My LORD this chapter gave me difficulty. But I hope it works. Also, to those that were slightly bored by the blow jobs...I hope this satisfies!

Also, this may be the end of this particular fic, but I have more parts planned (the fucking in the bathroom mirror, Harvey giving Mike the ring and what Harvey says he's going to do at the end which I wont give away right now...)

Harvey wakes alone the next morning with his phone beeping a message at him. It may or may not read "staying at mine tonight, love you". Everything is spelt wrong and its from a number that Harvey doesn't recognise but it certainly doesn't read "help me, I'm being murdered" so Harvey is content enough to brood a little more about Mike going out without his ring without worrying about if the kid has gotten himself into some shit that he needs help getting out of.

It's not like he told Mike never to take it off, and it's not like it's a leash (no matter how much Harvey wants to put Mike in a collar and drag him to the nearest fetish bar to show him off) but Mike wears it all the time. He showers with it on, sleeps with it on, runs his hands over Harvey's dick with it on so seeing it lying on Mike's desk when Mike is out with god knows who is more than a little disconcerting. Harvey had meant the comment about Mike cheating on him as a joke, but the more he thinks about it, the more obvious it becomes that there is something going on which Harvey isn't privy to. He's not even entirely sure he wants to know what it is.

He showers quickly, ignoring the pang of, he hesitates to say, pain, at the lack of wet footprints on the floor or damp towels thrown in the corner and manages to pull on clothes and call Ray without missing Mike's bitten off curses at the coffee machine too much.

There's a coffee waiting on his desk and he knows that its Mike's way of apologising, without plastering himself to Harvey's back and whispering the words against his neck. Because they can't do that at work no matter how much Harvey wants Mike to. Donna's sipping at a coffee too and Harvey raises an eyebrow at her, she shrugs delicately and stands, stalks towards his office.

"He seemed...sheepish, this morning," she says, setting a few files down on the edge of his desk. Harvey shrugs and turns his chair towards the window. He doesn't know what makes him do it, it's not like he's always open and honest with Donna about his relationships, but the kid is different somehow. And its not like he's ever come out and explicitly said that he was fucking his associate but Donna knew, hell she probably knew before Harvey did. He pulls out the ring from his pocket and turns back towards her, holding it out for her to see. She narrows her eyes slightly then a look a comprehension flickers across her face before the impassive mask is back on.

"He went out last night," Harvey says, holding the ring up and inspecting it, "without this...I don't know what the means," he says, looking up at Donna. Donna bites on her bottom lip briefly, before taking a step towards the desk and planting her palms on it and leaning forward.

"I can't tell you that Harvey," she says, reaching forward with one hand and wrapping it around his, pulling the ring from his fingers, "all I know is that kid worships you," she finished, looking down at the ring now in her hands. Harvey shrugs again, "maybe he left it by accident," Donna says, placing the ring on the desk, it makes a small clink against the glass.

"He never takes it off," Harvey replies and Donna sighs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Can't you just make him tell you what's going on?" And another thing that Harvey's never explicitly told her, and he's willing to be his life that Mike hasn't either, but Donna just knows things, makes it her business to know things about Harvey's life.

"I'm not going to use our relationship like that Donna," Harvey says quietly as Mike's head appears around the door. He grins slightly, sheepishly, and Donna turns at Harvey nods. She pats Mike on the shoulder as she walks out and Mike walks towards Harvey's desk, his hands clenching by his sides like Harvey's do whenever Mike is around. Its the need to touch him, to reach out and familiarise himself with Mike's skin again.

"I feel like shit," Mike says, flopping down into the chair in front of Harvey's desk and Harvey raises an eyebrow, takes in the slightly pale pallor of his skin, the dark circles under his eyes. "And before you ask I only had alcohol last night. Did you get my message, I was going to call but then I thought it might be too late, or too early, I have no idea what time..."

"You left this here last night," he says sliding the phone, with the ring on top across the desk and Mike's words are stopped short as he reaches out and covers the phone and the ring with his hand. His face is blank, which for Mike is highly unusual, Harvey's always able to read what's going on in his head on his face, but now Mike is staring at him, trying to read Harvey and Harvey's trying to read him.

"I know what this looks like Harvey…" he starts and Harvey holds up a hand. He doesn't really want to hear it right now, he's not got time for this, he's got a pile of files on his desk that seems to be growing by the second and all he wants to do is drag Mike home and make him tell him what the hell is going on. He wants to force Mike to his knees and remind him who's boss around here.

"Not now, Mike," he says and Mike snaps his mouth shut, biting on his lower lip. The instant obedience makes Harvey's chest tight and he waves Mike out of the office. Mike hesitates at the door and Harvey catches Donna tugging him away as Harvey spins back to the window and tries to ignore the desire to turn around and beckon Mike back in, have him crawl under the desk and show Harvey how sorry he is.

Donna doesn't interrupt him all day, and more than once he catches a glimpse of Mike talking to her before he slinks off again and he gets the feeling that Donna is keeping Mike out, to let Harvey sort through his ifeelings/i without being bombarding by Mike's kicked puppy face.

And what the hell has he got to look so sad about anyway? Harvey crumples a sheet of paper in his hand and Donna looks up from her desk and raises an eyebrow at him.

"Do you think maybe you should talk to him?" she asks through the intercom and Harvey shakes his head.

"No," he replies sharply and Donna raises an eyebrow again, in a way that reads idon't take that tone with me/i loud and clear, "you know I don't do talking."

"Well the kicked puppy routine is only adorable for so long so can you sort it out please? Before I put him in a bag and throw him into the Hudson?" she says, and leans back, crossing her arms over her chest. There's no malice in her voice, she loves Mike, but she doesn't do emotions almost as much as Harvey and Mike has a habit of getting under everyone's skin and making them feel and sometimes you just want to not feel, anything.

Like right now, he'd rather not feel betrayed and used and Goddammit hurt, but the image of Mike's ring lying on his desk is enough to twist that knife in his gut right now. However, Harvey has never been the sit and brood type, he usually tackles things head on, without letting his emotions get the better of him. And this problem, this particular problem, needs solitude, time and gentle to pressure. Harvey slams the latest file shut and stands, tells Donna to hold his calls for the rest of the day and stalks down the hallway to the bullpen.

"Mike," Harvey snaps and tries to ignore the affect Mike's pleased face has on him, he crooks a finger at him and spins on his heel, knowing Mike will be following. Mike got into a habit, a few months back, of grabbing his bag whenever Harvey snapped at him like that, ready to move in an instant at Harvey's command and Harvey shoves him into the elevator and punches the button for the lobby.

Mike is silent, bouncing on the balls of his feet, tugging at his tie, that ridiculous bag wrinkling his suit and Harvey reaches out, wraps his fingers around Mike's hand.

"Steady," he says and Mike stops, flicks his eyes to Harvey and clears his throat almost awkwardly.

"Where are we going?" he asks quietly and Harvey lets go, takes a step back as the elevator doors slide open.


Mike is silent in the car as well, but at least he's still, apart from the way his fingers twist at his ring, which is now, thankfully, back on his finger.

"Harvey..." Mike starts and Harvey shoots him a look that leaves no room for guessing and Mike slams his mouth shut, bites on his bottom lip.

Harvey doesn't say another word to him before they get up into the apartment, his hands directing Mike instead and Mike's warm and pliable under his touch and Harvey just wants to lock the door and forget everything, the ring, the phone calls, the secrecy, to fuck Mike within an inch of his life and have Mike look at him like he's the second coming again.

"What's going on?" he says as he shuts the door and Mike jumps a little at the sudden noise. He rubs a hand across the back of his neck and looks at Harvey with tired eyes.

"Nothing," he shrugs and Harvey cocks his head to the side.

"You're a terrible liar," he says, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on the rack by the front door. Mike shrugs his own off and throws it over the back of the couch and Harvey resists the urge to smile at the haphazard way he treats his things, the warm fondness coupled with the irritation he feels whenever he sees Mike's suit jacket strewn over the back of one of the breakfast bar chairs, or the couch, or the floor.

"I'm not lying," Mike replies, and there's a hint of something in his voice, indignation maybe, pleading certainly and Harvey presses his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"You forget that I read people, and I can read you like a book Mike," he says, stepping closer to Mike and staring at him, Mike shifts but doesn't look away, opens his mouth and licks at his lips and Harvey's gaze flicks down to Mike's mouth and Mike's breathing hitches, "that's why we work," he continues and reaches out to pull Mike closer, "or why we worked, should I say," he says stepping away from Mike and Mike stumbles slightly, pitches forward but catches his footing again and runs a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean worked?" He asks, a slight edge of panic in his voice as he steps to Harvey and wraps his fingers around Harvey's wrist, tugs gently and Harvey turns back to him. And he can't help it, he runs his fingers down Mike's cheek, pressing his thumb under Mike's chin. Mike swallows and his eyes darken with that immediate reaction that never fails to spark lust down Harvey's spine.

"You still want this Mike?" he says and Mike swallows again, lowers his eyes and licks his lips and Harvey would be totally done for if not for the fact that the ring on Mike's finger is cool against the skin of Harvey's inner wrist.

"Yes I still want this," Mike breathes out, his hips moving forward slightly, "God I never want anything else," he says in a rush and Harvey presses his mouth to Mike's, swallows his groan and he pulls his wrist out of Mike's grasp and tangles both hands into his hair.

"Look at me," he demands and Mike slides his eyes to Harvey's, "you like the orders, don't you Mike?" Harvey asks and he feels Mike shudder against him. Something dark coils itself in Harvey's stomach. Its always the same whenever he feels Mike give up the pretence that he might have any control over the way Harvey makes him feel, the almost sick feel of power that he feels whenever Mike hands it over. Because Mike may have no control over his emotions but he could put a stop to this with one word.

"Yes," Mike breathes out again, his voice quiet but Harvey hears every single word he ever says. He pulls Mike's head to the side and licks at his skin, Mike's pulse jumps under his lips.

"You would get down on your knees right now if I told you to, wouldn't you?" Harvey mutters against his skin and tugs gently on his hair.

"Yes," Mike goes to sink to his knees but Harvey holds him up, the grip in his hair tightening to the point where it must be hurting, but Mike's lips are still parted with lust rather than pain.

"I could make you do anything," he says and Mike's breathing hitches again, and his eyes close. "Eyes on me Mike," they snap open, blue almost gone, nothing but a thin ring around blown pupils and Harvey leans forward even more, brushes his lips against Mike's, "could make you tell me anything..." he presses his thumb under Mike's chin harder, forcing his head up, "all your dirty little secrets," he runs his tongue along Mike's throat, "tell me," he says, leaning back suddenly and pulling Mike's head so his glassy gaze locks with his, "who've you been fucking when you're not with me?"

Mike freezes, his gaze still glassy but his whole body seeming to vibrate and he opens his mouth once, then twice, like he's trying to form the words, to form the answer and Harvey feels sick.

"No wait...don't answer that," he pulls away and runs a hand through his hair. He had done what he said he wouldn't, used his control over Mike to his advantage to get something out of him that Mike obviously wasn't ready to share. He hears Mike take a shaky breath.

"Trevor..." he says and Harvey feels the world pitch under his feet. He squeezes his eyes shut before turning around to face him. Mike has gone white, his fingers gripping around the counter, "but I'm not fucking him..."

"What then?" Harvey snaps and Mike flinches slightly, shrugs off the flinch and sets his face, the submission bleeding out of his body to be replaced by boldness, crossing his arms defensively in front of him.

"He called, he was in town, wanted to see me," he says simply, his eyes flashing at Harvey almost defiantly and Harvey crosses his arms as well.

"Twice? And one of those times you stay out?" he asks and Mike throws his hands up in the air, stalks over to the windows and back again.

"Christ Harvey I didn't realise I had a curfew," he practically shouts and Harvey can see the anger in him, he can feel the anger in himself though.

"Don't be ridiculous," he snaps, and he can hear the way he sounds like he's protesting too much, and Mike scoffs, slams his hands down on the kitchen counter.

"I'm being ridiculous? You're jumping to conclusions," he says, pointing a finger at Harvey, a faint blush across his cheeks and Harvey uncrosses his arms.

"You took the ring off," he says and Mike's eyes flicker down to the ring on his finger, "you've worn that thing every day since I gave it to you, what the hell was I meant to think?"

"You were meant to smile indulgently because I forgot it, like I forget my phone," Mike says sarcastically, and Harvey raises an eyebrow at him. Mike seems to deflate slightly, and he closes his eyes for a second and sighs deeply, "I didn't want to answer questions about us, Harvey, especially not to Trevor."

Something heaves inside Harvey, the ever present worry that this would, could all come to an end, could come crashing down around him slams into his throat. He swallows hard, "you that ashamed?" he asks, his voice deep and rasping and Mike looks up at him, confusion etched across his face as he pushes himself off the counter and takes a step towards him. Harvey's hands itch to reach out, to pull him close, but he's still mad, he's still reeling from Mike's admission that he didn't want to share them with anyone else

"No, you fucking idiot," he says, letting out a small exasperated laugh, "I'm not ashamed," he reaches out and runs his fingers over the back of Harvey's hand and Harvey can't help but open his fist as Mike runs his fingers across his palm, "but Trevor has no right to know what goes on between us, no one does," he says, stepping closer and reaching up with the other hand currently not tracing small circles over Harvey's palm.

"I thought…" Harvey starts and Mike nods, his bottom lip between his teeth as his brow furrows in thought.

"Why didn't you just ask me, Harvey?" he says and that right there is hitting the nail on the head.

"Because you didn't tell me to begin with Mike," and somewhere in the back of Harvey's mind he knows he sounds like a spoilt brat, like a child with a broken toy and why the hell is Mike the one to bring these things out of him? "Why the hell was I meant to think you would just offer up answers? You were hiding things and leaving your ring lying around and...and shit," he pulls away and runs a hand through his hair, and he can't stop the words from falling "...I was terrified you weren't going to come back to me," Mike looks amused at the confession, his lips twitching like he wants to laugh, his eyes shining and Harvey takes a step back from him.

"I thought you weren't afraid of anything," Mike says, crossing his arms and cocking his head to the side and Harvey runs a hand through his hair again, rubs at the back of his neck. He throws himself down onto the couch and closes his eyes.

"Well I was afraid of that," he says quietly and opens his eyes to Mike hovering over him.

"Not going anywhere, Harvey," Mike whispers, crawling into his lap and cupping his hands around Harvey's face. His palms are hot but his grip is lose, tentative almost like Harvey's going to pull away, "and I didn't tell you because I know how you feel about Trevor," he says, "it was just drinks Harvey...I know you think it was more but no one, ino one/i gets to touch me apart from you, you know that, especially not Trevor," he continues, running his hand down Harvey's chest. His eyes are now staring straight at him and Harvey can see the truth in them now, the honest to god truth that he didn't do anything with Trevor and that he never would, "I can feel you pulling away," Mike finishes, pushing a hand into Harvey's pants and wrapping his fingers around Harvey's dick. Harvey bites on his bottom lip and his hands clutch at Mike's hips. "Don't pull away, Harvey," Mike whispers, his lips moving over Harvey's, his thumb brushing over the moles on his eyebrow, "please."

"Fuck, Mike I..." Harvey starts and once again Mike cuts him off, because Mike knows him and Mike knows that its hard for him to verbalise emotions the way Mike wants him to. But Mike cuts him off with a kiss, his fingers playing over his cheek as he shifts to get closer.

"Let me," he starts, pulling back slightly but keeping a grip around Harvey's dick, "let me explain?" he ask and Harvey nods, because he's projected his pathetic issues onto Mike, its only fair he lets Mike explain.

Mike tells him everything, about the phone call from Trevor, the way Trevor had begged to see him and Mike had agreed, the way Trevor had made fun of the ring on Mike's finger and how Mike had withdrawn from the conversation, left and come crawling back into Harvey's bed, how he'd wanted nothing more than to lock the door and never let anyone in, ever. About how only Harvey has ever made Mike come with nothing more than fingers in his ass and harsh, dark words against the skin of his neck. And all the time he has his fingers around Harvey's dick, his breath hot against Harvey's mouth and by the time he finishes, they are both panting and Mike is moving almost erratically on top of him, grinding his hips down into Harvey's crotch.

"Sometimes I wanna shout it from the roof tops Harvey…" Mike says, letting his head fall to Harvey's shoulder. Harvey runs a hand down his spine and Mike shudders, his breath hot against Harvey's neck, "and other times I want to lock us away." Harvey cups his face, pulls his head up, swipes a thumb across his cheek and Mike lets his gaze fall to Harvey's. "I love you…" he says and Harvey blinks, the words that he never says on the tip of his tongue, "and I'm sorry," he twists his hand again and Harvey sees stars, feels the beginning of an orgasm building in his stomach.

"Mike…" he says and Mike twists his hand again, "Mike stop." Mike pulls away suddenly, worry on his face and Harvey lets his fingers play across Mike's back comfortingly. The worry bleeds away. "The box…" confusion clouds Mike's face and Harvey smiles, the first smile of the day, "by the front door, go fetch it," he says and Mike pushes himself off his lap, walks towards the front door on slightly unsteady legs and Harvey resists the urge to damn the box and its contents and fuck Mike right now, the dark, possessive part of him is making its way slowly to the surface.

Mike lifts the box and walks back to him, placing it across his knees as he sits on the coffee table and waits, hands folded neatly in his lap and its amazing how quickly Mike transforms into the obedient submissive.

"Open it," Harvey says, nodding his chin in the direction of the box and Mike furrows his forehead. Harvey reaches out and smoothes the skin, curls his fingers around the back of Mike's neck and drags him forward, "open it," he says again against Mike's mouth and then he lets him go. Mike reaches out and pulls the tape off the top of the box, flicking one last unsure glance at Harvey before he pulls the flaps up and open and his eyes go wide.

Donna has really out done herself this time.

Harvey has never seen so many different sex toys before, dildos and cock rings, butt plugs and all kinds of flavoured lube and God they are going to have fun with these. He might even have to break his own 'Not in the office' rule (again) and have Mike wear a plug to work one day.

"When did you…" Mike breathes, letting one hand reach forward and running his fingers along the shaft of a particularly lethal looking set of anal beads.

"Donna," Harvey replies and the blush that blooms across Mike's face is immediate, so is the way he snatches his hand back out of the box.

"Oh God…really?" Harvey nods and Mike looks like he's going to throw up, "oh wow that's embarrassing."

"Pick one," Harvey says and Mike lifts his gaze from the box and seems to study Harvey's face. There's so much under Mike's expression, trust and love and gratitude and it still takes Harvey's breath away that some could look at him like that and mean it after all this time. Because Harvey's good a putting up a God like exterior, but once someone gets underneath, that's usually when they start running. But Mike, Mike has stayed, dug his heels in and is showing no signs of leaving. "I love you Mike," he says suddenly and Mike's face breaks out into the most adorable grin he's ever seen. His cheeks blush slightly and he shifts under Harvey's gaze and looks back into the box. His fingers pause over different ones, lifting them out and studying them before putting them back in but finally, he picks one out, and pulls it into his lap, looks decidedly embarrassed but swallows, cradling the dildo in his hands.

"This," he says and Harvey nods, puts the box on the floor beside him and reaches out, taking Mike's hands into his own.

"Do you trust me?" Mike looks take aback by the question and his frowns slightly.

"Of course I do," he replies simply, easily, likes it's the easiest question in the world and sometimes Harvey doesn't know what he's done to deserve that kind of trust from Mike.

"Good, because I trust you," Harvey says, and he really does, especially now, after Mike's confession, and he's not really sure where he's going with his, but he knows that Mike needs to hear it. "Certain things...happened, years ago...that um...fuck Mike, what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, although its hard to believe, I'm a mess and you have to bear with me, ok?" he finishes in a rush and Mike makes a move, like he wants to reach out and touch him, crawl back into Harvey's lap, but Harvey keeps his hands clamped tight around Mike's and Mike stills.

"Ok. But you can talk to me, you know?" Harvey lets go of his hands and Mike wraps his fingers around the base of the dildo, and runs his hand up the length and Harvey would have fallen if he wasn't sitting down.

"I know…" he replies and Mike smiles again, twisting his hand around the dark blue rubber, "Jesus, stop doing that, its distracting," Harvey snaps and Mike stifles his grin by biting on his lower lip and crawling back into Harvey's lap.

"This is distracting?" Mike asks, making a show of running his hand up the length again and letting his tongue swipe across his lower lip, Harvey grips at his hips, "imagine how distracting it's going to be when I fuck myself with it," Mike says and Harvey is pretty sure his brain stops functioning for a second.

"God Mike sometimes you sound like a porn star," and that's when Mike starts making the most obscene noises known to man, twisting his hips on Harvey's lap and Harvey can't help but laugh. "Get your butt into the bedroom, Rookie."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Mike mock salutes and scrambles off Harvey's lap, and practically runs into the bedroom.

Harvey takes a minute to look around his apartment. There's used packing tape on the floor, Mike's suit jacket is lying discarded across the back of the couch and one shoe is lying by the front door, the other is god knows where. Mike curses loudly as Harvey hears a dull thud of what is probably Mike falling over himself trying to get his pants off and honestly, Harvey couldn't be happier right now. He's been an idiot, he's over reacted (Mike was only gone for one night, but it somehow felt more and honestly, he needs to put a tracking device on the kid) but he will maintain, until the day he dies, that he had justified reasoning in behaving like an idiot. Mike's here now though, back where he belongs, with the ring firmly on his finger and about to fuck himself with a dildo, all because Harvey gave him permission to.

He's not one to throw this word around gaily but his life is pretty darn close to perfect right now.

It becomes even closer to perfect when he makes his way into the bedroom and finds Mike laid out, naked, on the bed with a dildo in his hand. His grin from earlier was possibly one of the most adorable things he has ever seen. This though? This is possibly one of the most debauched things he has ever seen. Up to and including when he fucked Mike in the bathroom in front of the mirror.

And sometimes he can't quite believe he got this. This skinny, pushy kid, who manages to fill out a suit like some kind of fucking runway model. This highly intelligent genius who should know better than the fuck around with a emotionally constipated asshole.

"Harvey..." Mike whines and Harvey snaps back to the present, and the offering laid out before him. Mike shifts under Harvey's gaze and Harvey walks to the side of the bed and pulls out a bottle of lube from the top drawer.

"Open yourself up for me," he says throwing the lube gently at Mike. Mike drops the dildo and grabs the bottle, flipping the lid open and pouring a generous amount on to his fingers and palm. He strokes his dick once, hips chasing the touch, before reaching down, lifting a leg and pushing a finger inside himself. Mike groans and Harvey practically bites through his own lip.

There's a chair at the end of the bed where Mike usually throws his clothes, except right now they are strewn across the floor and Harvey pulls the chair round, lowers himself and watches as Mike add another finger, twists his hand in a way that has his eyes rolling back into his head and bites down on his lip to muffle another groan.

Mike's other hand reaches down and wraps around his dick, as he adds a third finger and the noise he makes is enough to have Harvey come right there. But he doesn't want that, not yet. "No," he bites out and Mike's hand stops, uncurls from his dick and he whines slightly, hips shifting down, pressing against his fingers, "hand by your head Mike," Harvey orders and Mike lifts his hand, plants it into the bed and grips at the covers, "you'll get hard from just this, and from me watching you," he says and Mike nods, whether in agreement or acknowledgment of the order, Harvey's not quite sure. "Enough," Harvey snaps and Mike stills, his muscles quivering as he pulls his fingers out and strains his eyes to look down at Harvey.

Mike lets out a noise that could be the beginning of Harvey's name, but could also be a sigh, and he shakes.

"You open?" Harvey asks leaning forward and pushing two fingers into Mike. Mike arches off the bed like a bow, whole body going taught as Harvey twists his fingers.

"Yes," Mike breathes.

"Go on then, Rookie, fuck yourself with that dildo," Harvey pushes the dark blue rubber into Mike's hand and sits back, watches as Mike slicks up the length with slightly shaky hands and presses the tip to his hole. Mike bites off a groan as he pushes the tip inside and Harvey feels like his skin is too small. He's never seen it from this position, never seen the length of something slide into another person's body with ease, and they are going to have to do this morning often because its so ridiculously hot that Harvey feels his dick strain even more in his pants. "God Mike, so fucking beautiful," Harvey mutters under his breath and Mike whines, presses the toy all the way in and wriggles his hips slightly. "Go on, kid," Harvey urges and Mike pulls it out, all the way and pushes it back in with a noise that shoots straight to Harvey's dick. He sets up a rhythm easily, fucking himself deep and slow till his skin is glistening with sweat and his dick is hard, straining against his stomach. "You should see yourself Mike," Harvey says, standing, stroking his dick once and Mike's eyes land on him, and there's begging deep in those blue eyes. Harvey undoes his shirt, shrugs it off his shoulders and pushes his pants down his thighs. "If you're good," he says, crawling over Mike, who's rhythm falters, "don't stop...if you're good, I'll do this for you one day," he says and Mike whines and Harvey sees his shoulder twist as he twists his hand around the dildo, pushing it deep inside.

"I'll be good," Mike whispers and Harvey chuckles darkly, nudging his nose against Mike's, and lifts his hand, presses it to his own thigh. Mike shifts, the dildo still inside but now still, just a solid presence.

"I know you will," Harvey replies, sitting back upright and inching forward till he's straddling Mike's chest. His skin is warm between Harvey's thighs, "you always are," he continues, "my good boy." Mike looks up at him, his fingers playing at the skin of Harvey's thighs and Harvey wraps his hands around them, pushes them up above his head with the other hand. "I'm not going to tie you down Mike, but you don't move, got that?" Mike nods, a small noise of desperation escaping his throat as Harvey lets go and sits back, stroking his dick once. Mike licks at his lips, parts them and looks longingly at Harvey. "You want me to fuck your mouth?" he asks and Mike nods once, his chest heaving under him. Harvey lifts himself slightly, pushes his hips forward and traces Mike's lips with his dick, precome sliding across the bottom lip as he pushes into Mike's mouth and Mike groans, sucks hard around the head and Harvey's gone. Well and truly gone. Through the haze of godjesuschristsofuckinggood Harvey can see Mike's fingers twitching as he swallows around him and he knows Mike wants to touch him, he always does, likes to have his hands on Harvey when he's sucking him down whole, but Harvey told him not to move and God he feels a swell of love for him at that.

He could come like this, pushing his hips into Mike's mouth, the tight, wet heat. But Mike wanted him to fuck him as well and Harvey pulls out, ignores the sense of loss as Mike's mouth releases him with a pop, and smears a tear across Mike's cheek.

Mike looks up at him with that look that says I love you and thank you for giving me this, I don't deserve it and Harvey has to look away. He reaches for a condom and rips the packet open and Mike shifts slightly.

"Harvey..." its quiet, almost a question, like he's not sure he's allowed to be talking, let alone asking what Harvey knows he's asking for. Harvey looks down at him, swipes his fingers across Mike's sweaty forehead and presses the condom into his hands. He doesn't need to tell Mike to put it on, Mike is already moving, wrapping his fingers around the base of Harvey's dick as he rolls the condom down the length with the other hand, and he leans forward enough to press his lips to the tip before he lies back down and looks up at him with trusting eyes.

"God," Harvey groans as he leans forward and kisses Mike hard and Mike winds his arms around him automatically, kisses him back. Mike whimpers quietly when Harvey pulls away and he honestly cant get enough of that noise. Harvey shifts back, runs his hands down Mike's chest, leaning down to lick a stripe up the underside of Mike's dick before pulling back and lifting Mike's legs. Mike closes his eyes when Harvey closes his fingers around the dildo and tugs gently, "look at me," Harvey says, and its slides out almost easily, slight resistance as the wider tip reaches the surface but Mike keeps his eyes open as Harvey frees it and runs a finger around Mike's hole. "Good boy, Mike," he whispers as he lines himself up and pushes in and Mike's eyes flutter but stay open as the head of Harvey's dick eases past the first ring of tight muscle. He doesn't think he could ever get bored of watching the way Mike battles to keep his eyes open, or the way they go dark when Harvey shifts, hits that spot inside Mike.

Harvey fucks him hard and Mike's hands press into the headboard with each thrust of Harvey's hips, his eyes rolling back in his head when Harvey lifts his legs higher and pushes in deeper.

"No...please...I," Mike whimpers as Harvey's reaches between then and wraps a hand around his dick and Harvey freezes, his hips stilling and Mike groans.

"You ok?" Harvey asks, looking down at him and Mike stares up at him, tries to get his breathing under control.

"Yes...I..." he reaches between them and pulls Harvey's hand off his dick, swallows audibly, "this is my punishment," he says, "for taking the ring off, and not telling you what was going on," he shuts his eyes briefly before he obviously remembers he's not meant to and snaps them back open.

"Mike..." he starts but then he remembers Mike's urgent voice in the back of the car, asking Harvey to fuck him and leave him hard and god, Mike may have a problem with not following orders but it appears that Harvey has the exact same problem. But also Mike doesn't need to be punished for anything, not in Harvey's mind anyway, "you don't..."

"No, please Harvey," Mike begs, pressing his palms to the side of Harvey's face, "please," and honestly, how could any person resist that? Well evidently Harvey because he resists slightly at first, driving in slowly, trying to angle his hips to hit Mike's prostate, to make Mike come, because they've played with orgasm denial before, but its always been a means to an end, Mike's always enjoyed it equally and he's always been allowed to come eventually but this is different, all about Harvey and Harvey's not sure he's that selfish. Mike screws up his face, digs his hands into the hair at the back of Harvey's head, "Harvey," he begs and Harvey gives up, because he gets it then, this isn't just about him getting off, this is what Mike wants and Harvey is slowly coming to terms he's pretty much a lost cause when it comes to what Mike wants. He fucks him hard, and feels the orgasm building in his stomach as he pushes Mike's hands back above his head. He comes, deep inside, just like Mike wanted, shuddering buried so far inside. Mike groans, clenches his muscles inside.

"Stay," he whispers and Harvey holds himself there, till his arms start shaking.

"Mike I gotta…" Mike sighs, lets him go and Harvey pulls out, with a slight wince from Mike, pulls the condom off, ties it and drops it into the trash can by the side of the bed.

"I love you," Mike says quietly when Harvey pulls him close, wraps his arms around him and strokes a hand down his sweaty back, "and I keep fucking up…sorry," Mike says and Harvey pulls away, hooks his fingers under Mike's chin and forces his gaze to lock with Harvey's.

"Hey…we both fuck up," he says because he's starting to understand that Mike feels he doesn't deserve Harvey almost as much as Harvey feels he doesn't deserve Mike, "and we will, probably again and again, as long as we can fuck it out we'll be fine…ok?" He says and Mike stares at him for a second before smiling and nodding, burying his head back into Harvey's neck. "Tomorrow," Harvey says, pressing the words to Mike's temple, "I'm going to fuck you open and make you wear a butt plug to work." Harvey's own rules can go fuck themselves.

Mike shudders, mutters "ok, Harvey," against his skin and tightens his grip.

The fucking limpet.