Title: Parapraxis
Author: WriterKos
Rating: FR15
Parings: none
Characters: Team
Genres: Drama
Warnings: DEATH FIC – so be prepared for lots of angst and pain. - CHARACTER DEATH
Summary: A normal day is about to change due to a simple Freudian slip.

Parapraxis/Freudian slip – English

Acte manque – French

Ato Falho - Portuguese

Definition in French...

Acte manque

L'acte manqué est un acte d'apparence illogique, traduisant un désir inconscient, refoulé, exprimé de façon involontaire (par exemple le lapsus). C'est en quelque sorte la révélation involontaire de ce que le sujet ne peut pas exprimer consciemment.

Cette notion a été introduite par Freud en 1901 dans son essai "Psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne".

Friday 13th
02:20 pm

Rush headlong and hard at life
or just sit at home and wait.
All things good and all the wrong
will come right to you: it's fate.

There's no escape
from death's embrace,
though you lead it on
a merry chase.

The sky was beautifully blue in that spring day when the First Responders arrived at the scene, shaking their heads at the tragedy that had happened in that little crossroad. There was a circle of curious people being held back by the police line.

The LEOs had carefully isolated the area so the CSI and the coroner could do their jobs without the interference of the press and well intended people who just wanted to come closer to check the area of the accident.

Apparently, a SUV had disobeyed the red light and hit at high speed a sedan which was going through the crossroad in normal speed. The sedan suffered minor damage; the lady in it had suffered a minor dislocation on her neck and had needed to be immobilized for transport, having also received some cuts and bruises. The SUV, however, had been too fast to stop and had been literally catapulted into the air, spinning in its own axis several times before landing several feet away from the pass. Once it landed, it started leaking fuel and it was just a matter of seconds before it blew up in a huge red and orange ball, killing the driver inside.

Unfortunately the driver wasn't the only fatal victim of that accident.

As the SUV was launched in the air, its trajectory led it to hit a group of people who had been standing just in the corner of the block waiting for the lights to change before crossing the road.

They had to warning, no chance of escaping as the huge vehicle hit them in an amazing speed and scattered their broken bodies as a bowling ball hitting bottles in an alley. Each one was thrown to a different side, broken and bloodied, their injuries too terrible to be here described.

Two women died immediately on impact. Another was terribly injured, her broken body looking almost fragile on the gurney as she was loaded into the ambulance, its strobe lights spinning and spinning in its hypnotic way.

Two men were hit, one dead, other dying. The paramedics working on the survivor were using all their skills in order to stabilize him enough for transport.

Even that task seemed hopeless at that point, such were his injuries.

The ambulance left with its loud sirens echoing in the air, signaling the terrible struggle for life of the single soul inside of it, completely indifferent to the chain of events that ended up with that SUV taking off against the pedestrians on the curb, sowing lives without mercy until it became a twisted mangled carcass of metal, melted under the intense heat of the burning fuel it had carried.

There's no escape
from death's embrace,
though you lead it on
a merry chase.