A/N: So, after a long time where I went back and forth on whether to keep writing (this story and in general), I decided to update. It's short, and it's filler, but it's something, and I'm just trying to get the ball rolling again. Hope you all enjoy.

Two weeks went by without Santana.

The first few days, I'd listened for a knock, hoping she would stop by to tell me what had made her run off the last time...what I'd done to upset her so badly. She never came, though, so I stopped hoping, and things went back to normal. That shouldn't have bothered me much, though, considering that I'd only seen her all of two times, but I couldn't help the bit of disappointment I felt. The two of us had clicked on some level, and I didn't like the thought that we'd probably never be able to build the friendship that I was hoping for.

It was probably for the best, though, since Finn didn't know about her.

I tried to put her out of my mind. My main priority, as it had always been, was being a loving and caring wife to Finn, so I threw myself into taking care of him. He'd even noticed, and outside of when he had bad days at work, we were having good days together. He'd even gone out and bought me new clothes when he got promoted (the result of Johnson making another mistake that lead him to getting fired and Finn getting his job). All was well in my life.

When I heard the knock on my door after those two weeks, though, I couldn't help but feel hopeful. It was pathetic, really, hoping for Santana to be on the other side of the door, but I couldn't stop the way I was feeling. I needed a friend, that much was certain, and so far, Santana was the only applicant in longer than I could remember.

When I opened the door, I couldn't help the sigh of relief and the small smile when it really was her.

"Hi," she said, looking nervous.

"Hello. What brings you here?"

She took a few breaths before she spoke.

"Look, I know I'm a bitch, okay?"

I was completely lost. That wasn't how I'd expected this conversation to start. I was more expecting 'You offended me in this and that way, but I've decided to forgive you because I'm perfect' or something.

"I...I don't really know what you expect me to say, Santana," I finally said. "I don't think you're a bitch, if that's what you were wondering."

"No, that's not-" She cut herself off and took another deep breath. "Okay, let me try this again. I'm sort of a guarded person. I don't get along with people easily because my default is to just insult them until they fear me or go away or something, but I'm trying to change that. Lima is my new start, and I want to start on the right foot...so I'd like to say I'm sorry for running out of your house the other day."

"Wh-what?" I asked. What did she have to be sorry for?

"I just...without getting into my long, boring sob story, things have been pretty rough for me the last few years, and I throw up walls. But Brittany says I should let people in that aren't her, so I'm trying. With you."

I couldn't help but smile again. "Why me? I'm not anything special."

"Well...you're sweet, and you seem like you could use a friend, and I know I could use a friend that I didn't drag halfway across the country-"

"I thought you and Brittany both wanted to come here?"

"That's not the point," she said, and I knew not to push it. "I'm just saying that I think we may have a chance at being friendly."

Friendly. Friends. I really liked the sound of that.

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I just thought that I'd done something wrong when you left. Did it have something to do with Finn?"

She tensed. "Um...sort of. I'm sure he's a nice guy and everything, but..."

She looked around for a few seconds without saying anything, and I put the pieces together.

A beautiful woman like Santana finding out that someone like me was married before her? I'd probably be upset if I were her, too.

"Say no more," I said, holding up my hand. "I get it."

"You do?" she asked, and I nodded. "And you're...cool...with it?"

I nodded again. "I completely understand. I harbor no resentment."

She sighed and smiled at me. "Good, so now that we've got that settled, is there any way I could come in for a while? It's a rare dead day for me...and I was sort of hoping you would cook for me again."

I stepped aside with a laugh and let her in. We talked for hours that day. It wasn't until I realized Finn would be home soon that I finally rushed her out the door, and she promised to come back soon.

And she did. She came by every chance she had, which wasn't as much as I would've liked, but she did have a busy job, so I understood. I was just glad that she was making any time for me at all. We'd actually learned quite a bit about each other since she'd started going over, but there were definitely things that we didn't talk about. We didn't talk much about her teen and college years back in California. Every time I asked, she'd get vague and change the subject. I wanted to know about that part of her life, but how could I expect that of her when I was unwilling to talk about my past, either?

We also didn't talk much about Finn. She knew we were married, she knew what I'd told her the first time he'd been brought up, and she knew a little bit about his job, but it never really went beyond that. I assumed she didn't want to hear about my married life, which is why I was so shocked when she started asking me about it on one of her visits.

"How'd you two meet?" she asked while we were drinking coffee on the couch.

"Oh, um, we went to high school together."

"Yeah, I know that, but what made you two start talking? How'd you start dating?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "He was interested in me, so we started talking, and then we started dating. There's not much else to it."

"That's it?" she asked with a little laugh. "I thought it'd be a little more romantic than that, considering that you jumped into marriage so fast."

"Our story is very romantic," I said, a little more defensively than I meant to. "He saved me. He was the first person to show me even the slightest kindness at that school. I didn't have anyone before I met him."

"What about your parents?"

I felt my jaw clench. I hadn't talked to my parents since Finn and I got married. It wasn't like I hadn't thought about them. I thought about them almost every single day, but no one ever asked me about them. On the few times people had, I'd lied and said they were dead. It was easier than trying to explain that I didn't need them when I was making a new family with Finn. People just didn't understand.

I didn't want to lie to Santana, though. I just really didn't want to tell her the truth, either.

"My relationship with my parents is...complicated," I finally settled on.

"Oh...sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," I said. It wasn't fine. Why was she asking so many questions now? I thought that we'd established certain lines that neither of us crossed. I probably should have been happy that she wanted to learn more about me, but I just felt anxious.

Santana spoke up after another beat. "So when do I get to meet him?"

I gulped. "Him, who?"

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Rachel. We've been hanging out for a month, and I still haven't met your husband."

"Has it really been that long?"

"Stop deflecting," she said. "Look, I'd like to think we're pretty good friends-"

"We are?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Why do you think I'm at your house all the time?"

I grinned so hard that my cheeks hurt a little. "It could've been the cooking."

She shook her head. "Yeah, well, I don't think it would be terrible to meet your husband. I mean, I'm sure he's probably curious about the woman that's been keeping you company while he's away."

I couldn't tell her that Finn didn't know. What would she think? Would she think I was ashamed of her? Would she think I was crazy? Would she figure out why I was really hiding her? That was probably the worst thing that could happen.

Still, it's not like I could introduce her to Finn. He wouldn't understand my need for friends, and she wouldn't understand...well, she just wouldn't understand.

Eventually, I'd tell him...but not yet.

"He's...he's just very busy, Santana," I finally said. "He's so tired after work that he can barely stay awake, much less entertain company. Maybe after things have calmed down for him a little bit at work, we can see about having dinner together or something."

She smiled. "Oh, I can totally relate to that. Sometimes I'm so exhausted that I don't even remember how I got into my bed."

I sighed, relieved that she bought my story. I hated lying, but I found myself doing it with an increasing frequency as of late.

"So...rain check?" I finally said.

"Sure," she answered back. "So, I'm heading off. I probably won't be able to stop by tomorrow."

"No problem," I said, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed. "You don't have to come by all the time."

"Getting sick of me already?" she asked with a smirk.

"Absolutely not!" I answered back with a laugh and a playful shove. I liked it when we were playful like this with each other.

"Well, in that case...maybe you'd like to come hang out with me and my friends sometime? I promise they don't bite."

I smiled sadly. This wasn't the first time that Santana had invited me out. I could tell that she felt a bit awkward about us always hanging out at my house, but I didn't have another choice.

"I'm sorry, but Finn and I don't really get much time together."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know. You're quite the dutiful housewife." I went to apologize again, but she spoke first. "I'm sorry, that was rude. I really am working on it."

"It's okay," I said, but she shook her head.

"I really should be nicer to you, considering you let me into your home so often. Someday, though, you're gonna have to leave this house before it drives you crazy." She said it with a smile, but I had a feeling she was being at least a little bit sincere.

"I know," I said. "I'll see you next time, okay?"

She just nodded and gave me a hug goodbye. If I ever did meet her friends, I would have to thank Brittany for making Santana a hugger.

I cleaned the few dishes that Santana and I had made throughout the day, and I put the finishing touches on dinner. I was surprised when Finn wasn't home on time, but he showed up a couple hours late. He came in grumbling about a meeting running late, but I could smell the whiskey on his breath. I knew that I'd have to tread lightly tonight to avoid his wrath.

"I'm going on a business trip next week," he mumbled around his food around halfway through dinner.

"Really?" I said. "What for?"

"Part of my job now," he said. "I guess I have to go to other offices and observe something something...my dad explained it, but I wasn't listening."

I was nervous to say anything. If I seemed too excited for him, he would start to wonder if I wanted him gone. If I was too negative, he would think I wasn't supportive. If I didn't say anything at all, he would think I wasn't listening.

"Well, that's great!" I finally settled on. "I bet only the best guys get chances like this. Congratulations."

When I saw the small smile on his face, I knew I'd said the right thing, and I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, it's sort of a big deal," he said. "In any case, I'll be gone for a few days. You think you can manage?"

I nodded. "I'll miss you terribly, but I think I'll be alright."

"Good," he said, then he went back to his food. He went to bed without much of a fuss, so tipsy that he didn't even notice that I didn't go with him. It was going to be strange, being without Finn. I hadn't gone a night without him since high school. I felt slightly panicked at the idea, to be honest, but I knew that he didn't need to know that. His job was already stressful enough. I'd just work through it.

It also occurred to me that without Finn around, it gave me a bit more freedom. Freedom to do things I might otherwise be unable to do. Again, it was lying (well, not technically, but I wouldn't be telling him of my plans while he was gone, and if he asked, I would probably lie), but this could be my only chance. I picked up my house phone and dialed. She answered on the second ring.

"Santana? Hi, it's Rachel. About going out with your friends...how does next week sound?"