Yo people! I'm back with a multi-chapter story (actually a series of oneshots which may or may not be related)!

I got so bored of just sitting around, so I decided to write! Plus, writing one fic a day is going to help me with my conviction, concentration and writing skills, so it's good for me too~

Ok, so what I've got going on is a round robin of all the main girls, (both game and manga) paired up with all the main guys (again, both game and manga), with a theme. I'll say which verse it's in, and explain anything else that needs to be explained. But there are about 72 themes, which is waaaaaaayyyyy too much. But I won't go in the order written here, and I'll try to update everyday…I really will…

And since I don't think people really care about what I'm going to say, I'll just…yeah….I'll show you the themes


a few things which needs to be taken note of:

Green=guy, Blue=girl. I'm following the Japanese versions.

Touko=Black and White heroine Touya=Black and White hero

Let's just say the ages are...

Red, Green & Blue-17

Yellow, Touko, Touya, Bianca, Cheren-16

Gold, Silver, Crystal, Lyra-15

Sapphire, Ruby, Platinum, Diamond, Pearl-14

You can push one each up or down or whatever.

and I know that Touko, Touya, Cheren, and Bianca aren't in the manga yet, and Platinum, Diamond and Pearl haven't met the other dex holders either, but let's just say for the sake of entertainment and pairings (which don't make sense) that they all know each other somehow...

*edit* Thanks to my anonymous reviewer, I now know that Black and White manga is in progess...BUT! I won't be following that, I'll use the Game version for Touko and Touya, because then I can make their personalities into however I want .

Disclaimer: I wish I owned pokemon…I really do…but I don't…which is why I have a Disclaimer here ;)

Touko x Red - Red string theory - Chapter 1

Touko x Cheren - Ahead of you

Touko x Gold - 21

Touko x Touya - Your FACE is racist - Chapter 2

Touko x Diamond - Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Touko x Ruby - Prom

Touko x Pearl - Stand up comedy

Touko x Silver - Roggenrola

Touko x Green - Let's go green

Touko x N - Friends

Blue x Red - Purple - Chapter 5

Blue x Diamond - Diet

Blue x Ruby - The perfect dress

Blue x Silver - Tranquil

Blue x Pearl - Her laugh

Blue x Green - Opposites

Blue x Gold - Proper way to gamble

Blue x Cheren - Why so serious?

Blue x Touya - Reminders - I WANT TO WRITE THIS!

Blue x N - Clueless

Yellow x Red - War and peace

Yellow x Touya - Bumble bee

Yellow x Cheren - Strength

Yellow x Ruby - Feminine - Chapter 3

Yellow x Gold - Hobbies

Yellow x Silver - Healing

Yellow x Diamond - Hunger vs sleep

Yellow x Pearl - Blondes

Yellow x Green - Painting the world

Yellow x N - Innocence

Crystal x Red - Sweet spot

Crystal x Gold - Supervision

Crystal x Diamond - What are you doing?

Crystal x Cheren - Yours and mine - Chapter 10

Crystal x Silver - Redemption

Crystal x Green - Professor Oak

Crystal x Pearl - Laugh, goddangit!

Crystal x Ruby - Transparency - Chapter 11

Crystal x Touya - Directions

Crystal x N - Release them!

Bianca x Red - chapter 4

Bianca x Ruby - Hair or hat?

Bianca x Gold - Run!

Bianca x Silver - Bodyguard

Bianca x Touya - Childhood sweetheart -Chapter 13

Bianca x Green - Get out of my lab!

Bianca x Diamond - Want some?

Bianca x Pearl - Stomachache

Bianca x Cheren - Lost

Bianca x N - Touya

Platinum x Red - Female pride (Writing)

Platinum x Gold - Why? - Chapter 6

Platinum x Silver - Status

Platinum x Ruby - Shopping for clothes

Platinum x Diamond - Buffet

Platinum x Pearl - Diamond

Platinum x Touya - Who?

Platinum x Green - Well known names

Platinum x Cheren - Knowledge

Platinum x N - family

Sapphire x Red - Mentor

Sapphire x Gold - Party

Sapphire x Silver - Silence

Sapphire x Diamond - FOOD! - Chapter 8

Sapphire x Pearl - AGAIN!

Sapphire x Green - Anger - Chapter 9

Sapphire x Cheren - Clash

Sapphire x Ruby - Scars - going to be sooooo canon :P Which is why it'll be close to last...

Sapphire x Touya - My idol Red

Sapphire x N - pain

Lyra x Red - Champion

Lyra x Cheren - Huh?

Lyra x Ruby - Fashion

Lyra x Green - Hologram - Chapter 14

Lyra x Silver - Defeat - Chapter 7

Lyra x Gold - Discipline

Lyra x Diamond - Moomoo milk

Lyra x Pearl - "..." -one I'm personally looking forward to writing .

Lyra x Touya - Touko?

Lyra x N - Catharsis