin. They were there again. Just like they always were when the strange curly hair was pulled.
"G...Germany..." he groaned.
"J-Ja w-what is it? What's w-wrong?"
"I- I don't know... I... I feel w-weird..."
"W-Well come on- lets get out of here, alright?"
Fumbling, Germany managed to pull Italy out of the room and briskly hand him a towel. "H-here, cover yourself up."
Italy thanked him and did so. "Can we go get lunch now, Germany?"
"Not yet, we need to get dressed. Okay?"
"Si, okay."
They rushed to the cabin, rummaged for clothes, quickly pulled them on and ran over to the main cabin for lunch.
"Ja Italy?"
"Remind me to never pour water on the rocks again..."
After lunch, Italy headed back to the cabin with Germany and stripped down. Feliciano stripped himself- not Ludwig.
"W-What are yo-you d-doing I-Italy?"
"Veh~ Siesta~!"
Germany looked at his watch. It was just about three. Canada had made lunch about an hour late. Plus Italy took forever to eat it... He was to busy playing with his food. And discussing with Prussia that maple syrup does NOT make everything taste delicious. Italy's examples: maple syrup on pasta or maple syrup on pizza. In the end however, Prussia won anyways, because he deemed his reasoning's to be way to awesome to be wrong.
"Will you take a siesta with me?"
"I-I- Well- I- I-If you w-want me- t-to..."
Italy was beaming. Finally, Germany was going to spend some time with him andnot that stick. Who he had purposely kicked on their rush out of the sauna.
"B-But I'm keeping my clothes on." his face was beet red.
"Veh~ Okay~" He waited until Germany had climbed into bed and then crawled in after him, Pulling the blankets over the two of them, he crept even closer to Germany until their bodies were touching.
"I-Italy- wha-what are you-?"
Germany sighed "... N-Nothing... go to sleep."
He wrapped his arms around his friend and nuzzled his face into his chest.
"Your warm, Germany." Italy mumbled.
"I'm... Sorry?"
"No... It's nice... Grazie for sleeping with me..."
Germany's face broke out into a beet red blush.
"J-J-J-Ja- of- c-c-course- I-I mean- I- It-"
"Hey Germany?"
"Will you rub my back? It's- well, my fretello does it for me when I'm scared- …its really soothing..."
Germany awkwardly pulled his hand to Italy's back and started rubbing it in a circular motion.
Italy squirmed a little, but his breathing calmed and eventually slowed down. He had fallen asleep.
When Germany realized that his companion had left him for dreamland, he stopped rubbing the auburn headed man's back.
"I-Italy?" he whispered.
Nothing. The Italian man was fast asleep.
Had it of been anyone else, or if he had been by himself, he would of said no. If he takes a nap during the day, he usually feels like he's wasted time. But, right now, laying here with Italy... He felt... Happy. At least he thought so. He wasn't happy a lot, so it was hard to tell sometimes. But right now, Germany felt at peace. He felt needed. And for once, for the first time during this trip, he didn't have that strange raging feeling in his stomach. He assumed it was jealousy... but he didn't understand why he would be feeling it. He listened to Feliciano's breathing pattern. It was calming... Thoughts processing in his brain, he slowly and uneasily fell asleep.
When Italy awoke, it was dark outside. The bed felt cold next to him. He was alone.
"V-Veh- G-Germany-!" No response. He really was gone. His eyes flirted over to digital clock. It was 1:47 am. Way too early for even Germany to be out of bed. Tumbling out of the bed, he quickly got up and shook awake Prussia, who had top bunk.
"P-Prussia- wake up-"
"mnng- Wh-wha-?" the groggy Prussian's eyes flit open, and glared over at Italy. "Italy- its- I don't know-what-the-fuck-'o-clock in the morning, what is it?" he growled, obviously irritated by the fact that his rest was rudely disturbed.
Startled, Italy backed up, but, determined to find his friend, he managed to whimpered out: "G-Germany wasn't in b-bed next to me-"
"West has been outside since I went to bed."
"W-When was that?"
"I don't fucking know!" Prussia grumbled something about Italy being too needy and rolled over, attempting to reclaim his lost dreams.
Realizing that Prussia wasn't going to help him, Italy snuck away from the bed and over to the couch where Japan lay. But he wasn't sleeping. Italy could tell from the light that was blaring through the blankets.
"J-Japan!" Italy whispered as he pulled the blanket from over his Asian friend.
"Italy-kun, what seems to be the problem?" Japan asked, looking up from his Ni*beep*do 3D*beep* system. Based on the music, Italy assumed that he was playing Poké*beep*.
"G-Germany's missing!"
"He might be at the water, he said he had to find something."
"When did he say that?"
"Oh, quite a few hours ago actually. I believe he said something about how his... stick was missing or something. Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention, I was battling Rando*beep*"
"A- A stick?"
"hai-" Japans attention was caught back onto the game as the music changed and became drastically less exciting.
Italy flinched as Japan shook his system rather violently and shouted something that's way to inappropriate for me to translate from the Japanese language. He backed towards the door, and stepped outside.
He shivered as a wind blew over him, and realized he wasn't wearing anything. But, at the time, he didn't care. He needed to find Germany before something happened with that stick.
He slowly wandered across the campground, freezing up every time he heard a strange noise or saw a freaky outline move faster than any living creature ever could in front of him.
He froze for the longest when he saw a large black outline of a person out on the dock.
"G-Germany...?" he slowly stepped over to it, and smiled when he recognized the gruff voice. However, that smile quickly turned into a frown as he realized who Ludwig was talking too.
'He's talking to that fucking stick.'
"Nein- Herr stick- Its not that I don't love you- I do! Really!-"
'You gotta be fucking kidding me.'
He snuck up behind Germany, who was to engrossed in his... 'conversation' to notice the Italian creeping up behind him.
"Nein- I just- I need to go to bed Herr stick! ...We can talk about this in the morning."
The burly German turned and nearly jumped out of his skin to see the smaller (very naked) Italian standing right behind him.
"G-GYAH! I-Italy- w-what are you-?"
The smaller mans face, which was filled with anger and jealousy but a few moments ago while the larger's back was turned, was now covered with the most sincere look of confusion.
"I was just worried about you Germany... you weren't in bed, so I came to find you."
"O-Oh. I-Is that all?"
"W-Well... D-Danke."
"H-Hey Germany?" He inched closer to Ludwig, only for the taller man to inch away, closer to the edge of the dock than he already was.
"J-Ja? What is it?"
"can I hold Herr stick?"
An eyebrow raised. Germany was skeptical, and unsure if he should let his sticky friend leave his possession.
"I just want to become better friends is all," Italy insisted "I realize that H-Herr stick... probably doesn't trust me to much..." he mumbled.
Italy's voice didn't weaver, he wasn't fidgety. It seemed that Italy truly wanted to get on better terms with Herr stick. So Germany shrugged and handed the stick over. However, Italy's grip wasn't firm enough- and Herr stick fell to the ground, and got lost in the darkness.
"I-I'm so sorry Germany-! I'll find him-"
"Nein don't mov-" Crack! The sound of something snapping echoed out. It seemed to last even longer because of the darkness that enveloped the two.
Both of their eyes widened. Italy lifted his foot and bent down to pickup the remains- only to 'accidentally' push them into the water below the dock. A sploosh, and then silence. Italy shot back up- and apologized several times in Italian, and then began crying.
Germany looked as if he was going to strangle someone. But, as the brunettes cry's grew louder, and sadder, his face softened. He couldn't stay mad at Italy. Even if he had just-... It was an accident... right?
Shyly, he wrapped an arm around poor Feliciano and pulled him close.
"-P-P-PLE-PLEASE D-DON'T HA-TE M-ME FORE-E-EVER-! I D-DIN'T ME-MEAN T-TO-" The rest of it was muffled beyond understanding into Ludwig's chest.
His shrieks stopped abruptly- as if they didn't want Germany's anger to shoot through the roof. His face lifted up and eyes (which were actually open for once) looked up at Ludwig with the saddest Uke look.
"I'm n- ...not mad... Italy."
"B-but I- I k-killed it!"
"It... Its okay..." Germany quickly mumbled. He pulled the lithe body closer to him and blushed deeply. He only just now realized that Italy was completely nude.
Germany pushed Italy off of him. "W-what are you d-d-doing out here n-naked? Your g-going to get sick!" He grabbed the curl that was poking him in the face and pulled it, using it to punished the Italian that apparently lacked common sense.
"m-mng ahh~ G-G-Germany- l-let g-go!"
"Nien! You need to learn that you can't just go out side with nothing on!" he growled, Yanking on that lone curly hair again.
As if on impulse, Italy flung himself against Germany and embraced him.
"...n-nooo.. G-Germany... d-don...touch... t-thaah~ ngh-"
Germany froze when he felt something pressing against his leg. His eyes widened 'no way...' he sincerely wished that- that thing wasn't what he thought it was. He bit his lip and convinced himself that it was just Italy's knee- or leg- or something other than.. that. Italy doesn't get those- well not yet- he's too innocent! He pulled away from Italy's grasp, grabbed his hand, and pulled his back towards the cabin.
"C-come- t-t-time for bed ja?"
-Authors Note-
Alright, in all truth, the only reason that this chapter is done is because I was stuck in a car for about four hours on my way to Detroit because my mother had a Roller Derby thing. YES, MY MOTHER IS A DERBY GIRL. She's a Traverse City Toxic Cherry. (owo) Anyway, she made me go with her- along with the rest of my family- all the way to Detroit. So, what am I to do whilst trapped within my father's car for several hours? Write you yaoi starved fans some crack. That's what I am to do. Lucky you. Oh, and I'm sorry that my plot-block, procrastination and laziness caused you poor fans to starve half to death.
Oh, and if you couldn't tell, Japan had just accidentally killed a legendary Pokémon. YES HE'S PLAYING POKEMON. I'D BE MORE SURPRISED IF JAPAN DIDN'T PLAY POKEMON. I've ranted to much.. (=3=)
-Sakue Sayuri