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"Case? Case!" called Ruby.

"Yeah." He said.

"Are you okay? You keep zoning out." She said concerned. She looked at him. He was pale but looked flushed.

"Sorry. What were you saying?" he asked.

"What d'you want to eat?" she asked trying to mask her worry. Casey had been very… out of it recently.

"I'm not hungry." He said.

"Case you've barely eaten anything these past few days."

"I'm not hungry." He repeated. She reached up and felt his forehead.

"Oh my God! You're burning up! You need to go home and rest." Said Ruby. Her worry was now very strong. Casey didn't even argue. He just got up and walked out of the Diner. Ruby raced after him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah I'm fine." Ruby noticed he seemed to be grimacing with every step.

"What's wrong? You look like you're in pain."

"It's nothing. Just a pain."


Once he got home Casey asked his mum if there were any calls for him. He had left Ruby at her house with the promise to go home and rest. He knew why she was worried but he couldn't face telling her. He could barely come to terms with it himself. Of course it wasn't certain yet but he knew.

"Just that doctor from the hospital. He was wondering if you could pop in later. He said he has results or something." Most mothers would have asked questions or demanded to be told why a doctor was calling her son but she didn't. Casey was used to be ignored by her. He didn't understand why Brax had insisted he move back in but he did and Casey didn't want to argue with him. He was upset that he and Charlie had split and not on good terms with anyone.

Casey turned out the door forgetting his promise to Ruby. He raced straight to the hospital. Sid was just walking towards the exit.

"Ah Casey!" he said.

"You have the results?" asked Casey nerves building up inside him. If Sid said what Casey expected him to it would change his life forever.

"Yes." Sid seemed reluctant to tell him.

"Just spit it out. I've got it don't I?"

Sid nodded sadly. "I'm sorry. You have leukaemia."

Here is the first chapter! Please review! I would love to hear what you think of this idea! If you don't like it I understand. If you do please review!